Do Your Dreams Make You Whisper?

LIVE webinar: How to Hear God Prophetically For Yourself | May 10, 2024

LIVE webinar: What It Takes to Develop a $100,000 – $1,000,000 Income Blogging|May 18, 2024

Do your dreams make you whisper? Are they big enough? Are you struggling to figure out what on earth God has called you to do?

Today, I want to offer a couple of extra tips that will help you see God’s dreams for your life.

First, if you haven’t read my article in the Dimensions of Destiny series about finding your calling, please do that. It will really help you.

Here are the extra tips about finding–and walking in–your calling:

1. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself if your dreams are worthy of God?

God dealt with me about this recently. I was dreaming too small, praying too small, believing too small.

A great example of this: If you have no groceries in the house and you need God to provide your dinner, will you believe Him for rice and beans? Or can you believe Him for someone to bring you steaks, baked potatoes, and all the fixings? (With dessert too!)

We tend to limit God. We think of Him as small, and as only wanting to provide for us small-ly. (Yes, I know “small-ly” is not a word, but work with me here.) Whereas the TRUTH is that He is a HUGE, GOOD Father who is eagerly waiting for the opportunity to lavish His goodness all over us.

We do the same thing with calling sometimes, too.

Awhile back, I was talking with a precious sister who leads a Bible study. The dream of her heart was to teach God’s Word with power and help a lot of people.

As we talked, I just encouraged her to let herself be herself–to let her spirit grab onto the dream God has already placed inside her. To say the breathless, whispering, joy-filled “yes” to the big thing God can do, one step at a time.

So the first special tip today? Simply this: Ask yourself if your dreams are worthy of God.

By the way, these posts from my “Dreams Worthy of God” blog series will bless you if you haven’t already read them:

Worthy of God: Awakening to Dreams that Are Big Enough
How to Beat Depression If You’re Discouraged About Your Calling
Beating the Spirit of Poverty When It Attacks Your Calling
Want a New Level of Authority? Time to Amp It Up!

2. Do your dreams make you whisper?

I’ve seen and done things I’ve enjoyed, and I can talk about them just fine. But the big dreams of my heart–the things to which my destiny is tied–are hard to talk about. They are so precious inside of me that I can only even acknowledge them with a couple of my very-closest, extremely close friends–and I can REALLY only talk about the full scope of them with God, when He and I are alone.

When God and I talk about the full scope of those dreams, I can’t speak. All I can do is gasp, with a tiny little smile that’s half-sob, and whisper.

What makes you whisper? Beloved, those things that make you whisper can happen.

Lou Engle, one of my absolute favorite preachers/prophetic voices, says, “God will not fasten your soul to a dead-end vision.” I love that. Whatever your vision is–even those things you can only acknowledge alone with God in a half-sob, half-whisper–that vision can happen, dear heart.

It can.


God will not fasten your soul to a dead-end vision.

Beloved, your calling, dreams, and destiny are not imagined. They are not “just in your head.” You have a place in Christ’s Body which only you can fulfill.

Only you.

And precious one, I’m praying that today you would take the steps Papa shows you to take to make those dreams happen.

Are you dreaming big enough? Do your current dreams make you whisper? Please leave a comment below! I’d love to hear what God is saying to you about this!


  1. Amen and Amen. Thank you Daddy for loving me so. God bless you Jamie

  2. Just the reminder I needed. Thank you Lord. Thank you too, Jamie.

  3. Pascaline says:

    I want the Spirit of God to let me know about what I am really call to do and to guide me.
    Jamie, once more thank you.
    Thank you Lord for what you are doing through our sister Jamie

  4. Whisper Mwondoka says:

    Amen I want to have an orphanage ,Charity thus my dreams

  5. John Annanson says:

    Lord Jesus Christ forgive me for thinking small and hesitating and having second thoughts of my worthiness for your riches and abundance. God bless you Jamie.

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