Look What the Lord Has Done!

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Notes from the Trenches by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comHi everybody! I have a HUGE testimony for you today! I can’t wait to tell you!

This post contains:

  • great news about our ministry’s tax status;
  • my story about the miracles God has done in the last 6 days since I sent you an email (last week) asking for your help and prayers;
  • an update about what God did through this ministry in March;
  • an update about the inner-healing and vision-getting retreat;
  • information about SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE to the retreat;
  • a baby update; and
  • info about new doors Papa is opening to us right now!

So please be sure to read it all, and REJOICE with us!

First, the great news about our tax status:

Hallelujah! We received the awesome news just a few days ago that our 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status has been approved by the IRS (the American tax agency).

This means that your donations to From His Presence, Inc. are officially tax-deductible if you file an American tax return and itemize your deductions!

Getting our tax-exempt status has been a loooong process. We’ve been working on it for over a year now, and you all have prayed multiple times for our success. Seeing it come through was such a weight off my mind, and I believe it will be a blessing to you as well if you file American taxes.

Next, the update about the retreat:

The retreat is ON as long as we have enough people sign up. We need a minimum of 40 people to hold the retreat at the current price of $405 per person. The retreat price includes:

  • retreat center lodging for 3 nights (separate cabins/dorms for men and women);
  • 8 meals prepared by a professional chef;
  • personal appointments for prophetic ministry from our prophetic team;
  • fun activities like canoeing; and, most importantly:
  • Sunday afternoon through Wednesday morning of live worship by our team and teaching by me.

This retreat is being held on Rosh Hashanah, September 9-12, in Cleveland, Tennessee at Johnston Woods Retreat Center. We will be teaching and ministering on inner healing and also on getting a vision from the Lord.

Beloveds, if you have experienced any of the following:

  • Father wounds;
  • Mother wounds;
  • Peer wounds;
  • Church wounds;
  • The spirit of poverty; or
  • Death of your dreams …

Or if you need to clean up your generational bloodline in the spirit realm, and have not ever renounced inner vows and broken curses off your life …

… If you have not ever received a father’s blessing or a mother’s blessing …


Seriously. We need you there. You can sign up here or even make payments. Email me if you’d like to make payments in April, May, June, and July, and I’ll set that up for you.

And we have several scholarships available!

Two generous donors have provided us with several scholarships for people who are not able to attend without a scholarship.

So … If this retreat is burning in your heart and you can get yourself to Cleveland but cannot afford all of the retreat fee, PLEASE EMAIL ME. I’ll send you a scholarship application and our board will review the applications and award scholarships as long as the scholarships last.

Also, if you would like to fund a scholarship, please let me know.

Now here’s just a brief glimpse about what God has used this ministry to do in March:

  • We ministered to 78,265 individual people through this website alone–not counting our work on The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, iBelieve.com, social media, or our OverNotUnder.com website.
  • This website saw 181,412 pageviews.
  • We saw 5,538 pageviews on Over Not Under from 1,786 individual people.
  • I was able to spend time helping two pastors prepare to launch their online ministries. We provided this help for FREE. Helping pastors get their ministries online has become a huge part of what we do over this past year. It brings exponential growth to the Kingdom, so I believe God will keep growing that aspect of our ministry.
  • We paid a virtual assistant for some technical help that one pastor needed in order to launch their online ministry.
  • We released 15 new or updated blog posts on this website, and 4 new posts on OverNotUnder.com!
  • We also sent out multiple teaching emails about healing from father wounds and other things–material that is sent especially to our email subscribers and doesn’t appear on the blog.

Now here are some neat doors the Lord is opening for us right now:

First, just this morning, the Lord opened a door for us to sow into a local jail ministry.

We will be providing Bibles and study materials to prisoners in a local jail this month, and may be serving there on an ongoing basis after I go through training and their security checks. I’m SO EXCITED about this! We’re going to help set actual “captives” free from sin and bondage through the power of Jesus Christ!

Second, my literary agent has been working on getting us a publisher for my book “21 Kisses”–a word of hope for the rejected, neglected, and downcast.

Honestly, 21 Kisses is the hottest prophetic, rhema-est, most on-time word I’ve ever released. Some of you have heard it via the audio MP3s which are available on my Gumroad store. I STRONGLY recommend that you grab the audio if you haven’t already; and there will be even MORE good stuff in the book!

Please continue to pray as we are seeing interest in the book from the publishing community, and we need the Lord to arrange for us to work with just the right publisher to help us get this message out.

21 Kisses: The Sure Mercies of David for Your Life | Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.com
21 Kisses is my 4-part prophetic teaching of hope and restoration for the victimized, rejected, and neglected. Click the image to check it out on my Gumroad store!

Thirdly, I will be helping teach a new small group for my local church starting this week, for a total of six weeks. I’m very excited about that! After this six-week group is over, we’ll break for the summer and then I’ll be teaching again in the autumn (at least that’s the plan, and I hope it works out).

Also, we are exploring opportunities to match our calling to sow into Israel with our calling to bless and support pastors and their ministries.

The Lord has downloaded some ideas into my heart about this, and we’ll continue to pray through it and see what He does. I’ll be more specific when I have a better direction from the Lord.

I am also planning additional free webinars AND advanced-study classes, which will be available on an ongoing basis.

Now here’s the story about the MIRACLES God did after I asked you for prayers and help last Wednesday:

First, I could feel your prayers, and I REALLY appreciate your praying. I appreciate it so much; words cannot even describe how much. THANK YOU.

That night, my son, Elijah, miraculously went to sleep in his daddy’s arms. My husband always takes the baby in the evenings, but Elijah won’t always go to sleep. But suddenly, he did. And while Bruce rocked him so he would keep sleeping, a holy grace hit our house.

I mean it. It was like a holy hush. A holy flow came upon me suddenly, and I began to clean the house.

I was anointed for it. I haven’t felt that particular kind of flow in a very long time–and I flow in the Spirit all day every day! It was a MIRACLE!

Things that had been laying around and causing me SO much stress suddenly got cleaned up. I’m telling you that angels had to have been helping me, and I know Holy Spirit was helping for sure. Elijah just slept and slept. His head was even flopped over to the side on my husband’s arm, and the baby’s mouth was wide open. He was out like a light!

Meanwhile, I kept cleaning the house–and I felt so much JOY and holy ease. It was like things picked themselves up and flew through the air to put themselves away. (Of course, that didn’t actually happen; but that’s what it felt like.)

I feel like that was a miracle, and it gave me so much encouragement. It was also an answer to our prayers.

Also, starting on Wednesday through now, a financial miracle has been happening.

In the email I sent you, I asked that if you weren’t already a donor to our ministry, that you please consider making a one-time donation, purchasing a product, or becoming a monthly partner with us. We needed the help to finish paying March’s expenses, and we need it for April too.

We prayed, and we asked … and you answered. God answered.

So many of you wonderful readers sent one-time donations or purchased products. Several folks became new partners, renewed lapsed partnerships, or increased their partnerships. Whatever you felt led by God to do, you did … and every gift has been an answer to prayer.


We need the help right now, as our ministry is reaching more people than ever and we are sowing into missions projects and pastors more than ever. And now with doors opening for us to go into the local jail and bring materials and perhaps even preach, we will be continuing to reach out.

We are also seeing more and more visitors on this blog, and that increased traffic is an answer to prayer that costs money. 🙂 So, thank you. Papa provided for this ministry’s needs, and He used YOU to do it.

Please continue to sow into this ministry as the Lord leads you.

We depend on Him for provision, and He has always provided. But we know He uses people to do it, so THANK YOU for what you do; and we ask ever-so-humbly that you continue to pray about becoming a product connoisseur, a monthly financial partner, or a one-time donor if you have not already done so.

You can purchase products, make a one-time donation, or sign up for monthly partnership here: https://www.gumroad.com/fromhispresence … OR you can give via PayPal at https://www.paypal.me/jamierohrbaugh

… and THANK YOU.

And now for the baby update:

My boy is doing so well.

First, the reflux that has been hounding him is getting less all the time. My pastor prayed over him yesterday about this, and today it was even less than usual so far. I believe God is healing him.

Also, he has been having sleep issues, where he wouldn’t sleep unless he is on me. If I put him down, he would scream. People have lots of different methods for dealing with this, and I am trying various things. I haven’t figured out what Elijah responds to best quite yet.

However, yesterday, my pastor prayed over him regarding sleep issues too, and guess what?

Last night, he slept really well. He slept a good long time. And, this morning, Elijah let me put him down TWICE. Once, he took a nap IN HIS PLAYPEN. The next time, he let me put him in a little bassinet in my kitchen so I could eat some breakfast.

This is a miracle. I’m telling you, it’s an outright miracle. This child has been glued to me. Then suddenly, he’s ok!

He’s also in a developmental leap right now, so he’s learning new things. His motor control is getting better; he’s discovering his fingers and thumb; he’s suddenly able to lay on his tummy and hold his head up SO much better; he’s making new noises and starting to mimic his daddy.

He’s a doll. I love him so much! And this boy is a PROPHET. I can see the personality in him already. I can’t wait to see what he does for the Lord. 🙂

Here’s the next part of the miracle:

My desperation last week–and all of your encouraging emails and comments, which I am going to try and respond to–made me turn aggressive in trying to get help (probably like I should have been all along). I reached out to some friends and asked if they could possibly hold the baby for me so I could write and work. (Remember that I don’t have family nearby to help, so friends are the only option.)

I had not asked before because all my friends are incredibly busy with their own families and I hate to ask. I don’t want to be a burden. But, God gives grace to the humble, right? So I figured I’d ask and maybe they could help.

And they did.

One friend came over on Saturday and held Elijah while my husband and I worked on cleaning the house. Another friend came over yesterday and rocked the baby to sleep for 3 HOURS, and that’s how I got the new Over Not Under blog post written.

And today, I’m at the home of another precious friend, who is holding Elijah while I write this post.

Another friend volunteered to help later in the week. Another precious reader from my hometown volunteered to help. (If you’re reading this, I’m going to get back to you! <3 ) Even some lovely ladies from my small group at church volunteered to help.

So over the next few days, help is on its way.

I’m overwhelmed–in a good way. And so grateful.

So here are our prayer requests, both personal and for this ministry, right now:

  • Continue to pray for the ministry’s finances, that Papa would provide all we need in abundance, as He has always done and will continue to do.
  • Pray that Papa will get our blog posts, videos, classes, etc in the hands of the right people, at the right place, at the right time, so He can bless, encourage, equip, and build them up.
  • Pray for everyone that Papa wants to attend the inner healing retreat to do so.
  • Pray for the right book contract for 21 Kisses.
  • Please continue to pray that I will have wisdom to care for this ministry; care for my son; and also to take care of myself.
  • Please continue to pray that Papa would send us help in childcare a few times a week. 🙂
  • Pray for me to have wisdom, grace, and strength as I am right in the middle of helping some pastors launch major projects in online ministry.
  • Please continue to pray for my physical healing, as my c-section incision STILL has not healed, 3.5 months post-op.
  • I still have a sprained ligament in my pelvis from carrying the baby. It causes a lot of pain. Please pray for healing from that.
  • Please pray that Papa would provide a new-to-us, paid-for vehicle for my husband to drive. We are saving for this, but it’s slow going. We thank God the car we have is still going, but it needs help.

Beloveds, we covet your prayers. Prayer is the one thing that moves this ministry. Prayer moves God, and God helps. Prayer moves heaven, and heaven responds.

We need your prayers.

So, thank you.

Thank you for your prayers, your partnerships, your love, your emails, your support and encouragement and product purchases and SO much more.

I love you all in the Lord.




  1. Terry Hodges says:

    Yea!..Perfect balance and settling for your baby I prayed yea!! and your fiances yea!! God is Good !!! Im happy for you too!!

  2. I love that the house almost cleaned itself. God is so good. Want to stay in love w HS and carry His fragrance everywhere.
    Over Not under

  3. Tralonda Berkley says:

    I’m rejoicing with you and continuing to pray for you!! I’m so filled with joy about what God has done and what He is doing!!

  4. Sheila Gapinkse says:

    Rejoicing with great joy over how our Heavenly Father has so amazingly answered our prayers for you and your needs. I even prayed for the Lord to hold baby Elijah so you could have some freedom. I am certain He has. Continuing to pray. Excited to learn of all the great increase in your ministry and the new He is doing.
    How is your mom?
    Continuing to intercede with great anticipation and joy,


  6. Catherine says:

    Glory to God. Our good good Father Jamie and husband and baby. I’m so happy for you. Our Abba is so Faithful and nothing too hard for Him SO….
    I’m asking Jamie and the community to pray for finances for my son at university he needs £5,000 to continue his final year. He’s stressed. My husband and I don’t have it to give him. Pray also for finaces for us and our 5 children for money for better accommodation for us all. Please pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. ?? Thank you AND I pray God will bless every person that prays for us. Xxx

  7. Wow! Yay God! Seek first the kingdom and all will be added unto you and it has! Bless your family! Let God open the Heavens over you!

  8. Wow! What miracles God has done for Baby Elijah and your family. And so many for your ministry. PRAISE BE TO GOD AND A BIG HALLELUJAH!!!
    What a mighty God we serve!
    Lots of love,

  9. Karen James says:

    PRAISE GOD THANK YOU JESUS GLORY TO THE HOLY SPIRIT HALLELUJAH…AMEN! I PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS over you and your family, ministry and all who you come in contact with. May HIS Grace continue to be strong in your life. GOD got this, IN JESUS NAME…AMEN

  10. Penelope ware says:


    Bless them beynd their imaginations with more of Your Goodness, Graces, Mercies and Love! Father God! More miracles, provisions and open doors from You for her!

    So grateful to God for you Jaime????

  11. Sara Carolina says:

    Jamie, I thank the Father for His love and Mercy with you and your family. He will always be your Provider! You are complete in Him, you lack nothing. Keep going for the Glory of our God !!

  12. Elizabeth Tuinidau says:

    Praise God for what He is doing in your life n family n the ministries..God is going to continue to move n open doors for you n your husband n especially Bless Prophet Elijah.Will continue to pray for God’s work in your ministry

  13. Dear Jamie,
    God bless you and your husband and baby Elijah. May our Lord continue to heal you physically, emotionaly, and mentally. My daughter, Renny, has just given birth (this past Tuesday) to her second son. She and her husband are exhausted and little Luca is insatiably hungry. May he grow up to be a mighty man of God! Hugs, Marge

  14. Super testimonies. Sat at the table of the Lord and prayed for you. It is well

  15. YAHOO!! PRAISE THE LORD for He is so GOOD!!! Printed out your prayer requests and will continue to uphold you in prayer.!! I too struggle with asking for help but I believe God has reminded me that we have no idea of the way He will speak to others who offer to step up to help. I can see God moving thru Elijah as he is cuddled in others arms. God speaking deep into their spirit s as they gaze upon your son:)

  16. Angela Eagle says:

    Thank you for sharing your heart and your needs with us and the testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness! Covering you in prayer!

  17. YES!!! THANK YOU, JESUS!!! I WISH I LIVED CLOSER AS I WOULD DEFINITELY COME ROCK YOUR PRECIOUS BABY TO SLEEP!!!! Favorite times with my children and grandchildren!!! Love to hear these testimonies because they encourage and show how GREAT OUR GOD IS!!! And how BIGi He is…Love you Jamie!!!

  18. Thank God for your faith. I pray that your family(husband) that there be prosperity, in the Lord and good health as you guys soul prosper. Be diligent at in the things of God!
    Thank you for your obedience, for obedience is better than sacrifice. Even tho I know there has been sacrifices. Thank you For testimonies, and the hard work and love for Gods work. Be blessed

  19. God continue to strengthen you dear and make provisions abundant to care for your family and ministry. His ways are wonderful and I thank Him for the way He cares for you.

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