Every day of this series has four parts: Read, Know, Pray, and Listen. As you walk through this series, I pray that you would be powerfully impacted and that Holy Spirit would take you to a new level of intimacy with Jesus!
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Day 3:
Read: Song of Solomon 2:8-14
Did you know that Jesus Christ is lovesick for you?
It’s true. He is the Bridegroom described in Song of Solomon, leaping over the hills and running toward you. He is the one peering in at the lattice, calling to you.
He always has the best in mind for you (Jeremiah 29:11).
He knows everything that happens in your life (Matthew 10:29-31).
He loves you with great passion. His passion for you outweighs the greatest, most passionate love you could ever imagine on this earth. He loves you with an everlasting love …
… a love that will not fail you. A love that will never leave you broken, abandoned, or alone.
His love for you will always keep you.
He gave His life for you; He loves you that much.
Romans 8:35-39 says:
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
As it is written: ‘For Your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.’ Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Do you really know how much Jesus loves you?
You might not; most people don’t. That’s why we live with things like fear, doubt, and insecurity. That’s why we often feel alone, abandoned, and desolate.
But He really is madly in love with you; and the more you think about this, the more your heart will heal and become whole.
His voice is ever near. His love is always close. He is obsessed with you, for you are His beloved and His bride.
“Father God, in Jesus’ name, I know You love me. Jesus, I know You love me. But I don’t always feel like it.
Abba Father, please help me to purposefully begin to meditate on Your love and receive it deeply in my heart. Help me to receive Your love for me and love myself the way You want me to, with Your own love. Then, help me to love You back with the same love You gave me. Help me to abide always in Your love. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
“Strong Love (Live)” by Jon Thurlow. As you listen, remember what you read from Song of Solomon! Remember that Jesus is your Bridegroom, eagerly running to meet you–and He always will be!
Do you really know how much Jesus loves you? Or do you need to receive His love at a new and deeper level? Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts! (And don’t worry … I always need to receive His love more deeply!)
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Yes, i would love to receive Jesus’s love more deeply.Thank you for this beautiful word Jamie. God bless!
I really need to love Jesus deeply in my heart.since from my birth Jesus Christ providing me.Jesus Christ is my everything..praised God.when I pray with this song I hear the holy spirit say I must pray.i need to dwelling with the supernatural powers of God.praised God….thankyou so much Jamie
I know Jesus loves me. When I was going through my divorce I used to tell my friends that if I didn’t know how much God loved me, I would never have made it. His love grounded me through the worst season of my life!
Isaiah 54:5 tells me, For your Maker is your husband– the LORD Almighty is his name– the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth. Psalms 68:5 tells me He is a Father to the fatherless, and a protector of widows.
I was blessed to have a pastor many years ago who shared this with me, albeit, he shared it as “God’s promise to you is that He will be a Father to the fatherless and a Husband to the husbandless.” After he shared this with me because of who this anointed pastor was, I had no doubts and began to repeat this. After a while I needed to not only know it was given by an anointed pastor but I needed to read it myself! Through these words and the search through the bible without the accessibility of”Google” Good was able to bring me to this beautiful understanding, as I was both a mother to the fatherless and a husbandless wife. Many years later these scriptures brought comfort to me as I too became fatherless. I have held on to my Heavenly Father’s hand as both my Husband and my Father, as in many marriages I want and yearn for that deeper walk. My heart is open with a greater expectation of supernatural intimacy with He who walks with me daily.
Be blessed, as you are a blessing unto me.
Your sister in Christ
I long and crave for nothing more than to be deeply connected with Christ. To love him above all else and have an undying relationship with him.that is my heart desire..God bless you Jamie
Yes Yes Yes I need to receive feel and wrap in the love of Jesus as at times I feel so far away as if he doenst love me which I know he does but am just not feeling it. Lord draw me deeper into your loving arms let me feel your warm embrace. Am desperate ask desperate. Amen
I am in exactly the same place, Penny. I want, more than anything to be overwhelmed by His love!
I am praying that He will show me how to receive His love, so that I can unblock what needs to be unblocked!). I know this will change my life, yours too. Blessings.
The only way to achieve it is by studying his word the bible and having a deeper understanding of the loving father we have and the authority we have in Christ Jesus..this is what did it for me,hope it helps..
The love of Jesus is a concept that my head knows and read, but my heart has a hard time accepting because I feel unworthy of receiving it. My desire in both in my head and heart is to languish in the love of Jesus…
When I asked the Lord this year what He wanted me to focus and meditate on his reply was My relentless love. Oh my it has been an amazing journey as He is healing my heart from the inside out.
I felt led to listen to some of these devotions again. Thank you Jamie for your timely words and this devotional has been living water. Thank you doesn’t adequately describe how much your ministry has touched so many lives for His kingdom! And how’s grateful we are for your huge heart ❤️
Yes, i would love to receive Jesus’s love more deeply.Thank you for this beautiful word Jamie. God bless!
I really need to love Jesus deeply in my heart.since from my birth Jesus Christ providing me.Jesus Christ is my everything..praised God.when I pray with this song I hear the holy spirit say I must pray.i need to dwelling with the supernatural powers of God.praised God….thankyou so much Jamie
I know Jesus loves me. When I was going through my divorce I used to tell my friends that if I didn’t know how much God loved me, I would never have made it. His love grounded me through the worst season of my life!
Isaiah 54:5 tells me, For your Maker is your husband– the LORD Almighty is his name– the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth. Psalms 68:5 tells me He is a Father to the fatherless, and a protector of widows.
I was blessed to have a pastor many years ago who shared this with me, albeit, he shared it as “God’s promise to you is that He will be a Father to the fatherless and a Husband to the husbandless.” After he shared this with me because of who this anointed pastor was, I had no doubts and began to repeat this. After a while I needed to not only know it was given by an anointed pastor but I needed to read it myself! Through these words and the search through the bible without the accessibility of”Google” Good was able to bring me to this beautiful understanding, as I was both a mother to the fatherless and a husbandless wife. Many years later these scriptures brought comfort to me as I too became fatherless. I have held on to my Heavenly Father’s hand as both my Husband and my Father, as in many marriages I want and yearn for that deeper walk. My heart is open with a greater expectation of supernatural intimacy with He who walks with me daily.
Be blessed, as you are a blessing unto me.
Your sister in Christ
His love is the only thing that will get you past fear and panic.
I long and crave for nothing more than to be deeply connected with Christ. To love him above all else and have an undying relationship with him.that is my heart desire..God bless you Jamie
Yes Yes Yes I need to receive feel and wrap in the love of Jesus as at times I feel so far away as if he doenst love me which I know he does but am just not feeling it. Lord draw me deeper into your loving arms let me feel your warm embrace. Am desperate ask desperate. Amen
I know Jesus loves me,but I feel like its more head knowledge and more than anything I want His love to fill me up to overflowing.
I am in exactly the same place, Penny. I want, more than anything to be overwhelmed by His love!
I am praying that He will show me how to receive His love, so that I can unblock what needs to be unblocked!). I know this will change my life, yours too. Blessings.
The only way to achieve it is by studying his word the bible and having a deeper understanding of the loving father we have and the authority we have in Christ Jesus..this is what did it for me,hope it helps..
The love of Jesus is a concept that my head knows and read, but my heart has a hard time accepting because I feel unworthy of receiving it. My desire in both in my head and heart is to languish in the love of Jesus…
Oh how great is this love. I’m now learning to receive and abide in it.
Thank you Jamie for reminding us this sweet unconditional love of our Groom.
When I asked the Lord this year what He wanted me to focus and meditate on his reply was My relentless love. Oh my it has been an amazing journey as He is healing my heart from the inside out.
I felt led to listen to some of these devotions again. Thank you Jamie for your timely words and this devotional has been living water. Thank you doesn’t adequately describe how much your ministry has touched so many lives for His kingdom! And how’s grateful we are for your huge heart ❤️
Kim A.Hill says:I want to receive Jesus love more deeply.And I want my love to grow deeper for Jesus.The Bible tells us yes Jesus loves me.❤️