Fasting Brings Acceleration

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Beloveds, I’m spending time with the Lord this morning and I felt urgently that I am supposed to tell you this today: fasting brings acceleration.

Many of you have received promises or prophetic words from the Lord, but you haven’t seen progress toward those promises. Fasting brings acceleration.

Others of you are in desperate need for God to answer your prayer. Will He answer anyway? YES. But fasting brings acceleration.

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    Some of you have been earnestly waiting on God for material and financial provision. Will He provide anyway? YES.

    But fasting brings acceleration.


    God has been blessing me quite a bit lately. Every blessing has been a welcome change, because you all know I’ve been through some pretty hard times over the last few years. Sometimes it has felt like the fulfillment of my promises would never arrive. (That’s why we don’t operate on feelings; we operate on faith.)

    But fasting brings acceleration.

    And every time I have been desperate for breakthrough, I felt led of the Holy Spirit to take to fasting.

    And every time I have fasted …

    Not kidding, every time! …

    Breakthrough that seemed like it was very far off came quickly.

    Because fasting brings acceleration.

    So what’s the word for you today?

    Just this:

    If you have been sensing the prompting of Holy Spirit to take to fasting, even in mild ways (e.g. fasting from desserts), please, follow His prompting.

    Because fasting reaches forward into the future and pulls things which are far off, in the normal course of events, into the here and now IN THE SUPERNATURAL COURSE OF EVENTS.

    And by the way, fast specifically for the breakthrough you need.

    If you need a new job, write down the kind of job you desire, the work hours you want, the salary you want, and the benefits you need. Then fast and pray, pray, pray SPECIFICALLY for those things. Name them out loud in prayer to God.

    As in, “Father, please send me a new job with THIS pay and THIS working environment and THESE benefits. Thank You, Lord.”

    You have not because you ask not, right? That’s what the Bible says. So it’s time to get to asking.

    Do you need money? Write it down, and pray for money.

    Do you need relationships? Make a list of the relationships you want, and pray over those specific relationships over and over.

    Beloved Presence-seeker, I can’t even tell you how many breakthroughs the Lord has brought me–nearly ALL in response to prayer combined with fasting.

    This is the word I felt like I was supposed to share with you today. Fasting brings acceleration.

    Is Holy Spirit prompting you to fast already? Is this word confirming something in your spirit? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear what’s going on with you!

    Love in Christ,

    Related articles I’ve written about fasting:

    10 Practical Tips for Easy Fasting
    Field Notes From My Fasting Failures
    The Supernatural Grace for Glorious Fasting
    On Intercessory Fasting

    Would you help me with my work of reaching people for Jesus as a domestic missionary? This blog, and all of my mission work in person, are made possible through your partnerships, donations, and product purchases.

    If you’d like to help me, please check out the partnership details and products available for sale here. And, thank you in advance for helping make this blog and everything we do together for the Kingdom possible!


    1. JANICE CHARLES says:

      Yes, yes this word is for me. I feel that there have some delays in my life, personal, ministry, job, healing. I do feel prompted to fast and I will fast today, Sunday. It’s 4:36AM and, with God’s grace, I will fast until 10am on Monday. I need for many things to be accelerated in my life. So, yes, I will fast – water only, tomorrow, and return to my one-day-a-week fast on Fridays.

      To the glory of God, I WILL have testimonies.

      Thanks again, Jamie! You bless my life!

      1. Lord God, bless my sister for her hunger and thirst for YOU.
        Janice, I’m so glad this post spoke to you. I pray Father God would pour out His Spirit on you this very day, and that He would also bring you the acceleration you desire, in Jesus’ name.

        1. Shanterol Baker says:

          This messages and all other messages have spoken directly to my spirit and have resonated deeply within me. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and support and i’m praying for God to Bless my finances so that i can start sowing into this ministry because you have been such a Blessing to me in this Season of my life. Thank you Shanterol Baker

      2. Thanks for sharing. I’m some days into my fast and sometimes l don’t feel like l am making any progress or head way in seeing breakthroughs. I read this today and l am hopeful. I also read your devotional on You Version and l have made notes to change A LOT of things regarding the way l have approached this fast. Thanks for sharing. I will press on…

      3. Blessed v says:

        Thank you for your encouragement sister Jamie

      4. Thank you so much for this Jamie, for sure you are a Blessing to me and your emails always comes to me at the right time. For now am in need of God for my breakthrough for a job as ending this month I will have left my previous job and I really need God to intervine in my situation together with my Hubby and as a whole as a family. Had started fasting though partially like just a fruit and water in 24 hours no eating hard meals. Am still in this state of Prayers and I believe in my Father as He will see me through. Thank you so much and May God Bless You Abundantly.

    2. Ann Johnstone says:

      Funny you should talk about fasting Jamie. I remember you first mentioned it in the lead up to the Jewish New Year 5777. At the time I had intended to fast, but had been sick for the past month, and within a couple of days I was diagnosed with a parasitic infection which I’d picked up when I lived in India five years earlier! Antibiotic treatment was unsuccessful, so for the past four months I have been on a diet which is so limiting (no sugars, no gluten, low protein and dairy) that I’m exhausted most of the time. A number of people have been praying for my complete healing, and I live in hope 🙂

      1. Oh Ann, that sounds awful. I am SO sorry that you’ve been sick! Father, please heal my sister right now because You are GOOD and You love her.

        Ann, if you still feel led to fast, I’d encourage you to consider starting with something very simple that is manageable but still has meaning–and which you have the courage to do. For instance, fasting from TV for a period of time, or desserts, or anything else that Holy Spirit may quicken your heart to do.

        But there are also times, I know, when fasting is not the option we need. Sometimes Father wants us to just rest and receive. I pray Abba would give you wisdom, grace, and peace to know exactly which season you’re in, and to rest in whatever He has told you to do. In Jesus’ name.

        1. DAVID TETTEH DAMEH says:

          Thank you for your revelation as to fast for a speedy answers. Comes Monday 31st July I am going for 21 days concerning my finances and breakthrough in ministry. Most a times I don’t know because I don’t list my prayer request that why things delay. Please remember me, I have been in financial desert for 35yrs. I hope with your direction I will overcome.

    3. Robbie Peterson says:

      Yes, this confirmed what I heard in my spirit earlier last week. Thank you for this word.

      1. So glad to hear that, Robbie. May Father bless you as you fast and pray, and may He answer all your requests speedily.

        1. Hi Jamie, your blog is very inspiting thsnks for sharing. Please I would like to Ask how can I reach you. Do u hv s personal email. I need advice as I have been going through a lot and someone to intercede for me and pray for me thanks

    4. Rebecca L Jones says:

      I have been going through some days lately and I told my mother it was harder than doing the fast. I actually doubled the one we did taking it through the Feast of Tabernacles. Not bragging on me but Him. I’m interesting in whether I should consider, something everyday, a day a week, or doing the first 3 weeks of January. A friend in Florida is doing that with her church, anyway, I believe you are on track with this.

      1. I definitely encourage you to do this if you feel led, Rebecca. I have a normal fasting routine every week, in addition to special times of extended fasting. I see such results from that time that I wouldn’t go without it, no matter what.

      2. A great reminder on the value of fasting Jamie.. 😊

    5. Funny you talking about fasting . Today in a church service,I found myself making notes that I should fast for strength to live in obedience to the teachings & promptings of the Holy Spirit. Was kinda on a dry patch spiritually.
      Also need prayers for financial provision to service outstanding debts. Am a widow & the word of God tells me because of this standing I’m special. I pray God helps me free of this burden.
      Thank you for this word. It confirms what the Holy Spirit was ministering to me.

      1. Fran, that’s awesome that the Lord was speaking to you about that. I believe that, when we fast and pray for things about our spiritual lives and motives, He answers those prayers incredibly fast. Just recently, I felt led to fast and pray, asking God to purify my motives about a particular thing. It was a 21-day fast; and by about the 4th day, my attitude and motives about that thing had been totally transformed. And the rest of the fast, I spent time praying about other things and God did MIRACLES.

        It’s like, when we love Him so much that we’re willing to fast and pray for something as childlike as just loving Him more and obeying Him, He answers as fast as He can because He’s just so thrilled with our heart’s desire for Him.
        I just prayed for you and your financial need too. Yes, Papa is the Protector of widows. You ARE special. May Father God multiply His grace, strength, and provision to you exponentially today, in Jesus’ name.

        1. Denise Moorel says:

          Thank you Jamie, I use to fast on Sunday morning until church service is done, NOW I’m going to fast on Saturday to Sunday, on the behalf on my grandsons and other’s that in the unjust and unrighteousness, and for it to move the appeal quickly and speedily, in GOD will, thank you Jamie for the prayers justice and righteousness, I been praying that for 3mos, me and my daughter, it’s her son, We looking for a breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough, Good News, please pray for my grandson Mind, his name is Prince Immanuel Jehovah Jeriah Royal, and my other grandson name is Ismael, and my nephew name is Tyquan, also my ex, name is Calvin, I been praying for release GOD has a calling on All of them, GOD called them Gideon soldier’s, God lead Me to pray for 7 of them, for a long time, not finish yet, GOD gets the glorious glory amen 🙏

    6. Sherri Roberson says:

      I have fasted but maybe I am doing it wrong. More details on what to do while fasting would be nice.

        1. I am so thankful for this article and how it confirms what God will do for me in the new year. I am being led by God to fast for the new year concerning relationships, my calling, my career and my finances. I believe God will do just as he promised if I obey Him and fast in faith! Thank you again for this article.

    7. I also needed this weird, it’s also been a hard year for me and one of the problems I have I’d that I am an emotional eater ,not declaring or claiming it, but it has made it even harder for me to fast. I used to be able to fast 3 days only water, the Daniel fast and even made it a one day a week discipline for a while and God always provided fast responses to my prayers and my spirit longs for it but can’t seem to get started again 🙁 After reading your post I have found encouragement to start again especially because of the situation that me and my family are going through. Thanks for being obedient to what the Lord speaks to you. God bless you!

      1. Maria, I understand. I went quite a long period a few years ago in which I just could not bring myself to have the courage to fast. Here are a few things that helped me, in case they help you too:
        -I started praying for the will and grace to fast again, as described in Supernatural Grace for Glorious Fasting (link above).
        -I started drinking lots of water. Distilled water is best, and you’ll notice the difference. Your body interprets cravings for water and cravings for sugar the same way–they feel the same. But if you’re hydrated, you can say no to the sugar craving.
        -I started reading Atomic Power With God Through Fasting and Prayer, and the testimonies I found therein inspired me to fast. (Link to that book is in the Supernatural Grace post above.)

        I hope this helps. I’m glad you’re finding courage. And I encourage you–even if you fast from something like desserts, while still taking your ordinary 3 meals per day or whatever, God will still honor it and you will see results. Sometimes He tells me to fast from desserts only. I tend to feel like that’s not enough; but He has brought miracles in response to my simple obedience to a simple command.

    8. Thank you for this encouragement.

      1. Thank you for reading, Meme. So glad Papa blessed you. May He bring acceleration into your life speedily!

    9. Thank you Jamie for this post. It is helping me complete a 3-day fast of which I was led to do before 2016 came to an end. My need and want is more of God the Father, God the son, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Fasting and spending more time alone with HIM in His Word and in praying I truly believe will bring me closer to Him and bring deeper revelation of all things. I just want to soak up as much of Him as I can humanly stand and fall ever the more so deeply in love with Him. HE is my reward; Hallelujah!

    10. Pauline Borgan says:

      Jamie, I’ve wanted to reach out to you so that you would pray for my husband and I. We are so in need of seeing God answering our prayers. We are asking Him to bless my husband’s business and help us in our financial needs. We are desperate for God’s blessings. Please join us in asking our Heavenly Father, our Jehova Jireh, our Provider and Protector to hear the cry of His children. In Jesus’ sweet name I pray. God Bless❤

      1. I’m coming with a heavy heart and just prayed. Im going to do the fast, the devil is attacking me. I need everyone to stand with me in prayer for my son Ryan he is going through a dark time the devil just don’t stop i just want peace between him and my husband. AMEN

    11. I tried to get away from this, I really did. Lol. But the Lord is using your post to talk to me about fasting and acceleration, especially during the next 2 months. Thank you for posting. (good thing I saved it to read later.) I believe I will see major acceleration in my life.

    12. Hello Jamie,
      Your website is such a blessing to me!
      A couple years ago my husbands job and ourcomfortable ( not living pay check to pay check) financial position was stolen from him after 10 years of literally blood, sweat and tears to get there. Since then we have struggled extremely in every way and just when we think it might get better it gets worse. Is fasting better when specifically for something? Please pray for us…finances are desperately in trouble

    13. Am really encouraged reading this. it’s thrilling reading about fasting. And I’m inspired by the testimony shared. I believe God for better days ahead this year and more grace to wait on Him. Cos I’ve found out that God can do MORE if we learn to WAIT on Him. God bless you Jamie.

      1. Yes, it’s all about seeking Him first and only doing what we see Him doing; only saying what we hear Him saying. Definitely the key to everything!

    14. Fon Nche Eric says:

      I appreciate your write up. For it is an absolute truth when you pray and ask God through fasting and supplication you will receive it even before the fasting end. It has happened to me countless times. But let no one thing that I am a religious person no. I go to him only when it is black in front and there is no way. But he is always there for me. I do not know how but it works like magic.

    15. Glory be to God, I will be taking a fast tomorrow specially for, HOLY SPIRIT LED THE WAY OUT OF STAGNATED LIFE AND MINISTRY.

    16. lucy afolayan says:

      I appreciate your write up. It really explains lot about what I am going through. I used to fast a lot in the past and each time, I always get results. Even before the fasting is over. But of recent I noticed that I fast but nothing seems to be happening. I fast some more again and instead of things getting better, they get worse.I am really confused as to what I am not doing right. I am fasting again and would follow the steps you highlighted because right now, I am in the worst situation in my life. I am deeply in debt with bills piling up, my marriage is at the brink of breaking and no inner peace or joy. I know God will make a way, but it is just so difficult to see the light with all the struggling.

    17. Beyanka S. says:

      I’ve been being called to fast for weeks but haven’t done it. Recently I got notification to get a Easter badge by completing a bible plan. So I was looking for a plan that confirmed something in my spirit and at the bottom was your fasting plan!! I definitely appreciate you breaking fasting down and teaching me how to be successful in my fast.

      I’m fasting for resources. I’m a new business owner and my business is my Ministry. I make natural pain relievers based on Rev22:2 The leaves of the earth will heal the nation. I have a big launch set for June 1st, also my granny’s bday, in Atlanta but I’m from Flint, MI. I’m going to be a vendor at the women’s expo there. In the meantime I’m getting branded, make commercials, getting a staff (siblings), making bulk products, and gaining a following on social media. The plan is to take $15,000 retail value in products with me and pay both my brothers a $1000 each. I’m fasting for resources needed to complete the project successfully and the knowledge of how to get the customers excited about us coming before we even get there!!

    18. Hi…

      My name is Vumani Romeo I would just like to say that I stumbled around your article today and I noticed that it’s from 2016, which proves to me that the word of God does not age like the articles of 2016 we read or heard about. This is one thing that I asked the lord to show me if he is real. And I know that he has just started coz it’s working for me today 3years later. GOD is almighty and the Alpha and Omega. By the way I stumbled on your article from the YouVersion Bible app on playstore. Keep doing the great work of God and I know that he’s blessings will follow you. Don’t give up.

    19. Yetunde IbukunOluwa says:

      Hi Jamie. Thank you for blessing me today with this word of encouragement. I’m in a 3-day no food no water fast, for acceleration of prophecies and salvation of my loved ones. I believe more that I’ll get my testimonies this time in Jesus name. Amen. God bless you.

    20. Haleluya, Amen!!

      I was planning to start fasting, reading your post its really helpful, so i noted it down i i want and i will pray to God for his blessing
      I am still looking for Jobs, Its nearly 1 year now without a job
      you a such a blessing . You really answered my prayers and waht i really want
      “Fasting brings acceleration”

    21. Hi,

      I like to put God first in everything and fast for that purpose, but I do not know if I’m fasting for “the rest will follow” or “put God first”. Very difficult to understand my own heart if my intent is correct. How to discern this?

      1. Hi Alvin, while you’re fasting, ask God to purify your heart. Easy! 🙂
        Have a great day!

    22. Hi Jamie,

      I stumbled on this article from Youversion Bible app. I was first of all blessed by the 5 days plan. on victorious fasting, and then again this. i have never understood fasting as much as i do now. i enjoy it so well and most of all my relationship with God is clearer.
      Thank you for your time to bring this realization to many and for allowing the Holy Spirit work through you.

      Hoping to her from you more and more


      1. Hallelujah! Thank you so much for reading, Joey! I’m thrilled that the Lord blessed you!

    23. Thank you for the article, it has really been an eye opener as I recently devoted myself to praying and fasting to seek God and for breakthrough. It has truly been a pleasure reading your blog. Stay blessed!

    24. Jessica Sivells says:

      Wow! Thank you so much for sharing!! Yes this is on time for me! Thank you! Can’t wait to see what HE does!

    25. Olere Iluebbey says:

      Thank you so much for this article, Jamie. I just finished your devotional on You Version and it has prepared me to start the new year with a fresh perspective on fasting.
      More blessings.

    26. Thank you very much for this WORD. I really needed, there’s been several times that I felt deeply the need to fast but sometimes ignored those promptings.
      I pray for God’s grace to fast the right way to His glory.

    27. Lori Morgan says:

      Thank you so much for your ministry and sharing your wealth of knowledge and spiritual maturity. I’m new to fasting and in my search for insights and advice on how to do it well I came across your devotional plan on the YouVersion Bible App. I’ve been through a few on fasting, but yours has been my favorite by far. I felt like i was sitting across the table from you just chatting with a friend. THANK YOU for that! You made it simple and concise while including all the necessary and pertinent information and instruction, in language that is encouraging and easy to understand.

      My husband and I started a new business almost a year ago and while we believe God called us to this, the financial struggles have been overwhelming us. We know we’re on the right track as the business is growing, but the past due bills are creeping up and we know we need to lean into God a little further, with a little more trust and a little more faith that He will be glorified. The decree you spoke for multiplication and increase was exactly what we needed to hear, and to speak, with FULL FAITH that God will do infinitely more than we could even ask or imagine. I actually typed the whole thing out and we now speak it over ourselves daily and have it hanging in our bedroom to see everyday. I even keep a copy in my car. Thank you for putting words to voice and voice to words we need to be speaking and expecting and believing for.

      So thankful to have found your work when I did. God is using you beyond what you can even imagine. Thank you for sharing your gift, teaching, encouraging, and proclaiming God’s faithfulness.

      Sending much love in Christ!

    28. Joy J Ridgeway says:

      Praise God for your beautiful ministry. I’m on my first Lent Fast beginning with your direction on the matter. I just wanted to thank you this morning as I sit here with my coffee and my journal. I wish you a bright and fruitful day. Joy

    29. Amen! Thank you! I am fasting food for 40 days. I need God. I am stuck in a lot of ways mentally, financially, and spiritually. I need God. I have been led to this fast and I just desperately need him.

      There are a lot of promises that I’ve received that I desire fulfilled. I don’t want to wast my life building castle on the sand and I just need direction, I need breakthrough, I need anointing from God’s hand, and I need provision in all this.

      Thank you for the reminder. I’m on day 2, so I have a long road ahead, but I really do need great moves of God in my life.

      I really desperately desire the acceleration,

    30. Yvonne GRIFFIN says:

      Thank you for this word. In this time of social distancing I have been finding the time to get back in to my word more and also being prompted to start fasting again. I found d your bible study on bible version and have now began following you. I am inspired. I have recently published a book the Lord directed me to write and am working on the second one now. The prophecy over it was phenomenal and I see things coming to be now. God is so good and I am ready once again to offer myself in fasting to accelerate His words! Amen and God bless your obedience to Him and speaking
      Grand forks North Dakota

    31. Patrice McCullough says:

      This was so for me. The Holy Spirit has been tugging at me to fast during this COVID-19 season. Failed miserable several times. I read your 5 day devotional on You Bible. I actually read it while I was fasting and broke the fast because I felt I entered it unprepared. Then I read it again at the unction of the Holy Spirit, and upon completion this time ( today April 25, 2020) I clicked the link that led me to this blog. God has a blessing stored up for me, which is why I am convinced that He NEEDS me to fast. Thank You for allowing God to use you as a vessel of His Voice. I am encouraged and I will spend a day praying about HOW He wants me to fast, and for how long.

    32. Lindsay Le Grand says:

      I was led to this article from completion of you 5 day prep to victorious fasting bible study from the YouVersion app. I did that Bible study along with a 5 day detox to cleanse my body of damage due to emotional covid eating. I was blessed by your study. Everything you mentioned, happened along these last 5 days. I have been darted and I have been blessed. I did not go into this detox as a weight loss and have been in prayer more than usual and it has been everything of a journey I’ve been needing. I feel like I just completed my very first fast and if it wasnt considered a true fast well then I feel ready to embark on a real one! It was a great experience and a God-send. I wanted to let God work in my body to make it a temple to house the Holy Spirit. I feel His presence. I am not reacting to difficulties the same. My family is seeing the results. They are a part of the results without even noticing they are. Thank you for sharing! God bless you.

      1. Hi Lindsay, this is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing. I’m thrilled that the YouVersion plan blessed you. It sounds like your fast was amazing! Way to take the Kingdom by force (Matthew 11:12)!

        1. Charmaine Pillay says:

          Hi Jamie thanks for this article Cis it just gave me confirmation to go on my scheduled fast.Let us pray and stand together as the body of Christ to increase our faith and to give hope to the hopeless.Let’s do the fast we are called to do in Isaiah 58.All the best and thank you.I’m also needing a lot of break through.Amen

    33. Hi Jamie,
      This is a great word. I am really encouraged to fast the right way. Thank you so much. This plan will help so many people. May God bless you and your mission.

    34. Q. Matthewson says:

      This is the word I needed. I am currently in week two of my 21 day fast and I’ve learned so much from your 5 day plan on YouVersion which lead me here. God had this word here for me. I feel encouraged and excited to continue. My level of expectancy has skyrocketed! My faith has increased! I feel renewed now that I’ve read this article and completed the 5 day plan! Thank you! May God continue to bless you and use you for His Glory!

    35. Portia kay says:

      Hi, thank you very much for the devotion and this post. I needed this! I know God will do what He has promised! I will continue to be obedient and fast. I’ve learned so much from your devotion. Again thank you.

    36. Learnt alot today thank you

    37. Yes, this was an encouraging message. Since I’m on day four of a 40 day fast.

      1. May God bless and keep you in your fast. I finished a 40 day fast last year and it has been one of the most trying but transforming years of my life and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I am not the same woman I was, I am so different, and God has truly changed me!!! I needed my life to be radically different and God has so worked in that and is continuing to change me.
        May God keep you and bless you and honor all your prayers. Keep psalm 20 in your heart!

    38. Yes yes.. Confirmation to fast for divine acceleration in settlement to my marital status, soon meeting my husband in Jesus Mighty name, Almighty God has confirmed this and I will be obedient once again and seek his Kingdom and righteousness.. Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord Almighty God.
      Thank you Jamie for allowing Holy spirit to use you, glory to the most high God.

    39. Hallelujah! Blessings to you and your entire household Jamie!! Yes, Holy Spirit has spoken to me about fasting, and I’ve finally set my mind to do so in Jesus’s Name. Amen!

    40. Elizabeth Tuinidau says:

      Hi Jamie!
      Thank you so much for your encouragement word.Praise the Lord!.I’m going to start doing it today.Thank you so much.

    41. Hi Jamie, been going through some darks times lately. Just started a fast. One meal a day, nothing after midnight, nothing before 12pm. This word was very encouraging cause I need God’s attention desperately. I thank you so much for doing what you do.

    42. God bless you Jamie, an amazing woman of God. I bless the Lord for you.
      This message caught me today just as I was embarking on a 3 day fast(water only) and I must say it was God send message. I am seeking the face of the Lord and specifically praying to hear when He speaks. I am always clouded by many things and I realize if I don’t hear from my Father in heaven I shall continue making wronge decisions in my life and never growing spiritually. So this is my specific prayer item and I am purposing by the end of these 3 days, my spirit man shall have tuned into the frequency of the Lord and I shall clear hear my God speak to me. Please help by joining in faith that this shall be accomplished for the glory and honour of God

    43. Good morning Jamie,
      Thank you for an amazing devotional. I fast often but I needed a refresher. Each daily reading taught me something new. I am praying for acceleration in so many areas in my life. I’m currently fasting for obedience to God’s commands, financial breakthrough, closer relationship with my children and intercessory prayer for the release and destruction of strongholds on boyfriend (DDH). He comes from a broken and violent childhood that shows up in fear and lack of trust. It’s so sad. Whenever I fast with target prayers for him, things get better during the time of the fast, but shortly after the fast ends, he reverts back to paralyzing fear. I’ve asked God to reveal how to break this cycle, but I have not received an answer yet.

      Please pray with me!

    44. I am on the third day of a fast but I felt I needed to do however it may be a failure because I just found your five day devotional on the Bible app I am forever grateful I pray that this is not in vain since I am at the end of my fast ty so much for the devotional❤️

    45. Hi Jamie,

      Thank you so much for letting God use you to share this message. Every thing you spoke is confirmation for me. I’m breaking a 4 day fast today. I was just praying to God about supernatural release in my life and I happen upon your article. I know it was ordained by God for me to read this. It has encouraged my heart and confirmed that God sees my diligence in fasting and prayer. I’m cheerfully expecting Him to accelerate everything that pertains to the prayers I have prayed, in the Name of Jesus!

      God bless you!

    46. Desiree Custis says:

      This is word is for me today!

    47. Timely word sister 🙏🏼 Third confirmation that the Lord is calling me to a new depth of faith and breakthrough that can only come through fasting and prayer 💜 Thank you so much for your prayers and obedience to the King! Your sister in Christ

    48. Jamie,
      Some days I am just amazed how every Prophetic Word you speak are so profound for the day and season that I am in.
      Thank you for your obedience and faithfulness.
      This blog was written exactly for me and therefor I will be obedient to as fast.

      I need a new job desperately. God knows my heart and all the details relating to that.
      I really need a breakthrough from where I am now.

      Thank you for the HOPE and EXPECTATION to see the Hand of God moved in this circumstances.

    49. It’s Fasting Time! The time is now, in Jesus Name, Amen!

    50. Maika Kamikamica says:

      This word just confirms what I was thinking about fasting. Thank you Jamie

    51. Elizabeth Tuinidau says:

      I will do this…my heart is really in need for this to bring back my family.It has been a long time for 15 yrs.I have faith in God He will move in His Timing now.God is going to open doors and do miracle things. AMEN!!!!!!

    52. Hi Jamie,

      I have always been reading your newsletters. I also prayed for you regularly when your ministry need financial help.

      I lost my job some 7 months ago. Being the sole breadwinner with a family of four, I’m really struggling financially with no income at all during this entire period.

      I have been fasting and praying to God to help me get a job soon. I fast one meal a day and sometimes two meals a day. During fasting, I read the Bible and spend time with God. I also ask God to give me the divine wisdom to hear His voice so that He can guide me to do His plan and Will. So as to please Him.

      I have been obedient to God and spend more time with Him by reading Bible and praying with thanksgiving. I pray without ceasing as what is said in the Bible.

      Recently, I went for a job interview. This was my first interview in 6 months after I had applied to many jobs. I thanked God everyday for opening this job opportunity for me and asked for His favor so that I would be successful in getting the job. I’d a strong feeling that God opened this job opportunity for me.

      Today, I came across the words that “God will provide to every of my needs according to His riches in glory in Jesus Christ”. But today I also received the news that I am unsuccessful in this job application – the one I went for an interview. Why is there such a huge difference between His word and the reality?

      Since I went for the interview, I didn’t apply for other jobs because I wanted God to know that I trust Him completely. I felt very lost. Financially, I’m really in trouble without a job soon. Why is God treating me this way? What have I done wrong? What should I do?


      1. Hi friend,
        God isn’t treating you this way. God is opening a door for you somewhere, but wisdom says you have to pound down every door to find the one He has for you. You quit and gave up, which is presumption, and now you’re operating in self-pity. Don’t do that. Get up, get dressed, get ready for an interview, and go apply to every job you can find, ALL WHILE SPEAKING THE WORD OF FAITH IN GOD OVER YOURSELF AND YOUR SITUATION.
        Do this until you have the job you desire.
        That’s the Word of God.
        Jamie Rohrbaugh

    53. Thanks you Jamie, I was much stressed on restoration of my relationship with my fiance. But God answered me through you that it’s the Time to pray harder for he is about to do miracle. Wen I went to my Bible Jesus reminded me that. I should fast and pray since the bride is taken away from me. But I feel weak in spirit. Pray with me that God draws me closer to him first and the rest to follow. It’s my third of fasting I believe my heavenly father is doing great to me

    54. Yes this word is for me I Recently started my fast I thank you for the guidance and the wisdom.

    55. Adedotun Adeboye says:

      Your 5-days devotional on fasting that’s available on the bible app changed my perspective on not just fasting but also on my walk with God. I saw fasting in a whole new light and by His grace no longer struggle with it. And it was just one phrase that changed my perspective which is “My fasting is a love-offering to God”. Thank you James, you’re a blessing to this generation of christains. God bless you!

    56. Thankyou Jamie I was feeling so low this morning this word came in time, Praise be to God I will start a fast so my blessings can come forth Amen

    57. Likengkeng says:

      this message is for me directly, Gotta fast for a new job , my wedding in Jesus Name, will start 3 days 3 nights fast

    58. Hi Jamie, thank you. This is also for me. I began 2 weeks ago with fasting and prayers. Blessings

    59. Cindy Jordan says:

      I already had it on my heart to fast. I began fasting yesterday. I am need multiple breakthroughs-in finances, work and business. Seeking direction.

    60. Yes, this is confirmation of what I started feeling yesterday. I’ve been praying for a baby specifically a daughter for the past few years. I’ve had a strong desire from the Lord and also several years ago I had a vision of a little girls nursery. I’ve been holding on to that for the past few years. I kept telling myself that it could wait but the last 2 weeks it’s been really heavy on my heart again. Is the Holy Spirit trying to say something to me? Will be fasting and praying about this. Thank you for sharing this word.

    61. Denise Moore says:

      Thank you again fasten for All financial blessing breakthrough and healing, hip surgery is coming up in December that All is Well, thank you again , I always put myself last on the prayers list.

    62. This is exactly for me. I have been feeling the need to fast this week and I was telling my friend that we need to fast. Thank you for the timely word. God bless you.

    63. Kentia Mccorley says:

      I guess this is for I’ve been going through something for 6 years I’m at my breaking point. I’m mad hurt and so many other emotions. I used to fast all the time about the situation. But another Christian told me that fasting is not to force god into urgency so I stopped.

    64. Amen thank You this confirms what I heard yesterday Thank You Jamie.God Bless You

    65. Tiffany Hunter says:

      This word really spoke to me! It’s so true that if you fast something that doesn’t mean much to you then it won’t mean much to God either. I don’t eat much anyway so for me, I really feel led to fast social media. I am waiting for restoration in my marriage and praying for breakthrough for my husband as we are currently separated and scheduled for our dissolution hearing in 2 weeks. He currently has no contact with me at the moment. I often look at social media to see if I can find anything encouraging for me as I go through this difficult season. Don’t get me wrong, I pray continuously I just like that little extra I guess. I feel that is what I need to fast from. I want God to know that I find all my comfort in Him. During this fast, I will be decreeing and declaring restoration and reconciliation in my marriage and in my husband!

      1. Hi Tiffany,
        I join my faith with yours and I decree reconciliation with your husband and the restoration of your marriage in Jesus name. Amen

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