Prophetic Word: Update #2 On Your Recovery Season

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Hey beloveds, I wanted to provide you with a short update (see the first one here) on this season of healing, restoration, refreshing, and recovery that we are all in right now.

This morning, I heard the Lord say:

“You shall surely recover all!”

He went on to say:

“I have been telling you that you will recover, and you are seeing evidence of it. This very day, not only were you able to spend time with Me, but you were able to do so without the fleshly preferring of distractions (e.g. your phone).

You woke up refreshed this morning after a solid night’s sleep for the first time in a long time. You are healing, and you have no idea the depths to which I shall heal you.

After this season, you will feel like another person.

I am waking you up to dreams and mantles you only imagined before now. I am awakening you to see again, to ask yourself ‘what if’ and to believe that your ‘what if’ is My ‘absolutely yes.’ 

So dream with me! Allow Me to plant the vision inside you that is from My heart, crafted especially for YOUR heart! You are in Me and I am in You, and I made you to birth My dream on the earth–but we are so one that you didn’t even realize your dream came from Me! 

So have confidence in the One who created you! Work out the totality of your salvation in awe and holy fear of Me, for part of that salvation is redemption from a purposeless life void of dreams! 

I dream of you daily, My beloved child,” says the Lord.

“I dream of you when you sit down and I dream of you when you rise up. I dream of you when you work and when you play. I dream of you, of your life, and of your joy!

I say it again: I dream of YOUR joy!

I dream of giving you good things–so please, let Me! Ask, and you shall receive! Seek, and you shall find! Knock, and the door shall be opened to you!

Take the time right now to make it possible for Me to give you good things. Align yourself with Me, and act on your dreams. For I will open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing that You will not have room to receive it all, and you will have to give it away–and it will keep coming,” says the Lord.

“I love you with an everlasting love, and with great mercies I have borne you.

I have carried you on eagle’s wings since before the day you were conceived in your mother’s womb. I love you and cherish you. I treasure you. I long to shower you with My good and perfect gifts, and I shall, for I the Lord do not change. Selah!”

Thank You, Father!

Beloved, if you haven’t already, begin today to act on your dreams! Let’s enter a season of asking, seeking, and knocking, for the Lord WILL SURELY DO what we ask Him to do!

Does this word resonate with you today? If so, leave a comment below, sow a seed (as I always do, and I did even today after receiving this word!), and ask the Lord PERSISTENTLY, SPECIFICALLY, and IN FAITH to make your dream manifest in the natural in your life!


  1. Gina Deaguiar says:

    I believe and receive this word today!! 2020 is my year to recover all in Jesus’ name.. Amen!! Financial breakthrough , business opportunities ,family healing and restoration and a Godly husband in Jesus’ name!! Amen 🙏 ❤️


  2. Mary Holt says:

    Yes I receive this!! Thank you Lord!!!! Thank you Jamie!! I definitely slept really great last night!! Lord I’m All In!!

    1. Amen and Amen. My beloved family a d I receive it in Jesus name Bove Ll names to his glory,honor,and praise. Halleluj even new homes,job promotion,flourishing business ventures,and all the rest. Amen. Thx for your fervent.prayers sis. Love, Patricia a d Family

      1. Eboné Johnson says:

        I was just telling my husband yesterday that I slept soooo peacefully the night before. My day was wonderful, I was unbothered by the things and people around me and was just so.. at peace, I guess? Just.. calm. For the first time in awhile I wasn’t anxious.. I wasn’t overwhelmed. I wasn’t sluggish. I just.. WAS. Hard to explain but I know it could’ve only been an act of God. No amount of anything in this world has given me that peace that surpasses all understanding. Thanks for being obedient and posting what God spoke to you. It was certainly conformation for me.

  3. Rashidat Kassim says:

    Honestly this is so for me and I receive them all by faith in Jesus and I believe God for them all. Thank You Jesus. I love You.
    Heavenly Father, I am so ready and Lord continue to bless Jamie and her loved ones in Jesus Name amen.
    Dreams, goals are all written out and Daddy they are all waiting for You. I have learn the blessings and virtue in waiting for You Lord.

    1. christy eck says:

      Thank you LORD for ALL you do for me! Jamie, Thank you for leading in prayer…and what a prayer!!! I accept ALL for what OUR FATHER is going to do for me and my family and ALL my brothers and sisters in CHRIST, accept what is our inheritance from OUR FATHER, YES THANK YOU!! I have been down so long and through that prayer you have given my spirit a lift to where i am soaring with eagles now. Thank you GOD!! Jamie you know what i am talking about concerning my youngest son GOD HEARS and PRAISE GOD HE LOVES US!, Praise OUR LORD just AWESOME!! i AM SO HAPPY IN MY SPIRIT FOR WHAT IS HAPPENING AND GOING TO HAPPEN. i love him so…GOD BLESS

  4. David Lockett says:

    Yes,I received this anointed word,be unto me according to the word spoken

  5. 😱Yay!🙌🙌🙌🙌💃💃💃💕💕☝🎉🎊🤸

  6. I receive this in Jesus name!! I am starting to see the restoration not only in others around me and things I have lost, but also within my own heart.

  7. I receive this word. Thank you Lord.

  8. Thank you Jamie I receive this word! As I’m in a time of fasting and prayer contending and declaring all the promises of a God. Praise you Lord !

  9. Gayle Gay says:

    Yes, Father, I believe You and I receive Your message. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!

  10. nwachukwu chinyere says:

    amen i believe,i recieve

  11. Jamie I truly appreciate the time and energy you put into sharing the Lord’s word. What an amazing gift He has blessed you with. All Praise unto Him! I wholeheartedly receive this word and will earnestly seek His good gifts!

  12. It was definitely a direct word. I receive it and will run with it.
    Thank you.

  13. Yes, Thank you ABBA Father for your loving provision and guidance over me and my family!

  14. Linda Stanford says:

    I receive this in your Holy name Lord. Thank you for answered prayers. 2020 hasn’t started out great but I am trusting you to turn it around now Lord. Thank you again!

  15. Yes yes almighty God is recovering and restoring everything in my life in Jesus name, last night when I read the 3 prophecies words in my life, those words came at the right time, when I needed to hear encouraging words and thank God it came, Jamie you may not know this but God is using you, he used you to pass the prophecy words to me.. I prayed over them, woke up energetic, feeling refreshed, walking and speaking those prophetic words over my life, business, finances, family and ever since the start of this month of January, haven’t made any good sales in my business so today guess what, I got clients 5 at ago in the morning and considering am doing online business plus its dry season that was huge for me, Jesus I was so happy, I started thanking God, talking like a mad woman, this is God’s doing,I claimed and still claiming the prophecies and promises over my life.. He’s going to help me reach my target so that I can pay my bills in Jesus name.. God is big, God will do exceedingly and abundantly for what we ask him in Jesus name.. Thank you Lord, thank you for using your servant Jamie to speak these prophetic words of blessings in our lives.. I am from Kenya and our timings are different but I will let God, let his will prevail..thank you father 🙏🙏

  16. This brings tears to my eyes, such love and healing is so needed in my life. I need God to move me back to my home town and restore 7 times or more all that was stolen from me. My body can’t take the harsh environment here or the culture… I need to be by the sea and the sea air….I need a peaceful place to live that I can afford easily, a good job and the finances to make it happen and to be with the love of my life. I am alone in this right now and it’s overwhelming. I am praying for God to show me the way and the how, He already knows!! I am believing in Him for all the wisdom, direction, finances and dreams to come true that I may not even be aware of!. Thank You, Father God and Jesus! Thank you Jamie for your devotion for being a sister in Christ and angel for us….💜

  17. Thomas Swartz says:

    I believe & receive this word in Jesus name!!! Thank You Abba Father!!!

  18. I receive this word. Thank you, God. Thank you, Jamie for this message.

  19. Amen. I receive it in Jesus name.

  20. I decree and agree.

  21. Michael Okedele says:

    Thank you Father

  22. Thank you Lord for complete restoration. Thank you Abba Father that we shall recover ALL that the enemy ever stole from us. Thank you mighty God that what you have spoken over our lives, we already have because your word creates. We receive it in the name of Jesus.
    Bless your faithful servant Jamie throughout this decade as you continue using her as your vessel. Amen

  23. Tyeasha A. says:

    This was definitely speaking to me. I felt like God was speaking to me on this prophetic message. So powerful. I am in a season of recovery and restoration. So much has changed in my life which will all work out for my good. I have no income at the moment so I can’t sow a seed but I will soon. God I decree this prayer of declaration over my life by the Blood of Christ. Continue to shape and purify me to your holy anointing. Give me inner strength Lord. Continue to create in me a pure heart and a loyal and right spirit within me. Give me breakthroughs in my finances and debts Father. Give me wisdom and knowledge Lord. Fill me with the fullness of God in Jesus name. Thank you Jamie for this prophetic message with God’s love and blessings.

  24. Elizabeth Tuinidau says:

    Praise God!Love you my Lord..Thank you for your poeerful prophecy,i received it on my heart ,life and my soul. Love you Lord God.

  25. Lord I receive this message in the name of Jesus Aman i ask U to manifest in the natural in my life! In Jesus name Lord I will see you every blessing you have for me I ask you to pour out and let me receive and your name in Jesus

  26. Thank you Father for confirming your word. My local Pastor declared 2020 as our year to RECOVER ALL in Jesus’ name. AMEN!

  27. Elizabeth Tuinidau says:

    Praise God…I received it in my heart, soul ,body n mind..Amen n Amen

  28. Amen… I claim and receive this message for an abundant financial breakthrough so that God will provide for me and my daughter going through this emotional divorce. Amen. Thank You Father we receive it and we claim it in Jesus Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

  29. Praise the Lord!

    Thank you Jesus.

    May I serve the Lord with all my heart

    To God be the Glory

  30. This is the exact phrase I heard God say for 2020- Recover all! Jamie, I haven’t been to your blog in a while (and even when I visited I don’t think I left a comment before) but was lead back here this morning and then I read this?!

    Thank you Lord for confirming your word to me! I just had to comment. Thank you Jamie for making yourself available.

    1. Hi there! Thanks so much for stopping by and for leaving a comment too. So glad this post blessed you. I’d love to see more of you! Come on in; the water’s fine. 🙂 🙂

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