Jesus Says: I Hate What They Did To You
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
For Day 9 of our 31 days of supernatural encounters (series index here), the Lord gave me this prophetic word for you:
Read: John 11:1-44
The Lord says:
“You have been trying to heal, but your healing has been hindered because you have not known where I was during your distress.

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Indeed, the enemy has even told you that I condoned what happened to you. That liar told you that I didn’t care, just because I didn’t stop it.
But the truth is, I hate what they did to you.
Hear Me again: I hate what they did to you.
Sin is never from Me. Even though they claimed it was, it wasn’t. I know I did not intervene like you wanted Me to, but it was for a good reason.
Beloved child, you had a small destiny before. Circumstances did not allow Me to bring you fully into the dream I have for you.
But now you have a large destiny, because I have set you free.
You have been slow in healing because your heart has been hurting. You have not known why I did not rescue you. But now you will know.
You will know the greater sphere of My plans more than you ever would have been able to know them before.
Like Lazarus, I am raising you from the dead right now.
I wept in front of Lazarus’ tomb not because he was dead, and not even because of the sorrow of those around Me. Did I not tell them they would see the glory of God if they would believe?
But I would have you know today that I wept before my friend’s tomb because I hate what this sinful world did to him, and to them all.
I hate sickness. I hate death and disease. I hate heartbreak and pain. I hate ALL the symptoms of sin in the world.

It is for this that I came–to destroy the works of the devil.
I came to destroy heartbreak by healing the brokenhearted. I came to rid the world of sickness by releasing My healing upon it. I came to heal the world of pain, for I bore the pains and griefs of everyone who will believe.
And I want you to know, beloved one: again, I hate what they did to you.
I was there with you through it all. I felt every lash against you as a lash upon My own back. I heard every cry and groan for help. I bore the pain and heartbreak you suffered, right alongside you.
And now I have set you free.
You can be free to heal now. You will be able to heal now. I have loosed you and let you go free, and you have entered a greater realm than you ever could have entered before.
I know you trusted Me throughout the process.
You did well to trust me. But during the process, you were so injured that you have had to fight off the lies of the enemies that told you these attacks were from Me. They were not from Me; and, although I allowed it, it was only because I knew where I would be able to take you on the other side.
But they were not from Me. I never approved. My heart broke with yours, both for them and for you.
Not one moment did I approve. And now I make all things new.
Come out of your grave, for it does not belong to you anymore. I make all things new in your life. Meditate on this revelation that the attacks against you were not from Me, and your heart will be healed.
You have not been able to sense My love for a long time. This has been because, deep down, you felt that I was responsible for your pain–or that I did not care.
But now that you know that I hate what they did to you, you will be able to sense My love for you again.
I have never stopped loving you. I have always been right beside you. I have been holding you up as we walked up Calvary’s hill together.
And as we have suffered together, now you will enjoy My resurrection.
You will receive My perfection now. You will enjoy many good things in this new season, and it’s all because you were faithful and trusted Me.
You did well to trust Me, for I have carried you through.”
“Lord Jesus, You are right. I have inwardly believed that You approved of the things that people have done to me. But now I know You don’t. Thank You for taking care of me through it all.
Dear Jesus, please heal my heart, and make me new. I receive all Your new and healing works in my life by faith in Your Word right now. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Listen to Jonathan and Melissa Helser sing “You Came (Lazarus),” and know that you are in Lazarus’ place. Allow Holy Spirit to minister to you deeply as you listen.
Does this message speak to your heart today? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!
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This is exactly in my situation. Oh thank you for this word! I have been struggling physical and emotional sickness for a long time. I always believed God will heal me. But all those thoughts I have been struggling with, it has been hard to believe that God even care. But I will hold on to this word, he will get me trough the other side!
Wow!!! How did you know , what I was thinking ,, can’t stop crying ? may god bless you& your family..
I cannot stop crying…. God is so good!! Hallelujah!!!
Thank you Jesus for speaking to me and for making my life new. This word truly came and spoke to me. Amen !!!❤️
This massage touched my heart and the time I was listen the song even my hair was moving on my head, God bless you.
Thank you Jamie for allowing Jesus to speak life through you. Just thank you.
This brought tears to my eyes. I have thought that a recent situation was from God but now I know it wasnt….but if it wasnt from HIM then why didnt he fix it? My heart has been broken for a long time – I trusted God and I still Trust God……I just want to heal. Thank you for this email.
Yes, Courtney I feel the same way, that Jamie’s ministry has touched so many people and I know that God’s grace is upon the entire mission of her works. I read your messages and prayers faithfully which helps me get through some things when I’m lost for words. Thank you for all your good heartedness and love for Jesus. May Jesus Christ continue to bless your family and ministry to enlarge your territory.Amen
Thank you for this word Jamie.. It directly spoke to me.. I have been waiting for Lord to touch me, to heal me from a long time.. And during this time there have been occasions when I have got frustrated… This word has encouraged me so much.. Believing for total Jesus name.. Amen
This was a conformation of what the Lord spoke straight to me about the abuse Thank you for your message GOD bless you I feel GOD’S presence nice song choice I love that song!
This is a touching prayer which i love so much among all and i can feel the true love of God working in me which i strongly believe with my faith in him will make me raise from every downfall in my life in Jesus mighty name Amen
Thanks so much Jamie for this prophetic word, and yes there are days one would scream ‘where are you Lord when I am experiencing so much pain, why am not being protected from the assault of the enemy’.
But as you correctly pointed out, the trust in our Lord never wavered. There are days I would ask, I pray for others and I get immediate responses from my Living God but there was no movement for my own prayers. Am I praying incorrectly?’
I have been here and yes our God is a faithful God, who is a God of gods, Lords of lords, a God that reveal all His mysteries to his people. Yes I am out of the grave and through thanksgiving and praise I have in my heart my Lord is saying “Take off the grave clothes and let her go”
Thanks so much Jamie for allowing God to use you
Jamie I need God teach me how to react under pressure.cause my heart is complaining about the life are in.I really like God to dwelling my heart with holly spirit
Thank you so much for this prophetic word. Just last night/ this morning, I wrote a weekly devotional that I send out on Sunday mornings: It referenced God making all things new, and heartache. I finally got over someone who I thought loved me, but he only lusted after me. I had issues with lust too, and God freed me of that lie as well as the person. No more heartache in regards to him, and my arms are open to receive whomever he has for me — not a counterfeit! All Glory and Praise to King Jesus!!! Thank you for allowing Holy Spirit to use you and being obedient!
Wow….i have been struggling over being betrayed by people. I blamed God for even bringing them into my life and felt betrayed by Him for allowing it and not forewarning me. It’s been devastating. So glad to read this Word and work on rebuilding my relationship with MY Best Friend and Abba. I have been rejecting spending quiet time together & praying b/c I was hurt.
Sweet Jesus! Thank you for speaking to me thru Jamie. It had been a long journey for me. Everyday for the last 2 years, I have been being burdened by this thought of why did you let it happened? Why did you allow them to do it to me? What give me a taste of it to be given to someone else? And then the dream died… slowly. But lately, there had been confirmation and this prophetic word is just one of the many that i have been receiving lately. Yes, God timing is always perfect. But I will remember that when He appears to be running late. He is setting me up for a “miracle”. Just like what He did to Lazarus. I will immerse on this prophetic word. Thank you Jamie, thank you Jesus!
Hello Jamie the Lord have been prompting me to spend more time in the Secret Place and although I have and do experience His glorious presence and it is wonderful. I am addicted and He has prompted me to come deeper and I’ll go and then hit a barrier and this has been happening more frequently and I read this Word from the Lord and realized that these walls/blockages/barriers came from me – may places of pain, for which the number one question that I’ve always had for the Lord, “why didn’t stop it?” I knew that He could intervene as I was surrounded by so much darkness as a child through adulthood. It caused me to question His goodness…my heart breaks just typing that. But, I did.
But now…Jesus is illuminating through the dark and I am ready to go deeper into His presence. Jamie would you pray with me? I desire a radical transformation.
In His Presence,
Eufaula Morgan
Jamie, I thank God for using you as a vessel for His glory. I receive this message, it’s been many things that have happened to me (trusting people that is)and sometimes the “enemy” would bring the thought to my head that God allowed it to happen, so just accept it.
In the back of my mind, after rebuking the devil, I knew God hated what was going on. My heart is in a healing process, and I know God is working it out for my good. Amen!???
Very timely. I am claiming healing in Jesus name for the last remnants of an injury I suffered in March. This spoke to me deeply.
Speechless. Confirmation.
I knew from the e-mail, I’d be in tears. I knew He didn’t send it all though, for such a long time I believe I was doing something wrong but once that changed I understood His love finally the accuser. And I have always hated what they did to Him for me, Thanks for this, it is in my heart to stay.
Jamie, GRACIAS AL SEÑOR por mostrarme tan grande amor a través tuyo!!! No te imaginas cómo ministró mi corazón!! GLORIA A DIOS!!!!
Bendita eres!
ohh, maaan, this is me, this whole year so far….. 29 years worth…… PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!
I Love your prayer they are so helpful , what does it mean went a Godly man prays for you and tells you he is giving you the seven keys of David
Again Jamie, speaking from the Father’s heart.
Thank you.
Thank you for this word. I have been struggling so much with my emotions from a family situation that I had not had any blame in it. I have been praying and asking for wisdom. I have felt so alone and heartbroken, I cried out to the Lord again this last weekend. I just want to do what He wants me to do.
Praise the Lord.
You can never know how much I’ve needed to hear this. Thank you!
Hi Jimmy
This prophetic word is my history .Jesus is love
Yared worku
Thank you very much for this word Jamie. I cried when I read this Prophetic message. I have struggled not to be angry with God. I thought He had left me to suffer alone. Deep down I thought he could have helped me. I thought he was angry with me. But this word brought hope. All glory to God. Thank you Jamie and God bless you.
A beautiful word and affirmation.
Father, Abba I believe and receive this prophetic word. This spoke directly into the release God is giving me right now in this very moment.
God bless you beautiful sister in Christ.
Love Tamie.
I am crying ……..100% so this word is to me what happened to me and my mother .
Jesus is my lord he is always with me ..
There are times I cried asking God where is He and really why does each time when something good has to happen to me it is like there is something stops that. But today with our word I know God is with me and God will never forsaken me. Thanks Jamie
Hello Jamie nor day 10 today
This word of God teaches me that we all have to trust God instead of the enemies that lies us to hinder our faith .
Thank you so much this all words comfort me for what happened while i was praying for my mother to be healed but not healed due God is good he has a purpose for my future destiny.
God bless you
This word is for me what God has plan for me,i trust him God is good every time ,God always with us even if we are in impossible situation trust him his plan is better than our plan .” WHAT THE ENEMY MEANT FOR YOUR DEMISE…GOD IS TURNING IT FOR YOUR GOOD!”
God is Love….
Thank you Jamie, you continue to inspire me with the glorious Word. ??❤️
WOW, so I was reading your blog and over a sudden I see this from a corner of my left eye and decided to click on it.. Thats crazy! I received an almost verbatim word at The Call RiseUp in Washington DC on Oct 9th the same day you released this word from a girl on a ministry team who prayed for me.. What a confirmation and encouragement.
Wow! Very cool indeed, Jane!!! Thanks for sharing!
Jamie, I have a life long history of hurt and have always wondered where God was and why He hadn’t avenged me or rewarded me for constantly going through trauma after trauma in my life. I am new to your blog. Thank you for your obedience. Thank you for being a vessel to bring healing to His people.
Hi, Mom of Four! Welcome to our community! I’m so glad you’re here! I pray that God would bless you and heal your heart as you read, and that Holy Spirit would minister to you and comfort you. 🙂
My Lord and my God!The owner and the lifter up of my head! Jamie,I was shedding tears as I read everything you wrote here.I just couldn’t believe that it was real!!!God used you to address my heavy cross I’ve been carrying for ,almost all my life.
Yes,I was sooo mad at God and His beloved Son,Jesus,that initially,refused to pray for years.I could not fathom how on earth He could allow me to experience the ordeal I went through.
I came to God early in life, and have always loved Jesus.I had believed that nothing could ever harm me because I was His!I had this believe throughout my childhood into adulthood,until I got married,the whole ballgame changed.I just couldn’t believe that He would allow me go through the whole painful mess .My entire WORLD changed.I was hurting so bad that I even refused to cry!
But to GOD ALMIGHTY BE ALL THE GLORY for today;for this message you just gave me.I am blessed and so are my children!We’ve all been to hell and back!
BLESS YOU JAMIE ,with all my heart ❤️
This was ABSOLUTELY right on time Jamie! The God of Suddenlies. Going through a rough time taking a stance for justice but you confirmed to me that the attacks were meant to deter and discourage me because God is taking me to new heights….I’m Flying (Upton song Fly)
Thank you Jamie. I am humbled by what Jesus has told you. Truth is by the world’s standard I deserved everything and then some that people have said and done. But by His grace, it doesn’t matter what the world says I deserve because He took all my sins and nailed them to the cross. This is the third time this week that He has opened up something new just in the death and resurrection of Lazarus. I believe Him at His word and I believe in His healing through this. Thank you Jesus for loving me in spite of what others think and feel about me and in spite of my my past, present, and future sins. You are truly the Resurrection and the Life!
This made me cry and feel so much better, I know it wasn’t God, I know and I will always have faith.
I think a greater revelation of God’s love is essential to understand suffering and why God allows His children to go through it. Every time I have suffered, especially when I believe I have done my best to remain faithful, I always battle doubt God’s love for me, encounter fear of God, self condemnation, not feeling good enough and that I have fallen short in some way. I ask myself what did I do wrong to deserve this? I have to press into God and His Word even when I don’t feel loved and it is difficult to believe He really loves me.
Thank you. I needed that. I really feel this was for me too. I was just thinking today that maybe all the criticism, and put downs I was getting from my husband was from the Lord, that my husband must be really saved to have everything all together and maybe I am not saved because the Lord seemed to be allowing him to speak so badly to me and maybe there was something wrong on my side. I am grateful to know that He doesn’t agree or approve with what he’s been doing .
I never new He hated what they did to me!! Revelation knowledge is power!! I’m a 42yr old mom I was infected with hiv at the age of 24 1999 my first girl was 1yr old. I gave birth to the second girl at the age of 28 and she also was born hiv positive. When she was 9mnts she went totally blind nd at 12mnt she became paralyzed. I was devastated…i went around Pretoria and Johannesburg seeking for His help all to no avail. A few years later 2005 the father of my crippled daughter died with aids. Then in 2012 my 1st daughter at the age of 15 was brutally raped by 3men nd infected with hiv as well. So myself nd my 2 girls were all hiv positive. Later that year I lost my job for a mistake which was not mine I was jobless being a single parent. 2014 my crippled child got sick and died at the age of 11 I had no money to bury my own child, people had to donate money for her burial. 2017 my mother was diagnosed with breastcancer at the age of 73. 2017 October my now 19yr old daughter got robbed and raped again by 2men at gunpoint…u can only imagine my affliction! I still believe God will rescue me and my daughter from this demonic reproach in Jesus name amen. He hated what they did to me!!! Thank you for your the healing power of this prophetic word. God bless you
Amen. Glory to God, I have never receive a timely massage as this it is truly speaking about what I have been going through and what I at times goes around in my mind. But now I can smile and laugh because ALL along God was with me and He has assured me that He is doing a NEW thing in my life.
thanks Jamie;yes it is true that I felt that so much has happened to me.i have been treated unfairly;overlooked;pushed aside;rejected;hurt;disappointed;underpaid;divorced;raised 2 kids by myself and I thought it is to much for 1 person to handle.and yes I have cried out to God and asked him time n time again to show up to intervene;to turn things around.i have been through the suffering so now I want to enjoy the resurrection and embrace the He does love me n my kids.we were not overlooked or forgotten but I guess He saved the best for last so now me n my kids will accelerate n be upgraded n uplifted beyond measure.all Glory to God as she shows himself of in n thru our lives.
Thanks for the word, I believe that God has began my healing and I know he loves me .Thank you Jesus. Amen
This message got me in tears, i just cant stop cruying, i dont know where to start but i thank God for His assurance. Thank you Jamie stay blessed
Amazing, powerful message and a great song. Thanks for sharing Jamie dear.
Thank you Abba Father for your words. This is truly a word from that Lord for me. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the title of the email. I knew that God was speaking specifically to me because it is what I am currently praying & seeking His guidance about. I thank you Jamie for allowing God to use you. Thank you Jesus for seeing about me. I know that you love & care about everything that concerns me. Thank you for healing my heart. I pray that God will continue to bless your ministry and that He will use you in ways you cannot imagine. Blessings & thank you!
14 years of emotional mental and physical abuse from my sons father i felt like i was dying and thought God didnt hear my cries for help bless you janie i needed this so so much i can start my healing now thank you sweet Lord i know now he was listening and he does love me
This is word by word my confirmation. God bless you so much Jamie. I now know the Holy spirit never misleads coz since I started following you, your posts have been accurately speaking over my situation.
Hallelujah! I believed that the Lord approved the evil they did to me! I believed that He condoned it all and accepted them and the evil. It reached a time I confessed that He was deafeted by them and for several years there after I wanted nothing to do with the Lord but He miraculously sort me again ……what a liar the devil is! Today I know that the Lord did not condone their evil and He was always with me. He sustained me through it all. Forgive me Lord for doubting you and believing the enemy. Yes, my healing is slow because of the deep hurt but I know you will perfect it. I love you Lord!
Dear Jamie,
Please pray for me as I go through a season of warfare.God and Jesus my savior gave me a a significant victory in my situation and I need A LOT OF PRAYER because this battle is massive .
God Bless
What i went through all along with tears
I believe this is God speaking to me. For the past few months and this January specifically I’ve been feeling like my pastor is against me and like she didn’t want to even respond to my messages. I shared with her a dream i had and she never responded to me so i knew she had ignored me and i felt so bad. I was even thinking of changing my church but was advised by a friend to pray about it. Today i prayed in my room and cried out to God repenting from my heart where i have gone wrong and if i wronged my Pastor unknowingly and i believed God heard me and forgave me. I honestly believe this message confirms that God is speaking to me. Thank you for this email,, may God bless you more and keep using you to touch lives
WOW the story of my life
I have been asking Jesus
Why did I have to go through
Gross injustices,he answered me
through you today Jamie.
I knew he was always there
Trusting he was in control.somehow
You handed me a letter in an envelope from him today dear sister in Christ.
Thank you.
You are right Jesus, I thought you were responsible for what they have done to me because they said it was you. But now I thank you because you hate what they have done to me.
Thank you so much. This was directly addressed to me. I have been so badly hurt at my former job that ended suddenly on Friday. Today i was asking for the Holy Spirit to help me heal. It is very comforting to know that Jesus was with me through it all and yes i felt it, but did not know it was going to end the way it ended.
It is equally comforting that He is making the situation work together for my good. God bless you Sis
Oh wow..
Praise the Lord Jamie.
I was crying while reading this!
I went through hell and back recently I dabbled in some things I shouldn’t, my partner had to move house then his daughter was born. Then my house got broken into and my car gas was taken. The torment I dealt from that was immense!
I was told it was my fault and I brought it on myself (maybe I did by dabbling where I shouldn’t of) but this gives me peace to know God didn’t approve of it He was right there weeping with me in my darkest moment (but I ended up giving my life back to Jesus that night so that was pretty sweet) ❤️
Oh I forgot to mention when all this happened my best friend turned her back on me! Bitter sweet. Praise God for shut doors though.
Thank you Jamie for delivering this prophetic word. I received it today because the Lord wanted to give me assurance that He’s always been with me. I thank you Lord for healing and restoration.
theres been a shifting ,God has been working in the background,at times i have felt like he hasnt being there but I know he has big plans for my life Amen
Halleluyah Thank You Lord I didnt know that You love,because of what Ive been through ,its now that I know ,thank You Lord .
God is an amazing God. Prophet, you are speaking to me. I’ve been through hell and high waters. I’ve never been hurt like I did before. I was betrayed by my Pastor, and it took a very long time. But through it all, my hope was in the Lord. Thank you Prophet of the Most High God.
Thank you rescue me, from Heart broke, You Jesus Are the Healer 💔 Yes I thought, you set back and Let this hurt Me, But it’s not True, You Loves me, I knew You would and will rescue Me… in Jesus YESUHA the CHRIST NAME AMEN 🔥👣🌎👑🙏
Hi Jaime, I feel as though you know my situation and that the Lord has given you a word just for me. For 10 long years I have been going through a situation where my character has been tarnished and my character defamed. Lied upon, stalked, followed, hacking of my devices with the aim of listening to prevent me from progressing and twisting my conversations with persons I have spoken to to create division between myself and those individuals. Causing loss of jobs and business deals. So much, too much to mention.
But finally, I feel as if I am about to come out of my grave and you are confirming it. Each time you make requests for funds I keep asking the Lord why can’t he deliver me for my own purpose and to bless persons like yourself. But now I sense deliverance and when I am delivered and things are good again financially you definitely will be bless by contributions from me.
Thank you Jesus for speaking to me and for making my life new. This word truly came and spoke to me. Amen !!!❤️
This is my word. I claim it. I thank God for revealing it to you. He is a miracle-working God.
Jamie, Be blessed.
Thanks for sharing!