Hidden Ones, Arise Into the Isaiah 49 Mandate!

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Hidden Ones, Arise Into the Isaiah 49 Mandate! | Prophetic word by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comMany of God’s crack soldiers have been hidden. You’ve known that you were made for more, but you can’t seem to get out from behind the curtain of hiddenness. If that describes you, the Lord told me to tell you today: Hidden ones, it’s time to arise into the Isaiah 49 mandate!

The Isaiah 49 mandate is a set of 11 prophetic charges and reassurances originally given to Christ.

However, they apply equally to Christ’s Body at this time. If you’ve been hidden away or yearning to accomplish the great exploits you know that you know that you know God has called you to, it’s time to rise up and take the territory assigned to you proactively.

Before I list the 11 aspects of this mandate, let me point out that 11 is the number of the prophetic and also the number of transition. And interestingly enough, the Isaiah 49 mandate is all about transitioning into God’s new and unfolding assignment for your life. 🙂

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    Here are the 11 charges and reassurances that I believe God is speaking right now to those who have been hidden away:

    1. The Lord wants to reassure you that He has called you from the womb.

    Start-quoteListen, O coastlands, to Me, and take heed, you peoples from afar! The Lord has called Me from the womb; from the matrix of My mother He has made mention of My name” (Isaiah 49:1).

    Father God wants you to remember that He has always known you, and He has always known your name. He has known you from eternity past, and you are neither overlooked nor forgotten. He threw you on the womb of your mother for such a time as this.

    Your life has purpose. The timing of your life is all-important. And Father God knows exactly where you are, who you are, and everything that’s going on in your life, right now.

    2. Yet, many of you have been feeling hidden and passed over; feeling that no one sees you or values you.

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    Start-quoteAnd He has made My mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand He has hidden Me, and made Me a polished shaft; in His quiver He has hidden Me” (Isaiah 49:2).

    In most cases, it’s not “all in your head.” People truly have not seen you with Spirit eyes or valued you like they should.

    However, it’s crucial for you to realize that you aren’t the only one who has felt that way. Jesus Himself, about whom this passage was originally written, felt hidden …

    … because He was hidden.

    Jesus was hidden like an arrow in the quiver of God. God hid His own Son in His quiver and kept Him there, with nobody seeing Him, until Father knew it was the right time. And at the right time, Father took Jesus out of His quiver and shot Him like an arrow into His destiny.

    Beloved, you’ve been hidden as well.

    Being hidden has been frustrating. You’ve been feeling like the hiddenness you have experienced has been unjust. However, I believe that Father God wants you to know that He cooks the best things the longest.

    Think about it this way. Which is better: eating from a pot of chili that has been cooking an hour, or eating from a pot of chili that has been cooking in a slow cooker for three days? The three-day chili is better, of course. And why? Because it has been cooking long enough for all the flavors to have marinated together into one cohesive whole.

    In the same way, you have been cooking in God’s slow cooker for many years.

    So many times, you’ve wanted out of that hidden place. You’ve known you could function on the outside just as well as the others you see around you.

    However, Father wants you to know that you weren’t made to be like the others you see around  you; He needs YOU to go higher in order to increase His government on the earth.

    And the best things take the longest to cook.

    Papa God is a Master Chef, and He’s been cooking you a long time. Now, however, He’s ready to pull you out of His quiver and shoot you like an arrow into your destiny.

    3. Beloved, Father also wants you to know that He claims you as His servant. He is reassuring you right now that He will be glorified in you.

    Start-quoteAnd He said to me, ‘You are My servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified.’ Then I said, ‘I have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for nothing and in vain; yet surely my just reward is with the Lord, and my work with my God'” (Isaiah 49:3-4).

    You have felt so many times that your work has been for nothing. You’ve anguished in your heart that you’ve spent your strength for God, but have nothing to show for it.

    Yet, despite feeling that way, you’ve clung steadfastly to the Lord. You’ve trusted and believed Him for harvest, even when you have seen no harvest with your natural eyes.

    But beloved, Father honors your steadfastness. He sees that, even when you haven’t felt like you were doing any good or reaping any benefit, you have chosen to remain faithful to His call. You have kept your hand on the plow and labored anyway.

    And today, Father wants to reassure you: your work has not been for nothing. He WILL be glorified in you, and He is extremely possessive of you. You are His cherished child, His beloved; and you are a valuable, profitable servant to Him. He honors you and appreciates your service.

    4. And because of your faithfulness, He is upgrading your assignment.

    Start-quoteAnd now the Lord says, Who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant, to bring Jacob back to Him, so that Israel is gathered to Him (for I shall be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and My God shall be My strength),

    Indeed He says, ‘It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved ones of Israel; I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles, that You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth'” (Isaiah 49:5-6).

    Papa formed you in the womb specifically for Himself. It has always been your destiny to be His, and He has always intended to use you to bring His people back to Him. His hand has always been on you for this purpose.

    However, you previously thought you would reach one people group. You knew you were called to reach one people group. But now, Father says that your first assignment is too small. You didn’t know it, but He’s had better things in store for you all along, and now He is releasing you into the bigger assignment.

    Your divine upgrade extends now to the ends of the earth. 

    In the coming days, you will find your horizon widening. This increase in spiritual vision is from the Lord. Because of your new assignment, your prior limits have been removed and the former boundaries erased.

    Your hometown is no longer big enough. Your testimony and your witness will now extend to the ends of the earth, and you will demonstrate God’s salvation–His Yeshua, Jesus, the Anointed One, the Christ–to the ends of the earth.

    The nations are yours for the taking. Psalm 2:8: “Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession.”

    5. In many cases, you have been despised and abhorred. Those days have come to an end.

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    Start-quoteThus says the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel, their Holy One, to Him whom man despises, to Him whom the nation abhors, to the Servant of rulers:

    ‘Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the Lord who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel; and He has chosen You” (Isaiah 49:7).

    People have truly failed to see you with Spirit-led perspective. Their eyes have seen only in the natural, and they have failed to look at you with God’s own vision.

    Nevertheless, you have continued to serve faithfully. You have served those in authority over you. You have faithfully served someone else’s greater vision, as is fitting in the Kingdom.

    But Father wants you to know that it is His way to honor you. Your fathers’ ceiling will become your floor, as is fitting in the Kingdom. In the place where you’re going, leaders and those in authority will listen to you because Father’s anointing and glory on you will be so obvious.

    You will never seek recognition, because that’s not who you are. But Father will honor you anyway for the sake of His Christ–His Anointed One who inhabits you. His stamp of approval on you will be obvious to all who see you.

    6. Now God is giving you as a gift to His people. You are to become a spiritual father or mother.

    Start-quoteThus says the Lord: ‘In an acceptable time I have heard You, and in the day of salvation I have helped You; I will preserve You and give You as a covenant to the people, to restore the earth, to cause them to inherit the desolate heritages; that You may say to the prisoners, ‘Go forth,’ to those who are in darkness, ‘Show yourselves.'” (Isaiah 49:8-9a).

    Father has heard your cry. He has always helped you, but now His help will become obvious. He alone will preserve you and keep you alive. And He is now giving you, personally, as a gift to the people.

    You may think that is a prideful thing to think of, but it’s not. I hear Father saying that He has crafted you in His hands all this time specifically to be a gift to His people. You, personally, will be God’s gift to the peoples of the earth.

    As God’s gift, His covenant, to His people, you have four assignments:

    • to bring restoration over all the earth;
    • to hand out spiritual inheritances that have lain desolate and unused–causing those inheritances to be picked up and used again;
    • to command those who are bound up in prisons of darkness to come into the light, freedom, and abundance that Christ died for us to have; and
    • to command, equip, and help those who have been hiding to RISE UP and put their hands to the plow, fully occupying themselves with their God-given destiny.

    All these things are what spiritual fathers and mothers do. Isaiah 49:8-9 is a description of making disciples like Jesus did, which is fathering (mothering).

    YOU are now to become a spiritual father/mother. YOU are to raise up every person to whom God sends you into his or her spiritual inheritance. You are to encourage, equip, and build up God’s people from your doorstep to the ends of the earth to walk in the light. This is YOUR assignment.

    7. And when you fulfill your assignment–as you are in the process of fulfilling your assignment–be assured that:

    Start-quoteThey shall feed along the roads, and their pastures shall be on all desolate heights. They shall neither hunger nor thirst, neither heat nor sun shall strike them; for He who has mercy on them will lead them, even by the springs of water He will guide them.

    I will make each of My mountains a road, and My highways shall be elevated. Surely these shall come from afar; look! Those from the north and the west, and these from the land of Sinim” (Isaiah 49:9b-12).

    As you go about the work of being a spiritual father or mother, raising people up into their inheritances, Father is going to provide good pasture for you and yours.

    He will feed you in high places. You will have all the safety and provision you need, for Jesus Himself, that great Shepherd of the sheep, will lead you and guide you.

    Father is taking you to high places that have previously felt inaccessible to you. He will move you along His high roads, and you will find others following you from places you never expected.

    8. You are about to see the manifestation of God’s mercy and covenant in your life.

    Start-quoteSing, O heavens! Be joyful, O earth! And break out in singing, O mountains! For the Lord has comforted His people, and will have mercy on His afflicted.

    But Zion said, ‘The Lord has forsaken me, and my Lord has forgotten me.’ Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; your walls are continually before Me” (Isaiah 49:13-16).

    Beloved, the assignment Papa is handing out is a good thing, and He has comforted you in all your affliction. Whereas you have seen hardship and tribulation in years past, we are moving into a season where, because of the covenant God has made with us His people, we will see manifestations and demonstrations of His mercy instead.

    Psalm 106:44-46: “Nevertheless He regarded their affliction, when He heard their cry; and for their sake He remembered His covenant, and relented according to the multitude of His mercies. He also made them to be pitied by all those who carried them away captive” (emphases mine).

    As Apostle Dutch Sheets has been teaching the Body lately, covenant and mercy go together. And we, God’s people, are not like other people who do not have a covenant.

    We have been grafted into God’s covenant with Abraham through Christ. Therefore, we now have access to all the power, provision, protection, and mercy that that covenant carries. We have complete and total access to everything God is and all that He has by His mercy, which is ours in Christ Jesus.

    So rejoice, beloved child of God! Let rejoicing and singing break forth from our hearts and lives daily, and let us call on God’s mercy by virtue of His covenant.

    9. I believe the Lord also wants us to know that He will never give up on us, and we should never give up on others either.

    As you walk through this process of becoming a spiritual father or mother, you may wonder sometimes if you should give up on people or situations. The answer? No.

    The Word of God says that He will never forget us, for we are His children. We are inscribed on the palms of His hands. This is His heart for us.

    In the same way, since we are to become like Christ in all things, we are never to give up on anybody. We are never to forget even “the least of these.” Well-meaning people may try to convince you to walk away from certain people, but don’t listen.

    Believe in your sons and daughters unflinchingly. Love them enduringly and unconditionally. Such is the heart of God for us, and this must be our heart of love for others as well.

    10. And for those of you who have wandering children (natural or spiritual), you’ve been wondering if your children will ever come back.

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    It’s not that you’re doubting God’s ability to bring them back. Rather, you have been asking yourselves: “Will my children ever choose to come home? Will they choose to get right with God? Will I ever reap the love and relationship into which I have sown, all these years?”

    And the answer to that question is: YES. They will.

    The Word of the Lord says:

    Start-quoteYour sons shall make haste; your destroyers and those who laid you waste shall go away from you. Lift up your eyes, look around and see; all these gather together and come to you.

    ‘As I live,’ says the Lord, ‘You shall surely clothe yourselves with them all as an ornament, and bind them on you as a bride does. For your waste and desolate places, and the land of your destruction, will even now be too small for the inhabitants; and those who swallowed you up will be far away.

    The children you will have, after you have lost the others, will say again in your ears, ‘The place is too small for me; give me a place where I may dwell.’ Then you will say in your heart, ‘Who has begotten these for me, since I have lost my children and am desolate, a captive, and wandering to and fro? And who has brought these up? There I was, left alone; But these, where were they?'”

    Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I will lift My hand in an oath to the nations, and set up My standard for the peoples; they shall bring your sons in their arms, and your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders; kings shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers; they shall bow down to you with their faces to the earth, and lick up the dust of your feet.

    Then you will know that I am the Lord, for they shall not be ashamed who wait for Me” (Isaiah 49:17-23).

    Beloved, all the forces that laid you waste are fleeing from you right now. It may take time, but look up. Your children are coming home.

    You are going to have your children back. Destruction is fleeing from you, and your children are going to return to honor you.

    I can’t tell you how long it will take; God’s work in your children is a process, just like it is in you. But Isaiah 49:20 contains God’s guarantee that your children–the same children whom you thought were lost to you–will yet return to you. They will come home and ask you to make room for them in your life again.

    When they do, be sure to answer with love and grace, the same way Father would. Put your ring on that child’s finger, and place your best robe on his or her back. Throw a party in their honor, for the child that was lost will be found again; and the children you thought left you bereaved will again be the children of your inheritance.

    Precious mother or father, your babies are coming back.

    11. You’re going to be safe in this new assignment.

    Start-quoteShall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the captives of the righteous be delivered? But thus says the Lord: ‘Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible be delivered; for I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will save your children.

    I will feed those who oppress you with their own flesh, and they shall be drunk with their own blood as with sweet wine. All flesh shall know that I, the Lord, am your Savior, and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob'” (Isaiah 49:24-26).

    Mighty men and strong men can be defeated, but the Lord God of Heaven and earth cannot. In this season, know that Father God Himself will contend with him who contends with you. He’s not only saving your children, but He’s perfecting everything else that concerns you too. Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of hosts and God of angel armies, is on your side, and He has something to prove.

    So, beloved, as you arise into His mandate for this new assignment on your life, remember this: you are not alone.

    Father Himself has promised that He will protect and defend you so powerfully that ALL flesh shall know that He is your Savior–your personal Savior, who shows Himself mighty on your behalf.

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    Beloved, if you’ve been hidden, you have a powerful new assignment.

    You are to become a spiritual father or mother, raising people up into their lost inheritances. Your influence is to extend over all the earth if you will but ask for nations. Father is perfecting all things that concern you as you go about His business, and you don’t have to be afraid of any part of His mandate on your life.

    Will you accept the challenge?

    Does this word resonate with your spirit today? If so, leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

    Would you help me with my work of reaching people for Jesus as a domestic missionary? This blog, and all of my mission work in person, are made possible through your partnerships, donations, and product purchases.

    If you’d like to help me, please check out the partnership details and products available for sale here. And, thank you in advance for helping make this blog and everything we do together for the Kingdom possible!


    1. I am speechless!!! Thank you for allowing God to use you. This makes everything clear and confirmed! Thank you father God!!!!!! I say yes!!!!!

      1. Praise God I was sitting in expectation in my heart for a Word from the Lord and in your obedience I received it. Thank you. I will mutter over this word and cherish it in my heart and say “yes” to my new assignment. I have felt for years that there is more for me to do with all that God has invested in me, and that my efforts have not been fully seen by some in authority over me; yet my service was always to the Lord. Thanks again and Happy Happy New Year 2017. Grace to you.

        1. Praise God, Anita! Yes! Go raise someone up! Anyone who needs it, anyone to whom the Lord leads you! YOU can be the difference-maker in someone’s life, as the hands and feet of Jesus. Hallelujah!

      2. Kevynne, I’m so thankful Father confirmed some things for you through this word! Praise God and thank you for reading!

        1. Hi Jamie. Thank you for allowing God to use you in such a way. This is really a word in season, a confirmation that I’ve been waiting for. I say YES.

      3. Thank you Jesus for you word’s of consolation. I believed that you will greatly help me to be a spiritual mother on Jesus mighty name. Amen. Moreso,y friend thank so much for your help and support. May God blessed you more and more.

      4. Denise Spivey says:

        Wow..tears just flooded the lord is speaking direct everything you said was 20000 percent accurate..MIND BLOWN. I CAN REST NOW MAY GOD BLESS EVERYTHING YOU DO OR SAY SUCH A AMAZING W.O.G

      5. Cathy Anderson says:

        This word speaks to me and my situation. I see its not a current word though and I am responding in 2021 when I saw it. I pray its still true in my life as I have been hidden and misunderstood my whole life. I am now 65 and see no signs that any of my prodigal children are coming home yet. I continue to believe God’s Word and believe this is a now Word from the Lord.

        1. Amen I read it all and I feel that I am include here one of the spiritual mother soon I’m in process but I declare now That God is using me very soon to be a spiritual mother. Thank you for your heart of spreading words in his kingdom. Godbless you Jamie

      6. I needed to hear this. I felt unseen for years,just aiming to be faithful in my prayer closet. Thanks Abba for knowing what I need!

      7. Roshni Nowjee says:

        I was losing hope as since the age of 15 my son fall into drugs addiction through friends in school. As a Christian I felt ashamed. My husband passed away last year due to stress . I am living alone and I am going through-lots of hormonal changes, my sugar level had increased, blood pressure, stress since I lost my husband and my son never listened to me. He don’t even know that he has a mother . He knows me only when he need money. I am living a life alone with lots things bothering me . I feel extremely encouraged when I was reading thewords of God that my son will come back . These words is powerful and gives me hope. God words are true

      8. Juliana Martinez says:

        Thank you for this power word it has hit a special spot in my heart. It is exactly what I needed to hear!! Amen in Jesus Name

    2. Laurna Tallman says:

      Interesting, Jamie. Yesterday I sensed the Lord had a new assignment for me, a continuation of my work, and that I would be going somewhere I did not particularly want to go. You have set the context with details that make sense to me and melt the reluctance I was feeling. It will be interesting to see where this leads.
      And thank you for your faithfulness.

      1. Hi Laurna! I’m thankful that Holy Spirit blessed you. Sometimes our journey can be a little, er, uneasy at times … but thank God, He’s the God of angel armies and He goes before us, behind us, and on all sides. I pray He’d minister to your heart and comfort and encourage you this day, filling you with hope, delight, and wonder at what He shows you about the season ahead. In Jesus’ name.

    3. Wonderful,powerful and meant for me today . Yes I have been hidden. I have a word that many have not been awakened to accept, for it is hidden deep in the heart of God . Very simple, but profound and life changing. I have been temporarily handicapped physically for 6 months, which was a wake up call for me to sell my house and prepare for my next leg of the journey, which appears to be Redding.
      Yesterday my 2003 car died and I don’t have $ for fixing or new , so I’m sewing into your ministry for my Mercedes.
      Would love to connect with you at some point .
      I have an unpublished manuscript that is also on hold

      1. Hi Michele. I’m sorry you’re going through a difficult season, but please don’t let it deter you from whatever Father has told you to do! Where God ordains, He provides. He’s going to work it out! 🙂
        Thank you so much for reading my blog!

      2. Racheal chick says:

        I am much in the same experiences my car will cost me 4or 5,000 i need help holy spirit in direction we need a car in agreement with you sister

    4. Thank you, Mighty God! Amen and Amen. I agree! And a resounding

      May our Good and Mighty Lord continue to bless you, Jamie!

      Thank your Lord for Jamie, and I pray in Jesus name that Your Favor
      will always keep her well! Amen!

      1. Amen and thank you, Lili! I so appreciate your prayers and that blessing! May our Father God pour out His Spirit upon you in total newness and freshness this year also, in Jesus’ name!

    5. Rebecca L Jones says:

      This absolutely resonates. I know there are a lt of hidden gifts out there, and some in my family.

      1. Yes, I feel strongly led that we need to pray to reclaim and receive all lost inheritances, Rebecca! Many inheritances from the generations are floating around unclaimed.

    6. Such an uplifting passage. God bless you, Jamie. Have a blessed New Year in advance. We all are already there by the power of the Blood of Jesus.

      1. You too, Freda! It’s going to be a fantastic year! Blessings to you in Christ Jesus as well. Yes, it’s all by His blood! Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your blood!

    7. Teresa Edelen says:

      YES I accept the challenge and my new assignment in Jesus name!!!!!!!!!!

      This word resonates with my spirit. I have been feeling in my spirit to move but not knowing where or why. I’ve been prophetically praying some of what you have written and definitely feeling all you have said.

      Thank you so much for this confirmed word in the LORD.?

      Blessings abundantly to you!

      1. Teresa, that’s awesome! I’m so thankful that Papa used this word to confirm some things to you! May He answer your prayers speedily and send help from Zion in everything that you need! In Jesus’ name!

    8. Pat Lunsford says:

      What a powerful word God has given you! I know God is using you in a great mighty way to reach the nations! This word is a great reminder of how much God loves us and our children. He has great purpose for our lives. Thanks for sharing this word!!!

      1. Thank you, Pat! Yes, He does have such an awesome plan for our kids! “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” I know there’s a process, but they’re coming back, coming around, and coming home eventually! Thank You, Father! xoxo Love you, Pat! <3 <3 <3 Thank you so much for reading!

    9. Diego Reis says:

      Very strong. God spoke a lot to me through this post. Thank you. God bless your life and ministry. Amen.

      1. Hi, Diego! Thank you so much for reading! I’m so thankful that Father blessed you. May He continue to instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, and guide you with His eye! (Psalm 32:8)

    10. Kahn Johnson says:

      Oh my,my, my!!!! Yes, this relates to me, and how specifically it relates to me!!! I’m sitting in awe, the Word was too powerful for me to stand in awe!! I’m in an humbled position to receive His Word and His instructions. Years flooded my face as I read this. Many of the words were my own prayers to the Lord. I so grateful that the Lord has sent you Jamie as His vessel to continue to encourage, equip, and build me up!! May the Lord bless you 100 fold for you service!!

      Kahn Johnson

      1. Kahn!!!! Praise God, dear friend! I’m so thankful to precious Holy Spirit for blessing you! Yes, yes, yes–go forth and raise someone up, dear friend! He is going to use you more than you could ever imagine! And it doesn’t matter what kind of ministry you set your hand to, even if that ministry is in the business world or wherever. The essence of every ministry is to raise people up into Father’s plans for their lives, so go forth! And Father, in the name of Jesus, I release Your Father’s heart into Kahn right now. Let Your own heart beat in her chest for You, for herself, and for others forevermore. In Jesus’ name!

        1. Kahn Johnson says:

          You are God-sent!!! May God continue to bless you !!!!!!!

    11. Cherry Hall says:

      Praise you Abba Father for Jamie’s faithfulness in sharing this word! It speaks spirit to spirit and is so on target for me. I love the clarity and depth the Lord gives. I know there are many others who have received this awesome encouraging word from the Lord. Thank you so much Jamie for all you do for the family of God. I am so changed as a result!

      1. I praise Holy Spirit for ministering this word to your heart, Cherry! I’m thrilled that you were encouraged by it, and I pray that 2017 would be the best year ever for you! Father God has such good things in store! May you receive all He has for you in this year, and even more that you pull forward by your prayers and intercessions, in Jesus’ name!

    12. Lucy Gray says:

      I am blessed to have found your blog. Thus far all messages seem to be targeted to me which I find amazing. Thank you.

      1. Hi Lucy, thank you so much for reading! I’m so glad Father is blessing you! I try really hard to just listen to the Lord and write whatever He wants me to write for each post, and I pray He will always minister each word personally to the reader, to be an encouragement. It’s all about Jesus! I pray this word would strengthen and encourage you today, in Jesus’ name!

    13. Wow! what a powerful word from God. I feel like this in its entirety is directed to me personally. May God bless you and everyone reading this message. Happy and prosperous 2017 to all of us. Regards Naledi

      1. Naledi, I’m so glad Father blessed you with this word! It definitely is for you! May God’s Word be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path, in Jesus’ name. And may Father God order your steps in His Word.

      2. This is truly powerful. For some time now Isaiah 49 has been on my heart and I have been wondering what the Lord wanted me to understand . THIS IS IT. God bless you Jaimie. You are such a great gift to the body of Christ.

    14. Nita Beauchamp says:

      God bless you and thank you for all you do for the Body of Christ.

      This is exactly how I’ve been feeling for quite a while. I literally felt hidden. We go to a small church of about 200 and even in such a small church I often felt overlooked. But I knew it was God doing the hiding. So when others who had just started going to our church, started doing the same things I was doing would get the praise, I would praise Him and of course Abba would console me so I’d try really hard not to get my feelings hurt.
      So thank you Jamie for this word. After reading it, I felt the Lord say, get ready it your time.
      I can’t tell you how excited I am for the New Year!

      1. I totally understand, Nita! And I praise God for touching you! By the way, if you haven’t read my blog series and model prayers about the 7 Life-Changing Prayers for People Who Feel Forgotten, you might find them helpful. Here’s the series index:


        These prayers bring mighty and swift acceleration in the coming-out-of-hiding process! They are just God’s Word, and He always answers His Word!

    15. Sandra Carreon says:

      Thank you for this word I felt Him speaking to me and I am so in awe of what was spoken I was hidden with no friends or family and recently God has been using me to bring his people that needed to know that they were not alone and in need of a touch from God to be encouraged and feel loved and brought back home to the Lord . Hallelujah I accept the new challenge Abba Father ! I love you Lord ???????

      1. Hallelujah indeed! I’m thrilled that Father has been using you in this way! What a powerful ministry it is. Papa’s kids need to know that they are loved. I’m so thankful He is using you to pour into them! More, Father, give her more!

    16. I receive this in the Name of Jesus. Reaching for the sky! May the Fire fall …..on us all who are seeking Him above all! I say YES!!

    17. Beth Stiver says:

      Thank you Jamie! Your blog posts the
      Sat few days have really spoken to me. I have been through an excruciating several months and felt so invisible and misunderstood and asking God, what now? This so speaks to my spirit. Blessings on you and your ministry!

      1. Thank you, Beth! I’m sorry you have been through such a bad time. The enemy has been attacking God’s people left and right. BUT GOD–when He gets ready to promote us, He always allows/sends an enemy for us to defeat! You are still standing, even if you don’t feel strong, and I hear the Father roaring the victory of the cross over you AND your situation! Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. May Papa God reward your faithfulness and honor you swiftly, in Jesus’ name.

    18. Butterfly Tyler says:

      Awesome word! !! God has been speaking to me in my sleep. He spoke with me a few times over the last few weeks about leaving my hometown and moving to another state. He even told me what state. He has not said when. But this is confimation. Thanks and Happy New Year!!

      1. Butterfly, that’s wonderful to hear. Father will show you when is the right time to move, for sure. Thank You, Lord! I’m so glad this word blessed you. Thank you for reading!

    19. Carolyn Peterson says:

      I will be joining in praying your points for Donald Trump. It so witnesses with my spirit. I am so blessed that he will be looking to Jentzen Franklin for his advice on spiritual questions especially in regards to the Holy Spirit. Also the fact Jentzen Franklin teaches on prayer and fasting and starts the new year with corporate fasting with his church each year.
      Donald Trump is an excellent example of a father training his children to work and contribute to others and has the same honor from his children that he gives to his parents. May the fatherless generations be healed in America.

      1. Thank you so much for joining me in prayer, Carolyn. I believe God can turn this nation around, but it’s going to take real revival–and all revival begins with individual, sustained intercession. We need watchmen on the walls! So, thank you for joining us! <3

    20. Frances Juanita says:

      Thanks for the powerful word which spoke to me.
      Thank you for your obedience.

    21. This is for me, I take it in heart. Thankyou very much may the LORD bless you.

    22. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you to give an understanding of Isaiah 49. About three and a half years ago I was given this scripture from God by another prophet to read and meditate on. During the recent storm I went through in 2016 the same prophet referred me back to it that that’s still what the Lord is saying.

      I now have clarity of the vision. I pray the Holy Spirit will help me to fulfill Gods purpose and plan for my life.

    23. Thank you for another great word. It really resonates with the season I’ve been in. Your prayer of reversal is also very powerful. May the Lord bless you and continue to expand your influence and may He use you in mighty ways for His kingdom here on earth. I’m so expectant of the Lord aligning us to His divine purpose. The hard part has been laying down what I think it is, and seeking, waiting, standing in patience for Him. He is so faithful. Jesus is Lord, let the earth rejoice and glorify His name, let the lost be found, and the broken healed.

    24. Happy new year.
      Yes, yes yes – I say yes to my new assignment!!
      This has spoken directly to my heart; I had just asked Abba Father for confirmation on some issues at hand and after waiting quietly for a few minutes felt to check on the blog (seeking encouragement) I thought. I have answers to most of my queries and this is just awesome.
      Jamie thank you very much for allowing God to use you and may He reward you in ways only He knows best for you. Thanks once again.
      Any chance you can have more information on spiritual father/mothers?
      May God bless you richly.

      1. Thank you very much, God bless.

    25. Deidre Adams says:

      Blessings Jamie!
      As I was reading some Prophetic Words for the New Year, I came across your message through Spirit Fuel and all I can say is…WOW! I can truly say that I know this Word was for me!? I was reading this same chapter Isaiah 49, I’ve received confirmation to what Daddy God is doing in my life right now. I’ve been a hidden one for most of my life and I’m grateful to have received this message of great encouragement. You’ve blessed me and Happy New Year to you and your family. Deidre❤

    26. I stumbled on here and I now know it wasn’t a coincidence as there’s never one where God’s involved! I’ve been in Isaiah heavily lately. God confirmed His message to me through you. I’ve been hidden for over a year and I’ve been hearing Him tell me it’s time to come out now… it’s a specific word and sentence you used that He told me exactly. God is so strategic! My mind is blown and my heart is full. Thank you. God bless you & I pray that you keep strong on your assignment! I’ll be here more often! May Jesus continue to cover us & our assignments in His blood and hands! Amen!

    27. Hi Jamie, Glorious New Year to you! This Word gave me hope and reassurance again in Christ Jesus. Woke up this early dawn morning after a terrible night mare, sat down to pray and got reading ‘Arise into the Psalm 49 Mandate’ indeed God is Just Nd forever faithful. God bless you woman of God.

    28. Goodness, girl, I cried all the way through it! Don’t let writing get hard! He has already begun these things in me and there are days of doubt, but this was incredibly encouraging and I’ll be reading through it again and again until doubt is as far from me as the east is from the west. 🙂 Thank you!

    29. You’ve received a lot of encouragement to continue writing, Jamie (per above replies) but I want to add mine because it’s part of the response/activation process. More than a decade ago, I was in Sudan with God’s banner over me as “a mother of nations” but heart-breakingly had to leave those beautiful kids. For several years in South Africa I also joyfully carried out my mandate, but have been “hidden” for a long season and seemingly “unproductive” in terms of missions work but still trying to remain faithful. A lot of this word you wrote on the 31st resonates with things Doug Addison has been saying — and Holy Spirit often confirms his word by repeating it. 🙂 So when I “accidentally” came across your website and this specific word while doing online research for a completely unrelated thing, I both laughed and cried. God’s been speaking to me about a transition to northern Mozambique next year . . . 11 months from now (11 = transition). 🙂 Is. 49 and Ps. 2 are both repeats/confirmations from past seasons — and a reminder that God’s Word never fails! I’m comforted, encouraged, proactive and expectant as I spend the next 11 months preparing to be shot from his quiver to be a mother to new nations! Thank you Spirit of God. Thank you Jamie. Keep listening and writing! You’d be amazed to know how far your work reaches . . . to the nations darling. 🙂

    30. Sallie Hagen says:

      Thank you for this encouraging Word. I receive it. Praise His Holy Name!

    31. I am reading this in 2020, but it is so timely!!! And I was laughing with a joy in my spirit as I read this, it is such a confirmation for me. I receive it in Jesus name amen.

    32. Mehrunissa says:

      Such a “ now” word for me! Thank you Jamie!

    33. Marvelous Tshuma says:

      That’s it!!!Thank you so much for this word. Right on time. Wow!!!

    34. Rebecca Dougherty says:

      Jamie….this is a rhema word for me…just as your word last year at this time was, about a season of hearth and home. During last year’s season which was so amazing in the quiet humble hiddenness of home, this word was growing and now has come to bare fruit. I know it like I knew last years. I was just praying surrender prayers last night as I went to sleep. This is what I woke up to. Praise the Lord. May Papa increase this Word over you, as you carry it to His children. May your tent pegs be stretched yet again for the glory of God. Who was Who is and Who is to come. Amen!

    35. This word is for me. I have felt hidden for a very long time and today I was wondering if I will ever come out of the place I have been in for years. It’s been the same for my parents as well. Glad to know that God still remembers us

    36. Crystal hill says:

      YES I accept the challenge and my new assignment in Jesus name!!!!!!!!!!

      Love u Jamie thank u for everything 🙌🏾🙏🏽🤞🏾❤️❤️❤️❤️

    37. Patricia S says:

      Well this is the clarifying message I needed to read for this season. A few days ago I received the number 11 in my spirit. I tried looking up the spiritual significance, but wasn’t satisfied with what I found. Then I received this email with this message. Based on the comments, It looks like this word was released 4 years ago, but God knew I would need it now. Thank you for releasing it again. Blessings. I’m sowing an Isaiah $49 seed on this word.

    38. Thank you Jaimie for your Prophetic message for 2021. It is so timely and encouraging and resonates to my desire to serve Abba Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. My husband I are waiting for deliverance from this oppressive business situation and restoration from all that has been taken from us during the last 4 years so I can faithfully serve many nations and communities. Praying for divine deliverance and further instructions from Abba Father God. May God Bless you Jaimie and your ministry forever more.

    39. Jo-Ann Christians says:

      Hi Jamie. Thank you so much for the encouragement daily. I cannot wait to open my mail on a daily basis just to get some grounded inspiration from your messages. You are heaven-sent. My spiritual eyes opened because of your emails. I hear God’s voice now, and your messages resonates with my spirit. Thank the Almighty for using you in this powerful manner.
      Kind Regards
      Jo-Ann Christians
      Cape Town
      South Africa

    40. What a confirmation! I am bereft of speech. You have touched on a number of issues I raised last night and this morning, as I was praying and conferring with the Most High.
      Thank you for all the encouragement. God is definitely blessing you with our insight.

      More blessings to you.

    41. Angela Richardson says:

      Yes I will accept the Challenge, God do what you need to do in me to accomplish the goal that you have set for me.


    43. Thanks Jamie. Was led to read the chapter a few days ago but couldn’t understand much. Thanks to the Holy Spirit. May you be blessed.

    44. Yes I am ready and I accept this challenge. All God’s promises in my life is happening now. The years that have been stolen from me in restored with grace and abundance. I am highly favored and eyes have not seen, ears have not heard the wonders God is doing in my life right now. I am finally seen no more hiding in the shadows. Amen

    45. Erica Johnson says:

      I receive this! I am in awe! I am speechless! This is for me. I am going to reread this and go over these scriptures daily and pray! This is such a blessing to me…..thank you! I am so grateful for the Lord going through you to let me know what my assignment is. Bless you!

    46. Marvine Davis says:

      Such a Powerful and timely word for ME. I have been chosen to mentor some persons and I have been running away from the assignment. Your message has challenged and encouraged me so much that I am now saying YES to the assignment, knowing that God will perfect everything that concerns me.
      Thank you so much for sharing this prophetic word at such a time as this. What better way to look forward to the start of a new year.
      I pray that the Lord will pour out his rich blessings upon you as you continue to pour out into others.

    47. Sandra Peoples says:

      Women of God again you have heard from heaven. And God revealed to you my heart. Thank you so much for your service.

    48. Kristin Chadwick says:

      Back in late 2017 my family was under some major spiritual attacks, but it was nothing compared to what was to come. It all began with what I thought was just going to be the destruction of my marriage to my high school sweetheart. Satan used a lady who used to work with husband to pursue him and lead him astray. It wasn’t hard work for her as my husband had undiagnosed bipolar disorder at the time and was in the midst of a horrible manic episode. The destruction was so great that he had moved in with this other lady and her children. But God heard my pleas and was faithful. My husband never actual slept with this other lady, so the sanctity of our marriage bed remained intact. PRAISE GOD!!

      Many tried to appeal to husband in this time period. A Godly man, I follow on Twitter encouraged me to fast and pray for a miracle for my marriage. This was exactly what I began to do in the beginning of 2018. As it became clear no one was having any luck appealing to my husband I started to pray that God would allow something drastic to happen in my husbands life to get his attention as our Godly friends were having no luck talking with him.

      In the second to last week of January my husbands maternal grandmother passed away. At first I thought this was the drastic thing I thought I was praying for. But per her request, they didn’t have a memorial service or wake. So it wasn’t going to be a time of reunion with his family like I thought. So I continued to fast and pray. When I began fasting I was planning to do it for 40 days, and as a result I was using a book about fasting and praying for your husband. I got to day 21, each day journaling along with the book, seeking God daily in journaling, praying, fasting and writing out Gods words in my journaling times. It was a time of deep reconnection our with our Papa and often led to me bawling my eyes out. In fact, sometimes I would cry so hard my youngest (special needs) daughter would get so concerned about me that she would call my husband at work and ask him to come home. The day God allowed something drastic happen to my husband, she had called him on facetime on her iPad. My husband was so mad, because he thought that I had made her call him. So the last time I had spoken to him, I was actually crying more than before my daughter called him. I get teared up remembering that conversation. My husband was no longer the man I had fallen in love with when we were just two kids in high school nearly 30 yrs before that.

      Just about 2.5-3 hrs after that facetime call, my adult son got a call from the hospital. He was living at home with us because he had moved back in to save on money while he had returned to school. My husband was in a serious car accident and they needed someone who could legally make medical decisions for my husband at the hospital immediately. The hospital had reached out to my son, because my husband had already switched his emergency contact person from me to our son. Even though we were just separated and hadn’t even begun the legal process of divorce as my husband stated he wanted to do when he left me. I asked my son to give me the phone as he was speaking with someone from the hospital, once they realized we were still legally married they said I needed to be the one to come to the hospital. When I got there my husband was in for exploratory surgery to see if he had any internal bleeding. So I didn’t get to see him for quite sometime. A friend from church began to text me as she was a nurse who used to work at the hospital my husband was at…once she knew I was there alone she came immediately to be with me so I wouldn’t have to wait alone. By the time she got there, the hospital chaplain had brought me up to the ICU and had asked me who the lady was that kept asking to see husband was and if she had permission to see my husband. She was at the hospital too because her son was in the car with my husband when his accident happened….this lady was the woman my husband was living with. I told the hospital that she was NOT to see him. God knew this was the beginning of the miracles to come due to my husbands accident.

      I feel like my husbands whole ordeal that has rendered him disabled, is something God is going to use for us to minister to other couples and families. Often when a special needs child with high needs like our youngest enters the family, it is the catalyst Satan uses to destroy families and specifically marriages. I was hoping it was a ministry we could start right away…but we have been in wait. My husbands accident happened nearly 3 yrs ago now. Since then my husbands accident wasn’t the only thing to happen that was a hardship. When this accident happened my family lived in Kansas. We moved to Colorado in April of 2019, so we could be near one of the best traumatic brain injury rehabs in the US. It’s also where my side of the family resides. But as we finally got a proper diagnosis for my husbands bipolar and he rehabbed from his multiple injuries, he was a completely changed man. When he first emerged from his coma he had no recollection of the accident or the other lady. He only remembered her as a lady he worked with. He was completely and totally in love with again and came to depend on me as his damaged brain tried to make sense of things. He was our sole source of income at the time of his accident. I had to re-enter the work force and do it full time to support our family. But we were living in poverty. Things were so hard, and our youngest with special needs was so mixed up and confused. The new neighbors were so uncompassionate and judgmental. They worked tirelessly to get our family evicted from our home, and they did this by calling the police on us multiple times, reporting us to CPS, and contacting our landlord. So in late 2019 my family was homeless, and myself and my husband had also ended up being arrested and we had both spent time in jail. Never in a million years would I have ever guessed that was going to happen. My husband was so discouraged and I was at times too. Thankfully we qualified for low income housing in the beginning of 2020, and moved in just in time for the lockdown to begin in March. Plus the whole time we were homeless the Lord used the hearts of many generous believers and non-believers to help keep us in a hotel room so we wouldn’t have to go to shelter and lose our emotional support animals for our two special needs kids.

      Of course, with lock down, the pandemic and quarantine we have definitely felt we have been in a holding pattern of some sort. Your message today has renewed my hope of God using our testimony to help others keep their families and marriages intact. So THANKS!! It was just what I needed to read as we are on the eve of a new year!! Sorry I was so long winded…lol!

    49. Chuks Okorie says:

      Thank you very much Jamie for this post.

    50. Thanks so much that really touched me, and helped me to keep pressing on. I have been in a 4 year storm and feel my time is coming soon. Amen thanks for the beautiful message.

    51. Miriam Chipeta says:

      Yes this prophecy is for you are the fourth person to tell me glory to God..thanks all is true my kids are astray one is a drug addict my eldest daughter my son drinks alot and has a murder case please keep them in prayer Jamie.. currently I’m helding cellmeeting at my place.. twice a week with church members of mine and our pastor’s and prophet also attend.. mostly it’s me and prophet and the consecration.. thanks again for God’s word..God bless you..

    52. Gina Saia says:

      .Just WOW! Thank you for this. I too am to speechless right now – but know that my answer to my God is YES!

    53. Jamie, I am reading this post for the first time, today. What a confirmation! Three separate Februarys,over the course of maybe 10 years, the Lord has given me Isaiah 49 as a promise that our estranged children [along with their children, one who we have never met] will come back to us. These Februarys were random ocurrences until I observed the notes I left in the margin that it always came in the month of February. I even had a surprise encounter with one of those children just a couple of years ago and we had a very nice 2 hours together … again, in February. The natural fulfillment is yet to come but the promise is Yea and Amen with our amazing Heavenly Father. And here you are with the message again … and it is FEBRUARY!!!! Thank you so much, dear Jamie ♥ You are a blessing.

      1. Iva Leacock says:

        Glory, glory be to God, Father God thank you for this message and for using your servant Jamie to deliver this message to your people.
        Father God, I receive this message in Jesus name.
        Thank you Lord, I know that you are God All Powerful.
        This message has really impacted upon my heart.
        God Bless you Jamie, your ministry and you family.

    54. Veronica Williams says:

      Hello Jamie,
      Thank you for this. I receive this word in Jesus Name. I felt hidden for years, but received a prophecy that this year is my year. So I say Yes Lord.
      God bless

    55. Thank you so much Jamie and God bless you for this wonderful word today; I was really touched today cos everything concerning this post has something to do with me and I believe God has already started working in my life and I’m ready to do as he commands to b able to fulfill my souls divine purpose.Thank you Jesus!

    56. Shailaja Abraham says:

      Iam blessed to have found your blog and specially you for being the spiritual mother whom God has introduced me
      Thank you for this word. I pray the Holy Spirit will help me to fulfill the God’s purpose and plan and the assignment which God has assigned to me.
      Thank you Jemie God bless you and your family abundantly.

    57. Wow. Another timely Word. Amazing… I know its a thing where God sends the right Word, no matter how old to reassure me for the season as He operates out of our “time”. I love this and am so encouraged. Thank you Jamie and thank you Abba Father! ❤️🔥🌸❤️🌸🔥❤️

    58. Jennifer Botes says:

      On Monday morning my 6 adopted children and l were evicted from our home,
      This has ministered to me,being the words that Father said years ago,so l continue to believe Jesus words and expect His promise protection and provisions and ownership of this property. VERY GRATEFUL FOR YOUR OBEDIENCE IN THIS REGARD TO THIS WORD

    59. Thank you God for Jamie

    60. Cheri Huckaba says:

      This is so Beautiful Jamie and also a word that the Father YHVH has also been speaking to my heart for so long and I am so excited to say that the time is now. Now, Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. You are so inspiring to so many. Thank you for all that you do, you are so loved by Him. Bless you!! For giving this word today I really needed to hear this, today!!
      So much love and many many blessings to you for all that you do!!

    61. Cathy Anderson says:

      Yes, I am a forgotten one who has tried my whole life to serve God without ever anyone noticing me. I have felt forgotten by man and God. Yet, I will serve You Lord. My children have nearly all been lost to me and to God. I continue to pray for them without end. This includes my grandchildren who have all been kept from me for no good reason. My prayers continue that they shall all be serving the Lord and that I can see it in my lifetime. I am now old so that might not be very long. Thank You Lord God for this encouraging Word. I pray that this is for me. I accept this assignment Lord if You have it for me to do still.

    62. Belz Mabandla says:

      Thank you for this word. All the way from South Africa.🇿🇦👸🏾

    63. This is powerful Amen glory to God, I have always struggled financially but I believe God is turning things around in Jesus name

    64. Francie Robertson says:

      I was reminded of two heroes from the Word. Mordecai and Joseph to name but a few. Both seemed to go through a rough patch. They had expected to be spoken for and both had been seemingly “passed-over” (pun intended). BUT GOD!!!
      who never forgets us…
      He had a plan for them and it was fufilled to the letter. In fact their names and deeds were recorded in His Book of Remembrance. SO at just the right time when it seemed like they had been passed over and forgotten BINGO! PRESTO!
      Their reward far exceeded anything even they could think or imagine!!!
      Making all their troubles and anxieties PALE BY COMPARISON folks!
      Think on these things…The same God who did these things is the same God for us… yesterday, today and FOREVER!
      P.S. I am currently participating in Jamie’s 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer and God is ON THE MOVE SWIFTLY! WOW!!!

    65. millicent deenah says:

      Praise God!!! Thank you for this word Jamie, it was speaking to me, ⁷ it really has uplifted my spirit and has given me great things to look ahead for. May the Lord bless you and your household.

    66. Am dumb founded…. my very own word indeed!!! Thank you Spirit of God!!! I have always believed Isaiah 49 as my calling , assignment and mandate!

    67. Yes! Yes! Yes!!!! I accept this challenge. I remember this charge over my life. Thank you Jamie for confirming what God spoke to me over 20 years ago. 🙏🏾

    68. James Anthony Tucker says:

      Thank you, Jamie for this Prophesy! I receive it in Jesus’ Name!!

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