The Importance of the Father’s Blessing In Your Life

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webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1

Have you ever had someone place the father’s blessing on your life, commissioning you into prosperity, safety, and security? Few people have, but today, YOU can. Read on for more!

When it comes to the father’s blessing, it’s sad, but true: many people alive today have never received a commissioning and affirming blessing from their father figures. Many people don’t even have father figures who would have pronounced the father’s blessing over them. Father wounds abound.

Related: 17 Signs and Symptoms of Father Wounds

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    However, the fatherly blessing is essential for every one of us to receive if you are going to thrive and not just survive. Today, let’s talk more about what the father’s blessing is–and how to receive it.

    First, what is the father’s blessing?

    In this context, the father’s blessing is not the type of blessing people think of when we pray for God to bless us. Instead, it is the type of blessing that one person speaks over another. It is generally pronounced over a son or daughter by their father, and it is a blessing that commissions that child in several ways:

    • It commissions them to go forth and prosper.
    • It commissions them to carry the authority of the father.
    • It commissions them to know who they are, and to know what they’re about.
    • It commissions them to be stable and safe.
    • It commissions them to be secure in their identity as a beloved child of that father.

    In the olden days, the father’s blessing was pronounced while the father actually laid hands on the child. I’ve heard that it was pronounced while the father spreads his hand across the child’s face. I’ve also seen it done while placing hands on the child’s head. (I personally bless my child while placing my hands on his head.)

    The blessing was taken seriously. It was this blessing that Jacob stole from Esau, and it was the stealing blessing that caused the rift between those two brothers. In Bible times, the father’s blessing was a BIG DEAL.

    The Pre-Incarnate Christ, the Angel of the Lord, and Melchizedek

    Did you know that Christ appeared in person over and over again in the Old Testament? It’s true! And if you’re only reading the New Testament, you’re missing out on so many revelations of Him!

    In this powerful Bible study, we explore many visitations of the Pre-Incarnate Christ recorded in the Old Testament. This class will enrich your understanding of God’s Word–and of His love for us!

    And the father’s blessing should also be a big deal today.

    In modern culture, we seem to have forgotten to bless our children. Nevertheless, it is an essential part of growing up and living a successful life. For example:

    • We get our affirmation, our identity, our courage, and much more from our father’s (or our Heavenly Father’s) blessing.
    • Our father’s blessing confirms that we will never be alone or disowned.
    • It helps us go out into the world without fear, knowing that father has our back.
    • The father’s blessing makes us feel loved and cherished. It helps us know that we BELONG to him.
    • The father’s blessing reassures us that we’ll always have a home with him. We’ll always have a place to belong, and someone to belong to.

    And even if our earthly dads didn’t fulfill their responsibility to pronounce the father’s blessing over us, our Heavenly Father will.

    Jesus received the Father’s blessing in Mark 1:

    “It came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And immediately, coming up from the water, He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit descending upon Him like a dove. Then a voice came from heaven, ‘You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased'” (Mark 1:9-11 NKJV).

    And Jacob received a second, not-stolen blessing from Jesus, our Everlasting Father.

    This blessing is recorded in Genesis 32:24-29, and I find it especially poignant because Jacob stole his first blessing. And even though that blessing did work in his life, he knew he needed a blessing of his own.

    Therefore, when Jesus appeared to him, he wrestled with the pre-incarnate Christ until he received the blessing for which he yearned:

    “Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day. Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him. 

    And He said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.” But he said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!” So He said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “Jacob.”

    And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.” Then Jacob asked, saying, “Tell me Your name, I pray.” And He said, “Why is it that you ask about My name?” And He blessed him there” (Genesis 32:24-29 NKJV).

    And beloved, even if you’ve never received the father’s blessing, you can still receive it today.


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    How do you receive the father’s blessing?

    You can receive the father’s blessing in four ways (and there may be more, but these four are generally accessible instantly):

    • Have an earthly mentor or father figure speak the father’s blessing over you in person.
    • Listen to someone speaking the father’s blessing over you by a recording, and receive it for yourself as the words Father God is sending you that your earthly dad should have said.
    • Listen to or read the words of someone speaking the father’s blessing over you, and receive it as if it were the words of Father God.
    • Ask our Heavenly Father to bless you while you are alone in your quiet time with Him. Then, wait on Him until you hear Him speak the words of blessing that you long to hear. (He may also speak these words by making them jump off the pages of His written Word, the Bible, as you read. And if He does that, yes, you can still receive those words as His blessing on your life.)
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    But beloved, the father’s blessing is important.

    And to help you today with this, I have provided a written “Father’s Blessing” below.

    This blessing has two parts:

    • First, it speaks in the voice of someone standing in for your earthly dad. And it speaks the words that every person needs to hear from the position of one’s earthly father. This portion of the blessing repents to you, in the voice of your dad (or someone standing in for your dad), for all of that person’s failings–and for failing to bless you previously. (Your spirit and soul don’t care who speaks these words over you; your spirit and soul simply need to hear the words spoken over you.)
    • Then, this written father’s blessing speaks in the voice of your father, or in some cases even the voice of your Heavenly Father. In this section, the person speaking the blessing is pronouncing safety, health, wellbeing, and prosperity over you.

    So you can listen to this blessing spoken over yourself, or you can read it, or you can have someone else speak it over you.

    If you’d like to listen to me speak this father’s blessing over you, then here is the FREE audio MP3 of me doing just that:

    And if you want to read the blessing, or follow along as I read in the audio MP3 above, OR you want to have someone else read this over you, here is the Father’s Blessing in writing:

    “My dearest son, my beloved daughter,

    I don’t know why your father hasn’t told you this already, or couldn’t tell you, wouldn’t tell you, or didn’t tell you when he had the chance; but I’d like to take responsibility for him right now and speak these words to your heart today, from the heart of your father.

    And in the name of Jesus, I bless you with hearing these words today in your body, soul, and spirit, and with receiving the healing love of Father God right now.

    Beloved son, precious daughter, I confess that I failed you in many ways:

    • I did not take the time or put forth the effort to love you and raise you the way I should have.
    • I confess that I let you down and hurt you.
    • I left you broken and bleeding in many ways.
    • I sinned against you and against God, and my sins of anger, rage, addiction, unfaithfulness, lack of love, not covering you, not protecting you, not loving you, abandoning you, rejecting you, accusing you, lashing out at you, not affirming you, not providing for you, touching you wrongly or not touching you rightly, lying to you, workaholism, caring about myself more than about you, laziness, self-centeredness, and abusiveness have hurt you.
    • I have even hurt you by not releasing you to fly; by not believing in you and supporting you and caring about your life, and I have hurt you by trying to make you something I wanted you to be, instead of allowing you to be everything God made you to be.
    Reader FavEs

    Healing from Father Wounds

    If any male authority figure has hurt you, that father wound can scar your life and keep you from drawing near to Father God. But, Jesus wants to heal you from all of that today. In Healing from Father Wounds: An Orphan No More, Jamie teaches you how to receive your healing and the Father’s blessing from the Lord.

    I have hurt you in many ways, and I am sorry.

    I have been so very, very wrong, and I repent to you. I am sorry for all the times I hurt you. I am sorry for all the times I failed you. I am sorry for all the times I wasn’t there for you.

    I am sorry, beloved son; beloved daughter. I hurt you so very badly, and I am sorry. I do not deserve your forgiveness, but because I want to release you and bless you the way Jesus wants me to, I ask: would you forgive me for hurting you?

    (Say “yes” here if you will. If you are speaking this over someone else, wait for “yes” response from recipient of the blessing.)

    Thank you. (And now on to the second part of the blessing …)

    Beloved son, precious daughter, I desire to bless you right now.

    I want you to know that I accept you; I do not reject you. I accept you just as you are, and I love you. I accept you and I love you for who you are; for everything God made you to be. I love you. I love you. I love you. I restore you to your place at my table right now in Jesus’ name. You will always hold a special place in my heart. You are my beloved child, and I could never replace you.

    Dear son, my beautiful daughter, there is such beauty in you and I bless you right now with knowing who you are in Jesus; with knowing the greatness that Father God has placed in you; and with knowing exactly what the wonderful things are that God created for you to do in this life.

    Son, daughter, I set you free right now from all the hurt and trauma I caused you.

    I remove it from you right now in Jesus’ name. In the name of Jesus, I pluck out every arrow the enemy has ever shot into you; I break them and throw them to the ground, useless and of no effect.

    I plead the blood of Jesus over those wounds and I decree that healing comes right now in Jesus’ name. Let the wounds be healed in Jesus’ name. They will be healed so perfectly that there will not even be a scar.

    In the name of Jesus, I break every word curse that I or others ever spoke over you. I plead the blood of Jesus over those curses, and I decree that they also fall to the ground right now, useless and of no effect.

    I break every bit of shame off of you right now in Jesus’ name. Spirit of shame, leave right now in Jesus’ name; this son, this daughter belongs to Jesus, and the righteous shall never be put to shame according to the Word of God. In the name of Jesus, I restore you to honor right now.

    Beloved son, beloved daughter: in the name of Jesus, I bless you with my blessing as your human father and also with the superior blessing of your Heavenly Father right now.

    And I release you to go forward in blessing and power. I release you from my failings. I release you from my failures. I release you from my inadequacies in parenting you and from all the times I hurt you. I thank you for forgiving me and I repent to you, but I release you to be Fathered by the Lord God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and earth, Abba Father who loves you.

    I bless you with receiving the “Daddyhood” of God. And I release you, as your father; I release you into the hands of Father God. I bless you to fly and to soar, and I say the Lord will guide you in ways I never could, and grant you peace. He will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. He will guide you with His eye upon you.

    I release you to be everything God has made you to be.

    I release you to operate in the greatness God has placed in you. In the name of Jesus, my child, I release you to operate in the freedom God has called you to – the freedom that Jesus has purchased for you.

    I decree that your heart is healed. I apply the blood of Jesus to your heart, and right now I remove the shame off of you in Jesus’ name and I put double honor on you. I restore you to double honor; I put the cloak of double honor on you as your father in Jesus’ name, and I decree that honor is from the Father and you will walk in it.

    Other people will see the honor on your life, the double honor, and it will make a difference in your day-to-day life. All the hurt and pain is leaving right now; it’s already left; it’s gone as far as the east is from the west, and you are free and whole in the blood of Jesus to be who you are.

    I decree that you are safe and protected.

    In the name of Jesus, I decree that you dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and you abide under His shadow. No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling. The Lord God shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. I bless you with being healthy, whole, and safe every moment the rest of your life in Jesus’ name.

    I decree that you have no limits; that you are unbreakable, unbeatable, and unstoppable because Jesus Christ was broken, beaten, and stopped for you, but the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you. I decree right now; I release you into knowing that you are loved; that you are loved and that you are precious and that you are beloved.

    And I release you right now from the orphan spirit that I caused you to have, and I decree your heart is healed. I plead the blood of Jesus over it, and I call forth healing, and I place healing in your heart right now in the name of Jesus, and I release you to walk in the divine healing and knowledge of Abba Father.

    I decree you have not received a spirit of bondage again to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption, in the bliss of which you cry out, “Abba, Father!”

    I decree that you will have no doubt ever about your identity, but that you know that you have a Father God in heaven who has ordained your life; who has divinely formed you. I decree and I release you right now from every unhealthy bond with me or other people as your father, and I decree that you are bound to Jesus Christ.

    I bind you to Jesus, and He Himself will disciple you and teach you. You are bound to Him; you are one with God in Christ Jesus.

    My beloved son, my precious daughter, I love you.

    I cherish you. I’m so proud of you. You bring me joy. You are a delight to me. I am so glad you were born, that you are alive, and that I can call you my son; my daughter. The very fact that you are alive and breathing on the planet is a joy and a blessing to me. Know that you have my heart.

    So take wing, beloved son. Take wing, beloved daughter.

    Mount up on wings as eagles! Soar! Fly! Soar into power, purpose, and presence of Jesus in your life. Be free to advance, to thrive, and to scale new peaks and rise up to new heights! Mount up! Be lifted up on the refreshing, healing wind of the Holy Spirit and of the Father’s love for you!

    I bless you with life in Jesus’ name. I command life abundantly into you right now in Jesus’ name. I speak life into you, and I say right now, the Holy Spirit has come from the four winds and has breathed on you. Take a deep breath; He is breathing on you, and that you will live.

    I bless you with a spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

    I bless you with a fruitful, abundant relationship with your Abba Father, with the Holy Spirit, and with Jesus Christ our Savior. May the fruit of the Spirit be powerfully and clearly manifested in your life. May you abide in Jesus every moment of your life. May the love, favor, blessing, and power of God flow through you every moment of your life. I bless your comings and your goings in Jesus’ name.

    Precious son of my heart, beautiful daughter of my heart, you are the apple of my eye.

    I love you. And so, in Jesus’ name, I bless you and I say, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26 NKJV). I

    n the name of Jesus, I decree the Lord will “answer you in the day of trouble; may the name of the God of Jacob defend you; may He send you help from the sanctuary, and strengthen you out of Zion; may He remember all your offerings, and accept your burnt sacrifice…” (Psalm 20:1-3 NKJV). May the Lord God your Father “grant you according to your heart’s desire, and fulfill all your purpose” (Psalm 20:4). In Jesus’ name.”

    Beloved, that is the father’s blessing spoken over your life.

    We all need this, and you can have it. Even if the words don’t come from your earthly daddy, they do come from your Heavenly Father. And your soul needs to hear them.

    Did receiving the father’s blessing minister to your heart today? If so, leave a comment below!

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    Are you going through a storm you don’t deserve?

    If so, Jamie’s book Stable In the Storm: Consecrated Living for Tumultuous Times will help you embrace God’s purposes for allowing your storm, so you can be done with the season of trial and testing sooner!

    Order the paperback or download this ebook today, and let the Lord speak to you about His purposes for YOUR storm!


    1. Father God, in Jesus’ Name, in the power of the Holy Spirit, move on the hearts of Fathers towards their children …and the hearts of children to their father’s …and if father’s haven’t done this raise up mother’s to do the same. Great is Your faithfulness! In Jesus’ Name I pray believing Who received His Father’s blessing. Amen.

    2. Buhle Moyo says:

      Thank you so much these words really spoke to me as I have never received my father’s blessings ,,,but with these words I’m blessed,,,,,thank you Jamie you’re a God sent 🙏🙏

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