I Choose To Extend Love (Encouraging Word)

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I Choose to Extend Love | by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comDo you ever feel like you’ve been gutted, and you’re bleeding all over the place?

  • Maybe you’ve been punched in the gut.
  • Maybe someone you trusted betrayed you.
  • Maybe you’ve had someone try to drive a wedge between you and a friend.

I’ve dealt with something like that recently. It hurts. But I was praying about it this morning, and the Lord laid this piece of wisdom on my heart:

They can only sow bitterness if I accept that bitterness. They can only sow offense if I take up the offense. They can only sow disunity if I allow it.

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    And I’m sorry, but I’ve come too far to allow bitterness, offense, or disunity to take root.

    God, I need Your help.

    By the grace and help of God, I’m going to come in the opposite spirit. I’m going to cover people with love, even though they are not sowing love.

    I’m going to embrace the ones involved with a cloak of unity. If I refuse to be disunited from them, then discord cannot take root.

    I choose to extend love, because love is stronger than sin.

    Love is stronger than bitterness. Love is stronger than hatred. Love is stronger than greed and grasping for gain or position.

    I heard Chris Gore of Bethel Church tell a story to illustrate this once. He was preaching in a South American country to a huge crowd of people. There was a heckler in the front of the crowd. The heckler started shouting out things like “I hate you!” and wouldn’t stop.

    People expected Chris Gore to have his security people remove the man. However, instead of removing the man, Chris jumped down from the stage and wrapped the man in the biggest bear hug ever and said, “But I love you!”

    The man continued to shout, “I hate you!” But Chris Gore kept responding, “But I love you!” over and over. After a few moments of this, the love of Jesus through Chris broke the control of the enemy over this man’s life. The man was delivered from the demons that oppressed him and encountered Jesus instead.

    In that story, deliverance came through the power of love.

    So by the grace of God, I choose to extend love in my story too. I choose to cover with mercy and grace. I choose to remain in peace.

    Does the situation hurt? Yes, it has hurt terribly. But the Bible tells me I must love. In John 13:35, Jesus said: “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” Also, First Corinthians 13 tells us that:

    • Love suffers long if it has to, and is kind anyway.
    • Love doesn’t get easily provoked.
    • Love always thinks the best of every person.

    What are you going through today that leaves you feeling bloody and battered? What has broken your heart?

    Would you also go before the Lord with me and choose to extend love?

    Father, I pray for every one of us that needs Your special grace to love today. Pour Your love into us and through us. Let it be easy and fun. Let us feel your supernatural empowering to love those who hate us, to bless those who curse us, and to pray for those who despitefully use us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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