Day 19: Praying for God to Perfect, Establish, Strengthen, and Settle You

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Have you suffered long enough? Are you ready for God to complete His good work in you now? If so, today’s breakthrough prayer points are for you. Today, we are claiming His promise to perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.

21 More Days of Breakthrough Prayer | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

Beloved, if you need breakthrough in any area right now, then this whole series, 21 More Days of Breakthrough Prayer, and its sister series, 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer, are for you. I encourage you to pray through both series and believe God to move in a major way in your life.

The Lord has led me to write 21 More Days of Breakthrough Prayer because the first 21 days were so powerful, but the Lord told me He isn’t done working miracles!

So, we are continuing to pray through various breakthrough Scriptures for 21 more days!

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    Related: Click here for the Table of Contents for the entire 21 More Days of Breakthrough Prayer series.

    In this simple prayer series, I am sharing one Scripture verse or passage each day. I will also add bullet-point prayer directives you can use to pray through that Scripture. I won’t be writing out actual prayers, though; I feel the Lord wants you to exercise your prayer muscles by talking to Him right out of your heart!

    Today, Day 19 of breakthrough prayer, we are praying for completion of your breakthrough: for the Lord to perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.

    1 Peter 5:10 says:

    “But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you(1 Peter 5:10 NKJV).

    I have prayed this verse and prayer for many years.

    When I gave my life to Christ at 20 years old, my life, mind, and emotions were in such misery (from living enthusiastically for the devil all my life) that I was desperate for hope. The Lord led me to this verse and I prayed it so many times. It encouraged me to know that my weeping was not forever; that after I transformed my mind according to His Word and began to obey Him, the Lord would bring me into stability and a blessed life.

    And He has. He was faithful to perform His Word, as He always is.

    helpful resources

    Are you going through a storm you don’t deserve?

    If so, Jamie’s book Stable In the Storm: Consecrated Living for Tumultuous Times will help you embrace God’s purposes for allowing your storm, so you can be done with the season of trial and testing sooner!

    Order the paperback or download this ebook today, and let the Lord speak to you about His purposes for YOUR storm!

    Beloved, the same goes for you. You may have suffered a long time, but the Lord desires to perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you today.

    In today’s breakthrough prayer, we are praying for the Lord to finish His work in your heart in this season–and to bring you into the stable, fulfilled, grounded, peaceful, calm, blessed life that He has promised you.

    Let’s look at today’s breakthrough promise one more time:

    “But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you(1 Peter 5:10 NKJV).

    Pray through these breakthrough prayer points with me today:

    • Tell the Father that you come before Him in Jesus’ name.
    • Thank Him for seeing you through all the suffering you have ever endured in your life.
    • Thank Him and praise Him for preserving you and keeping you alive.
    • Praise Him for His faithfulness to you!
    • Remind Him of His Word that says that, now, the set time to favor you has come.
    • Point out to Him that you meet the conditions of His promise in 1 Peter 5:10 (the verse quoted above), for you have suffered a while already.
    • Because you have already suffered, ask Him by His grace to perfect you right now.
    • Ask Him to make you like Him, and to help you fully line up with His plan and Word in every aspect of your life.
    • Ask Him to bring the fullness of His work in your life in this season into completion.
    • Ask Him to establish you; to set you up in a solid place with a solid foundation under you, so that your world doesn’t rock and sway underneath you every day.
    • Pray that the Lord would strengthen you right now; that He would make you so strong in Himself, and in the power of His might, that you are not moved nor swayed from your position in Him regardless of what goes on around you.
    • Petition Him to help you read and receive His Word and His revelation into your heart every day, so that your faith can be solid and stable–for faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17).
    • Ask Him to settle you into the places and alignments He has for you in life, so that you may be established and at home like a bird in its cozy nest.
    • Pray that the Lord would instruct you and teach you in the way you should go and guide you with His eye upon you.
    • Ask Him to bring you into all the right circumstances, opportunities, and relationships, and to deliver you from all the wrong ones!
    • Pray that He would minister His peace to your heart today, comforting you and calming you in every distress and affliction.
    • Plead the blood of Jesus over your mind, will, and emotions. Ask Him to help you abide in Jesus, and in His love, today, and that He would keep you stable, steady, and fixed under the shadow of His wings.
    • Pray that the Lord would hide you in His bosom from the world around you today.
    • Pour out your heart to the Lord about anything weighing on your mind or emotions today. Ask Him for help–then thank Him for listening and helping you.
    • Ask that the peace of God, which passes all understanding, would guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
    • Thank Him for hearing and answering your prayer, and give Him all the praise!

    Dear friend, you have suffered a little while. It is your right to ask the Father to bring this season of suffering to and end, and to bring you out into a wide, stable, blessed place in life.

    You’re going to have to submit fully to His will in order to receive the fullness of His blessings. That’s just what His Word says! But, He will help you do that. He gives you both the desire to obey Him AND the ability to carry it out.

    Beloved, remember: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6). God’s Word is true. After you have suffered a while, He will indeed perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. Ask Him to do it TODAY, for the set time to favor you has come!

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    Speak Life Volume 2!

    This book contains hundreds of Biblical confessions that will help you walk in God’s manifest power every day! Use Speak Life Volume 2 to help you speak the Word over your mind, love walk, prayer life, and more.

    Do this Scripture and breakthrough prayer encourage you today? If so, leave a comment below! 


    1. Thankyou Lord for Jamie and this powerful prayer I receive it in Jesus name you are blessed Jamie

    2. Amen, In Jesus’ Name, it is so! May God add an abundance of blessings to your life for your obedience to Him!

      1. I receive this word in faith. Thank you Heavenly Father! Thank you Jaimie.

    3. Thank you Jamie for these prayer points. They have blessed me.

    4. Amen, I receive this promise today in Jesus Christ’s name of Nazareth. This prayer has truly spoken to me because God knows I have suffered a while. May God bless you execeedingly and abundantly. Thank you so much for uplifting and encouraging me Jamie. Thank you for praying for me. Much love Sally

    5. Wow, what a prayer!! Nothing left out! Thank you so much for these complete prayer points as I’m going through parallel valleys. I trust the Lord for breakthrough today.

    6. Kevin Kigen says:

      I have prayed through these points today (14/11/2023). I have been through a lot but now happy that the season of suffering has come to an end. Big breakthroughs are coming.

    7. Mama Moore says:

      Amen 🙏 & Amen 🙏. I believe and receive in Jesus’ Mighty Name as GOD has taken care of some nagging stuff upfront!!! I’m a living testimony of GOD’s Goodness!!!

    8. Irma Nortje says:

      AMEN Thanku God Almighty please hear our prayer cry to Perfect, Establish, Strengthen and Settle me, in your Holy will for our life, and help me to be instrumental to bless my family and touch hearts and souls of my family to turn to Thee through all our trials, tribulations for deliverance and restore peace and holiness and health and wealth and wisdom. 21.11.23 God bless us to be a blessing, we pray.

    9. Thank you. These prayer points help me so much!! God bless you.

    10. Michelle Engquist says:

      I ask and I receive! Praise Jesus. Thank you lord for Jamie’s words.

    11. Michelle Mitchell says:

      Ty Lord! Please help amen

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