Dripping: A 21-Day Encounter with the Anointed One (Day 1)
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Welcome to Dripping: A 21-Day Encounter with the Anointed One!
The purpose of this devotional series is to help you encounter Jesus Christ face-to-face by invoking your holy imagination. Each day of this series, we will walk through three short exercises–see, read, and pray–that will help us draw closer to the Man, Jesus Christ Himself.
In the “See” section, we will imagine Jesus as He is described in a Bible passage.
In this section, enter into the scene with the writer of the passage! Let Holy Spirit take you into the scene as if you were actually there. Watch the scene play in your mind:

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- Imagine feeling the weather, the sounds, and the ground under your feet.
- Hear the voices being described in the passage.
- See the scene as if it were the sharpest, clearest movie being played in your head.
- Imagine yourself touching Jesus Himself, right there with Him at the very hem of His garment!
In the “Read” section, we will read a short verse or passage from the Scriptures together.
This passage or verse will set the scene for your holy imagination.
And in the “Pray” passage, we will pray a short but powerful prayer together.
Each day’s prayer will be focused on the person of Christ, and on how we can become like Him. The overwhelming cry of our heart throughout this prayer series will be, “Father, that Christ would be formed in me!”
If you are hungry for God, this free devotional series is for you. Are you ready to begin? Please tell me in the comments–and here we go!
Day 1 of Dripping: A 21-Day Encounter with the Anointed One:
Read: John 6:10-14:
“Then Jesus said, ‘Make the people sit down.’ Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand. And Jesus took the loaves, and when He had given thanks He distributed them to the disciples, and the disciples to those sitting down; and likewise of the fish, as much as they wanted.
So when they were filled, He said to His disciples, ‘Gather up the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost.’ Therefore they gathered them up, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves which were left over by those who had eaten.
Then those men, when they had seen the sign that Jesus did, said, ‘This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world'” (John 6:10-14).
Enter into this scene with me using your imagination. Give yourself a front-row seat.
Imagine standing only six feet away from Jesus on a grassy Galilean hillside. The sun is hot, the grass is dry, and your sandals are dusty. Your body feels hungry, but your heart sees only Jesus. Your most pressing hunger is for the words of life He speaks.
Suddenly, Jesus begins talking about food. He and His disciples speak quietly among themselves. They come up with a plan and ask everyone to sit down.
Then, suddenly, Jesus speaks.
His words are not a grand announcement about the miracle He is about to do. His words don’t give any scientific formula that explains how He will provide food for the thousands of people gathered around you.
His words stun you in their simplicity:
“Father, thank You.”
Jesus speaks but a moment, but His words are directed straight to Someone He clearly knows very well. He doesn’t beg, plead, implore, or cajole. He simply lifts His eyes to Heaven and, very simply, thanks His Father.
“Thank You.”
Then the bread begins to multiply. The meat begins to multiply. Suddenly Simon Peter is handing you a fish filet and a nice, warm bread roll to eat it with, too.
Wait a minute. How did the bread get warm?
It smells like it just came out of the oven, actually. How did that happen? You know you’ve been here with Jesus all day, and no one has brought in any fresh food. You would have seen it–you’re trailing as close to Jesus as you can possibly stay.
And then Jesus’ words thunder through your heart like your heart was an echo chamber: “Thank You.”
Thank You thank You thank You thank You thank You.
You sink your teeth into the tasty fish filet–again, tasting as if it had just been cooked. You follow it up with warm, rich, fluffy bread. And you gaze in awe at your Savior, Jesus Christ, who simply offered up the thanksgiving in His heart to the Father and had everything He needed–and everything you needed–multiply around Him.
“Abba Father, I come to You in Jesus’ name.
Thank You for Jesus, Abba Father. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, the Anointed One, to earth for me. Thank You for teaching me how to live through Jesus’ example, and thank You for revealing Yourself to me through the perfect representation of You in Your Son Jesus.
Abba Father, Jesus had all the power in the world, but He simply thanked You and You provided.
He was grateful and thankful, despite His exalted status as Your Son.
Abba Father, I confess that, even though You have also made me Your child through the blood of Your Son Jesus, I have not often been grateful or thankful. I have not trusted You like Jesus did, simply looking to You and thanking You for providing for all of my needs.
Forgive me, Father. I’m so sorry.
I confess my sin of ungratefulness and unthankfulness to You today. Please, Abba Father, I ask in Jesus’ name that You would form the grateful and thankful heart of Christ in me. Help me to rejoice always and be thankful. Teach me the way of looking to You in thanksgiving, Lord, being grateful that You supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Thank You, Abba Father. Form Christ in me today more than ever before, and I begin right now by saying thank You.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”
Did you enter into this scene with me using your own holy imagination? What did you see? How is Holy Spirit speaking into your heart right now? Leave a comment below!
I would love to go on this 21-day encounter with you. Thank you for yielding to be used as a vessel.
Thank you so much for sharing. Imagining being there just made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Knowing that I want for nothing because my Father is here to supply me with all I need.
I need this and I love this. My heart longs to gaze upon his face, to touch his garment and to worship at his feet. He truly fills me with peace. Thank you Abba Father for Jesus and this upcoming teaching to grow closer to and in you. Amen
What a wonderful experience it has been to use my holy imagination and seeing Jesus lifting up His face to the heavens and speaking softly,thanking Father God,for the fish and bread…we were all quiet and expectant!
As one of the disciples handed me the warm bread and soft fish,my eyes watered with tears i felt so much love that i thought i didnt deserve.
I kept my eyes on Jesus,He looked at me with kindness from His heart.Thank you Father for Jesus.
I needed this. Every time you guided me to realize what Jesus was doing I began smiling and saying Thank you Jesus.
I would like to continue!
Thank you, Jamie. I would also like to pray for the next 21 days and see the Anionted One called Jesus Christ.
I was sitting at the tr ab li a eating the f iui sh and the warm bread thankful for all that he done.
G oi d you are so real to me then ever before.
Amen yes like to continue
I have always so loved this story of Jesus providing a much needed meal for all the people following Him.
I love watching my DVDs of the Gospels, acting out Jesus incredible miracles He did….especially the multiplying of bread & fish!
He still does the same today, when I have had unexpected people suddenly arrive…He simply supplies what I need to give to them…it was only today, that God provided me a most unexpected delicious meal for tea, which a dear friend gave me & yes dear Jamie, how I so thanked God with all my heart 💜for His marvellous provision & how I thanked my 81 yr friend for her precious gift of love 💝to me, as I was on my way to a Prayer 🙏Meeting.!
It never ceases to amaze me, how deeply God blesses us as His Children continually, each day.
Even when I simply may ‘think’ about something, suddenly God provides it for me..He cares about every single little detail of our lives, because of His extraordinary love❤He has for every single one of us!
We never need to beg.
God is more than willing to provide us with what He knows we really need, at the exact time!
Love💞 Lynette xo 😚😚😚
God bless you dear precious Jamie, in all you are doing!
You are such a Blessing & encouragement to us all, especially through this corona-virus epidemic.
Yes I would like to continue with you on this 21 day journey. I have been trying to draw closer to God. This is right on time for me. Thank you
Yes, I would like to continue.
Thanks Jamie for this teaching as I draw closer to Jesus I ask Abba Father to meet everyone of your needs more than you can ever Think or imagine in Jesus name & May God get all the glory as we change into being more like Jesus in every way . In Jesus name Amen
Am so happy to be a part of this program. Thank you Jamie. You’re a blessing to our generation.
Blessings to you, I woud love for this to continue.
Thank you so much for making me touch His garment, I was convicted coming face to face with Him, feeling His presence in the room. What a privilege. Thank you Jamie.
Love, Eve
Thank you Lord
I have read, enacted this scene, felt the hunger with my soul. I felt the Holy Spirit as I took notice of the simple action of Jesus saying thank you to the Father. I pressed in to see His joy in just being thankful for the provision of all that we needed. What a feeling !!
My heart feels that joy and comfort of knowing that I need nothing, except His presence ! Sweet Is the Word of God !!
Amen Jamie
May the Lord be with you as always indeed it is very important to realise that we can draw from Jesus by simply seeing through our imagination, meaning everything we want we should believe it and see our self already receiving it, is true that our imagination is our spiritual womb. May the Lord be praised
In Jesus Name
God will always make a way for His children.
I believe Holy Spirit is telling me that we should live out of lives that represent Christ, which is pleasing unto God.
I was humbled by Jesus saying thank you.
I wasn’t able to enter into heated food but I imagined that the disciples, not sure of what was happening, would have given small portions to start with and found they could give seconds and more. That would have blown them over and ought to make them contrite.
The power of thanksgiving displayed not for His benefit but for others. I learnt that we give thanks not only for ourselves but on behalf of others.
Wonderful thoughts!
Such a wonderful timing for this! I LOVE this devotional so far, I feel very involved and inserted like never before while reading Scripture. 🙂
More please! THANK YOU ABBA!!
This came so timely Jamie as I have started on the 21 days of breakthrough prayer devotion .Will add these prayers as I draw closer to God . I am so very grateful for these prayers . Thank you !
I followed through the seeing, reading and praying sessions, I am grateful to God through Jesus Christ now like never before
God bless you ma.
I pray that my heart would become like Christ’s heart. One of gratefulness and Thanksgiving to give all glory to God.
Thank YOU JESUS and thank you Jamie.
This is powerful. HALLELUYAH and Amen!
GOD bless you in abundance for the blessing you are to so many.
Love Sara A.
Yes, I see power, virtue, purity, sanctity, and love dripping from our Lord & savior Jesus Christ. Thank you Jesus, I am so grateful, praise of you just wells up in my heart always for your providence, protection and faithfulness, for being here for me abba father I love you, inflame your love in my heart always, may praise of you never cease from my lips oh Lord. I hunger to know you more, to be close to you, to see you,feel you,hear you, for a manifestation of the gifts and fruits of the holy spirit in my life. I long to see and hear divine visions and revelations from you. Lord manifest yourself to me. Thank you Jesus. Jamie God bless you for sharing. I love you too.
Hello Jamie,
Thanks for the encouraging words and prayer. I truly am blessed, I pray God will continue to bless your ministry.
Be Bless
Wow it’s the blessings wow wow wow ABBA FATHER GREAT AND ALMIGHTY I see every all the precious good gifts and blessings from DADDY including the smallest or tiniest once I didn’t even think about I’m amazed wow honestly our LORD GOD ALMIGHTY there is none like YOU wow there is so much wow the LORD’S awesome
am experiencing extreme difficulty in downloading the prayers for the 21 day encounter with Jesus. Can u please help me thanks ed
Thank you for this devotion! I loved spending this time with my Lord as a imagined being there. May God richly bless you and your ministry.
Thank you, Jamie for this devotional, thank you for inviting me to be apart of God’s teachings.I do enjoy your teachings it is made simple.thank you 😃
Thank You Father God for all You have done and what You are going to do for me in Jesus Mighty Name. Help me develop a holy vision of Jesus in my mind that I can see what it was like to be with Him! Amen.
Just the journey I need with Christ. I don’t know how come you have become a real channel of God’s answers to my very needs. I am always looking out for an email from you because I know God will have a word for my present situation.
These words definitely speak to my heart. For along while now I have been praying for God to help me to trust Him and have faith that He will provide for me, I know He will. I need to learn to be patient because He is working on it. He says Be still and know that I am God. There’s nothing to hard for Me. Remember when you pray to Me, I hear every word and every thought you think. John 5:14-15 “and this is the confidence that we have in Him, That if we ask anything according to His will He hears us, and if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know we have obtained the requests made of Him. AMEN! This is most certainly true. Alleluia! Thank you Jamie for the great work you are doing for Father and for your faithfulness. You are a huge blessing to us all. Thank you! Debbie
Thank you Jamie for this devotional, in His Presence, it is my desire to draw closer
Just the journey I need with Christ. I don’t know how come you have become a real channel of God’s answers to my very needs. I am always looking out for an email from you because I know God will have a word for my present situation. Thanks you for availing yourself. If I am even able to grow a smidge in Christ it’s a time well spent. Stay blessed Pastor Jamie.
So grateful Jamie, a great reminder to have an attitude of gratitude in all circumstances. Just saying THANK YOU!
I felt like a little girl it was amazing,thank you
Thank you Jamie, As I was reading and imagining , I remembered a time in Israel . We were at the rock where Jesus( supposedly) prayed not my will but yours….. The only words I COULD pray were
THANK YOU! Thank you for reminding me that Its all about Him and what He has done for me.
I look forward to the next lesson.
Bless you Jamie, I will really love to go through all the 21 days.
Thank you so much.
Thank you Father, Thank you Jesus and Thank you Jamie! Amen!
Thank you Abba father, thank you Jesus for this beautiful day and opportunity to have an intimate experience, relationship with you.. Thank you for using your servant Jamie to remind us about gratitude for everything you have granted us including your beloved Jesus Christ.. I can’t wait to connect with you and feel your presence in my life and in every situation in Jesus Mighty name.. Thank you Lord Almighty God, thank you father 🙏🙏
Yes, I desire too be a part of this experience with this learning time.
Thank you for sharing with me.
Thank you Jamie for this amazing word. Tears form as I sit close to Jesus on the grassy hill. So much to thank Him for.
Couldn’t stop smiling the whole way through. Your work is amazing Jamie, surety you are heaven sent.Thank you for all that you do. Thank you Father, in Heaven for your angel, disciple, and steward in Christ. Amen
Jamie, I thank God for you and most of all for your passion for Jesus- the desire to share with simplicity what the Holy Spirit has taught you is unspeakable! THANK YOU!
I truly enjoyed the 3 parts of this devotion that helps us not only visualize the scene as if we were active participants, but also understand the compassion that Jesus had for the crowd that brought Him before His Father to thank Him for His provision; He KNEW that Abba would provide! Wow!
As I am writing, the song that came to my spirit is that He has already provided, everything we need He has already provided… Jamie, May He supply ALL your needs according to His Riches in glory by Christ Jesus and reward you for your faithfulness in Jesus Name!
I’m certain that this 21-day devotion will help me continue to press on to get to that place of intimacy with my King that I so long for – looking forward to it!
In His Love!
Richest Blessings in HIM!
Thank You Lord and thank you Jamie for doing this. It’s awesome!
Thank you! Continue please!😍
Thank you Jamie
I would like to be in this study, let me know
Thank you Jamie i was there with when Jesus told us to sit down. Am ready to start with you this 21 days. I was born ready. God bless you and your family.
Yes, I would like to continue xx
Thank you very much for this study. I definitely want to follow all 21 studies. So grateful for a format that is clear and digs deep.
God bless you always.
Thank you Jamie, I am on this 21 day encounter with Jesus -the anointed one, with you. This is so timely — I am so hungry for God. Thanks and god bless you.
I love the holy imagination part. Looking forward for the next devotional. God bless your ministry 😇
I love this. Yes, I entered into the scene with my imagination, it was great to do that. God bless you.
This was a beautiful way to take us back in time to that day. The sweet simplicity of thanksgiving for all that Father God has already provided. As a mom, I can’t begin to express the joy that comes when my children are thankful. I know our Heavenly Father appreciates our thanksgiving all the more. Looking forward to taking this 21-day journey with you.
This is just what I need. Being connected in every way intimate way possible to Abba Father. It was only hours before your invitation email that this ‘imaginatiory’ process was awakening in me, and hours later there you are. I look forward to each day of growing in Him. Thank you so much Jaimie.
Would love this study group
Thank you Jamie i would love to join you so that i can experience this powerful anointing amen 💕❤
Prophetess Jamie 1Cor15:58/Heb6:10. Thank You.
Please know that I am grateful and thankful for this.
Soothing, insightful and revealing.
Relievingly stupendous!
Hallelujah! I am in!!!
my heart just overflowed with gratitude for the reminder of my fathers love for me.thank you Jamie for reminding me once more to just wait upon the lord. hes timing is perfect and i know that he will provide in all of my needs. may the good lord continue to bless you in everything you do Jamie
Dearest Jamie, Thank you so much for this beautiful Prayer series. You are a huge blessing to me.
Abba Father, I am grateful and thankful to You. Yes, I want to become closer than ever before to the person of Jesus Christ. I long to gaze into His eyes, see His face and kiss His Holy feet in worship.
The holy imagination of the Bible passage was so profound.
God bless you Dear Jamie.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You 💖
….that was beautiful 💕
Thank you 😊 I love this so much 🙏🏻
thanks – much needed in this challenging times we live in today with lockdown!
I realised that sometimes it’s enough to just say Thank you Father and we will have what we need
Yes! Absolutely!
Jesus bent down and said to me, “Thank you for coming.”
Jamie, you are such a blessing to me and my entire household, May the Lord bless you, your beautiful family and Ministry abundantly. This devotional will be a great blessing for my quiet time with Jesus. Day 1 was wonderful!!
From Canada wih Love, ♥️😘
Would love to take this journey of prayer.
Hello Ms Jamie
Thank you. I’m on with you.for this 21 blessed days
I am thankful for you and your ministry. I pray all your financial needs and desires be met, that from the treasures of Heaven.there is more than above to fulfil everything you need and desire. It is one of my greatest desire that Abba Father grant you all your ministry needs. Thank.you for being faithful to your call for it helps the rest of us:-)
Thank you Abba Father, thank for this daily bread you are feeding me with these devotionals.
Thank you Jamie! I love this! I was there with you on the hill, it was beautiful seeing Jesus right in front of us!
Closing my eyes, I felt the heat of the sun on my face and the sound of a light breeze rustling the tall dry grass. The breeze bringing the fresh tang of the sea that I can glimpse in the distance.
I’ve never been to the Holy Land and I wondered if this was possible,. Sure enough. A quick search showed picture after picture of the Galilean hillside that I saw in my minds eye.
Thank you Abba Father for this teaching and your daughter Jaimie. Thank you Jaimie for this teaching.
Thus is wonderful. If Jesus who is a child of God and God himself could humble himself and say thank, what about me? I sometimes forget to tell God thank you. I am humbled and challenged to always thank God
I would love to be on this 21day journey with you. It couldn’t have come at a better time in my life. I need Jesus more than ever now.
While I went through the prayer I just sensed that Jesus was so tuned in to the Father that when He looked up to Heaven He offered a prayer of thanksgiving because He knew the Father was going to provide. God is our Provider.
Thank you Jaimie, am in and may the good Lord continue to bless you.
Abba father ,Thank you so much for this unique experience, Hallelujah
I am in for the program. Thank you Abba father for this opportunity.
Thank you so much Jamie. I imagined drawing closer to Jesus, to the point of taking in his “scent”. How fulfilling!! I also thought of the fact that some people amongst the crowd were probably just following Him without fully believing Him, but He still fed them!!! Indeed I want God to make and mould me to live like Jesus!!
Jamie You are an amazing woman if God and I THANK GOD he chose you to share His Word with us…yes, I entered in Holy imagination and sat right in the hard “dirt grass” and looked up at Jesus as he hollered up Thank you to God! I reread that realizing He was Thanking His Heavenly Father for the fish and the bread and was grateful…I could actually see the fish fillet on my plate with a big bread roll ( but my fish was fried) and it was so pure white under the breading! I saw Jesus look at me as I stated up at Him and his teeth were beautiful white and He had a gorgeous smile! Thank you Jamie for helping me to open my eyes to gratefulness and helping me to be a part of that 5000 people getting fed by our Jesus!!! Thank you, Sheri from Michigan
Thank You Jamie for this! I long to see Jesus! I’m going through a looooooot!!!!! I need to walk with him for the rest of my life! Thank you
Thank you, Jamie. I would also like to pray for the next 21 days and see the Anionted One called Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Jamie. May the Lord God Almighty continue to use you for His kingdom for the glory and honor of His name.
I would love to continue with prayers for the next 21 days. I need an encounter with God and the Holy Spirit upon my life than never before.. .
Today is day 3 and I have not received today’s encounter (August 13th). May our Heavenly Father continue to rain down His heavenly blessings upon you. We love you!
Hi sister Shelia, I have been sick in bed for a day and a half and am trying to write the next one today. Blessings, and thanks for reading.
Thank you Jamie for sharing this devotional. I need this as i desire to grow deeper in my relationship with the Lord. I would like to continue the whole 21 days.
God bless you and use you for the extension of His kingdom.
I would love to go on this 21-day encounter with you. Thanks for doing this.
Thankyou this is brilliant, I look forward to the next chapter in Jesus name Amen
I am reminded of the simplicity of just saying thank You!
Dear Jamie,Thanks so much for this 21 day devotional. You and your ministry are such a blessing to me and many.Thank you and God Bless you.