Prophetic Word: I Am Creating a Nest for You
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Beloved, have you been wondering what on earth the Lord is doing in this season? Wonder no longer; the Lord wants you to know that He is bringing you into a nest of safety, warmth, rest, and goodness!
This is what I heard the Lord say today:
Related: Prophetic Word: You Have Encountered Your Own Authority
“I am creating a nest for you.
You have been homeless and adrift, seeking a routine that is tightly grounded in your purpose. But you have not found your place over all these years until very recently.
Now you have entered into a season of nesting. I have brought you near to Myself. I am watching over you with clear vision and eternal purpose, and I have conveyed your purpose into your heart.
Yes, it was Me who showed you what you wanted your nest to look like.
You don’t need to doubt the authenticity of My nest just because I funneled it through your spirit. It is I, even I, who planned your life before the foundation of the world.
I created you for a certain thing, and even though you have desires and dreams, you need to know that you are able to conceive godly dreams only because those dreams came from Me in the first place.
No, you don’t need to doubt. I am preparing a nest for you right now. You have prayed it in through your spirit, your longings, and your desires, but all of those were only from Me.
I am lining your nest with My feathers.
Right now, I am making a soft place for you to land. Your nest is our nest–for I am with you. I have been waiting for this moment since eternity past, and I am SO EXCITED about showing you what I have for you in this season!
In our nest together, you will have rest.
You have been adrift and helpless for so long, caught in the tides of changing winds and seas. Through it all, however, you have held close to Me and I have sustained you.
But it is time for you to rest now. It is time for you to enter a place of safety and rest; a place of warmth; a place of protection.
No longer do you need to be tossed to and fro, exposed to the elements.
I say to you, no longer! Instead, in this season, you will be cherished and protected, not hated and subjected to chaos. No longer are you going to be subjected to the whims of others, for I am protecting you with my eternal purpose.
The things that you have counted loss for Me, I will give back to you many times over.
You have given up so much for My sake, but I the Lord am with you to keep you and comfort you. I am going to be everything to you that you have given up–AND MORE! You truly have no idea how good I am; all the goodness you have seen thus far is only a glimpse; a one-dimensional snapshot or sneak peek of only a tiny fraction of My goodness!
I have goodness to show you that you have never dreamed of. I have parts of My nature to reveal to you that you have never understood before. I have experiences for you that will make you stand in wonder and awe; you will cry, ‘Only the Lord has done this!’
This is a season of preparation, in which I am preparing a nest for you and for Me to occupy together.
You are welcome to come into our nest, but it is not done yet. It will get softer and softer as I continue lining it with My feathers–My signs, My wonders, My protection, My radical provision, and My earth-shaking revelations of Myself and My glory! Oh, you are going to love what I am doing!
This season of preparation is a time you would not have believed you would have been in if I had told you about it even two years ago. Even then, at that time, you had not conceived of My goodness at this level. And I say to you, in two more years, the goodness I will show you between now and then will be TEN TIMES MORE than the goodness you have seen in the last two years!
I am preparing you and our nest.
I am growing you, pushing you, nudging you, grooming you. I am showing you how to fly on My back. Soon you will be flying beside Me, trying out your own wings, and you will find that they are strong, for I have made you strong! You will soon find that all of the preparation you have endured has had far more effect than you ever realized!
Grow and stretch as you fly with Me right now. You are following My leading so well! I always knew you could do it, and I knew you would do it.
I believe in you, child, and I always have.
You think your best friend believes in you? They do–but I believe in you more! You think your human loved ones love you? They do; but I love you more! I have always believed in you! I have always known how much greatness was in you, and now I am bringing you into it.
The place of your greatness is great because you are going to reflect MY greatness.
In this season, you are going to show the world who I am. I will help you! You are going to reflect Me with skin on, and you will do so from a position of safety and refuge that you now find under My wings.
Did you think I could bring you into a wide, safe place like this? I tell you, I can: and I will do greater than this! Did you think I could put you into a nest like this–a nest where you feel My love, see My love, walk in My goodness, and fulfill your purpose? Yes, I tell you; for I the Lord have brought you into a safe place! It is a warm place; a place of shelter; a place from which you can see clearly with My own vision!
You are entering the nest I have prepared for you.
In this nest you will feel safe, for you are safe. In this nest you will feel warm, for I am God who keeps you and I am warming you and protecting you with My consuming fire. In this nest you will come back to who you really are, and better, for I am bringing you into your own authority.
I am preparing a nest for you. You are in it now, but it will continue getting softer. Fear not! This season is going to be the best of your life, for I the Lord have made it so.”
WOW! Hallelujah! Thank You, Papa God. I love You so much. Thank You for this word!
Beloved friend, did the Lord speak to you through this word today? If so, leave a comment below! I’d love to hear how this word impacted you!
Amen!!!!!! Thank you Lord!!!!!
Oh Jamie! In tears here. All that you said from Daddy just brings tears. I left my husband like He told me, am sitting here in a motel apartment, all decorated in my favorite things, and my favorite color(red)😁. Away from the belittling, the demeaning, the mental and emotional games. A sweet little nest that has brought me peace, but temporary. I have been living in temporary accommodations (including my own home , sigh) for three years. I need a warm safe nest! He kept telling me He would deliver my kids from the hand of the enemy and put them in a large place with rest all around, but just yesterday He told me that it was for me too. Tears. I am overwhelmed by His love. Thank you for hearing from Him for me. Every word was for me dear sister. Much love to you.
Thank you for all your provision thank you for strengthening me and your patience my most perfect God thank you for all your help and patience I love you praise be to our lord Jesus Christ amen amen
This is exactly what I was experiencing then and what I am acknowledging now. I am in the nest that the Lord has prepared for me with the vision of everything new and exciting. He has blessed me with a new heart and energized me towards my purpose.
Thank you for such a Powerful word that has blessed me Tremendously. On time Word
Thank you Jamie, for this prophetic word.Our God is a good God,He know’s how to reward his children. I receive this word in Jesus name. Thank you and God bless you.
Thank you ! Abba Father is speaking so precious to me through this ❤️🙏🏻
Glory be to the Most High! Rejoice Jamie because I had just sent you an email about miracles and I had not even read this prophecy yet!!! The blessings I shared with you is a confirmation of what this prophecy revealed. I had to stop reading to take it all in. Bless your heart and thank God.
Jaime I sooo needed to hear this!!!!! Thank You For Yielding Yourself To The Holy Spirit Thank You Father For Everything
Thank you, Father. Even now as I sit on my deck I can hear birds of all kind chirping. They are surrounding me. I know that it is you speaking to me. I don’t know how it is going to happen, but I receive your word.
Thank you, Jamie for your continued faithfulness and encouragement.
I really needed to hear this, thank you so much🙏😌
Thank you for this incredible Word! This is written straight from the heart of the Lord! I will sow a seed for your faithfulness to give the Word you receive. Love you Jamie
Good morning, Jamie I receive the prophesy it came at the right time and is hitting straight on me, I thank God for preparing a nest of warmth and protection
Dear Jamie,
Thank you fir your encouragement. Your voice is so needed in this world, today.
Your message entitled, “I am preparing a nest for you,” was so timely for me. I so needed to read this and to receive it in my spirit.
The Lord has promised me a nest of my own, and I Know that He is so very faithful to do as He has promised.
This was just the encouragement that I needed for today.
Blessings to you in abundance!
Wow!, this is awesome, I never expected this prophetic promise of a new season in my life and God just spoke everything that am lacking. I receive this prophetic word with all heartedly and I believe that I will have perfect and complete rest for the rest of my life. Thanks so much Jamie may the anointing upon you be heated up and be energized to do the uncommon and unusual miracles signs and wonders. Amen
Hello Jamie,
Your words of encouragement and wisdom from the Lord Jesus is amazing to say in the least!
How does the Lord speak His words of encouragement for His body to you?
100% spot on prophetic words from the Lord Jesus!
Thank you for being you and may God bless you Jamie!
Thank you Jamie! This word was spoken directly to me and for me! I am more than ready for this new season with him. Growing and resting in him at the same time. Your word on 2 years is exactly the time frame I have endured his goodness thru the challenges. I have trusted him in it all, obeyed him and remained in his presence. Now my heart is beyond excited and grateful for what he is doing in this season. Your ministry has had such a profound effect on my life and my walk with Papa God. I Love you
Wow what a timely word pure bliss thank you Jamie God continue to strengthen and bless you 🙏will so again soon 😊💕
In His Love
Thank you Jamie for the prophetic word that i needed it most right now and soon to happen. May the Holy Spirit give me wisdom what it is all about. Thank you and more annonting
Dear Jamie, I thank Papa God for sisters like you who are living in His presence, and is an encouragement to go on. This word surely connected to my life process and its tells me that others share similar experiences in life, I also reflects the heart of Papa towards us, His purpose and intent. I will hold this word closely and look to see what He is doing in my life, thanks again for you timely,word of encouragement. God bless you.
Thank you so much, Jamie. I have been wondering and thinking that the Lord is far from me because of all that I have been going through for many years. Today, I am encouraged knowing that all is nor in vain, the Lord is preparing my nest. Yoy have dpoje into my own life. May the Lord continue to use you for His glory.
I received this word…This is what I needed.Thank you. Totally uplifted me today.
S.B Virginia
Thank you for the ‘nest’ such words of comfort. God Bless you
Thank you for these words I took a lots of notes and they are meant for me thank you.
Thank you for this Word. It confirmed everything the Lord has been saying to me. God bless you abundantly.
Thank you Father for your Word! And it never returns to you void but always comes to pass. I so needed to hear that Lord. Thank you Jaime for your obedience and your generous, selfless and kind heart. That Word so blessed me! I receive it Lord, AMEN.
This is what I’ve been asking and believing for. Had a rough week at work and this word spoke to me in so many ways, for so many situations. I receive it, and I anticipate the manifestation!! Amen!
🙌 we will find rest! I receive these words in Jesus’ name. Glory to you Lord.
Lord this is home!
Lord you led me here!
“Adrift, helpless, homeless” You alone could know this!
Thank you for your Spirit on your handmaid Prophetess Jamie!!!
Thank you that your Spirit of “quick in understanding” like biblical Abigail is upon Prophetess Jamie. Precision, accuracy, and authenticity!!
Most very grateful for this insightful prophetic word!
You are highly APPRECIATED.
Yes Heavenly Father Pour Back Into Jaime what she pours out to us For You In Jesus Name🔥🔥🔥
Thank you Divine Creator Blest!
I say a big AMEN and thank you Jamie this is so comforting and encouraging especially at a time like this. More anointing dear
Jamie thank you I was just asking God for his consuming fire God is so good and faithful I needed all those words in my spirit knowing that we live by faith and not by sight He is working in us we don’t see it but He is with things that we don’t imagine thank you Papa for you and continue for your anointing I receive every Word that comes from Him Amen and Amen May the Lord continue blessing you and your family
Hi Jamie
Some minutes before I received your email I was in tears…just been struggling a bit these days and honestly, I began to loose faith. I was asking Jehovah how long again do I have to wait before He blesses me. I was lashing out a bit…kinda got into that place.
Then a little while after your message came through 😊. What can I say besides to continue to stay in faith and fight off these bad feelings when they come!
All glory and honour to Jehovah God. Thank you Jamie for being His faithful servant ❤️
Amen! Hallelujah! Praise the King of kings!
Glory!, Glory!!. Glory and praise to our God. Papa God is always on point, there is no mistake in Him. This is the day the Lird has made, jet us rejoice and be glad!!!. Alleluia!!. Amen!!!.
Thank you my Lord and thank you Jamie.
Thank you for this awesome word I so needed to hear. Wow, thank you ABBA Father 💜
Thank you! Yes, I receive this!
I am in awe and lost for words. It’s like the Lord is having a direct conversation with me. Thank you Jamie for speaking from the Father’s heart. Than you Lord.
Thank You, Lord for anointing Jamie. Bless, protect, provide for her and her loved ones. Lord, Your grace and love fill our heart and soul. We are no more destitute, we are covered by faith and dwell in the shelter and secret place of our Creator, our most high God, to abide under the shadow of the Almighty, Restore our safe home and rest to serve in Your Kingdom, let Your Joy and peace and purpose prevail in our lives. All Glory, Honor be to Thee. Thank you Jamie, we love your obedience to God’s Word.
Amen! Thank you Lord grateful eternally 🙏🏼🙏🏼💜💜
I needed to hear this. I receive this word from Papa God. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you so very much Lord. Jamie thank you for being the vehicle in which the Lord God Almighty brought this word through. This is a stressful time for some, even most. This is very encouraging and much needed. God bless. Amen.
Thank you Lord for the comforting words. I needed these comforting words to strengthen my soul. Really I felt peace in my heart today. Glory and Praise to God.
Thank you Jamie God’s abundance Grace be upon you and your family.
Wow thank Father for the confirmation of my prayers. This is like a manfestion of all that I’ve praying, crying and pleading to you Father. Thank you God for all that you are doing for me.
Thank you.. I receive it in Jesus name! Thank you God for all your protection, love, warmth, rest.
Thank you father God! Blessed be to the lamb of God, words from the father, I have prayed for a different season, thank you father, thank you God! Lord I need rest, thank you for the cross, thank you for the strength to get through this season!
I wonder if this is for me. I hope it is. I’ve been lonely and lost, helpless and going through the motions for the last almost 2 years, since my fiance died. I feel like I’m just drifting along without a purpose. The only anchor I have is my faith and God seems really distant from m. I feel so empty and so lonely inside. I know God loves me. I really hope this word is for me. I know it is for many people, but I hope one of those people is me.
Dear Rishie, you are exactly one of the people who this Word from God our Father is for! That is why He led you to it! His love for you is so great that He heard the cries of your heart and used our sister in Christ, Jaime, as a vessel to speak directly to you! Although it doesn’t always feel like it, He has been with you through it all and this Word is confirmation that our Father is making a shift in your life, things are turning around in your favor!! “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:11-13). You have made Him your anchor, so by seeking Him, you have found Him and His Word for you today! He is the Great Promise Keeper, the only true anchor, all that you need! So continue to seek Him and wait expectantly as He pours out His blessings on you. I pray and believe for you that God will FILL YOU with a powerful, life-altering, healing, rejuvenating experience of His love! And I believe this Word that Jaime shared with us is just the beginning of the great things our Heavenly Father has planned for you, His beloved child 🙂
I Wept a stream of tears may Abba Father bless each sister and brother in Christ that reads this powerful word. May He continue to bless your ministry abundantly beyond measure. I receive this word as a daughter of our King if Kings. May this word wipe away the vagabond spirit so heavy over me for years homeless but have a home but not able to nest. This word so needed! God bless you Jamie
Wow! I’m in Awe, absolute Awe! Very well said. All ‘boxes’ are ticked. I can relate to this message, this is so me, so me Amen! Thank You Jamie. You are truly used of God and a real blessing sister.
Glory to God! Thank you for those soothing words. It was apt and definitely for me. A Word in Season. May God Bless You,
Amen. Thank you. I receive this is Jesus’s name.
Amen !!! This is so so for me , I receive It. Thank You LORD and thanks Jamie for yeilding .
Amen amen i thank the Lord for this comforting Word i receive it and believing that He has already made this season the best for me, thank you Jamie for your obedience in the Lord may He bless you and increase you in all your heart desires ❤💕🙇
Thank u Jesus for know only u can feel my agony and pain. You know how lonely I hv always been. I hv to fight my own battles .People hv been so insensitive towards me. But I found my refuge in u my lord. My life is complete with my lord in it. Praise be to God.
Thank you Jesus. This was indeed for me as it has been like I am in a dark valley not too sure of my purpose. But lately I have seen a light at the end of the tunnel as I have continued to read your articles right here in Nairobi, Kenya. Its getting clearer and this WORD has just confirmed what the Lord is doing in my life. I am so grateful to God that He believes in me when others doubt. I cant wait to see the continuation of the amazing fulfillment of what He is doing in my life in this season. I cant stop shedding tears of joy as I enjoy His presence. God bless you greatly for allowing yourself to be used of the Lord to bless my life. God bless you greatly Jamie.
Oh Father! Thank you so much for this word of comfort! Help me more and more. I enter into this nest you have prepared for me. I believe this year will be the best year of my life so far. This word is for me
Hi Jamie,
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Our Papa God spoke to me through this prophetic wod and it seemed as if it was him actually speakig directly to my heart. Thank you and I pray Papa God continues to bless you and your ministry.
In awe of you Lord, Hallelujah
Thank-you, Jamie our world is scary, an a safe haven sounds good!
Amen! Confirmation and more! 💜
“Right now, I am making a soft place for you to land. Your nest is our nest–for I am with you. I have been waiting for this moment since eternity past, and I am SO EXCITED about showing you what I have for you in this season!
In our nest together, you will have rest.
You have been adrift and helpless for so long, caught in the tides of changing winds and seas. Through it all, however, you have held close to Me and I have sustained you.
But it is time for you to rest now. It is time for you to enter a place of safety and rest; a place of warmth; a place of protection”.
The above Word spoke to me so loud that I was beginning to think it was specifically for me!! The reason is that, whilst I am believing for ALL the promises of God made to me over the years; waiting, moving, slowing, struggling, fighting the kind of battles that I don’t understand & no one around me seems to understand; at the same time I felt like I was drifting away so far that I’m far wide away from the Lord’s purpose and intention. By His Grace, I have fought some incredible battles that should have taken me away, but for the Lord who was and still with me, I had VICTORY but the scars and pains were still there for me to see.
Lately, I believe the Lord is doing a new thing, hence this WORD just lifted something in me to the core. So, I receive it and begin to walk in it NOW. Thank you Jesus.
LORD, I am humbled by Your perfect and never ending love for me!! How do I thank YOU enough! You have saved my life and saved me from destruction so many times – I owe ALL that I am to YOU! Yes, I receive Your nest joyfully! I need rest from the storms that have beset me from the time I was born… It took so many years but You have healed me completely! I am so grateful there aren’t enough words to express my gratitude my ABBA, my KING, my LORD!!
Thank you Jamie for this message…. it is overwhelming and precious to me!
God bless you and your ministry!
Lord remove all doubt,worry and fear from my heart in Jesus’ precious Name Amen and Amen
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jamie
This word was definitely for me, I receive it Thank You Father GOD. The higher He takes me the more chaotic it gets but I’m still standing trusting and believing in his word. I definitely need rest goes I’ve been going through battle after battle with no breaks in between but I know that my GOD is with me so it doesn’t matter who is against me. Me and my children have 3days to find a new home of our own because the landlord is selling the house that we’re currently in we’ve been looking for months but haven’t found anything. Back in mid April I was diagnosed with covid-19 and it took me a month and a half to recover thank GOD that I was able to breathe on my own at that time I also had pneumonia and a blood clot in my lung, a nodule in my left breast low vitamin D and my thyroid was overactive but GOD healed me before I left the hospital the blood clot was gone and I was only there for 4days. I had a mammogram and ultrasound done 2 weeks ago and the nodule was gone and the chest xray showed the pneumonia was gone so the only thing I need to go now is the overactive thyroid and vitamin D deficiency and the stiffness in my neck and spine. Thank You JEUS My GOD IS A HEALER way maker MIRACLE worker promise keeper light in the darkness HALLELUJAH!! I love you father GOD!! I love you JESUS!! I love you Jamie!! Thank you heavenly Father thank you Jesus. Thank you Jamie for sharing the things that you share with us because it’s always right on time. Can you pray for me and my children to find a home?
What an amazing gift the Lord has blessed you with! I am so blessed to have found your site and truly love how He’s using you. I receive this word! God has given me really big dreams but as of lately I’ve been wondering if they’re going to manifest. This is confirmation He hears my cries. Thank you Heavenly Father ❤️
This is an encouraging word. It speaks to me and I love it. I have heard this maybe twice or thrice this year and I am receiving every promise in this word. My life is a mess but my God protects me all the time. Glory be to God.Amen!
Yes, this word spoke to me BIG time!!! Thank you Jesus, for hearing my heart cry. I thank you for the nest that you have for me. Even though I’m not deserving of it, your love for me allowed me to receive Your safety and goodness. Thank you for calling me BLESS. Lord, thank you for allowing me to enter into a new season. Father, allow me to keep my eyes stayed on you as long as I live. For there’s no one greater, than You. Thank you for this word, woman of God, for ABBA truly spoke through you. I receive this word, in Jesus Name. Amen.
God bless the Lord- he is a wonderful little bird preparing my nest, and lining it and all my pockets.
My heart is fluttering right now that I could hardly get through this encouraging word! I told my husband today that I need him to fast with me for 3 days because something is happening. He asked what did I think it was and I said it feels like Im nesting. He said what in the world is that? I said like when a woman is getting prepared to bring her baby home, she nests!
I have been cleaning my house from top to bottom, physical and spiritual. Not only that, but I am employing my family to do the same and challenging them to maintain a level of cleanliness (imagine this for a 9 year old creative:).
With the exception of the dining area, I have gone through each room and cleaned everything out! I feel like I need to do this for some reason, and it isn’t like a regular Spring cleaning! And not only that, random person texts me and says that they had a dream that I was pregnant! Strange things happening in the middle of a pandemic, but creativity is definitely surging and hopes and dreams are being revived! God is breathing new life over here, and I am just thankful for you confirming that! Blessings to you and your house Jamie!
This Word spoke to the center of my very being. Always Blessed by your words, such a life changing ministry the LORD has you in
God Bless
I am overjoyed and determined to rest in our nest(Meeting Place), where I shall be fed from the Father’s mouth(His Word, insight, love, etc); it’s gonna be awesome! Thank You Papa for using your daughter Jamie to deliver this on time word into my heart. This is my winning season! Amen
Yes my God, I believe, trust in, and receive Your word – revealed through Jamie. I rest in the best You’ve made for me. I thank You that for all we have been through together, the best is here and now. Teach me to fly, my Lord – for I cling to You. I know Your purpose for me is great. Use me for Your glory. I declare that the next two years will be ten times greater than the last two years. In Jesus Name, Amen
Thank you Jamie! I am definitely in a season of preparation right now so this was a right on time word! God bless you and keep you always!
It Is So and I Agree with This Word for Me!!
Yes, this message is such a blessing to me. I feel encouraged and say Thank you.
Good morning Pastor& Sister Jamie!
This is a lot for me to take in. A man of God told me the same thing last week Friday night. I just read this today and it is too much for me. I cried because of this. I see his love all around. I am resting in it since he said I should.
Thank you for submitting to God, Pastor Jamie! God is truly in this place
This Word is very accurate. Thank you Jamie for being faithful to your calling.
Amen and Amen.
Thank you Jamie for this powerful Word.
Amen,Amen,Amen.This was my message; every single word.I receive it my Dear Lord, and I love You because You have already started doing it. Thank You for this confirmation Jehovah.
May God bless You Jamie for allowing Him to use you.
Glory Glory Glory to The Lord God Almighty!!!
I believe and receive this word in the Mighty Name of The Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. May The Lord reveal His glory in my life. Holy Spirit, come!! I am in my nesting season with The Lord. Hallelujah.
God bless you Sister Jamie.
Amen!!! Thank YOU FATHER for this WORD!! Definitely brought me to tears!!! I receive it and claim that I am walking into the best season of my life in JESUS’ Name!!! Hallelujah!!!
Thank you Jamie I received this word I think you for strength and leading me where I need to be I start school January 11th I’m getting my peace back thank u god keep pushing me in working on me
Praise JESUS I’ve been believing Father for a new and better place. It’s been heck where I am, but I’ve stayed in faith knowing that he is faithful and just. Thank you, YAHWEH for answered prayers!!!
Thank you for sharing this today. I am literally shedding tears as I read this and give my thanks and praise to God for His message. This year has been one of reunion, growth, happiness, tears, frustration, detachment, awe, humbleness, discovery, hope, and so much more. I can’t wait for Him to finish the beautiful nest that He’s preparing for me and Him to live in! Praise and Glory to the most high God! Hallelujah and Amen!!!!! 💕🙏🏽💕
Wow, Jsmie. I knew the Lord was up to something good, but didn’t expect this. I’m sitting here tears running down my face. His love is so tangible, so beautiful. Thank You Jesus for never leaving nor forsaking me.
Jamie,i am still amazed how God is so close and can feel how i feel at this time.Every message that you’ve shared is mjne and i also going through it right now.
I received my portion from the Lord this morning and by FAITH it will happen.Amen
Im confused! Your email said this was a powerful word for this season but its dated June!
Yes, Amen
I was really Blessed by this message right on time !!God wants me to fly!!i feel the season of transformation in my life just like a caterpillars transform into a butterfly!! So Blessed thank you sister Jamie💕God Bless you!
Thank-you, Jamie!
Timeless timely priceless matchless prophetic precision and accuracy!
Authentically customised for me!
Hallelujah Amen.
Most very grateful Prophetess Jamie: 1Cor15:58/Heb6:10
Thank you.
Thank You God! I receive Your love,
Wow, just wow!! CONFIRMATION!! Thank you for your obedience, Jamie!
I’ve been praying about the direction God wants me to go concerning my job. I have an opportunity to do what I’m currently doing but in a different place. The past 2 years my seas and winds have been constantly changing and I have been subjected to chaos and hate. I have been wondering why God called to me to where I am currently at because he is not a God of chaos. He is a God of order. I am under contract until may of ‘22. But have been approached multiple times this year to move to the other place. I was approached again this last week and told them I would let them know in 2 weeks. I have been asking for discernment and wisdom and that the path I am supposed to take would be clear and I wouldn’t be able to miss it.
Praising God for his and your faithfulness. Looking forward to the coming season of nesting with God!
Wow! God speaks in a miraculous ways ,just finished praying an heartfelt prayer to the father for HIS LEADING,and your email just pop in. This is a CONFIRMATION. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEEN A VESSEL.THE WORDS BROUGHT TEARS OF JOY TO MY EYES THOU.
I thank the God for His marvelous love. Indeed I need comfort, protection and warmth and rest from the chaos of this world. I have been through a lot of unrest. Thanks for the right word for the right season. In Jesusbname
Thank you Papa God.I believe and have faith in you Papa God.I give thanks and praise to you for having chosen me..In Jesus name.Amen
I love you Papa God.
Praise the Lord, I receive it, thank you Heaven Father…..thanks Jamie
Thank you for this word! The Lord has me memorizing Psalm 91 right now. This message brought tears too my eyes and warmth all over! He is so, so good, faithful, and full of loving kindness!
Amen. I believe this was speaking directly to me. I’ve been feeling adrift and wondering constantly about why I’m here. I await the revelation.
Hello Jamie ❤,
My dearest God has made a way! His preascoius word says “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” No matter how dark or far things may seem, my God is working! GOD gave me a safe place 4 years ago, thru prosecution, adversity, criticism and opposition he blessed me and I know he will bless all who seek his kingdom. God is a Good God! I want to share with all of you a quick story. I was lead to a small apartment where I needed to spend the next 4 years of my life growing in faith and developing my relationship with God. I talked to my lord every single day. As the days went by God continued to reveal the vision he has for my life. He turned the pain and suffering into Wisdom, Comfort and Peace “the kind of peace that surpasses all understanding” Today I stand strong in the Lord for he has blessed, promoted, favored and give me increase. My new partner (christ fearing man) and I are on our way to our new safe place. Our new home that has been designed by God to fulfill his purpose! A piece of kingdom, more than I could have ever asked for. Amen and Glory be to the most highest! Trust in him for he is the way the truth and the life…
Wonderful, Thank you, Amen 🙏🏼🙂💛
Oh HOLY JESUS CHRIST of NAZARETH,, I thank you I give you all the glory HONOUR and PRAISE I GLORIFY YOUR NAME AND I MAGNIFY your name HOLY JESUS you are wealthy to be PRAISED HOLY JESUS …Oh HOLY SPIRIT my BEST FRIEND, my COMFORTER thank you for your love and comfort I am crying tears I don’t even know how to thank my HOLY FATHER for remembering me after 11 years of suffering AND having pain day and night not knowing what to do what to say but to day my NAME has changed from GRASS to GRACE MY HOLY FATHER IS REWRITING MY NAME, GLORY TO THE MOST HIGH HOLY GOD…THANK YOU I AM ALL YOURS HOLY JESUS…..THANK YOU AGAIN I LOVE YOU HOLY JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH I LOVE YOU HOLY SPIRIT THANK YOU HOLY JESUS FOR NOT TAKING AWAY THE HOLY SPIRIT FROM ME WITHOUT MY FRIEND HOLY SPIRIT I HAVE NO LIFE I CANNOT EVEN COMMUNICATE WITH MY HOLY FATHER IN HEAVEN JESUS CHRIST…BLESSED BE YOUR HOLY NAME JESUS….AMEN It Shall Manifest and it shall come to pass in the name of HOLY God the FATHER HOLY God the Son and the HOLY SPIRIT…..Amen and Amen.
Thank you Jamie, God bless you all.
Glorrrryyyy!!!! This is such a timely word! I receive it all in Jesus’ name! Thanks so much sis for your obedience! Blessings!
Thank you for sharing this heart-warming word! I receive it in Jesus’ name! God bless you!
Thank you so very much for this very encouraging message. ABBA FATHER You are so good and faithful.
Let everything that is within me Praise the Lord!!
I am in tears having received this powerful and enabling message. So let it be Lord.
HALLELUJAH 🙌🏾💃🏾.. AMEN 🙏🏾Thank you GOD 🙏🏾🙌🏾🙏🏾. You are so good to me and I LOVE YOU ❤️💕❤️. GOD bless you JAMIE 😊..
This was a word of confirmation and encouragement for me today Jamie. Thank you for obeying the Lord and reposting it. I spent my day off away from my family to literally prepare a nest for the children in my care at my new position I’ve been at for two weeks and the situation has been very challenging for all. As I worked I listened to my Bible and to you teaching on prayer and prayed with you and our other brethren. ( I was prompted to “but in” and ask permission to prepare the room for the children this week by opening our powder room book up “randomly” to an excerpt from C S. Lewis’ writings that said “prepare the nest before the eggs”). I believe it’s also a confirmation of spiritual and financial breakthrough for me, my family, and for those connected with my place of employment who are in process of receiving Christ.
Thank you so much for this message. Father God is so good and always on time. Thank you Father for your amazing love for me.
Praise the Lord!
Thank you Daddy God and thank you Jamie! I’ve received this for myself! After 15 years of marriage, I’m going through a divorce, my husband has chosen the idol of drugs for far to long. My 3 kids and I are now living 3 hours away with my parents in their new glorious home overlooking the lake on a hill where I can see for miles. The animals love this house! I’m so happy here. It’s hard for me to fully rest, however, my kids think they are only visiting, even though I’m about to enroll them in school here. I pray, Daddy God that they will embrace this new just like a you want them to in Jesus name🙏🏼🙌🏼🦋 amen!
Praise God for this message. 🙌
Thank you for encouragement, what I want to see is God’s intervention in my life. I can see that He is preparing me for greater glory, I am happy to know that it is a season of rest. I know Your purpose for me is great Oh God HALLELUJAH.
Thank you so much, Jamie. I have been wondering and thinking that the Lord is far from me because of all that I have been going through for many years. Today, I am encouraged knowing that all is nor in vain, the Lord is preparing my nest. Yoy have dpoje into my own life. May the Lord continue to use you for His glory.
Thank you God for all that your doing for me. Father know I am tired 😫 😭🙏🏾🙌🏾 but all glory to you Father 🙌🏾🙏🏾.
Thank you for this word from our Father God!!
About a month or so ago, I was praying for a house/home. I have been praying and meditating on Isaiah 32:18 AMP
Then my people will live in a peaceful surrounding, And in secure dwellings and in undisturbed resting places!
Your prophetic word just confirm what God is during in this season for me!!
I pray much blessings and God’s favor on you and your family and everything that you are doing in Jesus name Amen
Thank you so very much,
Love you
This Word was for me. I felt like I was sinking and about to fall apart. God stepped in and rescued me. I am going to cling to this Word because I want to “Rest in the Nest He has prepared for me. He has me covered and I have been experiencing His love and presence like never before. I know there is more to come because I want Him to use me so the glory of the Lord will flow through me. Thank you again for encouraging my heart. This Word had given me strength and hope to press forward.
Thank you Jesus, yes this word from papa is for me and 🙏 it is very accurate and I receive it in the name of Jesus!!
Thank you dear God for this prophetic message. You truly know your children and you care for them so much when all seems lost.
My Helper has come…( singing). My Word indeed. Thank you Jamie for allowing Our ABBA to use you. resting in my nest prepared by my Father with His feathers. I am at peace.
At a loss for words…this cut deeply into my heart. I needed to hear this word from God at this particular time in my life like never before. Thank You Papa God ~ You always know how to get through to my heart…
This word touched a raw nerve in me. I can’t stop crying. I praise God and am expectant.
Thank you Jamie .
Hello Jamie,
For Oct 2021,I still thank God for this great Word of Ptophecy that I really need right now in my life.Timely message that I need.. Wow!!!What are great prophecy..Thank you Lord for believing in me.
Thank you so much Jamie.God Bless your ministry abundantly with His Great LOVE
10:15 Ghana time. (October) 22-10-2021
Lord, You said that You watch Your word to perform. You Lord has spoken through Your handmaid Prophetesses Jamie Rohrbaugh. Be therefore, unto me according to Your word.
Your word has blessed me today. After praying/reading along with you, I looked at the date and laughed because our Father sets things up at the right time when we need them. I have been in my valley for the past two years and in the last year, I felt cut off at the beginning in having to work alone. I clearly see that the Lord has pulled me out and have been preparing a nest for me where I can soar; nothing has been taken away, everything is being added so I can work in my assignment to carry out His purpose. THIS is so comforting to read and to know. Shalom!
Thank you God for the resting place for me and you 🙏🏾😭🙌🏾
Thank you Jesus I am crying as I am reading this He is talking about me being homeless but I hung on to Him and drew closer to Him . My whole body was tingling and was crying as I read this thank you Father for this powerful word I needed to hear this word . I love you Father for protecting me and keeping me safe I love you so much Jesus 👑❤🕊
Thank you for such a powerful word. It really ministered to me.