Ask And You Will Receive, That Your Joy May Be Full

webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1

Here's why you should ask and you will receive, that your joy may be full. An encouraging word by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comDo you really, really, really want something from God–but you feel like maybe you shouldn’t ask? If so, the Lord gave me an encouraging word for you today.

Here’s what He told me:

I was spending time with Daddy God this morning and just telling Him how much I love Him. All of a sudden, I saw a picture in my mind’s eye of Him giving me a big bear hug and kissing my forehead. I felt Him squeeze me tight to His chest. Then I heard Him say, “What do you want?”

I was taken aback by this question. I kind of shook my head and said, “Father, I just want You.”

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    And He said, “No, no, no. That’s not what I mean. I want to give you something. I want to do something for you. What would you like Me to do?”

    And suddenly I could feel His passion and the intensity of His love.

    I could feel the burning love in His heart that was looking for a way to express itself. He wanted to do something for me because He loves me so much, and He just wanted to demonstrate that today. He is, after all, a Giver. He loves to give.

    In total awe of our amazing Father, I asked Him for something specific that has really been on my heart lately. And He said He would give it to me. He just wanted to bring me joy today, because He loves me.

    Related: A Big Hug From Daddy God For YOU!

    Then He told me to share this with you, and that He wants to do the same thing for you.

    How do I know? Because Romans 2:11 tells us that God doesn’t show favoritism. If He wants to do something for me because He loves me, that means He wants to do something for you too–because He loves you just as much. He never changes, and He is ALWAYS pouring out His love on ALL His sons and daughters.

    Of course we should ask with right motives (James 4:3). And we should never try to manipulate God or people with our asking. (See How To Avoid Witchcraft Prayer for more on that.)

    But Daddy God DOES want you to ask. He loves you so much and He absolutely ADORES giving you awesome gifts and surprises. And what He’ll do for me, He’ll do for you.

    That means Abba Father-Daddy God–is also kissing YOUR head right now, saying, “What can I do for you today?”

    This is what Jesus was talking about in John 16:23-24:

    Start-quoteAnd in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you.

    Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”

    Somehow, in His infinite goodness, God actually wants to pour out on us.

    Psalm 51:12 tells us that He is oh-so-generous:

    Start-quoteRestore to me the joy of Your salvation,
    And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.”

    And James 1:17 tells us that He is the Giver of Good and Perfect Gifts:

    Start-quoteEvery good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

    And we already know that He loves to express His love to us through giving:

    Start-quoteFor God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

    What a Daddy God we have. He’s just so good.

    So what do you want God to do for you today? Ask and you will receive!

    • Do you need your hope restored?
    • Do you need Him to comfort you?
    • Do you need financial provision?
    • Do you just need a friend?

    Jesus said that whatever you ask the Father in His (Jesus’) name, the Father will give you. He said to ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

    Your Abba Father wants to do something amazing for you today because He loves you. He is GOOD. He is a Giver at heart. He loves to pour out His blessings on you, and pour, and pour again. He loves you so much. His heart beats for you, and His adoring gaze is focused on you continually.

    So what do you desire? Ask Him. He wants to see you smile. He wants to fill you with delight. He wants to restore your joy.

    Are you ready to ask? Pray this prayer with me:

    “Heavenly Father, I come before You in Jesus’ name. Thank You, Father, for loving me. Thank You for Your great and precious promises. It amazes me that You actually want me to ask You for things. But I know Your Word is true, whether I feel like it or not.

    So Father, in Jesus’ name, I am claiming Your promise today. I receive the words of Jesus, Who said that if I ask You for anything in His name, You would give it to me. He said to ask, and I would receive from You, and that my joy would be full.

    Father, before I ask, I ask You to cleanse my heart. Help me to ask for the right thing for the right reason. I plead the blood of Jesus over this request, and I ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for me since I’m only human and may not ask for things quite right.

    But Father, I am claiming Your promise. I know that You love me as my big Daddy God. Thank You for caring about what I care about. So Father, in Jesus’ name, I ask You right now for the desire of my heart today: ______________________. And as I ask this, I present the blood of Jesus and the name of Jesus to You, knowing that it’s only through Jesus that You have made me Your child. Thank You for honoring the sacrifice of Jesus and pouring out on me because of what Jesus purchased for me.

    Father, I love You. Thank You for being my Daddy. Please help me to notice Your answer to my prayers, and I thank You for hearing me and giving me my request. You are amazing, and I love You. Please fill me with joy today, and be glorified in my life.

    In Jesus’ name, amen.”

    Did this message speak to your heart? Please leave a comment below; I’d love to hear from you!

    Related: Radical Prayers Get Radical Answers


    1. Thank you for this for through you His loving kindness drew me, I am in IHOP crying because I need Him to help me stay close to Him. My emotions can take me for a full ride but today I pump the brakes and will just walk lol, I thank You Papa for your closeness, breath, and being a very present help but my heartbeat You are, I thank You for Your daughter and she stands and answers the knocking and showed us to open the door today, in Jesus name I thank You and love You, this was a help

      1. Thank you so much for reading, Djenne. And I felt like I should tell you that our loving Daddy God knows exactly what pain and thoughts are in your heart, and HE CARES more than you could ever know. He just wants to draw you close to Him, and you will find healing in His heart.
        I’m sorry it took me so long to respond… I was traveling and got really behind this week. But I hope you have a nice weekend. Thank you for reading my blog, and I pray Papa would bless you today. 🙂

    2. Rafael-Olivier Somma says:

      God bless you Jamie.

      1. Thank you, Rafael-Olivier. Hope you’re doing well today. 🙂 Thank you for reading, as always.

    3. It’s amazing how little children take this concept to heart better than we do. Faith ikf a child right? My 3 year old son was praying I would feel better (I suffer from chronic lyme disease) and as soon as he’s done he will say “you feel better right?” Anything he prays for he always assumes God will take care of it. Very good lesson!

      1. Jennifer, that’s totally awesome. Kids KNOW, don’t they! If we could all just go back to that kind of faith and simplicity! Let it be so, Daddy God. Let it be so.
        Thank you for reading and sharing, Jennifer! Have a wonderful day!

    4. Jamie,
      Thank you so much for this! I’m praising God right now for your ministry. Our family has been going through difficult circumstances (multiple) for several years now, and had reached the point of being bogged down in them. We have been Christ followers for many years, but this may be the most extensive period of testing we have been through. I could feel myself losing hope and was praying desperately for God to “restore our joy.” When I happened across this link on Pinterest, I was drawn to the article. Sometimes we may know all the right words for others, but need someone else to bring the right words to our attention. You’ve done that for me! God is powerfully good! Thank you again.

    5. Yes!, I have finally got it through my thick head that if I don’t ask, I can’t receive. And I could stay in endless waiting. I would ask at times but with to little understanding of the promises and the approach to God the Father.

      I am asking now with belief and the strength of Gods words……..and it makes all the difference. Staying humble also, and staying away from self pity which I have learned the hard way is not favorable in Gods eyes in that it lacks faith. Not an expert on this but these are a few things that I have learned and am using.

      I am at the beginnings of receiving. Thank you for your sharing of wisdom, insight and teachings.

    6. Bo "Tiffany" Lopez says:

      Thank you for this and other prayers. If you could please pray in agreement with me that my husband turn back to God and come home where he belongs. He left us almost 4 months ago. My children and I miss him being home. I miss him being my husband. His name is Daniel. Thank you and God Bless you.

      1. Good morning Jamie. Thank you for your message this morning. Truly was a blessing. Thank you so much. God bless. Amen.

    7. Elizabeth Lawrence Onajide says:

      Thank you for this, it just restored my hope in God again and in His ability to give me my heart desires..

      1. Thanks for the prayers it really is a blessing that was needed .I believe God will answer my prayers .I prayed for God to bless your ministry.

    8. Denise Govi says:

      Thank you for this! It helped me to ask God in a better way to help me.

    9. Bert Smith says:

      Hello Jamie, thank you for sharing today’s message with us, it came alive in me , I thank God for your ministry, and I pray God give you a thousand fold return on everything you put your hand to , in Jesus Name , Amen.

    10. In Jesus name I pray??Show me You hear me Lord ??What is impossible with man is only possible with You Father God ????????Only You can move such a large mountain ??????All for Your glory in Jesus name I pray Amen ??❤️

    11. Elizabeth A. says:

      I thank God for you, I cried because my home is in forclosure and prayed, and prayed , and I felt it wasn’t meant to save my home. but you’re blog gives me hope. May God bless you.

    12. Saint John says:

      I needed this. Thank you great mentor.

    13. chimfwembe says:

      Thank you so much for the word Jamie, you have been such a blessing to me. God bless you.

    14. Kathy Woriax says:

      Mrs. Jamie, I just wanted to make sure you sent out a personal request for prayer this week involving your new baby. I was concerned because so many websites have been hacked lately and the hackers are requesting donations. I did send you a donation through pay-pal under the name Kathy Sanderson. I just wanted to make sure you received it and that the request was legit. Please delete this message after you read it and let me know. Thanks so much! Kathy Woriax

    15. Michael M Agbowoshoma says:

      This is indeed has been a blessing to me and encouraged me to pray without ceasing. God is able to the impossible to become possible in his name (Jesus Christ). Amen.

    16. Joseph Richard Mirabito says:

      Dear Jamie, thank you for a beautiful, timely and accurate message. I not only agreed with every single word but It confirms that God is speaking the same things to different people around the world God does want us to have intimate relationship and that is only possible when we hear Him. God does want to hug us and give us multiple blessings. God does want to use us to tell the world what a wonderful God we serve. Nothing is impossible for Him! You do not know how reassuring it is to have someone else reaffirm how intimate God wants us to be with Him to even call Him ‘Dad”. I do not know if you have a blog on how to hear God but I would love to hear your comments on that. I started a journal on the messages I got from daily having time alone with our Dad in 2014 and the messages not total over 3000 pages of conversation. My life changes after that and I have received a lot of healing, protection and provision in that time. My daughter was saved from certain death in an incident in a car. I was warned in advance and advised to send angels to protect her. Her car was literally lifted off the ground and turned 90 degrees and the other car changed direction to avoid her driver’s door at the last second. We serve an awesome God. Most people ignore our wonderful Dad. Keep up the brilliant work! Joseph R.

    17. Joseph Richard Mirabito says:

      By the way, the name Jamie is French for “I love”. God know what He was doing!

    18. Thank you Jamie, May God Bless you abundantly.

    19. Thanks so much! For the word of God you made us to understand much more through you by the help of the Holy Spirit!!!.

    20. Thank you for this post. It brings so much clarity.

    21. Millie Williams says:

      Jamie, I thank you so much for all your prayers. May God continually bless you and your family, ministry. In the mighty name of Jesus. AMEN

    22. good day, pse can you pray for restoration in my current relationship an pray the other person interfering which is his x to be removed from this relationship she is a thorn in my side for so long – I have been crying out to the Lord to help me – pse stand with me in prayer I am not harming anyone just for this situation to be turned around for me pse HELP

    23. Millie Williams says:

      Jamie, I thank you for this prayer today. I am asking God for me and my husband a Big Finacial Breakthrough enough money to pay off our debts and pay our bills in full. I know there is nothing to hard for God to do. I want enough to be a blessing for anyone who is in need. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. AMEN

    24. Thank you for this. I am new to your work and to some of these ways to pray. So very comforting. I am in need of prayer and Father God’s love and healing. Again, thank you. Sending love.

    25. Thanks so much for this.
      I’m grateful and I’m assurés nothing is by accident in my life.
      I’m grateful for all He’s done in my life and I’m happy for answered prayers too. God bless !


      Greetings Jamie..Its sheer coincidence that I would receive this prayer today..I have been emotional today and at my wits end and boom this prayer comes through .To pray just like Jesus instructed ..TO ASK OF OUR FATHER ANYTHING WE NEED IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME…THANK YOU JAMIE..GOD BLESS 🙌 🙏 YOU..LOTS OF LOVE ❤️

    27. LeJuene Wynn says:

      I bless Abba for the good and perfect gift of His son Jesus who said it is finished. So my heart is filled with joy and not pain, my spirit is full, my days are numbered by the Father, my path is being made straight and not crooked, my thoughts are not carnal but I have the mind of Christ today. There is greater in my latter days than my former, I am blessed and possess all and everywhere my feet shall travel. Every tear I have cried and continue to cry is on the Father’s heart and his thoughts and plans He thinks towards me. Father teach me to ask of you again, to contunue to seek and watch the doors you have ready as you tell me to go through go through the gates! I’m so very grateful Father for your daughter who serves you with tenacity and perseverance. Father I ask in Jesus mighty name you bless her abundantly give her the desires of her heart, protect her and her family and show yourself strong and mighty in her life. God Bless You Jaime and thank you for always being a blessing to US!

    28. Hi Jamie
      I am in the ER with my husband at this moment, while praying in tongues and listening to a YouTube video ” Your faith has made you well, 61 healing accounts of Christ from all 4 Gospels by “No Greater Love ” channel, i looked at the clock on my phone it read 5:55. I got a notification from your site on a prayer so i came to pray. I was watching a YouTube video called ” your faith has made you well, 61 moments of healing by Christ in 4 Gospels by No Greater Love channel. My husband awoke briefly telling me he had a strange dream, that a African warrior came to him and shower him a huge great pig. Then the warrior told him to kill it! My husband fell back asleep. I have asked, they took blood work but no one is attending to him, we been here for hours 6 to be exact. Jamie 🙏🏿 please pray for his healing. I prayed the new prayer you sent out and told daddy God exactly what I wanted. That’s when my husband awoke and told me his dream. He’s 73 years old, pneumonia here in ER, heart issues, double amputee, etc lots more I believe God 4 the miracle healing Holy Spirit told me about in April on my husband to completely restore him. I know the number 5 means something. I been seeing 5:55, 10:10 and 11:11 anytime I happen to look at the clock. Please pray miracle healing over my husband. Thank you

    29. Irma Nortje says:

      AMEN Thank you Father for hearing our family’s prayers and help us to notice and receive and thank you for the answers to our prayers according to Your Holy Will and Glory. God bless you beloved Ps Jamie for sharing your faith.

    30. Joseph Gandywest Agathe says:

      Amen.I give thanks and praise to the Lord Jesus Christ.

    31. Isabella Nolucky says:

      Thank you my Daddy for loving me

    32. This prayer was very important to me. Please say amen in agreement that what I desire is also in line with the will of ABBA Father.

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