Prophetic Word: There Is a Resurrection Coming

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Because He lives you will live also | Resurrection“A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also. At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you” (John 14:19-20).

As I was studying and praying this morning, I felt like the Lord wanted me to tell you this: There is a resurrection coming.

How do I know?

Because Jesus Christ is the Resurrection and the Life. He is Resurrection Personified. And Jesus is in the Father, and we are in Him, and He is in us.

Let me say that again: JESUS IS IN YOU.

Jesus is in you.

And Jesus is the Resurrection.

That means Resurrection Personified is in you.

And if Resurrection Personified, Jesus Christ, is in you, then by default He will manifest Himself as who He is.

You have been through absolute hell. You’ve been through a nightmare lately.

But Father wants you to know that not only does Jesus live in you, and you in Him, but also the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you. And Jesus and Holy Spirit are in agreement about the work of resurrection in your life.

And They are, right now, raising you up.

This is the Word of Jesus to you today: “Because I live, you will live also.”

Let your faith grab onto that. Receive it for yourself. Grasp in faith the wonder of Resurrection Personified living in you, and how if He is Resurrection, then He must needs manifest His resurrection in YOU.

Weeping may have endured for the night, beloved, but joy is coming now. The storm is over, beloved.

Listen to this song:

“Because I live, you will live also.” It’s all in who Christ is. He is the Resurrection and the Life, and He is manifesting Himself as Resurrection and Life in YOU, right now.

Does this word confirm something God is telling you also? Please leave a comment below!


Is Holy Spirit speaking to you through this message? Is He challenging you to pray? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

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    1. Frances Juanita Brooks says:

      Thank You so very much for this needed Word. Juanita Brooks

    2. Michelle Garza says:

      Amen !! Wow this is a powerful word I believe it and I receive it !!

    3. Thanks. Always greatfull. This word is mind

  1. That is so Awesome! I also love that, not only is The Resurrection Personified IN us along with The Resurrection Power of the Holy Spirit, but together with Jesus we are IN the Father!! There is no safer more secure place to be. How amazing is that?!?! 🙂

  2. Singing…”By Your Spirit I will rise from the ashes of defeat. The resurrected King is resurrecting me! In Your name I come alive to declare Your victory. The resurrected King is resurrecting me!”
    Amen. Thank You Abba.
    Thank you precious Jamie. Lifting you too.

  3. Please pray for me and my family. I love my mother dearly but we can’t get along. She acts as if she hates me. She adores my brother on the other hand. We all live together. And I’m a very forgiving person. I forgive her and pray for us but it doesn’t get better. I’m so afraid and fear trying to talk to her because I feel she will attack me again.

    1. Rhonda, I am so sorry you are going through that. I do pray God would help you to forgive like Jesus forgives, and that He would protect you, and that He would give you wisdom regarding all the practical steps to take so you can be in a healthy environment, in Jesus’ name.

  4. Rebecca L Jones says:

    It speaks to me Jaime, ” You’ve been through absolute hell, you’ve been through a nightmare lately. ” I can relate to that. This morning, as I prayed, the phrase the battle belongs to the Lord came to mind. But last night as I prayed in the Spirit, I could see a little girl, bald, obviously a cancer patient, she must have been dying but the Lord was saying, ” Go back, go back. ” Resurrection power and life is in His name, plead the blood, hold on. Anyone with sick children or women in a crisis, please hold on.

  5. Hello Jamie
    I thank you for this word today. I do believe there is a big change coming in my life. May God bless you and your family. I thank you again.
    Mrs. Millie

    1. Amen. Thank you for reading, Millie! I pray in agreement that Papa God would make all things new for you and yours, in Jesus’ name.

  6. Pauline Borgan says:

    Because I live you will live also. Amen. Yes, joy is coming. I claim victory in Jesus sweet name. God bless you Jamie for the love of God that you share with us all.

  7. I have took a big leap of faith. I’m a single mother no child support. I quit my job with no income coming in and no job lined up. The job I had I was struggling to do the things of God. I never seen my daughter. I’m in a play at church. I was missing play practice. I was not happy. So I said God I belong to you and I will not miss out on the things of you. You know my heart and the hours I need. I’m trusting God. He loves me. I’ve never done anything like this before. But I’m at peace with it . That’s not like the old me.

  8. Thank so much Jamie for allowing God to touch His people. On Thursday I asked my friend to stand with me in prayer for two hours on Saturday morning. I wanted God to speak to me on an issue in my life. When I checked my phone after prayer . I received God’s word through you. Praise God I am in Western Australia.
    God bless you mightily Jamie for being faithful

  9. I claim this Word and am thankful to receive it. I have been through hell for the past three months as I have watched a loved one slip into the clutches of the enemy and I have been praying night and day for God to manifest His victory and deliver His lost sheep.

    Those words have lifted my spirit and reminded me that I have to speak glory into this situation. Thank you so very much.


    1. Sarah, I am so sorry you have been through that. I pray that every wandering soul you care about would return quickly to the Father’s embrace, in Jesus’ name.

  10. Such soothing song, the storm is really over! We have a living God with us. Taking care of us, because He lives we are also.

    Jamie God bless you with such insight of the Word.

    1. Yes, He is so good! And I’ve been listening to that song over and over. Such a beautiful message. Thank You, Lord!

  11. Thank you for the words of encouragement needed the word of God. Thank you so much

  12. thank you so much for all you do for Gods children,your time and dedication to ministry of jesus christ all your hard work,may God bless you as you could never imagine,gift of laughter and joy deep into the core of your being,
    that waves of love flow that brings sheer delight through out the day.
    in jesus name x

  13. Kara Raubenheimer says:

    Dear Jamie,
    I absolutely receive the resurrection that my family and I so deeply trust Abba for.
    I pray blessings over you and your loved ones too!

    1. Thank you, Kara! I am so glad Papa encouraged you today through this post, and I receive those prayers and blessings! May you also be blessed exceedingly in all things today and throughout this season.
      Love in Christ,

  14. Faith montoya says:

    Yes God gave me the verse John 11:4 before my divorce was final that it was not unto death but for the glory of God. So this weird speaks exactly to what Good had said to me. I have been hanging on and just waiting. Thank you for your timely words.

  15. Christina McCrory says:

    Thank you, Minister Jamie!!!!!!!
    A right on time Word!!
    I receive the Personified Resurrection and Life Christ Jesus!!

  16. Dear Jamie
    I know God is speaking to me!!
    Alleluiah! I receive this word with thankfulness and praise!!


    Hi Pastor Jamie!
    God bless you. There is this song I love so much about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The song is titled the King is coming by Nathaniel Bassey. I love it so much because I can tell The King, Jesus Christ is really coming. You should listen to the song as it relates to this revelation. Hallelujah

  18. Wow, Im speechless, really amazing word. Wow.
    Thank You Papa for this, Thank You!

  19. linda harrison says:

    Amen, thank you Lord

  20. Thank you Reverend Jamie. You are so.awesome and blessed of The Lord . It is my prayer your ministry will overflow win provisions financially’ll never run short again. Ive been separated because if this so celled pandemic from my husband for over 2yrs now i have our 6of 7 children here and This Word encouraged me cos it hit me in my spirit. God bless you Dear Sister in Christ.

  21. Kahn Johnson says:

    On point again. I feel like I’m in Hell now!!! Ie been here for a while now. I’m drained, exhausted, depleted. I too exhausted to pray and barely want to hear another sermon. I just want my Abba Father to manifest Himself in my life. I went Him to guide me, talk to me, touch me, heal me, love me , deliver me, comfort me, give me my financial idependence back, want Him to provide a Husband.. I’ll be 52. I need a husband!!!!! I need all of those things I named above.

    Kahn Johnson

  22. Maika Kamikamica says:

    Thank you for the word Jamie

  23. Chantel Clark-Fortunat says:

    Thank you Jamie! We have felt like we take 2 steps and then get pushed back 4. My marriage and family has felt like under constant attack and for me my health and peace as well. My way of coping was shutting down my emotions or expectations. But I am believing God to work in me and my families life. Thank you for the word and for always pouring out

  24. Brittne Aigne' Epps says:

    Yes!!!! Thank You Jesus!! I have been through absolute Hell recently!! God is resurrecting me!!!! I receive and believe this Word for my life in Jesus name!!

  25. Gladys Mutungu says:

    Amen. Thank you for this word, Jamie. Speaks to me.

  26. Thank-you,Jamie! we need this !

  27. Thank you, Jaimie. This speaks directly to my situation right now and it confirms the Lord’s promise to me.
    God bless you!

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