You Are Not Alone, Not Forsaken, Not Desolate
Someone today is feeling lonely, rejected, and empty. If that’s you, I have an encouraging word for you today.
Beloved, I know what it’s like to feel all alone. To feel like you have no one; to feel unloved, abandoned, and unwanted. To feel like you have no place.
But beloved, I feel like Papa God wanted me to tell you today that you are not alone. You are not forsaken. And you are not empty, desolate, or without hope.
I know things have been hard. Papa knows things have been hard. But you’re still here. The enemy has done his best to take you out, but he has failed. This is key. Nothing the enemy has tried to do has succeeded in taking you out.
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You’re still hanging on. And even though these things were not from God–many things may have been done to you at the hands of sinful people, making sinful choices–Papa has been with you all the way.
And He’s still with you. The passage of Scripture He put on my heart for you this morning is Psalm 27:5:
For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; in the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.”
You’ve been going through a severe time of trouble.
But you know what? It’s in that time of trouble that He hides you in His pavilion–in His royal shelter. It’s in that time of trouble that He covers you with His kingly robes and stands between you and your enemies, and they have to contend with HIM. It’s in this time of trouble that God takes advantage of people’s sinful choices and helps you slay that giant, so He can promote you.
Our God works all things out for your good, for you love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
And beloved, you are NOT rejected.
Our Heavenly Father is the Father to the fatherless, the Defender of the widows, the Protector of the orphans. He is your Ever-present Help in time of trouble. And if you have given your life to Christ Jesus, then Papa has promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you.
In Christ, you are Father’s beloved child. You are accepted in Jesus. You are not rejected. Papa has not abandoned you.
And you are not forsaken.
Beloved, even though you may feel alone right now, you are NOT alone. Papa is with you. The Holy Spirit dwells within you. And He has not left you to fare for yourself. He has not abandoned you.
Instead, He is fighting for you this very moment. It doesn’t matter if you cannot fight for yourself right now.
It’s when you are your most vulnerable that He is most aggressive on your behalf. YOU just snuggle up to Him, and He will take care of you. He’s working on your behalf right now, and I feel led to tell you that you will soon see the results.
And finally, you are not desolate.
According to, “desolate” means “barren or laid waste; devastated … deserted; uninhabited; solitary; lonely; having the feeling of being abandoned by friends or by hope; forlorn…” And beloved, Papa wants you to know today that you are NOT empty. You have not been devastated. You are not alone.
You may feel like you are, but appearances are deceiving. Faith means you trust what God’s written Word says–not what you see on the outside. And Papa God wants you to trust Him right now, and seek Him, because He is your Comforter. He is your Companion. He is your Friend that sticks closer than a brother.
And furthermore, your dreams have not died. You are not empty of promise. You are not empty of hope.
So beloved, stir up the gift that is in you. Stir up the Holy Spirit inside you. Revive your heart and your courage by seeking God. He is working on your behalf right now. He is with you, and He will see you through.
Pray this with me:
“Papa God, in Jesus’ name, I come before you and I thank You that Your Word says You are with me and in me right now. Father God, please comfort me. Show Yourself to me as my Glory and the Lifter of my head–the Restorer of my place of authority.
Papa God, please help me today. Strengthen me. Revive me according to Your Word. Show Yourself to me as my Friend who sticks closer than a brother. Take care of me, Papa God, for I cannot take care of myself. Help me in every way. Help me to seek You with all my heart and trust You to take care of me in all things.
Papa God, please provide for my needs today. Defend me. Protect me. Help me to sense Your presence and affections, and work all things out for my good. Please show me the answers to this prayer, and I’ll give You all the praise.
Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Have you been feeling forsaken, lonely, or desolate? Did the Holy Spirit touch your heart with this word? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!
Thank you & God bless you. He sure spoke thru you to reach me. I prayed last night to Him about all went thru because of my family’s poor choices & people’s as well. Thank you for following His voice to reach out to His children. You’re a blessing from God.
Seneida, thank you so much for reading. I’m thrilled that Papa blessed you. Thank you for your encouragement, too. May Papa restore and vindicate you in all things.
Thank you Jamie I really needed to hear this right now!! Thank you for sending me this . Please help me pray that God is hearing my prayers and he will help me win the custody battle I’ve been fighting for years .. I thank God for everything he is gonna do in Jesus name !!!
Great encouraging word! I was so lonely and bereft yesterday. I spent most of the day in tears, but Papa God is showing up today! Thank you, Jamie for your encouragement, this really spoke to me. God bless you.
Oh Lori, I’m so sorry you were sad. I pray the Holy Spirit would give you a huge hug right now and help you feel Him hugging you tight to His chest, sheltering and protecting you under His wings from the noise and pain of the world. Papa, comfort my sister, in Jesus’ name!
Your words are always timely.
Oh my sister, I thank God, He spoke to me through you in this message. I exalt my Lord God for He is Supreme and Sovereign over all creations. I am honest when I write to you right now. I feel so lonely, rejected and desolate. The word desolate have been in my mind this morning as I have been listening to the book of Daniel on audio bible. I keep hearing this word louder then the other words and thought to myself I have to check the meaning on the dictionary and now you send this message and explain very well what the meaning is. Behold my God who knows me and all things! I have been working at the construction with the colleague of mine a cleaner and I am an administrator. This cleaner/colleague of mine have been spreading rumors and gossip everyone including our bosses. She have really spoken bad about our boss, others and me. But when I heared I got so angry and knowing her weakness I begin attacking her indirectly. I know is wrong and the voice keep attacking her from my heart although that I am trying to bless her by confessing from my mouth. When I am quiet or sleeping the voice will start like talking within me so loudly as if I was quarreling with her and telling her all this bad things about her sicknesses as well and I will end up confessing what is within me. Is terrible. I was even thinking that when I have to die today in this anger I know where I am going because of this offence I am allowing to keep within me. But yesterday night Jesus appeared to me in the dream although He didnt say anything. I saw His face with a crown of thorns on His head looking to me with the eyes of love. When I woke up I saw a bunch of beautiful red roses with my own eyes like in an open vision. And I say to myself Lord I have sinned against you, I have confessed and thought evil of others instead of blessing them and yet You have loved me and reveal yourself to me and give me flowers. And now He use you to talk to me and confirm His love from far away continent to me here in Southern Africa, Namibia. The LORD is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. (Ps 145:8) I pray Lord fill me with your unfailing love so that I may overlook the mistakes of others. Oh search me oh God and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. Make me a slave of righteousness for holy purposes oh Lord God.
Jamie, thanks so much for such a word . May the Lord continue to bless you with the understanding of his word.
You are a blessing to the life of many as they read your blog and apply them to their lives. Am bless too…..hallelujah!! “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God” Romans 10:17.
I am not alone nor lonely… Christ Jesus is with me to the end of world.
Am not forsaken, for if my dad, mum and everyone forsake me the Lord will be with me always.
I am not rejected because Christ was rejected on my behalf that I might be received as son of God for I believe in Jesus.
Amen and Amen!
Hi Jaime,
It was by divine appointment I came across your blog. My husband up and left me and our two children almost 4 weeks ago. Thank God I have a strong enough foundation in Christ that I ran to Him when it all took place and I daily seek Him for his daily provisions for me and my children. The Lord has given me a supernatural grace, forgiveness, and love for my husband during this time and He’s promised me restoration of my marriage. I found your prayer to reverse unjust situations today and prayed it. The Holy Spirit came upon me as I was praying it. I believe and am standing in faith that the Lord move speedily over my husband and restore my marriage swiftly!!
I thank you for your faithfulness to the King of Kings. Your prayer and blog has been a blessing to me today and Ill frequent it from here on out.
Please believe along side of me for God to move speedily in restoring my marriage, in the name of Jesus!!
Your sister in Christ, Alaina
This is a timely word. Many people must be feeling this way, I never thought I had any enemies but the devil made sure I did. But he’s a defeated foe.
Amazing and timely. It certainly applies to me. I am encouraged, I have been hanging in there for so long, desperate to see God’s answers.
Thank you
Definitely needed this today. So incredibly discouraged and feeling hopeless in a very hard season of life where it seems like God has just stopped working things out for a long time. Every time we think things may work out, its another disappointment. Trying to hold onto the words you wrote today.
Wow Jamie, I don’t even know what to say. This was so for me.
So much of what you wrote, is what the Lord has been telling me for months. Like almost verbatim.
I needed to hear this, especially now. The enemy is really trying to kill me. He’s trying to destroy me. And he has stolen so much from me. Everyday in the environment I am in. I want the enemy to pay sevenfold what he’s stolen! He has a nail scarred foot on his head, and I am covered with the blood of Jesus, and clothed in his righteousness. What is he doing messing with God’s children???!!!!
I need my helper, my comforter, my Kinsman redeemer, the lifter of my head. I’m praying for deliverance and for restoration.
Sometimes it’s just so painful, I don’t know what to do. All I can do is keep fellowshipping with Holy Spirit. And he keeps me talking. He keeps me talking….He is so faithful. And I know I will come out of this on the other side…..And the beauty that I will see from the ashes, I know it will all be worth it, Because He is worth it.
Thanks Jamie!
I meant nail scarred footprint!!!!(not foot) IT IS FINISHED!!!!!!!!!
I’m so sorry Princess. I feel your pain so deeply. May God bless you and comfort you. Keep believing, don’t ever give up. There is a place of rest and peace. Jesus blessed me with this at the age of 55 and I’ve never looked back.
Amen! Thank-you for the prayer.
I have been prayerful and will continue to be and have faith that God will carry me into a new season of goodness in my the life and my children included. I thank God my Lord and Savior; for all He will do and is going to do!
Spot on Jamie! Thirty years down the track, yet just as sure today that the word God gave me back then will, one day, be fulfilled. And over that time He has reassured me that through all the times of testing, through all the attacks of the enemy, and even through the abandonment by some of my own family that I have experienced more recently, He has not left me. I AM still hanging on. Like Joseph, I can say that the things that were intended to harm me have been used by God to accomplish his will (Genesis 50:20). And God, who is outside time, has been preparing me for what still lies ahead. So thank you Jamie for your obedience in passing on those words that God gave you.
God bless you sis. I have been through a lots for this past years. Especially this year has been a very tough one, for the words I hear from you Jamies. I know God has not forsaken me and my family. God bless you sis.
He’s going to take care of you and come through for you, dear one. Just you wait and see. I am praying for you.
I feel alone, forsaken and desolate and it never seems to change. Oh well, maybe down the road things will work for my own good, but right now I’m filled up by rage because of all the troubles my ex girlfriend created in my life. I hate her and I’m sad and even if I tried alot, I can’t just forgive her. I know I have to, but I can’t. God will have to help me on this one, because I can’t by myself.
Thank you for sharing this with me. I was going through a hard time, it was just what I needed to hear thank you
Powerful, I cried reading these words. Thank you for your encouragement, blessings
Hello Jamie, thank you for this word. I have tears in my eyes because I am tired,I have been fighting a lot of battles from my childhood. I look fine in the outside and act fine so that the people who depend on me can still be able to draw strength from me but in all honesty I am tired and pray for financial blessings and so that I can be able to continue to care of all the people who need help. Please pray for me.
Amen! Jesus absolutely touched my heart and soul with this work! This work was for me! I just had a situation that happened yesterday that had me questioning everything and was absolutely devastating. Working unpaid on a project for 7 months and then slandered lied to deceived and the lead in the group pushing me out and trying to steal from me and give me no credit! So, I’m sitting here thinking how did I miss it, how was I deceived? Was I too hasty in my decision, I wasted my pearls before swine. OH JESUS my REDEEMER. Please restore to me all that is mine and please GIVE ME A CROWN OF WISDOM as I move forward! JESUS you are my ever present help in times of trouble! AMEN THANK YOU JESUS!!
Hello Jamie, thank you for this word. I know i am not alone. Been through lots of turmoil and i still have faith in God. My children have been pulled into all this. I have been disenfranchised, hated, neglected, generally psychologically abused. Keep me and my children in your prayers. We need a breakthrough.
It has been so very, very hard. I also read your post about being separated unto Him. I always wonder if I am broken…or toxic…or just not fit to be around people. Nothing works out….and the only common denominator in all the events is ME. So I must be the problem. How can a trillion different attempts at relationships, church, ministry, joining small groups, writing, family stuff…all end in me being rejected and alone if I wasn’t toxic or broken? I keep asking God to search me out…and reveal what ever root that is in me that keeps me from being able to connect…make friends…belong anywhere. A lifetime of this. I grew up in a toxic home with narcissistic parents and I am always very fearful of being like them. I am constantly checking and double checking my motives and reactions to things….because I know some people end up alone because of their choices/personality issues…issues that only they seem oblivious to? (narcissitic parent) Today was especially hard… I’m so broken. I cant fix myself. I can’t fix the situations. I felt very, very hopeless. I’m 45. its been a lifetime of this. I cant remember when it wasn’t like this. In praying this morning I asked God if the rest of my life would be like this…so very isolated, rejected and alone. Its hard to think of the rest of my life being like this…will it ever end? If I am going to have to live like this how am I going to find peace with a shattered heart that never mends? I hadn’t read your site in years, and in my prayer time your name popped up. I brought up your site and saw your mentoring page, and I signed up. Today this was your post. Funny God thing…yesterday he had me reading about eagles in scripture because when I went out for a prayer drive on Monday (today is Thursday) all I kept seeing were hawks and eagles catching the updraft and soaring over the road…it was so weird… because it was consistent through the drive. I didn’t think we had that many hawks and eagles out here lol! Thank you for sharing this. It was so very very specific for me.
Thank you Jamie. I was adopted as a baby, had a mother who wasn’t available, and a narcissist and a dad who was an alcoholic ( maybe narcissist too?) who got saved later in life. I felt alone most of life, (probably a protection mechanism). After 56 years of my life my mother died and now I am dealing with stuff. I went through healing and deliverance and stuff before, but now I made a decision to live my life at a slower pace, sometimes I feel like I want to run, I think that is when taking a walk and praying helps. The strength of the emotions come up because I never learned how to deal with my emotions and wasn’t taught a lot of things I should have learned as a child. God is so kind, gentle and merciful, but I wish I felt Him even closer and I wish I had more real Christian friends. I am remarried now, so I am thankful for my husband God put in my life now. But, I still always wonder, why did it have to take so long? I am actually 60 now. I guess I shouldn’t question God, but just trust Him.
Thanks for your prayers!
It sounds like you had some similarities, with narcissists in your life. I was going to tell you, you are doing a good job. You probably didn’t learn much about good relationships growing up. You probably had to learn a lot on your own. Don’t come down on yourself. God is right there and He wants to help you, to teach you. The devil is the one who condemns, so don’t listen to that. Also, a teacher that I have found helpful for those of us who didn’t have the greatest home and learn everything and is a Christian is Mark DeJesus. Look him up. There are a lot of resources out there today, pray and search. I am glad you signed up with Jamie. ❤️🙏
Although I am a prayer warrior I get tired at times and need someone I can just agree with ,today was one of those days.
Thank you for praying for me Jamie.
God is very,very proud of you.
You are in my prayers
I remember thinking very specifically about how I felt ‘desolate’ recently, and I thought of this exact word; I didn’t seek it out though because I was afraid like I would just be reading the words I want to hear instead of what God wanted me to hear.
Then I checked your Facebook and this popped up this morning. Thank God.
I’m holding on. Take care of me, Papa God, for I cannot take care of myself!
I need to snuggle not struggle!!
The Reckless Love of God!!!
Thank You Jamie. 🙂