Prophetic Word: Reject Appearances! You Are Walking In Victory!
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Are you are struggling with repeated attacks of the enemy right now? If so, the Lord gave me an encouraging word for you today!
I was walking in my neighborhood this morning, and I suddenly saw what looked like a large, rusty nail lying on the ground. Immediately, I thought, “That’s going to get in someone’s tire.” So I bent down and picked it up …
… only to find out that it wasn’t a rusty nail at all. It was a twig.

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Oh, don’t get me wrong. It looked just like a rusty nail. It had what looked like a flat nail-head on top. It was the color of rust; and it was the same size and shape as a nail. It even tapered to a sharp point at the end, and it was perfectly straight.
But it wasn’t a nail at all, and it couldn’t hurt anything.
I’ve learned that Holy Spirit is usually talking whenever I see something weird like that. So, I asked the Lord what it meant.
And the Holy Spirit spoke loudly in my spirit: “Not everything is as it seems!”
Immediately, He showed me what it meant. I had seen something that I thought could hurt me or others. It appeared to be an accident waiting to happen. For all intents and purposes, it was a nail.
But that thing that looked so dangerous turned out to have no power at all.
Then Holy Spirit told me: “Not everything that looks like it can hurt you actually can.” And I was reminded of Isaiah 54:17:
No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,’ says the Lord.”
God’s Word says that NO WEAPON formed against you will prosper. He says you shall condemn every tongue that rises against you. Do you have the faith to believe it?
This is where being a spiritual warlord comes in.
When things come against you that look like they can hurt you, you have to shout the motto of the spiritual warlord: “Let God be true and every man a liar!” (Romans 3:4).
It’s an exercise to do that. It takes faith. It takes determination. It takes deciding to believe and confess God’s Word in faith instead of giving in to our feelings.
Related: Get my 5-day devotional called How To Become a Spiritual Warlord here if you haven’t already. It’s an instantly-downloadable e-book, and it will inspire you to walk in victory like never before.
But you can do it. You know how I know? Because Holy Spirit then told me:
You’ve walked this path before. But this time, you’re in victory.
Many of you just finished going around a mountain. However, to your dismay, you now find yourself going around the same mountain again. You thought you were done with it, but now it seems like you aren’t.
Do you know why that’s happening? It’s because last time, you were learning. This time, you are winning.
God only sends you into battle when He wants to win something.

Defeat is not your portion. In Christ Jesus, only victory is your portion.
So are you going around that same old mountain one more time–or does it feel that way? Beloved, this time you’re in victory. Believe it. Claim it. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Make the decisions you have to make to dwell in the secret place of the Most High every single moment of every day. That is how your victory will manifest.
You might feel like you’re under attack again, but the reality is that this time you’re on the offensive.
Father has pre-ordained your victory and this time, you’re walking differently. Even if you don’t like to admit it, you can feel the difference:
- You’re stronger this time.
- You’re tougher, in a good way.
- You’re sweeter on the inside.
- You’re stronger in your spirit.
- You’ve learned how to stir up your most holy faith in Christ Jesus.
- You now know how to strengthen yourself in the Lord.
You’re on the warpath of victory this day. And whether you remember or not, you’ve noticed your progress, too! For example:
- You’ve noticed that some things that used to get you down NOW have you praising instead.
- You now notice the tricks the devil tries to use against you. They don’t work anymore; you can see right through them.
- You’ve even caught yourself, right in the midst of the fiery furnace, actually giving thanks to God when you NEVER used to do that before!
These things are evidence of your victory.
So beloved, grab your palm branch! The King is coming. He’s victorious, and He’s on your side.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is sheltering you under the shadow of His wings right now. So no matter what’s going on, go ahead and offer yourself a willing sacrifice to the Lord. Snuggle into Him closer than you ever have before. This thing that “looks” like a sickness is not unto death, but is rather intended that the glory of God may be revealed.
Beloved, don’t rely on appearances! Not everything is as it seems. Let God be true, and every man a liar! YOU are walking in victory, for Christ has conquered the evil one!
Is Holy Spirit gripping your heart with this word as well today? If so, leave a comment below! I’d love to hear from you!
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Received! Let God be True and every man a liar! Amen!
Amen and amen!
Yes, you are right. Your words are true to ME. I need to do your words. In spiritual warfare I needed that. When I read them I do feel stronger. Yes I do believe that they will help me. I needed to work on my Faith. You are right. I am on social security, disability and they keep cutting ME down for they say they over payed ME. Which is NOT so. But as you said I didn’t steam up AS I would of done. God owns it all.
I do THank You for your prayers and writings to ME. Happy Resurrection Day.
Thank you sweet Sister IC. Much needed and gratefully appreciated
Amen and Amen! So encouraging
Thank you Lord for Your Word!!
I receive in Jesus name!!
Absolutely speaking to me!!
I have the Victory!!
Oh what a message!! It’s only God speaking through you.. No weapon formed against thee shall prosper.. today I received this verse from two other FB pages… Hallelujah! Praise you Lord!!
Amen! God’s Word will never return void! Speak it out in faith!
Jamie, This word is so powerful for me today. May God bless you and your ministry. I thank you again my Angel.
Love Millie
It’s all Jesus, sister! I’m praising Him for blessing you! Be encouraged today!
Walking on the warpath of victory and grabbing my Palm branch. To God be the glory. Blessings to you.
Bless you sis. God is talking to us in victory.
❤ this!!!
i thank God for you for the above words directly from the heart of the father to reaasure me that every battle that i has been fighting i have won the victory .
i thank God for shedding to light that everything is no as it looks .
through christ jesus i receive the victoryu and no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper .
our God is faithful and i give Him all the praise and honour victory is mine the enemy is defeated forever .
Amen Jamie! Yes! Let God be true and every man a liar! Thank God for the Victory that always causes us to triumph!
Thanks Jamie
This is inspiring. Deception is the devil’s game and I won’t play anymore. Isaiah 54:17, reminded me of a dream I had last night, I had forgotten it. I was cutting the tongues of lions and they were bleeding. I want the enemy silenced, thanks Jaime.
Amen. let God be true and every man a liar.
I receive this word in Jesus’s name. Amen
Glory to God in the HIGHEST! Jaime this word is so much on target and timely! Yesterday I was commenting on a situation I am currently experiencing because it looked so familiar.
Thanks for the revelation that this time I am going to WIN!!! I receive this revelation and prophecy in the name of JESUS!
I receive these words and a job new place to live house sold quickly settlement from divorce quickly strength for the battle and believe it’s mind I am not alone I believe he is causing to triumph in Christ Jesús and I am going to the other side of this to be blessed to be a blessing more and more I would encourage everyone don’t give up things are about to change so be encouraged and you to Jamie thank u
Coming into agreement with you Kathy. Praying Daddy God surrounds you even now with the warmth of His approval, acceptance and LOVE. Surely He has felt your every groan and caught every tear. Now experience the joy of His presence as He carries you through to great victory!
I praise My Father God for the Word He gave you -that He knew I needed today! I know Jesus has been preparing me to step out into the ministry He purposes & destined me to do-which is writing(been doing it for about 10 or 12 years.) and it must evident in the spiritual world because I have been bombarded with “attacks” for the last year. But I can say those things have helped me determine to really get started. Before it was family members I was caring for-now I have something going on with my knee -leg pain but docs don’t see anything wrong. So I praise God for this encouragement and will continue to pray again?The prayer you offer. God’s special blessings on you!
Thanks so much, Jamie. It’s the second time I have read this MUCH needed message from different sources today. I have felt like I have been under spiritual seige for the last 3 weeks and it has been both brutal and confounding. I have spent a lot of time saying over and over, “We overcome by the blood and the word of our testimony.” Bracing for breakthrough!!??
Been praying for a mountain in my life to move and while praying have seen two of those I prayed for…come home to Papa God. Both turned away from idolatry and came home to Him. My mountain is breaking and this Word today has been a reminder that He will deliver me and honor me and the victory is already His.
Great inspiration,Jamie.Feels like this message speaks to my heart.I will affirm ,In Christ Jesus,only victory is my portion.Thank you,Jamie,God bless you abundantly.
only read the headline and I am saying amen as well and will read soon…thankyou so grateful for prayer warriors! Dreams coming true hearts being healed. :)))
Wow. God just sent me to pray for the dead. I came out still surging with his presence hope and joy. I totally feel faith…No doubt. into.the car and see the title to this prophetic word. Reject appearances. He is giving the victory!
That’s exactly what I was doing at that very moment.
Then you went on to tell how I feel different this time….You were describing exactly what is going on with right now!!!
I kept feeling like I need to hang onto this feeling. You covered that too. You said to stay in this whatever I have to do and God will give the victory!
This morning before I left to pray for her I just happened to have an add pop up. I was trying to delete it when I heard , everyone has the power to heal, go do it !!!
Right before I was to go !
Yes Lord ,I obeyed. You are faithful to perform your word !
Amen and Amen. God bless you Jamie.
Amen, amen and amen! Let God be true and every man a liar! God bless you Jamie! ?????✝️?
Let God be true and every man a liar.
This message has really ministered to me. My husband has been plagued with court case after court case. His legal career has been so affected that he no longer works. Our children are out of school and we are out of a home. on the 28th he goes before the judge to get a ruling on yet another case. He has just been diagnosed with a hole in his heart and needs to travel abroad for surgery. We have been plagued with these cases since 2010 and many of them are cases that have resurfaced. He has proved his innocence in court but the corrupt justice system had him convicted on one of the cases. He has not been well since the beginning of 2014. Your message about going round the mountain the second time in victory is so true in my case. I am not as terrified as I was the first time. I have spent time in the Word understanding indeed who my God is. With all this facing us, I went for overnight prayers last Friday and had one of my best praise and worship sessions ever. I felt His Love, His Protection, His Assurance. I know we have overcome and its only a matter of time that His victory will manifest for all to see. To be honest I cant wait to show off my God as I give my testimony. Keep us in your prayers and get ready to give Praise to give praise. It is just a matter of time. God bless you.
Jamie this was so on time for me. I need to hear this desperately. I’d been feeling like my progress in life was faltering but your message from God turned my perspective around and suddenly I realized with clarity that I’ve ac been getting better in my attitude and my actions. It’s amazing how Satan can twist your eyes if you let him. Especially when you are winning. God bless you. Keep listening and keep obeying that voice of his! Amen!
You go, brother. You GO. Father God loves you SO much and He is indeed moving and shaking things up, and the enemy is defeated before your face! I praise God with you! And I prayed for you just now.
Amen. Thank you for being here. Discovered you “by accident”. So inspiring.
May God continue to bless you as you continue to be a blessing to others.
Awesome, Jan. So amazing of Papa that there are no accidents in the Kingdom! I’m so glad Father blessed you. Thank you for reading!
Amen, these words are just for me.
Timely word thank you Jesus.
Amen Thanks for sharing this word – I am victorious through him that loves me The Lord will lift me out of this sickness. Thanks for your encouragement today. Jamie.
This is a powerful, timely word for this season. God bless the writer and readers of this encouraging message inspired by the wisdom of our Heavenly Father. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Thank you Jamie
God bless
Yes Jamie, Holy Spirit not only gripped my heart, He had me on the floor face down with His overwhelming presence, breaking and releasing strongholds, all I could do was surrender.
This word most definitely included me. from the moment I read “You’ve walked this path before. But this time, you’re in victory. my heart opened right up to this truth.
Thank you Jamie, you inspire me.
Jesus is King……………JohnScott
Amen Amen I receive my faith and victory through you Jesus. I will testify of your Glory and miraculous things you done in my life. Thank you God 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Bring it on!
Rom 3:4-Let God be trueand every man be a liar.Amen!
Yeeeeeessssssss!Thank you Abba Father for speaking to your daughter.Mighty woman of God you are Sis Jamie.It is what I went through for the last 3 days.So many times i went through this mountain but still coming back again,but i thànk God for Papa’s Word and His Archangel Michae,.Thank you so much Sis Jamie
Thank you Father for confirming am walking in victory.
Thank you Jamie!!! Amen!!! Great word!!! 🙂
Thank you Father for this blessed assurance with regards to my children. I asked Jamie to pray with me for you to give me back my hope and joy, and deliver my children gone into captivity. I thank you for your rhema word which gives me hope. I have received your Word with faith, meekness; humility and gladness in my heart; my spirit and I am at peace. What a loving Father you are. You are gracious and kind. You are great and greatly to be praised; the Strong and breasted one, my ever present help in my time of need. I bless your Holy Name. Amen. Thank you Lord. Thank you Jamie for giving yourself as a vessel to be used by God to deliver His people. Rose.