How To Plead The Suffering Of Jesus Over Your Sorrow
1×1 mentoring phone calls with jamie
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
webinars JANUARY 20-22: how to interpret dreams/visions
webinar JANUARY 29: how to cast out demons
Are you sad, grieving, or discouraged today?
If so, I have such beautiful, precious good news for you: the day of your comfort and healing is here.
We’re remembering the suffering of Jesus in this blog series. Jesus Christ, very God of very God, the Word of God Who became flesh and dwelt among us.
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And this Jesus–this God Who is equal with the Father and the Son–humbled Himself and became the Man of Sorrows, so that you and I could be comforted in our distress.
How do we know this?
Look at Isaiah 53:
“He is despised and rejected by men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.
Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted” (Isaiah 53:3-4).
Check out these interesting points about the original meanings of the words in this passage:
- The word “sorrows” means literally “anguish, grief, pain, to be sad, to be sorrowful.”
- The word “grief” here means “malady, anxiety, calamity, disease, grief.”
- “Grief” here is related to the concept of being worn down with something bad.
- It also refers to physical pain, malady, sickness, and infirmity.
Now, I talked more about how Jesus paid the price for your healing from physical sickness and pain here, in To Hell With Redemptive Suffering. Today, I specifically want to focus on how Jesus paid the price for your healing from sadness, discouragement, sorrow, and anxiety.
Here’s the most important thing to understand: Everything Jesus Christ suffered bought something for you.
Note: Post #1 in this series contains a free infographic and bookmark about 10 things Jesus purchased for you with His suffering. I also released a new, downloadable MP3 teaching in post #1 that contains me teaching about all of these 10 things, line-by-line through Isaiah 53.
If you haven’t gotten that MP3 teaching, you’ll want it. It will really help you get a revelation about everything Jesus purchased for you… and those 10 points are different from the points I’m covering in the rest of this series. Click here to go directly to the MP3 teaching on my Gumroad store.
Jesus didn’t deserve any of the suffering He went through. But He chose to endure it. Why? So you and I could be brought to wholeness in every area of our lives.
And “wholeness” includes emotional wholeness. It means that, no matter what you’ve been through:
- You can have joy and hope again.
- The Holy Spirit will comfort you.
- You can have peace in your storm.
- When you carry your burdens and anxieties to the feet of Jesus, and let Him have them, He will make all things new in your heart again.
Jesus didn’t HAVE to endure mental and emotional suffering. Yet the Bible tells us that He willingly subjected Himself to grief, anguish, pain, sadness, sorrow, malady, anxiety, disease, and just plain being worn out and worn down.
He willingly took these things upon Himself, even though He didn’t deserve to be tortured like that.
But Jesus became a Man of Sorrows so you wouldn’t have to carry sorrow yourself.
That’s why He was able to give us such beautiful and precious promises, like:
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).
“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7).
“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved” (Psalm 55:22).
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus“ (Philippians 4:6-7, emphasis mine).
That last verse is key because it emphasizes that God’s peace and comfort are available to us through Christ Jesus.
The reason God can comfort us is not because we deserve comfort. It’s not because we are suffering unjustly (even if we are suffering unjustly). It’s not because we’re nice, fun people.
The reason God comforts us is because Jesus Christ took our sorrows upon Himself.
That is the one and only reason that God’s healing, wholeness, and peace are available to us: because Jesus became the Man of Sorrows on our behalf.
This truth should give you joy. Why? Because it’s proof positive that He will comfort you EVERY TIME, no matter what you’re going through.
Just like forgiveness of sins is available every time you confess your sins (1 John 1:9), God’s peace and comfort are available to you every time you go to Him … because Jesus Christ purchased your comfort by carrying your sorrows Himself. You don’t have to earn it:
- You don’t have to be strong enough, brave enough, smart enough, or good enough.
- People don’t have to like you.
- It’s not up to God’s whim. It’s not a “sometimes, maybe, perhaps, if God is in a good mood” thing (even though God is most definitely in a good mood all the time).
Nope. There are no requirements other than believing on the Name of Jesus for salvation and forgiveness of sins. If you have made Jesus Christ the Boss of your life, then you are legally entitled to experience everything Jesus purchased for you with His blood and suffering.
And because Jesus, the Man of Sorrows, took your grief and sorrow upon Himself, He paid 100% of the price for you to be comforted. And now, God’s comfort is always available to you. Every time, in every circumstance.
And that means, if you’re sad, God is ready to comfort you right now.
Are you ready to let Him? If so, would you pray this prayer with me?
Here’s how to plead the suffering of Jesus over your sorrow:
Heavenly Father, I come before You in Jesus’ Name. Thank You for making a way for me to approach You through the blood of Jesus. Thank You for giving me eternal life, and thank You that Your Word says Jesus came so I could have abundant life now.
Father, I’ve been feeling so _(insert your feelings here)_. I’ve been grieving and sad and anxious. I’ve been concerned about _(insert whatever you’ve been concerned about here)__. But Heavenly Father, even though I may have been drowning in sorrow, Your Word says that Jesus became a Man of Sorrows for me. That means He bore these sorrows. He carried these sorrows for me all the way to the cross, and I don’t have to.
So Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name, I plead the sorrows of Jesus over my sorrows.
I don’t have to bear them anymore, because Jesus bore them for me. He took them upon Himself for me, and so now I can be free.
So Lord, in Jesus’ name, I give my sorrows to You. All of them, Lord. They are Yours. They belong to You because Jesus bore them for me, so right now I say that You can have them. Father, I give You my feelings about _________. I give You ALL my worry, anxiety, depression, and discouragement, and I lay them down at Your feet.
Father, Your Word said that if I will come to You when I’m weary and heavy laden, Jesus will give me rest.
So Father, I claim Your promise. I receive Your Word. Lord Jesus, please give me rest right now, and fill me with Your peace. Thank You for doing this, Lord Jesus. I receive Your rest right now.
And Father, You said that I should be anxious for nothing, but in everything, with prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, I should make my requests known to You. You said that, if I will do that, Your peace (which is greater than I could ever understand) would guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
So Father, in the Name of Jesus, I make my requests known to You right now.
I ask You, Lord, for _____. Please help me with _____, Papa. I can’t do this on my own, and I can’t do a thing about it except bring it to You.
But I do bring it to You, Father, and I lay it down at Your feet. And I ask in Jesus’ Name that You would please fill me with Your peace right now.
Thank You, Father. Thank You for hearing me. Thank You for caring. Thank You for loving me the way You do. Thank You for always taking care of me. Pap God, You are everything to me. Thank You for understanding me and giving me peace and healing me.
Father, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit right now. Comfort me.
Help me to lift up my eyes and look at You again. Help me to see this situation the way You see it, and help me to understand it the way you do. And I thank You, Father, for taking my sorrow away and giving me peace and rest. Restore my joy again, Father, in Jesus’ Name. And let Jesus receive the full reward of His suffering, knowing that His sorrows were not in vain in my life.
Thank You, Father. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for bearing my sorrows. And thank You, Holy Spirit, for Your comfort. I bless You, and I give You all the praise.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Does this message speak to your heart? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!
Related: If you’d like to just worship a little while and receive ministry from Jesus, listen to Hillsong singing “Man of Sorrows” here, and just receive from Jesus as you listen:
Hi, Jamie,
The only reason I am still here and still trusting and walking is because Jesus lived His difficult, painful, agonizing life the way He did — triumphantly in the will of the Father. He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief long before he walked the road to the Cross. It’s not even a matter of “if He could do it so can I” that helps me when I look at some other human’s exemplary living. I could not have survived the grief of my children’s harmful and self-destructive behavior while holding on to the glorious promises God has given me for them, except for the presence of Jesus, the visions of Him, the prophetic Words, the ways He taught me to pray, the learning from one set of struggles and miracles that has led into more and more difficult challenges and answers. I know the only way His teaching and example could have come to me down 2000 years of human misery is through the horror of His death and the miracle of His resurrection. I know in my own life how every single detail in a miraculous event depends on all the details leading up to it. I could not have gained that perspective other than through my walk with Jesus. At the same time, it allows me to see the importance of every single detail in the Gospel narrative of His life. Every agonizing detail prophesied among His people for centuries. New horrors await us, whatever the triumphs prophesied over us. His promise to remain with us through them all endures.
Laurna, I’m with you on that. He’s the only Reason I’m still alive too. I’m so thankful for how He takes care of us!
😭😭😭Amen I receive thank YOU LORD
Hi Jamie thank you for your obedience you know I have been experiencing alot lately and the LORD is awesome really He touched me exactly what I needed to hear
This word was for me today thank you so much I had tears in my eyes and felt so loved thank you again and stay blessed
Thank you so much for your sensitivity to the father. Blessings
Thank you, Shelley. Thank you for reading!
I am so thankful to God for your emails and prayers that I can pray too! I feel broken beyond repair but I know that is just a feeling and even now the Spirit is bringing me comfort. Thank you. I feel like you are a new friend. A new sister in the Lord.
I feel the same way. What a blessing this was for me! I cried so much reading this prayer aloud and meditating on the scriptures she shared. Glory to God! Thank you Jamie, and God bless you.
Thank you for a beautiful prayer. It made me feel joyous to know how i can empty my sorrows and enjoin them with suffering and sorrows of Jesus through His most Sacred Heart which suffered tremendous torture.
Remain blessed
Thank you for reading, Rose. Yes, He is precious and holy in every way. What a gift for Him to have borne our sorrows and griefs! I pray He would lighten your load, comfort you, and show Himself to you today as the Glory and the Lifter of your head. In Jesus’ name.
Dear Jamie,
Thankyou for this prayer helping me to put into words all that’s locked up in my body. Thankyou.
Needed exactly this today. I didn’t know how to express to God how I was feeling or what I needed, I just felt like I had no strength to even pray or ask for anything. I got an email for this post, this prayer was EXACTLY what I needed. I am thankful for this website and the emails I get, they really do make a difference. I am encouraged.
Thank you for the beautiful prayer. It really helped me and I’m feeling relax because I know Lord is there watching over me always.
Thank you so much, Jamie for this particular sharing and also the prayer. I was so overwhelmed by a challenging situation facing me and desperately needing for God to come through. In the midst of it, God encouraged me and gave me hope and faith to believe in Him. Above all, to experience His peace in the midst of uncertainty. God is so personal. I can feel Him telling me He will take care of everything as I rest in Him.
Continue your writing, Jamie. You are used so greatly by God to be His mouth piece to speak into the hearts of His beloved children. Keep me in your prayers.
Very timely and helpful post, Jamie. We so often fall back into self sufficiency, and lose track that help is right at our fingertips and we don’t have to wait until we are desperate. But the old man sometimes wants to rise up and think we can overcome . I can do nothing apart from Him .
Hi thank you for such a wonderful prayer it helped me get back on the road to jesus
I was fighting guilt in myself for giving in to temptation again and when I read these words I realized I was letting Satan bring me down
I can go to Jesus and he was live me again even though I sinned with drinking
Hi Jamie
Thank you so much for all you do for the kingdom. Thank you for the many prayers that we can pray. They sure do help!
Thank you for spiritual food.
The Lord bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you.
Thank you. I needed this today. I cried, so much. I poured out my soul to God. Out came a lot of stuff I thought I had dealt with, stuff I thought I had a handle on, but I didn’t. I didn’t hold back anything. Now I feel empty, numb, tired. I don’t feel the Lord near me, but I know he is. Thank you for your beautiful prayer.
Amen hallelujah!! I know this feeling is helplessness is cast out in Jesus’ name!
Hi Jamie, i thank God for coming across your blog. Am really encouraged, been through financial difficulties, with no job, every business i invest in fails. Kindly pray with me, i have owe rent arrears of 3months, getting threats from the agent, with no food,its really tough, kindly intercede for me for a breakthrough.
Yes, yes, and amen…💜
Thank you for this Word. Really touches where I need it. I am so grateful for your emails and ministry. Your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. God bless.
Deeply appreciated.
Thank you very much for the much needed prayer. May The Lord continue to use you for His glory.
Thank you Jamie. This really just helped me out of a moment of sadness and discouragement. I had just finished a session of cries and I opened my email and saw your mail and apparently, it was speaking to my then situation. I feel so much better right now after saying the prayers. God bless you
Thank You Lord, Thank You Jesus because this came just at the perfect time and I love Yoi my Heavenly Father God. Thank You for blessing and using your daughter for the glory of Your Kingdom. I have left it all at Your feet in prayer and all I am doing right now is thanking You for prayers answered in Jesus Name amen I believe by faith.
Absolutely amazingly! I never thought of Christ as the Man of sorrows or prayed as such, relating his sorrows to mine , but boy, what a revelation! and that opened up a whole new way for me to pray…Jamie, you are such an encourager…such a blessing to so many. Thank you for sharing your wisdom of God with us!!!!
Morning Jamie; I have going through a lot of things in my heart, the prayer I believe that I am free from anxiety, unforgiveness, sorrow and grieve. I thought when you’re born again people will love and appreciate you always, but now I understand why I am going through what I am in ,it is because Jesus experience the same that’s why I am going through to be proned. Jesus I really want to die from self to gain you always in Jesus Christ name Amen. bless you Jamie. very powerful indeed
Good day Jamie, thank you for your words of encouragement and prayer, it is a great blessing to me,may God bless you and your family and this ministry with a tremendous financial blessing today I pray in Jesus mighty name amen 🙏
Thank you Jamie for another great prayer!
I just wanted to remind everybody that the peace spoken of in the Bible is not just “regular everyday” peace, like we think of- it IS peace and quiet and rest, it IS freedom from strife, but God’s SHALOM PEACE encompasses so much more- it is NOTHING LACKING, NOTHING MISSING, and NOTHING BROKEN!! It is COMPLETENESS, WHOLENESS AND WELLNESS in EVERY area of our lives: our whole body, and our whole soul (mind, emotions, will; conscience, concscousness and subconsciousness) and our whole spirit; all relationships, home life, & church life (family, friends, neighbors, co-workers), all work & financial issues!! Thank You Lord, you are the restorer of ALL THINGS!!!
Thank you Jamie. I needed this. The healing started before reading your article. This crowns it all. Thank you for your sensitivity and generosity in sharing.
Love and blessings!
Hi, i will love to have a copy of ur book How to plead the suffering of Jesus as i have some difficulties reading it on my computer. Many a time i have requested a help from ur ministry but NO HELP came forth. sincerely
Thank you very much I needed this prayer. I am going through a difficult time. And Jesus is my Rock and I will hold on to Him. Thank you Lord
The Lord is good indee and l’ m certain He will fulfill whatever He has said concerning my life. Glory! Glory halleluyah.
Thankyou Jamie, I prayed this because of a situation I faced a few days ago it caused me great sorry thankyou father for taking my sorrows and giving me back my joy and peace in Jesus name
Hello Sis Jamie,
I read and fully prayed this prayer for i badly needed an answer for my sadness, agonies right at this moment. I am so depressed that i need someone to lean on, no other than the Holy Spirit and the Heavenly Father. GOD is my strength and gives powee to my weaken spiritual weaknesses. Pray for me
please for strength to carry on with my life for the past two years of almost sinking and thinking to end everything. Life has been not good to me i am so devastated for long. Thank you for your prayers that i was encouraged. God bless us all
I received this message from a dear co-worker who recently lost her son. “Not doing very well. I sold my son’s house yesterday. It’s a huge weight lifted but it took a lot out of me. I’m lost without my boy.”
I was able to share your words/prayers of this article with her. Such a blessing and comfort from the Father, through you.
Thank you for this beautiful, comforting, inspiring prayer. You know, nothing written is new; we know these things but need so badly to be reminded again and again to really hold on to the promises of God.
hi, it was just the spiritual tonic i needed to come alive again, i was feeling sad and discouraged, but feel spiritually refreshed. i was very blessed. thank God for you.
Amen, thankyou for this powerful prayer
I pray Jesus sorrows over Parkinson symptoms, in his name for complete healing, taking His yoke easy and burden light.
In Jesus Christ name thank You Lord that You removing sorrow ,poverty,suffering,homelessnes,backwardness,lack,debts,sicknesses,from me because Jesus Christ carried all this to the cross and I dont have to carry it,But only to receive life abundant Jesus Christ Gave me thank You Papa for loving me so much in Jesus Christ name amen