Prayer for Healing from Father Wounds

webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
Prayer for Healing from Father Wounds | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

Do you feel like a spiritual or literal orphan? Have you been hurt or even abandoned by your earthly father and mother figures? Are you ready to pray and ask Jesus to heal you from father wounds?

If so, this article will help you know how to pray for healing from father wounds. A three-part prayer is below. This prayer changed my life, and I believe the Lord will use it to change yours also.

Beloved, God created every person with a father-shaped space in their heart and life.

Unfortunately, however, too many people (maybe even every person) has been wounded by their father figures, rather than being shown GOD by their father figures. We live in a sinful world, and sin happens–even by people we love, respect, or even admire.

Get our free PDF Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations when you sign up for our free email encouragement program!


    But, no matter what type of father wound your heart has sustained, Jesus wants to heal you today.

    1 John 3:8 tells us this:

    “He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8 NKJV).

    Jesus wants to heal you from every effect of sin that you have ever experienced on the earth. Yes, this includes your sin–but I want you to see that it also includes other people’s sins. Jesus wants to heal you of ALL the hurts and ALL the wounds you have incurred over the course of your life. He’s just that good.

    Related: If you’d like to learn more about how you can have a personal, saving relationship with Jesus Christ, read how here.

    So how do you receive healing from father wounds?

    If you pray the prayers below FROM YOUR HEART, and really mean them, you are likely to notice a big difference. I’ve never seen God fail to heal in response to these prayers. And I’ve seen the prayer process below work for droves of people, both individually and en masse, all over the world.

    First, to prepare your heart to receive–and to know WHAT to receive and not receive–you’ll want to read any articles in this free series, Healing from Father Wounds, that you haven’t already read. The table of contents for Healing from Father Wounds is above.

    I would also really strongly encourage you to read my free series, Finding Deep Soul Healing 101, since that whole series lays a foundation that you really need to know in order to receive the utmost help and healing from the Lord. The table of contents for Finding Deep Soul Healing 101 is below.

    But after you have read that information and prepared your heart to receive–and after you know what you WANT to receive from the Lord–then it’s time to pray to actually receive healing from father wounds.

    The sample prayer below for healing from father wounds is the prayer I use when I work with hurting people.

    I wrote this prayer to follow the specific instructions that Jesus gave us:

    • To forgive from your heart. Matthew 6:15: “But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses,” and Matthew 18:35: “So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses” [emphasis mine].
    • To repent for our own sin in holding onto bitterness and unforgiveness. Ephesians 4:31-32: “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” Also, 1 John 3:15: ““Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him” (1 John 3:15 NKJV).
    • To pray for those who have wronged us. Luke 6:27-28: “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.”

    Here’s how the prayer path for receiving healing from father wounds works:

    This powerful prayer path involves four steps, and I am going to tell you about the steps before we get to the actual prayers. That way, you’ll be in an easier frame of mind to pray these prayers from your heart.

    The steps in the prayer path are …

    First, forgive those who have rejected you, abandoned you, and failed to father you.

    Forgiving someone does not require you to have any present or future relationship with them. Forgiving them doesn’t mean you need to reach out to them or contact them in any way. You don’t even have to tell them that you have forgiven them. But, you do have to forgive in order to be right with God.

    Jesus told us we have to forgive others from our heart, or our Heavenly Father will not forgive our own sins. You can read more about that here, and how it works, in What Is Unforgiveness Jail? (And How to Get Out of It) if you’re curious.

    Here’s how to forgive in a way that actually brings healing from father wounds into your life:

    1. Make a list of all those father figures who have hurt you (biological dad, stepdad, uncle, grandfather, male pastor, male boss at work, and so on). It’s okay if it’s a long list; don’t worry. I have personally had to pray through page after page of names of people who hurt me.
    2. Be very honest and transparent with God. Be real with Him; He already knows all about it. Don’t hide or gloss over or excuse anything.
    3. Ask Him to help you forgive from your heart, just like Jesus forgives. Then, pray through to forgive each person and situation using the sample prayer provided below. This prayer covers all the bases:
      • It helps you cast your specific burdens, hurts, and wounds on the Lord, so you will no longer be moved (affected) by those burdens and pains;
      • It walks you through confessing your own sins (like unforgiveness, anger, etc.) to Jesus, so you can receive forgiveness for your own sins.
      • It helps you pray for your enemies, and for all those who have hurt you.

    I’ve seen people pray the prayer one time and mention ALL the names and situations at once, and that worked fine for them. I’ve also seen people pray through each name individually, and that worked for them. You do as you feel led.

    Reader FavEs

    Finding Deep Soul Healing 101

    In this powerful book, you will walk step-by-step through the process of receiving healing from God for all your inner hurts and wounds. The Lord has used this method to heal people all over the world. Order your copy today and use this Biblical healing process to walk right into soul peace!

    Don’t worry about the people who don’t deserve forgiveness or blessing.

    You forgive people to have the chain broken off your life, not because people deserve it. We also forgive people, first and foremost of course, to simply remain in obedience to God. But you do need to know this about blessing and forgiving your enemies:

    When I help people through the inner healing process, I often hear them say, “But I don’t want God to bless that person! Look what they did to me!”

    If that’s what you’re thinking right now, I want to reassure you about something: when you pray for those who have hurt you, it’s not like you’re praying for God to give them a million dollars while they get away from their sin scot-free.

    In my experience, when you pray for someone who has wronged you, God answers your prayer by treating them just like He would treat you. He tends to bless them with a little revelation and a lot of conviction and repentance, right along with any other blessings He may bestow.

    After all, He loves the person who hurt you just as much as He loves you. It’s His desire for that person to become Christ-like too.

    So, beloved, don’t worry about making sure that somebody else “gets theirs.”

    Yes, they may deserve it, but vengeance belongs to God. Let God take care of them, which also includes let God discipline them and bring them to repentance. You just obey God so you can get free yourself.

    If you will trust God and obey Him, He will take care of the rest as only He can. Remember that none of us deserve forgiveness; God only forgives us because Jesus Christ paid the price of our forgiveness with His own blood. Therefore, you are forgiving those who hurt you because your Lord and Savior said to do so; and that is the only thing that matters.

    Second step: Renounce agreement with all the lies that the original orphan—Satan—and other people have told you.

    Every lie has to go, including the lies that tell you that you’re rejected; that you don’t measure up; and that you’re not a son. The truth is that you are accepted in Christ Jesus; that you do measure up; and that you are a beloved son or daughter of our Heavenly Father!

    Thirdly, let God fill you with His love, and with His Holy Spirit of adoption.

    The Holy Spirit of adoption is that same Holy Spirit who bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God (Romans 8:15-17). Whenever you cast anything evil out, Jesus taught us that we can’t leave a space empty that used to be filled by something demonic. (See Matthew 12:43-45.) So, we have to fill that same space up with something good, or the demonic thing will come back.

    In this case, we are casting out the lies of the enemy, as well as any enemy influence in this area of father wounds. So, you always want to fill up that empty space with something holy.

    What is the holy thing you ask God to fill you up with in that space? It is His Holy Spirit, who happens to also be called the Holy Spirit of adoption:

    “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together” (Romans 8:15-17 NKJV).

    God’s Holy Spirit is the Spirit of adoption. When you give your life to Jesus, Father God makes you His child right away. He sends His Spirit to live inside you as proof and evidence that He adopted you–that you belong to Him forever.

    And when Holy Spirit rises up in us to help us commune with God, He helps us feel His love–and our adopted state as beloved children–so powerfully that we can’t help but cry out, “Abba! Father!” to God.

    Beautiful, huh?

    Finally, the fourth step: Replace the lies that Satan has told you with the truth of God’s Word.

    After you pray these prayers, you will want to CHOOSE to believe that you are accepted in Christ Jesus; that God’s grace is sufficient for you; and that you are the beloved of the Father. (Faith is a choice, not a feeling.)

    You will also need to choose to embrace the actual truth of God’s Word, re-forming your conception of what real “fathering” is. You will want to study God’s Word so much that it changes the way you think, so that you can be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

    You do this until you only think of “fathering” as being the attitudes and behaviors exhibited by God Himself. And every action that human father figures do that is not just like God, we forgive them for (and set appropriate boundaries).

    We talked more about this step in 4 Keys to Receiving Healing from Father Wounds, here. Be sure to read that article if you haven’t already.

    So are you ready to get praying? The three parts of the prayer for healing from father wounds are all below. To make it easier for you to take a breath in between, I’ve divided the prayer into three distinct parts.

    Part One of the prayer for healing from father wounds:

    Pray the sample prayer of forgiveness and soul healing written below. Pray it over every single name of every father figure who has ever hurt you. (This is why you made a list of names, above.)

    “Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, I choose to forgive      (insert person’s name or people’s names here)       for:

    • Abandoning me;
    • Rejecting me;
    • Leaving me alone;
    • Not loving me;
    • Not being there for me;
    • Not believing in me;
    • Checking out emotionally;
    • Making me afraid;
    • Abusing me;
    • Not loving my family;
    • Not being faithful to my family/mother/father;
    • Not providing for me like a father/mother/etc. should;
    • Saying mean things;
    • Not having good things to say;
    • Touching me wrongly;
    • Not touching me rightly or in loving ways;
    • Not giving me the affection I deserved as their child/spouse/friend;
    • Not raising me up spiritually;
    • Not being a spiritual or prayer covering over our family;
    • Being angry;
    • Bullying me;
    • Making fun of me;
    • Not accepting me;
    • Not giving me opportunity;
    • Shaming me;
    • Ridiculing me;
    • Smothering me;
    • Betraying my trust;
    • Not being reliable;
    • Saying ________;
    • Calling me a _________;
    • Not releasing me to fly;
    • For manipulating me;
    • For not encouraging me to be who God created me to be—an original;
    • For telling me how to think;
    • For not encouraging me to be me;
    • For making me fearful;
    • For never seeing the best in me;
    • For not letting me speak;
    • For comparing me to other people;
    • For preferring other people over me;
    • For always thinking the worst of me;
    • For not caring about my heart; and
    • ______ (Insert any other thing here that comes to mind, both what they did and what they failed to do.)

    Father God, I choose to leave these things, let them go, and give up all resentment.

    I place these things in Your hands right now. I take my hands off of these things, and I look up into Your eyes. By Your grace and mercy, I choose to not pick any of these things back up anymore.

    Now Father God, in Jesus’ name, I confess that I have harbored bitterness, unforgiveness, hatred, anger, rage, disgust, resentment, and even a spirit of murder toward this person.

    Lord, I confess these things as sin. Please forgive me for my sin. Cover me and wash me with the blood of Jesus. Close any doors to the enemy that I opened through my sin. Fill me with the Holy Spirit where all these things were, and make me like You.

    And now, Father, I pray for      (insert person’s name)       . And Father, I ask in Jesus’ name:

    • Forgive them for everything they’ve done.
    • Save them if they’re not already saved!
    • Cover them and wash them with the blood of Jesus.
    • Give them a new heart, and make them pure and holy.
    • Change them, Lord!
    • Fill them with the Holy Spirit and draw them closer to Yourself.
    • Bless them, Father.

    Thank You, Father God. Thank You, Lord Jesus and precious Holy Spirit. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

    Did you pray the prayer? Stop and take a deep breath. You did GREAT!


    Pray the prayer that we have seen God use to heal thousands of people all over the world!

    Grab a pack of 20 copies of the full Sample Prayer of Forgiveness and Soul healing while supplies last!

    Now, on to Part Two …

    Part Two: Renounce agreement with all lies about fathering.

    You are doing great! Keep going! Pray the prayer below. Pray as slowly as you need to, and ask the Holy Spirit for help. Just keep going until you get to the end! Jesus will give you grace and strength.

    Are you ready? Here goes:

    “Heavenly Father, I come before You in the name of Jesus.

    Father, I know that You are a perfect Father.

    Your Word says that I am Your child. Nevertheless, I have not felt like Your child. Deep down, I have believed that I am an orphan instead. I have felt rejected, unwanted, and disconnected. I know these feelings are not based on Your truth, and I confess that I have believed lies instead of Your truth.

    “Father God, in the name of Jesus, I renounce my agreement with every lie the enemy has told me. I specifically renounce agreement with the lies that say:

    • that I am rejected;
    • that I am unwanted;
    • that I don’t belong anywhere, or with anybody;
    • that I don’t fit in; and
    • that I don’t belong to You.

    I also renounce all agreement with all evil forces that have spoken those lies, and any other lies, to me.

    In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command all evil spirits to leave me right now. They have no place in me. I am a beloved child of God, purchased and redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Father God, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit in all of those places.

    Abba Father, I choose to believe that I am Your beloved child/son/daughter. I choose to believe:

    • that You have accepted me in Christ Jesus, as Your Word says that You have;
    • that You desire for me to be with You always;
    • that You love me;
    • that I do fit in perfectly with Your family, in the exact place You have chosen and ordained;
    • and that I do belong to You.

    Heavenly Father, please forgive me for doubting Your Word.

    I confess my doubt and unbelief as sin, and I ask Your forgiveness. Please forgive me, wash me clean, and fill me with the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, please fill me up completely with Your Holy Spirit of adoption. I choose to receive You as my Father right now.

    “Abba Father, from this day forward:

    • Please help me to feel Your love and affection; to feel Your presence; and to know You as my Father in the close, loving, intimate way You desire for me to know You.
    • Teach me to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
    • Help me to see with Your eyes, hear with Your ears, and understand with Your heart.
    • If any lies come against my thoughts, I pray You would expose them as lies.
    • Help me to cast down every lie at the feet of Jesus and meditate on Your truth.
    • Help me to believe the truth of Your Word from this day forward and forevermore.

    Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen and amen.”

    Now breathe. Then celebrate! You did it! I’m so proud of you for deciding to renounce the lies and embrace the truth of God’s Word, and I know that our Heavenly Father God is even more so.

    Again, stop and take a deep breath.

    Then, on to Part Three …

    Part Three of the prayer for healing from father wounds is to forgive the groups and institutions, like the church, who have failed to father you.

    John 20:21-23 contains an interesting doctrine that doesn’t get much press these days but which is very applicable here. This passage says:

    “So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained” (John 20:21-23 NKJV).

    In these verses, Jesus is actually saying that we have the power to forgive sins on earth, and they will be forgiven in Heaven. He is also saying that we have the power to retain people’s sins, such that they are not forgiven in Heaven.

    There’s no question that Christians, in general, have sinned in not fathering like we should have.

    Each and every Christian has a sacred duty to father, but so many have neglected that duty. The real question is: will we forgive the sins of those who have failed us, so we can move on? Or will we operate in bitterness and unforgiveness, refusing to give others the same forgiveness and release that we desire for ourselves?

    We must forgive the parents and leaders who have failed us for their sins—both for their sakes and for our own. Whether the people you need to forgive are biological fathers or mothers, spiritual fathers or mothers, grandparents, teachers, mentors, pastors, or other types of leaders …

    … forgiving them and the organizations, institutions, and establishments they are part of

    … will release you into spiritual freedom.

    It doesn’t mean you have to agree with the way things are done, but it does mean you have to forgive these people and groups for the way they are doing things and have done things.

    (Sometimes I have had to forgive people more than once, so don’t worry if you have to pray to forgive more than once! Ask the Lord to help you and then just keep forgiving. As you are faithful to obey God, the forgiveness you offer as a sweet sacrifice to God will make a huge difference in your life.)

    Will you stop right now and forgive those GROUPS and organizations who have failed to love and father you, along with the people in them?

    Ask the Holy Spirit to help you, and then pray this prayer with me for each person on your list:

    “Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus:

    • I choose to forgive the church in general, and every organization and group associated with it.
    • I choose to forgive      (insert each person’s name and group name here)      .
    • I choose to forgive them all for not loving me and fathering me.
    • I choose to forgive every person I know for every time they have not walked in true fatherhood toward me.
    • I also forgive them for (insert anything you feel you need to lay at Christ’s feet here) .
    • I also choose to forgive my leaders for every time they have failed me personally.
    • I choose to forgive all offenses that I have embraced when these people failed me, and even since that time.

    Heavenly Father, with Your help, I choose to leave these things in Your hands, let them go, and give up all resentment.

    I confess that I have sinned in allowing myself to harbor offenses, bitterness, hatred, disgust, anger, rage, resentment, unforgiveness, and even a spirit of murder toward these people AND the organizations they represent to me. I repent of my sins, and I ask You to please forgive me.

    Please cover me with the blood of Jesus, wash me, and make me clean. Close every door that I opened to the enemy through my offenses, unforgiveness, anger, and other sins. Fill me with the Holy Spirit where those things were, and bless the people that have hurt me.

    Father, I choose to believe Your Word that it is Your will for Your church to be the pure and spotless bride of Christ.

    Therefore, when churches, organizations, and the people in them hurt one another–and hurt me–it is not a representation of what You created Your church to be. I can still love the church and acknowledge that the people in it sin sometimes. And I can still be a part of Your Body, without having to feel like people owe me perfection (which I do not yet even operate in myself).

    Father, I humbly ask that You would forgive us, the entire Body of Christ.

    Forgive us for every time we have failed to demonstrate Your heart for one another. Cover us with the blood of Jesus. Cover us with your goodness, mercy, and grace.

    Abba Father, I choose to bless my fathers and mothers, my leaders, and all my brothers and sisters in Christ. I choose to love them. Please take away the old spirit from our hearts, and fill us with Your Holy Spirit. Remove our stony hearts and give us Your heart.

    I ask, Father, that from today forward you would teach us how to be true fathers and mothers, sons and daughters to one another. Teach us how to treat each other like Jesus would. Birth true discipleship, and true representations of who You are, in our hearts.

    Thank You, Heavenly Father. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”

    Take a deep breath. That was major! After you have breathed a few times, move on to the fourth and final portion of this prayer path, below.

    Part Four is probably the most important part of this prayer path, after Part One. Please don’t allow the enemy to distract you; it is vital that you finish Part Four!

    Are you ready? Okay, here we go …

    In Part Four, we pray to release your human fathers and mothers and to receive Abba Father as your Parent in those spaces in your heart.

    Now that you have forgiven the people who have hurt you—especially those who should have taught you, protected you, raised you, nurtured you, loved you, and fathered you, but did not—it’s time to release them so you can receive the Spirit of adoption in their place and be healed!

    What do I mean by “release them”? I mean that you actually speak out loud in prayer that you release your father and mother figures from your expectations that they would ever parent you.

    Psalm 27:10 gives us the basis for this prayer. It says:

    “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me” (Psalm 27:10 NKJV).

    Humans can only do so much, and they are always fallible. If your father figures (or even mother figures) failed in any way to be exactly like God toward you, and yet the goal is for your life to look like Heaven on earth …

    … then in that moment, in the human frailty which all of us share, they weren’t there for you in the right way–even if they meant to be. Father figure failings, and even mother figure failings, are simply consequences of our living in a sin-filled world full of hurting and wounded people who may even be trying to do the best they can.

    There is so much grace.

    But regardless of grace, if you’ve been hurt, GOD will take you up and heal you of all your parental figures’ failings. So below, we pray to take God up on His promise in Psalm 27:10: that when your father and mother weren’t there for you, or weren’t there for you in the way they should have been, THE LORD will take you up and take care of you.

    Yes, our Heavenly Father will step in Himself and do the job of parenting you.

    That is why we need to release our expectations of our parents. Even if they did the best they could, they are simply human beings. They may have made mistakes, just like you and I do every day. There’s so much grace.

    But we still need to release them from our expectations. In particular, we need to release them from our expectations that they could ever fill the father-shaped hole inside each of us that God meant to be filled with Himself.

    And while you release your expectations of your father figures …

    Reader FavEs

    Healing from Father Wounds

    If any male authority figure has hurt you, that father wound can scar your life and keep you from drawing near to Father God. But, Jesus wants to heal you from all of that today. In Healing from Father Wounds: An Orphan No More, Jamie teaches you how to receive your healing and the Father’s blessing from the Lord.

    If you have been very hurt by human fathers/mothers, you might actually want to pray and use the words that you “renounce” them.

    This is not dishonoring to them; we are always to honor our fathers and our mothers. This is part of the Ten Commandments.

    However, by renouncing your fathers and mothers in this way, you are renouncing having given control of your emotions to human parent figures. You are also renouncing your dependence on human fathers and mothers to fill you up in a space that ONLY God has EVER truly been able to fill you.

    Basically, you’re renouncing idolatry: the concept that humans could do anything to fulfill you in any way, when truly only God can.

    Every time I have seen people pray to receive healing from father and mother wounds, their process has not felt complete even to them until they have prayed through this step (to renounce or release their fathers and mothers, and to receive only Father God in that place). There’s something about this that is tremendously healing.

    Releasing your biological and spiritual parents is only between you and God; it does not change the love or honor you show your parents in everyday life.

    That’s why it’s not an unloving, dishonoring, or disrespectful thing to do. It is simply a way to renounce idols, and to let only God fill our father-shaped space that He created inside us–a space He always meant to be filled with His Spirit of adoption.

    And it’s only between you and God.

    It simply acknowledges the humanness of your father and mother figures, and recognizes that, sometimes, people sin and hurt other people. If your parental figure is incapable of fathering you, it’s okay to tell the Lord that, from now on, you choose to look to Him for all of your mentoring (instead of to the human who hurt you).

    Then, you ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit of adoption, based on the promise of Romans 8:14-17:

    “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.”

    And when you release all your expectations of your parents and receive Abba Father as your Father in that place–truly receiving Him as everything, both Father and mother and everything–then you have the right to receive:

    • healing
    • protection
    • promotion
    • provision
    • identity
    • love
    • ministry/comfort/encouragment
    • and every other good thing …

    directly from Him, at all times, so you can remain healed and whole no matter what the people around you do or say. When you pray this way, you are binding yourself to Father God in a new way. This is a legal agreement–one which He is only too happy to keep His part in.

    If you’re ready, let’s pray through Part Four, the prayer to release your earthly parental figures and receive our Heavenly Father in that place in your heart.

    To release your human father(s) and mother(s) from your expectations that they would ever parent you, and to receive Abba Father–our one and only Papa God–as your Father in their place, pray like this:

    “Abba Father, in Jesus’ name, I thank You for helping me forgive all the people who hurt me.

    Thank You for washing me clean of unforgiveness and bitterness, and healing my soul and spirit. I really appreciate Your help with this, and with everything pertaining to my life. It is only in You that I live and move and have my being. Thank You.

    Father God, it has never done any good for me to look to people for fathering. For whatever reason, the people who I expected to parent me have never done so. I have a Daddy-sized hole in my heart and spirit, Abba, and I need Your help now to fill it.

    Abba Father, since my human fathers and mothers have never been able to raise me up, I choose to release them right now from all obligation to me.

    I release them from all my expectations that they would ever care for me the way they should, and I renounce them as my father(s). I renounce every expectation of them, that they would ever parent me.

    You are the only Person who can really fill this Daddy-shaped hole inside of me, Abba. So I release and renounce these people freely, and I bless them.

    Thank You for every bit of good they did in my life., Lord. But, I also plead the blood of Jesus over every bit of bad they ever did, and over every wound they ever inflicted on me–and I thank You for those things, for You are working them out for my good.

    Father God, Your Word says that You are good, and Your love endures forever.

    You also said that, when my father and my mother forsake me, then You will take me up and take care of me.  And I know from Romans 8 that the Holy Spirit who lives inside me is the Spirit of adoption, and that He bears witness in my spirit that I am Your child.

    So, Abba Father, as I have renounced all humans as my father(s), I choose to receive You as my Father right now in their place.

    I bind myself only to You, Lord Jesus. Please fill me up completely with Your Spirit of adoption. I choose to receive all my fathering from You from this day forward.

    Abba, thank You for taking me up and adopting me as Your child. I’m going to depend on you to protect me, promote me, provide for me, nurture me, care for me, help me to walk in Your identity, and help me feel Your love from now on. Please heal me from every wound in me that was inflicted by sinful human beings, and help me know Your heart.

    Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”

    If you prayed that prayer, the transaction you just made with God is a very real thing.

    Through your prayer, you just let go of imperfect, sinful people—with all the wounds they can inflict, whether intentionally or not—and you chose to cling wholeheartedly to Father God instead, receiving total fulfillment from Him. You chose to let God be the Source of everything He created you to need.

    How do you feel?

    This transaction is a big deal.

    It takes you from living out of an orphan heart, and it carries you right into the reality of your divine adoption in Christ Jesus. Every person I have ever prayed this with has felt the difference. Do you?

    Abba Father is a good, good Father. He’s a perfect Daddy–the only perfect Daddy.

    He’ll never hurt you; never abandon you; never leave you or forsake you. He’ll always provide for you, and He’ll never let you down.

    Beloved, if you have sustained father wounds from sinful people, please pray to forgive them today. Release them from their obligations toward you and your expectations from them. And tell Abba Father that you receive Him as your Father, in every way, from this day forward. You’ll be glad you did.

    Did you pray through this four-part prayer path for healing from father wounds? How do you feel if so? Leave a comment below, and tell me all about it!


    1. Mekusi Sunday says:

      I release them. Am free now. Guilty in me left me and am wash cleansed now

    2. Kendra Searles says:

      I feel God’s presence.

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