God Our Intercessor

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This entry is part 6 of 10 in the series Who is God?

“God Our Intercessor” is the 6th in my article series entitled “Who Is God?”, about the characteristics and attributes of God. If you haven’t yet done so, you’ll also enjoy reading God the Eternal One, God the Holy One, God Knows Everything About You and Loves You Like Crazy, God Who Makes You New, and God Who Rewards You.

All of God’s attributes are important; one is no less crucial than the other. But there is one of His names that conveys something that, quite literally, none of us could live without. That name is:

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    God Our Intercessor.

    What is an intercessor? In any environment–spiritual, legal, etc–an intercessor is one who intercedes for another. Webster’s Dictionary defines “intercede” as “to intervene between parties with a view to reconciling differences: mediate.”

    If ever there was one definition that perfectly describes the mission of Christ on earth, that is it. It’s hard to imagine two parties with more stark differences than God Himself and sinful man:

    • God is holy; men are steeped in sin.
    • God is the Creator; men are the created ones.
    • God requires the sacrifice of a perfect life as penalty for sin; men could not pay the debt.

    Enter Jesus.

    Jesus, who is God Himself and always has been, chose on purpose to come to earth to pay your sin-debt and mine. By doing so, He reconciled our differences with God. All we have to do is believe in Him, receive His gift, and make Him the Lord of our life, and we can be restored to the relationship with God that He originally intended.

    Christ’s whole life was one giant intercession for us. He is God Our Intercessor. It’s who He is.

    To get even more profound, God the Father actually sent Jesus out of Heaven to die for us. The Father sent Jesus on purpose, knowing what it would cost.

    This is key.

    We need to understand that Jesus never went to the Father one day and said, “Father, You won’t let those people in Heaven and I want them, so I’m going to go save them against Your will.” No!

    Instead, it was the Father’s will for Jesus to die, and it was Jesus’ desire to leave Heaven and do it.

    The Father–knowing that He is a perfect, holy God who cannot diminish Himself; knowing that He is the God of wrath towards sin AND the God of mercy towards sinners–decided to sacrifice His only Son, who is One with Himself, to buy us back so we could be His children too.

    God is our Intercessor. By sending Jesus to save us, He was showing us His own character.

    When Christ came to earth, he lived a perfect life as a real, human man. Without ever having committed sin, He took the guilt and judgment for our sins upon Himself. He bore our sins all the way to the cross, where He died a gruesome, horrible death because of them.

    Had Christ not chosen to bear the guilt of our sins, He would never have had to endure death. He had never done anything to deserve death. However, through His death and resurrection, Jesus paid the penalty for our sin and purchased freedom from sin and a new life for all who will believe (John 3:16).

    It gets even better. Christ’s intercession didn’t stop after He died on the cross. Hebrews 7:25 tells us: “Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.”

    Jesus always lives to make intercession for us. He has never stopped interceding for us. Right now, Jesus Christ is mediating on our behalf before God the Father.

    So what does this mean in practical application? It means that:

    • We can only have access to God through Jesus Christ, our Mediator.
    • No matter what you’ve done, Jesus Christ paid the price for your sin. All you have to do to be restored to right relationship with the Father is to repent and make Him the Lord of your life.
    • If you need help from God, you can pray and ask for His help. Jesus is asking God to help you too, and the Father would never fail either of you.
    • No matter how many times you stumble, Jesus will keep interceding for you. You can get back up and keep moving closer to Christ, because He still believes in you.

     God is your Intercessor. What do you need His help with today? He is ready, willing, and able to help you. Won’t you ask Him for His help right now?

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