Prayer for Protection from Harm and Danger
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Do you ever fear for your physical safety–or for that of your family? If so, pray today’s prayer for protection from harm and danger! It’s all God’s Word, and He will protect you from every evil thing!
One of the most powerful passages about safety and protection in the Bible is found in Psalm 91.
This passage says:
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust.’
Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, and see the reward of the wicked.
Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; for He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.
You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation” (Psalm 91:1-16 NKJV).
God’s Word says He will protect you if you do two things:
- Dwell in the secret place of the Most High (the keen awareness and stewardship of God’s presence); and
- Say, verbally, that the Lord is your refuge and your fortress; your God, in whom you shall trust.
You can depend on God’s Word. It is true every time! And when He says He will protect you, He will! All you have to do is believe Him and meet the two conditions listed above. When you believe His Word and meet His conditions, you will see His promises manifest in your life.
So are you dwelling in the secret place of the Most High? Are you confessing that the Lord is your refuge, your fortress, and your God? Or, would you like to begin doing so right now?
If so, pray this prayer for protection from harm and danger:
“Father God, I come to You in Jesus’ name.
Father God, I love You. I thank You that Your Word says You will protect me from all harm. Your Word says You will protect me from all danger … and all I have to do is dwell in the secret, protected place of Your Presence, living under Your shadow–and confess that You are my Lord, my God, and my refuge.
So Father, I confess today that YOU are my Lord. You are my God. You are my refuge and my fortress. You are my God, in whom I trust. You are my very-present help in trouble. I am never alone, for You will never leave me nor forsake me.
Father God, I sense Your brooding over me today.
Thank You that Your Holy Spirit hovering over me and my life. Thank You that You are bringing me into higher order. Thank You that You are keeping me safe, protecting me, and shielding me from danger right now.
Please help me to honor Your Spirit and Your presence as you hover and brood over me. Help me to obey You in all things; to think of You and meditate on You and Your Word at all times.
Father, as I obey You by dwelling in Your presence, I decree and thank You that surely You shall deliver me today from the snare of the fowler. Everything that tries to bring me down shall fail, today and forever. I am flying high on Your wings, and I shall stay there, mounted up on the wind of Your Spirit like an eagle soaring through the skies.
Father, I thank You that You shall also deliver me from the perilous pestilence.
You are delivering me right now from all sickness, attacks, plagues, infections, injuries, and epidemics. You are delivering me right now by the blood of Jesus and keeping me safe and healthy.
Thank You, Father, for covering me with Your feathers. Thank You for hiding me under Your wings. I decree that I shall always dwell in the warmth and safety of Your Spirit and Your presence.
Father, Your Word is my standard. Your truth is my shield, and every word You speak has power in my life. I boldly confess Your Word over myself, and Your Word in my mouth has just as much power as it does when it comes straight out of Your mouth.
Abba Father, I decree that I shall not be afraid, for I am made perfect in Your love.
I shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day. I shall not be afraid of sickness or destruction. A thousand may fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand, but it shall not come nigh me.
Father, I thank You that no evil shall befall me, nor shall any plague come near my dwelling. Thank You that Your angels protect me and my family. Thank You for giving Your angels charge over us, to keep us in all our ways.
Thank You that Your angels are bearing me and my family up in their hands right now. We are so safe in your angels’ hands that we won’t even stub our toes. We have deer’s feet in high places, Lord, and we are perfectly immune from all danger by Your Spirit and Jesus’ blood.
Thank You, Father, that my family and I are safe from accidents, destruction, and death.
We have life and safety abundantly to overflowing. Nothing bad shall happen to me or my family. No evil shall befall us, for we are hidden in Your presence and under the shadow of Your wings. All things work together for our good, for we love You and are called according to Your purpose.
Father, Your Word says that my family and I may see the wicked receiving their evil reward, but we ourselves shall receive only good rewards. We are hidden in Christ and we walk uprightly with You by Your Spirit and grace. We are the righteousness of God in Christ.
So Papa God, I thank You today that I am healed by the stripes of Jesus.
Thank You that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Thank You that I shall condemn every tongue that rises against me in judgment. Thank You that no curses shall alight on me, for they have no cause–and a curse without a cause cannot alight.
I thank You that I am hidden in Christ, covered with His blood, in complete right standing with You through Jesus. I submit to You, O Father, and I resist the devil. The devil flees from me. I draw near to You, Lord, and You draw near to me. And as I do, I thank You that I shall tread upon the lion and the cobra. I shall trample the young lion and the dragon under my feet.
Father God, because I have set my love upon You, You will deliver me.
Your Word says that You will set me on high, because I have known Your name. You are right, Lord. I DO know Your name. You have taught Your name to me personally. Over and over, You have shown me who You are:
- You have shown me and taught me that You are my Abba, my Father, my God.
- You are my Lord, and my times are in Your hand.
- You are my God, my ever-present help in trouble.
- You are the One who loves me best and knows everything about me.
- You are He who makes a way for me when there is no way.
- You are the One who provides water for me in the desert.
- You are He who provides all my needs according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
- Holy Spirit, You are my Comforter, my Instructor, my Convicter, my Helper, and my Guide.
- Lord Jesus, You are Faithful and True.
- You are my Friend who sticks closer than a brother.
- You are my Witness and Teacher, the Firstborn from among the dead.
- You are my Resurrection Life; the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
You, O God, are pure. You are true. You are worthy. And You are mine.
You are my God. My Father. My King. My Lord. My comfort. My help. My friend, and the only One I can depend on.
So Father, deliver me now from all devices of the enemy.
Lead me away from temptation, harm, danger, mal-intent, and loss. Deliver me from these things, I pray, and rout the plans of the enemy. Work everything the enemy has brought against me ever in my life for my good, for I love You and am called according to Your purpose.
Father, thank You for delivering me. Thank You for setting me on high. I am calling upon You, and You will answer me. You have already answered me, for Your Word says, “Before you call, I will answer.”
So thank You for Your answers, Abba. Thank You for Your mighty work on my behalf. Thank You for Your Word, your Spirit, Your salvation, Your whole Self actively at work in my life. Your grace is sufficient for me, for Your strength is made perfect in weakness.
I humble myself under Your mighty hand, and in due time You will exalt me.
I cast all my cares upon You, for You care for me. I am calling upon You, and You will answer me. You will be with me in trouble. You will deliver me and honor me … and with LONG life You will satisfy me, and show me Your salvation.
Thank You, Father. I receive the full and complete benefit of Your holy promises, for You are not a man that You should lie. Your words are “yes” and “amen” in Christ, so I humbly give You praise and glory for doing all these things in my life.
In Jesus’ holy and precious name I pray, amen and AMEN!”
Did you pray this prayer for protection from harm and danger along with me? If so, leave a comment below!
A very powerful prayer sa I read it n pray.
Thank you Lord for your Word n Your powerful Name.Amen
Amen. Amen.
I prayed this prayer and receive in Jesus name
Amen I receive this prayer 🙏 for my family and I!!
thank you so much for your powerful, encouraging and helpful prayer for that time of fear of corona virus. God bless you
Thank you for this prayer and I receive it in the name of Jesus.
In jesus name we pray amen
Amen this is a very powerful chapter I read it every morning for strength and assurance and a reminder that I am not alone. I have been diagnosed with cancer twice and this last set of chemo did a number on me, I am still trying to get over the side effects of the chemo and the last dose was June of 2019, plus I still have to work… so it’s rough… but my Father keeps me going….Thank you Jesus… I keep praying for complete healing no more cancer diagnosis ever!!!!!!!!!Amen!!!!
to tired to pray out load but did so im head
Praise the Lord!!
Jesus Christ is using you dearly. I will pray that Jesus will continue to use you mighty. In the precious name of our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ, I bring Janie before you with a humble heart. She has discernment on the things you have given her to give to your Saints. Thank you Jesus, for helping her to to be very close to you and to say the right words we need to hear. Now Jesus Bless her in the ways we aren’t able to, and give her your peace. Again Jesus Thank you, for using her in Jesus Christ name. Amen
Amen & Amen 🙏🏿 Hallelujah Praise God✨👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽💜 Thank you Jesus ✨
I prayed it, and I know psalm 91 works. Thank you for sharing this powerful prayer.
God Bless
Hallelujah, Thank You Lord!
Yes I have read this prayer and I will keep praying this prayer every morning and every afternoon and every night. For me and my family. Katherine Cook
Thank you for this poweful prayer.
Thank You Jamie❤️I received sooo much confirmation from readIng this as I heard the Holy Spirit speaking to me telling me all the great things The Lord is and who I am in Him????????One accord??????♥️
Very powerful prayer. Thank you
As I read this prayer I felt the power flowing forth from it! Myself and many friends and family members need to hear this right now! Thank you for taking the time to share and bless us with it, Jamie. May God generously bless you. Amen! ♥️??✝️
Amen i prayed to
Wow! Thank you so much for this prayer!
It’s exactly what I needed today. I stand on the word of God! Thank you Jesus ❤
I prayed this prayer and scripture just now. Thank you for sharing it.
I have always wanted to customize this scripture as if it is me speaking the words! Today that task has been done for me in a more appropriate way. Thank Jamie. May God bless you abundantly!!
Thank You Jesus!!
I stand firm in you!!
Claim victory in you!! In the power ful name of Jesus Christ
Break every chain, attack in the darkness, whether be physical, spiritual, mental, emotional Lord. The enemies strongholds & schemes have no power over me with you. They are cast out in the blood of Jesus Christ ,you crush them My Lord & Savior!! My Refuge & Strength. Thank you for always be ever present & comforting me in my so many times of need, Lord. I praise & honor you. In the holy healing power name of Jesus Christ! Amen
Thank you so much Jamie for your prayers, words of encouragement and wisdom; they are ALWAYS timely. God bless you and yours always. Thank you ❤️
Amen amen amen
Thank you Jamie. I prayed this prayer. You have been such a blessing to me. Thank you once again & God richly reward you.
Thank you Lord for answered prayer
Thank you for that beautiful prayer. Your friend, Deanna
Thank you for your Powerful Prayer of intercession! 🙏🏾
Mighty word, woman of God!
Thank you so much for this prayer. My former pastor taught us to never leave our home or do anything without declaring Psalms 91 over our lives, Home, family, etc. Love this scripture.
Powerful prayer! It blessed me. Thank you Jamie
Yes I prayed this prayer with you, an what an awesome prayer it was. To God be the glory, for all He’s done. ✝️??✝️??
Thank you so much for this prayer. My Social Enterprise is being foreclosed by a creditor. It is a traumatic period. I have 11,000 farmers in Uganda who depend on it for livelihoods. I failed to pay loans in time due to droughts were farmers lost everything. I have invested in the business all my income and everything i had for 11 years. I have pleaded with the investor to give us time to continue so we can generate income but to no avail. We are now in court. I do firmly believe that the protection of the Lord is over us and this situation will come to pass. I have new contracts which will enable me generate the income needed. However, the creditor will not hear anything about all that. I keep praying because i know i have been doing a job that serves poor people and livelihoods of those farmers in Uganda has been improving. I have my faith in the Lord that he will use this situation to take us several steps higher. I already see that he is opening ways and bringing the right people on my way. And i know the power of the Lord will bring even this Creditor to the negotiation table and make them understand the necessity to continue supporting thousands of people while waiting for the project to mature. This i believe firmly in my heart because i have seen how the Lord has upheld me in the last three months which have been the most difficult for me. Next week is the final stage of negotiations before we go to the judge on the 25th of November. I have total faith in the Will of God. Whether or not the creditor pushes my company to liquidation, the Lord has something very special in store for me. In fact one day as i was praying, i had the spirit of the lord saying – A miracle will happen in your life’. I have had three dreams in which i was fighting with serpents and the angel of God came to protect me from those serpents literally killing one and chasing away the other. After that i had three more dreams in which i see a huge abundance in harvest. God has also shown me that i have to renovate a rural primary school in Uganda – especially the classrooms for the Class 2 children – about 200 children sit on the dirt floor of the class and are vulnerable to disease. This is a school i have supported in different ways for over 24 years. But now i know i have to do a very specific act. Even i have no money, i knew i would find a way. And that way was shown to me yesterday when youth of a rotaract club approached because they wanted to donate money for a rural project. And there – the dream was spot-on.
So pray for me as i still have very hard days ahead but my eyes and my heart in firm in the Lord and i know i will be safe, and my business and employees and farmers all will be safe.
I have prayed and will continue to pray for you Pamela. I am praying that you will blessed and the outcome from the court will be in your favour. Bless you and the work you are doing. Praise the Lord that He has you in the palm of His hand, He won’t let you fail.
Thank you Lord for Devine protection. Thank you Jamie for reminding me that Jesus is Lord.that He is my protector
Yes and Amen……we are blessed from all your prayers and for sharing your works with us…gratitude and blessings to you Jamie…….we have a good good God Amen ⚘??
Beautiful! I receive every word! Thank you so much!
Praise God! I needed this prayer today. Thank you so much for this!
Lovely prayer thanks so much
Amen! Trust in the Lord and BELIEVE in Him! He is our Provider and our Protector. Claiming Psalm 91 over our family and friends. Blessings
Yes I did and oh wow I have to tell you what happened this morning. I was moving & checking my houseplants and I have a glass table top for 1 of my plants. I leaned on it with 1 hand lightly and reached over to check another plant and the glass snapped and broke in pieces. It sounded funny and I looked down and at my hand and God did not let 1 of the many pieces cut my hand. I have had that glass top for years and it never did that. God truly was watching out for me. I saw this prayer yesterday and finished it today. Thank you for sharing this beautiful prayer!!
I Believe and Trust in You. Father God. Thank you for Blessing me with your words and your everlasting Love. I Am A Child Of God . God Bless you all ❤️ and peace be with you Always . Amen
Amen I thank you I receive the prayer I declare about my life and my family
Thank you Jaime, I have prayed and received this prayer in Jesus name. Just as I was going to pray a prayer of protection I opened my email and found that you have sent this wonderful prayer of protection.
Thank you Jamie and God bless you.
Amen! I prayed this powerful prayer
Once again, I thank God for using you Jaime to minister to me. I take God at His word and I live and breathe Psalm 91. Indeed God is not a man, so he cannot lie. For the past 2-3 months or so I have been praying to God for His miraculous intervention in a very urgent situation involving a family member and through it all Psalm 91 has been placed in my heart; today, this is just confirmation that I am on the right path and victory is nigh. Again, thank you Jaime for being the vessel God uses to minister to me and others like me who take him at His Word. Continue to hold fast to Him and I pray that your ministry will soar to higher heights under the powerful hands of the Almighty God we call Papa.
Amen! I receive this on behalf of my wife, the generations after me, my family and I in Jesus’ Name, amen.
Yes!!! I prayed this over myself and family! Lord deliver me and my children from all evil and thank you for an hedge of protection!!!!
Thank you Jamie for this prayer. Prayed over me and my family country and the world and for you as well. God bless you!
Jamie- thank you for this prayer. I have prayed similarly over myself and my family always and have walked in faith believing that God’s divine protection is upon us. I lost my son in a tragic accident in July this year and I have been struggling with it wondering why? Where was God’s protection over my son that day? It’s difficult to try and understand why. I have always prayed this prayer and I have always walked in faith believing that my prayers would be heard. My son was saved so I have no doubt that he is with Jesus. Even though my heart aches from the loss of my son I have no doubt that God has a plan that will be fulfilled and I continue to walk by faith even though things happen that we don’t understand. God bless you.
I prayed this prayer just now! I needed this word and I can’t thank you enough for sharing it! I’ll be confessing Psalm 91 over my life and over my loved ones every day from now on! What a powerful blessing and weapon against the evil one! May our Pappa God bless and keep you and your family mightily always!
Love ya!
Gina Trahan
Powerful prayer
Amen and Amen
Amen… Thank you. I prayed and received this on my behalf of myself, my mom, my 2 son’s my entire family in Jesus mighty name.
I felt the Lord’s presence over me the entire time I was staking those claims over me. Don’t know where tomorrow takes our family but I know more than anything that we’re not alone. That is peace only He gives. Thank you Jesus!
Lord God, I thank you so much for this prayer. May the Lord continue to do a mighty work in you Woman of God. Remain bless and I felt the presence of your father Abba as I prayed this prayer.
I have read and it is a strong prayer, when I read it I felt that it was coming out of a shell that had pressed me … Now I feel the HOLY SPIRIT OVER ME,
Thanks to God and to you also Jamie I feel that now if my life changes, it is the honor and grace of Our savior JESUS CHRIST ….. You have taken me in your arms
And you have given me salvation
You have poured out of your love
In my heart
I will not know how to thank you
What you have done for me
I can only give you now my song
Thank you, thank you Lord
Thank you, my Lord Jesus
I have read it and it is a strong powerful prayer…i was praying it for my children’s, my husband, my friends, my families, my work mate and every children’s and families in the community… I felt God”s holy spirit amazing presence over me..
Thank you, Thank you Abba, Father.
Thank you, Thank you Our Lord Jesus .
Thank you, Thank you Jamie
Amen Amen Amen
Thank You Abba Father and thank you Jamie! I received so much from this prayer. Very powerful and I felt the Father’s presence! What an awesome Father we have! God Bless everyone Love in Christ
Extremely needex. Thank you. God bless you mighty.
I prayed and i know My Papa has me and weapon formed against me will prosper, i am in my Papa’s arms he loves me Amen
I prayed this prayer now because of the dreams I have been having. I immediately felt peace knowing God is fighting my battles over me and my kids. Thank you Jamie for putting up this prayers, God bless you richly. Amen
Thank you for the word of the Lord! Praise Jesus.
Praise be to God. I receive and I know that the Lord is with me and my family. We are save under the shadow of His wings🙏
Thank you! Bless you!
I just prayed this prayer and I am strengthened in my body and spirit. I Thank you for this prayer Jamie. God bless you sister in Christ!
I prayed the prayer how Powerful wow thank you for sharing Yes AMEN and AMEN
I prayed and received this prayer, Jamie! So grateful that you allow His gifts and anointing to flow through you!
Amber B.
I received this message in the name of Jesus
Amen 🙏🏾
Amen and Amen!!!
Thank You Lord for this powerful prayer. It blesses me. Thank You Jamie. God bless.
Thank you for this powerful prayer. Bless you.
I read it over me and mine. Thank you, Father, for Jamie and her ministry.
Great prayer. Tx so much for sharing. Will pray this regularly. As I am recovering from a virus (not Corona) right now.
Amen.. Thank You Father.. I read it and I received it and I felt it and I believe it.. I love you so much Father.. God bless you Jamie 😊..
Thank you. JAMIE! I loved how you took that psalm and made it so we can meditate on it and pray it for a personal prayer!!! You make it so clear!!! Thank you!!! Sheri from Michigan
Amen! This powerful prayer is right on time. I am sitting in the hospital room right now with my daughter who is sick with an upper respiratory infection called acute chest syndrome. I prayed this prayer out loud and immediately her fever began to go down. Praise God! I ask for prayer for my child that her body is healed in Jesus name and that her health will be restored in the morning. Thank you in advance Jaime for your prayers!!!!
AMEN AND AMEN AND AMEN! Glory and honor we give unto you mighty God.
Blessings and protection upon you and your family prophetess.. We love you.
Powerful content….
I just prayed this prayer… Thank you for obeying God and thank you for sharing.
Thank, thank you mighty God, thank you my redeemer, thank you my healer, thank you my protector, thank you Jesus, thank you Abba father, thank you Lord of glory, thank you my fortress, thank Elohim, thank you my king, thank you my precious God.. Thank you my friend, thank you my miracle worker, thank you my Jehova Jireh, ooh Lord, thank you for using this beautiful servant to speak your prophetics words over my life, Psalms 91 is God’s words to me, your promises, your words, your miracles, restoration, healings and breakthroughs are manifesting in my life and family in Jesus name.. Thank you Lord, thank you Jesus.. Glory to you forever 🙏🙏❤️❤️
Dank U weĺ Vader. Ik denk Jamie voor de woorden die U haar gegeven heeft. Ik zal schuilen bij de Allerhoogste. Hij is mijn toevlucht, mijn schuilplaats.
Ik kreeg jaren geleden deze tekst…i.v.m. mijn vriendin, het is samen gegaan met een beeld die een profetische zuster had. Dat beeld heb ik later ook in mijn gedachte gekregen.
Ook al lijkt alles verloren, God gaat verder waar Hij gebleven is en maakt het af. Hij is niet als een mens die zijn beloftes breekt.
Ik vertrouw en geloof God. Amen en amen
Powerful prayer! I felt the presence of God while praying this, like all the other prayers you wrote.
I Thank God for life. I believe the spirit of God is working in your life. Before I got your email my pastor had sent out message to all his members to read psalms 91 and pray with it. Then later, I received your email to pray with psalms 91.
Thank you Jesus Christ, thank you Almighty God! Thank you Jamie
Thank you very much, I needed this prayer in my life, glory to be God in Jesus Amen. Your such a God’s send, you always encourage me. God bless you, as you continue to encourage me with the word of God.
Dear sister,
It had been a moment since I’ve been to your blog/page but in this moment I knee where to go to find a prayer to share with people in need at this moment. I have shared this page on Facebook and through texting. I praise our heavenly Father for you always.
Love your sister in Christ
This is a powerful and mighty Word
Thank you Lord
Thank you Jaime
I just prayed this prayer. Thank you for giving me encouragement to continue to trust in God’s unchanging hand. Thank you God for speaking to me through Jamie.
I love jesus.
Pray for me and my family. Amen
Will be praying for you and your family 🙂
I prayed and I believe it and recieve it in Jesus name.
Yes I did and it blessed me. My heart clings to God like the stream He flows to me and like the tree I draw to Him for only in Jesus am I made whole
I come into agreement with this prayer. Psalm 91 is my go to prayer for everything and I am blessed to read this prayer coming out of Psalm 91.
May the Lord continue to use you and keep sinners like me comforted and blessed in these very trying times.
Jamie you are doing a great job
Psalm 91 is my go to prayer for everything and I am blessed to read this prayer coming out of Psalm 91.
May the Lord continue to use you and keep sinners like me comforted and blessed in these very trying times.
Jamie you are doing a great job
Psalm 91 is my go to prayer for everything and I am blessed to read this prayer
Jamie you are doing a great job
Good night, Jamie, I am thanking God for you, I am so blessed to know that God has sent you into my life,at a time when I really needed someone who is at a higher level than I am Thank you Jesus, I am so thankful for these prayers, that I can read over and over again, Thank you, I pray that God will continue to work through you and increase your teachings and ministry.
Yes. And I feel doubly protected by His MIGHTY HAND. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Gid bless you all
I wanted to ask whoever is reading this to pray for some poor children and teenagers in my city who got kidnapped in this week.
Please do me a favor and pray for their family and their own safety, thank you
I prayed this prayer with you, Sis! God bless you and the ministry abundantly!
In Jesus name. Amen and Amen. I am blessed by this powerful prayer!!
Protect my son and I Lord. Remember us Oh Lord. Thank You for You have already answered, in Jesus Name I live in believe and expectations for I trust in You only and Your promises are Yes and Amen.
Amen and Amen! I love psalms 91.
I receive this prayer over me and my family, amen. Thank you Jamie, Papa God continually bless and strengthen you
Thank you for this prayer! I prayed it. ❤️🙏
Thank you Thank you Jamie
This is the best Psalm 91 prayer I have ever read. Thank God for giving you this prayer . May the Lord God continue to bless and inspire you each day. You have been a true inspiration in my life and I look forward to your prayers
Bless you my sister in Christ🙏🙏🙏🙏
Amen 🙏🏼💛
Thank you Jamie. For this beautiful powerful promise and Prayer. Love you
Amen! Me and family are protected and covered by the blood of Jesus! Thankful for this prayer!
I prayed this beautiful scripture. Thank you, Jamie, for writing it out. God bless you and yours.
This is just what I needed today! So real, so powerful, so appropriate to my current situation. Good to read, good to feel, good to know
Thank You Abba Father. 🙏🙏
I prayed this prayer. Amen and Amen
Hi Jamie! I thank God for this powerful prayer. I thank Him for His grace that pulls me out of deep mud pits unto His loving and secret place where I will say the Lord is my shield and bugler, refuge and fotress. In Jesus name
Please pray for me, I am in need of a Immediate Miracle. I have a court situation that I need God to turn around before Christmas, will you please Pray 🙏🏽 and touch and agree with me for God’s Mercy, as well as God’s Favor.
Thank You Jesus!!
I stand firm in you!!
Claim victory in you!! In the power ful name of Jesus Christ
Break every chain, attack in the darkness, whether be physical, spiritual, mental, emotional Lord. The enemies strongholds & schemes have no power over me with you. They are cast out in the blood of Jesus Christ ,you crush them My Lord & Savior!! My Refuge & Strength. Thank you for always be ever present & comforting me in my so many times of need, Lord. I praise & honor you. In the holy healing power name of Jesus Christ! Amen
Yes Amen thank you Lord
This prayer is right on time today! The enemy is attacking my family and I will not stand for it. Amen!
Amen, I did pray this prayer right now!
I absolutely loved this! I prayed over myself and each child! I am grateful for your ministry! So needed this today! I will reread more then once.
Thank you. I love it!
Yes and AMEN!!! Love Sheri from Michigan
In the mighty and powerful name of Jesus. Amen and amen.
Yes. I accept the covering and all blessings that follows from this day forward….and everyday of my life.
Yes and amen! Thank you so much!
I prayed this powerful prayer for me and my family. I am blessed and thank you for always sharing with me. Be Blessed in Jesus Name, Amen
Amen and Amen HALLELUJAH
In JESUS name I pray 🙇🏾♀️ Amen ‼️.
I prayed this Amen
I prayed this prayer! Even now, I can feel the power.
Amen 🙏
Amen and Amen
Thank You God for your word ,faithful and true. I receive this pray in the Name of Crist Jesus Amen and Amen.
Thank you Father, Son & Holy Spirit,
For Your love, Your Word, Your guidance & protection over our family & loved ones. Thank you for the beautiful prayer!
We pray no weapon formed against us shall prosper. In Jesus name, Amen!!!
A powerful prayer thank you !!
I pray this by heart everyday and your prayer in your 7 days praying for children book .
“ let us be demonstrations and examples of your divine protection, etc… “
A testimony … 2 of my Sons were hit by a semi truck from the back and side . In a stormy weather in TN. At night . Couldn’t get to the ER til next day . Truck was totaled .but able to drive it home .
1 Son had afractured rib . The other pain in abdomen . Miracles !!
The next week another Son was driving back from work in the country late. Truck caught fire . He jumped out grabbed his tool box off . Literally the truck burnt down in 5 minutes !!!! No phone with him . Middle of nowhere late Gid sent an “ angel” lady of all people . To use his phone as he was walking in the dark trying to flag the only 2 cars that passed down !!!
Amen amen amen amen amen amen amen .God the father the son the holy spirit protect me from any danger and harm from the enemy. I declare that no weapons form against us shall prosper. In Jesus name.Amen
Yes I’ve prayed with you and I’m blessed thanks and Amen
Thanks jesus our enemies have fallen with calamity,stagnation,fear and poverty. No more fear because you re with us. Amen
I have just prayed this powerful prayer.
Thank you Jamie,
In Jesus Christ Name I pray and I believe Amen
Thank you for this prayer. I have prayed and believe in the name of Jesus.
Amen. I believe that I’m safe now under God’s protection.