Prayer for Healing a Struggling Marriage
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
A few days ago, I asked for your prayer requests, and prayer for healing a struggling marriage was one of the biggest needs you all let me know about. I have been praying through these requests, and I have a tremendous burden for your marriages.
So, I wanted to share a prayer for healing a struggling marriage today.
I encourage you to print this prayer off and pray it daily if your marriage is struggling.
By the way: I wrote this prayer in the wife’s voice because all of the prayer requests I received for marriages were for women. However, I know we also have brothers in this community who are praying for their struggling marriage. If you’re a husband, you can use this prayer too! Just adapt it for your wife.

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Are you ready? I’m agreeing with you in this prayer for healing a struggling marriage:
“Father God, I come before You in Jesus’ name.
Father, I thank You for my marriage. I thank You that, even though times are hard right now, You are in control and You can fix this. I thank You that even the hearts of kings are in Your hand, and You turn them wherever You wish … so You can FOR SURE help me now!
Father, I need help in my marriage.
Father, I can’t handle the way things have been anymore, and I need Your help. So Father God, in Jesus’ name, I ask You for the help I need.
Father, I lift up my husband to You.
Lord, I ask in Jesus’ name that You would change his heart. Lord, please reveal any sin in his heart to him and convict him of it. I pray that You would fill my husband with Your Spirit. Fill him with Your Spirit of purity and holiness.
Father, I pray that my husband would hide Your Word in his heart, that he might not sin against You. I pray You would awaken him to righteousness and godliness. Make him hungry and thirsty for You. I pray that He would begin today to yearn for You and crave You more than he even craves food.
Help my husband to desire You, Lord. Help him to see how good You are. Show him Jesus, and let him be captivated with the beauty of Jesus. Shower him with Your goodness that leads men to repentance.
Father, I ask You to dethrone any idols in my husband’s life.
If he puts his phone before You, then dethrone his phone.
If he puts his work before You, then dethrone his work.
If he puts his friends or other relationships before You, dethrone his friends and relationships.
If he puts his family before You, dethrone his family.
If he puts money before You, then dethrone money in his eyes.
If he puts keeping the budget before You, then dethrone the budget in his eyes.
Father, I pray in Jesus’ name that my husband would receive Your love.
Shine Your love richly into his heart, and help him receive it. Fill him with Your Spirit of adoption. I pray that his spirit would cry “Abba, Father,” together with Your Holy Spirit in his heart. Help him to internalize Your love–to really know what is the height, depth, width, and breadth of Your love for him.
Father, I ask also that You would help him to love himself in a godly way. Don’t let him love himself in any kind of idolatrous or unholy way, but cause him to love himself the way You want him to–and with the same love that You sowed into his heart; Your love.
Then, Father, I ask that my husband would love YOU back with Your same love, and would love others with Your love also.
Help me husband to love and prefer others as better than himself.
I ask that he would honor all people. I pray also that he would love and prefer others to himself; that he would serve others more than himself. I pray that my husband would love me as Christ loves the Church, and give himself for me.
Help me also to love my husband and submit myself to Him as to You, Lord; but please teach me Your godly definition of submission, so that I am not a doormat and do not suffer abuse or neglect in the name of submission.
Teach me what submission really looks like according to Your Word, and help my husband and I to give ourselves to one another unselfishly every day.
Father, make my husband humble.
Convict him of any pride in his heart. Convict him of self-reliance also. Show him his need for You and for me. Help him to see that he needs You and me and others. Show him that he needs friends, and make him willing to make the changes he needs to make in order to live in community and relationships, not thinking that he has all the answers.
Father, I ask that You would be gentle with my husband.
I ask that You would not discipline him in any way that brings disaster, pain, or hurt to him, to me, or to anyone else. Whisper in his ear and grip his heart with so much conviction that he yields before You right away. Make him moldable and pliable before You, Lord, so He will listen to Your gentlest corrections.
But, at the same time, I pray, Father, that You would also be as tough with him as You need to be in order to bring him into Your best for him with no more delay. He is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, Lord, so I give You permission to deal with him and with me however You need to.
Father, if my husband is involved in any unholy relationships …
Then SEVER THOSE relationships right now in Jesus’ name. Close every door in his life that is not from You, and open every door that IS from You.
If my husband is looking at any other woman than me, then close his eyes to those women. I pray that my husband would make a covenant with his eyes, that he would not look upon anything unholy.
Father, help my husband to discern the difference between the holy and the profane.
I pray he would know the difference between right and wrong, and would choose only right. Let him hear Your voice behind him, saying, “This is the way; walk in it;” and let him follow Your way and never turn to the left or to the right.
Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over his priorities. Line up his priorities with Your perfect will, in Jesus’ name.
I plead the blood of Jesus over his decisions. Beginning this day, let him decide on the side of righteousness and holiness, every time he makes a decision.
I plead the blood of Jesus over my husband’s mouth. Let no harsh word or critical word come forth out of his mouth. Instead, let only words of life flow out of his mouth. Father, I pray that only blessing would proceed out of my husband’s mouth–only blessing, and not cursing.
Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over my husband’s relationships. Let only godly and holy relationships be in his life from this day on.
I plead the blood of Jesus over my husband’s body. Let him know that his body is Yours; that his body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that he is not his own. Let him know that he is bought with a price, and let him glorify God with his body.
Father, I pray these things for myself too.
(Go back and pray the things above for yourself, too. Then continue.)
Father, I pray for our marriage.
Father, let Your victory come forth in our marriage right now in Jesus’ name. Let the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace come forth. Let us each love and prefer one another as better than ourselves.
Father, I ask in Jesus’ name that You would birth a love in our hearts for one another that surpasses the most fiery love we’ve ever had. Lord, set us on fire for You and for each other.
Teach us to love one another in the ways that are important to the other person. Help me to speak my husband’s love language, and help him to speak mine.
Father, I ask in Jesus’ name that You would remake, reshape, and remold our marriage.
Give us a new start. Help us both desire to save our marriage, and work in us both to will and to do Your good pleasure. Help us to do the work necessary to carry out Your will for our lives.
And Father, bring us the joy back.
Restore our sense of fun. Restore our enjoyment of just being together. Help us to forgive one another for everything we’ve been holding against one another. Love keeps no record of wrongs, Lord, so help us to let all past things go and to keep no record of wrongs, moving forward in real love for one another.
Father, help us to find fun things that we can do together. Teach us how to make healthy memories together.
Father God, I ask You to save our marriage and make it better than it ever was before.
Only You can do this, Lord, but You are God who makes all things new. So do it, Lord. Do it today, and tomorrow, and every day. Help us to stick with You and stick with the restorative process. Give us patience one toward another, Father, and patience as You work in us.
Thank You, Father. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. I give You all the glory and all the praise.
In Jesus’ name, amen.”
This prayer is certainly not comprehensive, so please add to it or alter it to fit your needs. Just use your own words and ask Holy Spirit to help you pray. He always will!
Does this prayer help you as you lift up your struggling marriage to the Lord? If so, please leave a comment below!
Wow! I shall pray this every hour if i have to. It is wonderful! Thank you so much !
Praise God! So glad it helped! Praying for you and your hubs right now!
Thank you so much and may God bless you abundantly. It spoke to me and I will share
Every. Chance I get to read this prayer until the manifestation comes! It was exactly what I needed! Thank you 🙏
This prayer is so beautiful. I have been praying it several times a day. I look forward to praying it as I feel it gives me peace to lay it all down at the foot of the cross.
Had me in tears while praying, as every word hit home. Thank you, I will be praying it daily!
Your prayer is super for couples struggling with marriage. May Prov 18:22 be ingrained into every husband so that he adopts Eph 5:25 as a way of life.
For me, the prayer made me feel even more ashamed for not being married. That is my issue.
Dan T
As I read it, God nudged me to pray these things for the man who will be my husband. I don’t know who that is, but it is not a mystery to God. I was married to a man who had many abusive ways. He passed away 6 years ago. God has taught me so much since about what a marriage should be like, with someone who honors and treasures me and what it looks like to return that. This is not something to be ashamed of. Ask God to show you what kind of a relationship He wants for you. Read Zephaniah 3:17 and rest in the tenderness of it. He is not a God who shames us. Ask Him how He sees you.
How do I pray for my husband to be honest about him having sex out side our marriage. I have all the messages between him and her and he admitted to meeting up with her but dined having sex with her when the messages between him and her say they did.
Thanks! I really need this. I’m going to try pray this as often as I can.
A prayer that touches on all areas that threaten marriages.God bless you always.
Thank you very much Jamie.. I so much need this prayer and will be praying it until I see changes even after.. my husband left me and d kids over a year ago.
Thank you Jamie. I will definitely pray this prayer. You are such a blessing to the body of Christ. I appreciate you. I pray blessings upon you and yours.
Thank you for this wonderful prayer. I really needed it.
Thank you Jamie! This prayer addresses EVERY area of what I am going through right now in my marriage, including my husband’s drug addiction and his ungodly soul tie. God is already working, but I am praying fervently for Him to move right now to turn my husband’s heart from this other person who is half his age (30) and also addicted and a prostitute. We have been married 17 years, separated 10 months and he’s been with her 6 months. God has promised me He is going to restore my husband and our marriage and I see Him working, but knowing she is still important in his life is driving me crazy. She has been in rehab since Sunday and he has been back home with me detoxing, but he still talks to her every day. Please pray that I can stay strong and wait to see the deliverance the Lord will give me.
Going through a similar situation. Im 4 months pregnant and my husband decided right before i found out i was pregnant to leave me for another woman. I feel god giving me all these signs lately he is working on restoring us but the devil is fighting back so hard. He is persistent on pursuing a relationship with this new girl and wants nothing to do with me or much less our child except say he wants to be in his life. Just curious on to how things have gone for yall?
FANTASTIC prayer!!! Thank you!!! Sheri
Wow! Just what I needed to pray. Thank you so much Jamie. May God continue to bless you greatly and help you in all areas of your life in Jesus’ name
Thank you so much for the powerful prayer I really need it and will pray it every night and day.
God Bless You
Hallelujah! This prayer is definitely ‘ God- driven’ . It covers all areas in most christisn marriages , especially ministry wives. I believe that God has given you a divine grace to write this prayer ( a complete book) actually. This will save many marriages. May God grace you more , give you Wisdom & incite and most importantly finances to reach out and accomplish this ‘ domestic mission’ that is pushed behind the scenes and as a result hindering many from accomplishing God’s destiny for their lives .AMEN.
Thank you for this prayer and having us search within and pray for ourselves. Also, thank you for dealing with submission through a holistic view! Thank you again Jamie! May god bless and keep you!
Thank you Jamie, for this prayer, I will try to read this 3 times a day… believing that Papa God will not only restore my broken marriage but renew it better than it was before, that only he can do… I know that my restoration in my marriage has began and God will get the Glory soon… God bless you always…
I did not put in a prayer request, but God answered my prayers on how to pray for my husband with this prayer.
Thank you Jamie. I pray for miraculous blessings for you, in Jesus name.
God bless you, Jamie for sharing this prayer. After 30years of marriage I feel that my husband and I seem to be drifting further and further apart. I will continue to use this prayer regularly to break any strongholds over our lives. Amen.
Thank you Jamie! I will pray this prayer every hour even though my husband left me and my children a year ago for OW, I believe our father can do impossible to be Possible.
Thank you Jamie! I will pray this prayer every hour even though my husband left me and my children a year ago for OW, I believe our father can do impossible to be Possible.
Thank you Jesus!
Thanks you so much. Please pray for my marriage to be restored and our family healed. We are desperate. Love, Robyn
Thank you I Love Love your website. I found it by accident and I always searched for a marriage prayer and you have went above and beyond. Thank you, my husband has been in Adulterous relationship. with the OW for 4 years and I was ready to give up praying for his salvation and our restoration. He does not have a repentive heart. BUT GOD!!! I Thank God for you May God richly bless your ministry. I pray that God will Bless my finances now that there is one income coming in the home So I can Bless your ministry to continue to reach the hurting and lost. God the Glory in ADVANCE.
can I still pray this for my relationship even if we are not married we are just living together? And were engaged to be married?
Hey Cindy,
Super question. Thanks for reading. You can always pray for God’s will to be done, but when you’re not married and you are living together with a sexual relationship outside of marriage, God’s will first and foremost is for you to stop living in sin. Whether that’s by marrying immediately or breaking up is between you and God. But you can’t pray for God’s blessings when you’re purposefully living in sin. All God’s promises are conditional. If we obey Him, then He does this or that. But we have to start by obeying Him, and sex outside of marriage is called “fornication” in the Bible, and it’s sin. So if we want to be blessed, we have to obey Him first.
Hope this makes sense. Terrific question; thanks for asking it.
In Christ,
Thank you sincerely for this powerful, timely, practical and transformative prayer.
Just printed it out and can’t wait to start praying it for my husband. Believing that God can change my marriage and make it what it is supposed to be. Thank you so much
Thank you for this prayer. We really needed this. I will be praying this prayer. Hopefully he will too.
Thank you so much Jamie for this prayer it was much neede. l’ve just prayed it and I believe in my heart that God is already moving on my behalf. I’m confident that many families shall be revived through this prayer and God will be glorified.
Again, Thank you so much Jamie, May God bless you and your family with abundant love.
Praise God! I receive it in Jesus name
Thank you Jamie,I prayed this prayer now and I have faith God will move now in hi life,Amen
To God be the Glory!! This was exactly what I needed today! We celebrated our 4th wedding Anniversary yesterday and it felt so cold! I felt so alone, no passion or intimacy no heartfelt hugs ! I cried myself to sleep so many thoughts flowing through my mind! This prayer was just what is needed to reignite the fire in our relationship!! I want to be the best I can be in this marriage and life!! I thank so very much! I believe somehow you are connected to me and just know what I’m dealing with and give me the tools on how to endure! Praise God for you and your ministry!! Many blessings to you and yours!!
Thank God for this prayer. Last one week we had minor issues in our family with my wife. This prayer I prayed and I will pray again for Gods peace and joy in our family. I thank you Jamie for getting this prayer in the right time.
Powerful prayers, covers almost every aspect of threats to our marriages. I have shared it with my sisters in my church community. Thank you , Jamie for being a blessing.
This is amazingly awesome!!! All the prayers is exactly what is going on in my marriage!! I wiped going through all the prayers..
Thank you so much for this! I’m surely going to say this prayers everyday.
I was awoken around 4:30am, not sure as to why, but came across this prayer for a hurting marriage. The thing of it is, that our marriage is actually a loving one. I’m struggling with the fact my husband was growing spiritually and now is back sliding. I’m having a hard time praying for him to be reminded that the Lord, his wife and children should be his top priority. I’ve never felt this way and always lifted him up to Our Heavenly Father, to show him how loved he truly is and that our marriage be example of what a Christ intended it to be. Satan is throwing his fiery arrows at both of us and I’m the only one that understands that. Please pray that I will have the strength to continue praying for my husband and our marriage to be completely and wholly restored!!! My work is in ministry and helping the hurting. I’m hurting and needing Lord comfort and strength. My husband needs to put Christ ar the center of his life, so that He can lead and guides us in the Lord’s way. Thank you for this prayer!! I’m saving it and be praying it often. Blessing to you all!!
Jamie,as i already email you,i will ger ready to receive Victory and Restoration and God will restore back my marriage.Wow…!!!!!Amen!!!!I will pray this daily ,so powerful and i felt different when i say this prayer.I love you Lord.Thank yoy so much you dear Sister.
Thanks for the prayers, Right now i really needed it. Bless you
And with prayers from my wife will call me to pick her up she wants us and misses us.
Thank you for this prayer! I prayed it tonight. My husband left me almost 6 months ago and has a new girlfriend. Praying that he returns to Christ, ends the affair and returns to me. It is so hard, but God is faithful!
May God bless you for this. Hope it gets to a great number of families
Thank you Jamie for this prayer, this is just what I need. My husband hasn’t contacted me for almost 19 days now…I am praying and trusting God that He is still in control and he would contact me and come back home and our marriage relationship will never be the same again.
Thank you so much once again and God continue to use powerfully to minister to those in need.
God bless you, your family and ministry.
Praying right now for you and your husband, Beverly!
Thank you so much Jamie.
God bless you.
Hi what an awesome prayer my husband is in a relationship now for 6 years with someone else she have a child that child gets more love than his own two daughters this year 2 October we will be married for 16 years after reading this prayer I have hope again to pray for my marriage I see hope thank you
Thank you Jesus Christ for this prayers,indeed this prayer was all am passing through.i pray that GOD will restore my marriage with peace Love, faithfulness,unity,fruit of the holy Spirit in the life of my husband and marriage.i pray that GOD will deliver my husband from ungodly relationship and love of money, pride, smoking and alcoholism in JESUS CHRIST Name AMEN.
More Grace servant of GOD.
Thank you and glory to God for inspiring you to write this prayer. Please pray with me that God will soften my husband’s heart toward me and he can find forgivenesses of the pain I have caused him. Pray that God will restore our marriage.
Blessings to you!
Thank you, I have three grown children, 2 married 19 yrs, 1 for 14 yrs, 7 grandchildren. They all have their marriage struggles. My youngest’s husband left for 6 mos but is now home, praise God and I used your prayers when that situation was dire. This prayer is a good help in praying for their marriages, and even for mine, too, 49 1/2 yrs!! Love your way of coming against the enemy and asking God to restore!
Amen! Yes this prayer was just what I needed!! And I will be sharing it with my sister for her marriage as well!! Thank You and Thank YOU ABBA for hearing me!! I feel the shift already!! HALLELUJAH!!
I too thank you Jesus & Jamie for this prayer. Both my husband & marriage have been under diabolical attack to the point where I filed for divorce just this week. I do love my husband, want my marriage & didn’t want to file for divorce. I thus, pray that GOD will reopen my husband’s ears’ to my voice & soften his heart towards me & my son again. I also pray that GOD will restore my marriage (before the divorce hearing is scheduled, before my son & I have to vacate the home (*in less than 2 months*) & the divorce is finalized) with peace, love, faithfulness, unity, & fruit of the Holy Spirit. I pray that GOD will deliver my husband from ungodly & unhealthy relationships & from putting his family & friends before me. ln the name of JESUS CHRIST I pray this prayer & believe it is done.
Thank you so much for this prayer. I just prayed it!
Wow!! I love this prayer so much!! Thank you Jamie. 😊
Grea and inspirational prayer. My spouse and I have already divorced unfortunately, but I am praying for restoration and reconciliation. I believe God can do the impossible.
Praise the Lord, Please Pray for my Wife, She is in Wrong Relationship and May she come back to me fully.. 3 years married but don’t have baby yet..Pray too for God grant us a New born baby🙏🏼