Get Free from the Kool-Aid!

webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
This entry is part 16 of 23 in the series 31 Days of Supernatural Encounters

31 Days of Supernatural Encounters | by Jamie Rohrbaugh | free devotional series on FromHisPresence.comFor Day 16 of our 31 days of supernatural encounters (series index here), we are talking about breaking free.

Read: John 8:31-32

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.'”


In every Kingdom journey, there will be multiple moments of decision in which we must face the truth.

This is hard to do sometimes. It can be hard because:

  • Decisions can be hard; or
  • We may have to deny our flesh; or
  • We don’t want to disappoint other people.

But …

Truth can be hard because, occasionally, we much prefer the lie.

  • We prefer lies that tell us everything is just fine.
  • We prefer lies that tell us that we don’t have to change; God’s got it covered, with no action on our part.
  • We even prefer lies that tell us we are right–despite God’s Word, sound wisdom, and wise counsel all telling us otherwise.

We like lies sometimes … and this is a very sad thing.

Joyce Meyer says, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. But it’s not the truth about someone else that will set you free; it’s the truth about YOU that will set you free!”

Sometimes, Joyce is right. Truth about ourselves will definitely set us free.

But I completely disagree with the other half of Joyce’s statement.

Her intention is good. However, sometimes it IS the truth about someone else …

… or the truth about something else …

… or the truth about a situation …

… that will set you free.

Basically, it’s just TRUTH that we need.

Jesus is into truth in every way. He is, after all, THE Truth.

John 14:6 says:

Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'”

And when Jesus said that, He didn’t qualify it. He didn’t say He is the Truth only about yourself. He didn’t say He is the Truth only about Himself. He simply said He is the Truth.

And since Truth is who He is, it follows that He wants us to walk in full knowledge of the truth about everything. However, if we are to obey God and walk in truth, we can’t drink proverbial Kool-Aid.

The first 15 days of this series are now available as a 15-day devotional ebook! Click the image to check it out on my Gumroad store.

What do I mean by “Kool-Aid?”

In American English, “Kool-Aid” is not just a children’s drink. The term has become a slang term referring to lies. Deception. Brainwashing.

“Kool-Aid” is the stuff people feed you that is not really true, but that people want you to believe–just because they said so.

It’s “Kool-Aid” when:

  • Your boyfriend tells you he loves you, and that he won’t hit you again … so he wants you to stay with him.
  • You are sleeping with someone and you think they are going to marry you, because they keep saying they will … but they are really just using you for sex.
  • People tell you to accept anything you hear from a certain person because, after all, they have XYZ title (or work for XYZ TV network). (Oooh, she’s gone to meddlin’ now.) 🙂
  • People tell you that God will work it all out and you don’t have to do anything. (Hint: If you’ve been praying a long time and no breakthrough has happened, it’s probably because God is waiting for YOU to do something.)
  • People tell you that it’s not okay to notice if something is wrong with any situation.

Kool-Aid can happen in business; in politics; in churches; in friendships; in marriages; and in any other situation you can think of.

But if you want to be free, you can’t drink Kool-Aid. You must see things as they really are.

And sometimes this requires us to take a good, Holy Spirit-inspired look at reality.

Looking at reality isn’t hard to do; we just have to be willing. But once we are willing, it’s usually pretty easy to see reality–because Holy Spirit has usually been showing us things for a long time before we ever come around to admitting it.

But then, as soon as we surrender to Him enough to open our eyes, the truth stares us in the face.

Sometimes it’s the truth about a relationship we need to dump today.

Sometimes it’s the truth about a boundary we need to put up.

Sometimes it’s truth about an action we need to take–without which ain’t nothin’ gonna change, beloved.

I could probably name a thousand situations that require us to take a good, hard look at truth. But more importantly, I’ll bet that you could too.

What truth has been needling at the back of your mind that you haven’t wanted to acknowledge lately?

Holy Spirit is all over all of us, and He is the Spirit of Truth. John 16:13 says:

However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.”

Holy Spirit’s role is to guide each of us into all truth. He’s always on His job, too. Always at work. So what’s He telling you?

More importantly, what has He been saying that you haven’t been willing to listen to?

Whatever it is, it’s time to do business with God about it today. It’s time to stop drinking the devil’s Kool-Aid, or people’s Kool-Aid, or culture’s Kool-Aid. And it’s time to follow God, so you can be free.

Pray this:

“Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, thank You for Your Holy Spirit of truth who lives in me.

Father, I confess that I have been sensing Holy Spirit convicting me about the truth in ______ situation. But I haven’t wanted to listen.

Father, please forgive me for shutting off my ears to Your voice. Please forgive me for ignoring You, and for disobeying You.

I choose to obey You now, Father. I choose to listen and admit I hear what You’re telling me. I receive Your guidance and correction, and I will follow You now. Please help me to do what You’re telling me to do this very day.

Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


Listen to Brian and Jenn Johnson sing “Where You Go I Go,” and pray it back to Father God as you submit to His correction and guidance in your life.

Does this message speak to your heart today? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

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  1. Hi Jamie,
    Thank you for these words, they are such a blessing.
    I am really enjoying this series and the music videos, it is all daily speaking to me in a powerful way.
    The enemy would try to keep us off the track of what Father has for us, His purpose for our lives, our ministry and calling. I have studied, invested time, money, emotions, my all, for a career over seven long years, but the enemy has been trying to get me believing the lie that I can’t do it, it would be too demanding, diverting me by giving me ideas that have wasted time and also people speaking what seemed good ideas that have confused me and my unbelief and believing the lies have kept me without an earnt income for too long.
    Today I draw the line, enough!
    I know today what my purpose is, I read this article early this morning, prayed, and today the Holy Spirit has made it clear, I will go ahead in faith now and do what I have to do.
    Thank you Jamie that you are in tune with the truth giver,
    Bless you.

  2. Donna Johnson says:

    Thank You so much for your love, for God. And what he is doing in and through you . Your messages always speak to me.
    I do need extra coverage from fear and from people,as the Lord leads.
    God Bless you and your ministry

  3. Hi,
    I was sad that you mentioned Joyce Meyer an amaxing preacher who has helped thousands of people, and only to criticize her. I don’t believe it was necessary to mention her at all. If you listen to a lot of Joyce you would know that you have taken her out of context. She has a ministry to help people mature and to begin with self. Your reference to her shows that you have seized on one point and blown it out of proportion. It is pedantic. Of course Joyce often warns us about others and the enemy. Unfortunately your criticism does not in my view come across well. By openly criticisizing someone of her calibre whose ministry God has blessed so much, it looks like you are trying to elevate yourself at her expense. There is no honour, or humility on your part. I think it is incredibly sad when Christians bash other Christians. I also thinks it makes Christ sad, and it weakens the body as a whole. Otherwise i have previously found your talks helpful.

    1. Hi Ruth, I truely think it was not Jamie’s intention to harm Joyce in any way. She has previously mentioned how much she like her! And it was at a Joyce conference where Jamie received her Spirit gift of speaking her heavenly language. I think she just wanted to point out that we shouldn’t limit what the “truth” can actually do for us in terms of setting us free. May you be blessed dearest Ruth.

    2. Hi Ruth,
      Thank you for reading, and for sharing your thoughts.

      I prayerfully reviewed what I wrote after I read your comment, and I find that I did not criticize Joyce Meyer at all. I actually adore Joyce Meyer. Her teachings have been a huge blessing in my life, and I even received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at one of her conferences, many years ago. She is wonderful.

      However, just because someone is wonderful doesn’t mean we can’t disagree with something they say. I pointed out her quote because many people believe that the problem in whatever situation they are facing is always “you.” However, this is not always true … and those in bondage won’t be able to get free until they see the whole truth.

      Thanks for reading. Blessings to you.

  4. Carol Gilson says:

    I love the way Reinette responded to someone who had a problem with comment regarding Joyce Meyer. It was refreshing to hear both Jamie’s response and yours
    Even Joyce is a sheep and we are all walking it out. Reinette your comment reflected truth and love thanks

  5. Charlotte N. says:

    Thank You! Jamie & Reinette, for Clearly & Lovingly Clarifying the referance on Joyce Myers. Proverbs 27:17 reads, As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friends. Abundant Love, Joy, Shalom & KINGDOM BLESSINGS to ur Day !?

  6. Rebecca L Jones says:

    No Kool Aid here.

  7. george modise says:


  8. Apostle Ashlene says:

    Hi Jamie.

    I can’t tell you enough how blessed I am by this encounter. I can truly say that indeed I had an encounter. Each and every day spoke to me especially day 15. I cry everyday when doing your encounters.

    Thank you so much I pray that God will continue to use you.

    This is actually the 2nd time I’m doing this encounter. The first time I was very distracted by my problems and didn’t take much in. Hence I promised to do it again.

    Thank you v much.. you’re a blessing

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