Why Does It Hurt When Someone Leaves You?
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
I’ve been writing a series on how to heal from rejection and abandonment, and I’ll be answering a number of reader FAQs for the next few weeks. These are FAQs that my Presence Seekers University crowd–those readers in my free, email equipping program–sent in.
Here’s a question that I felt was very important to answer today. This reader asked:
“Why does it hurt so badly when someone walks out of your life?”
That’s a great question. Why does it hurt when someone leaves you? Whether that someone is a father, a mother, a friend, a spouse, or anyone else–why can’t we just get over it and say “good riddance”?

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There’s a reason it hurts when someone leaves you.
A reason that ties to who you are, and the reason for which you were created.
Related: Two Awesome Prophetic Words about People Leaving
When someone walks out of your life, it does hurt. It is a painful wound. And the reason it hurts so much is simply this:
You were made for the Presence of God. You were birthed out of His bosom as His royal son or daughter, and you were made to be treated like He would treat you.
And your eternal spirit–the part of you that makes you, you–knows it.
You know that to be treated with anything less than the love and honor God treats you with is beneath your dignity.
You know in your spirit that you were made for “on earth as it is in Heaven”–for all things to look in your life on earth just like they look in Heaven.
You know that you were created for perfection; that this world is not your home; and that you are but a stranger in a strange land, looking for a city whose Builder and Maker is God.
You know, deep in your inmost being, that you were made just to be with Him. To exist in His image, and to be in Heaven.
And in Heaven is FATHER.
Father, who would never leave you nor forsake you.
Father, who is a covenant Keeper.
Father, who is, like Jesus, Faithful and True.
Father, whose mercies are new every day, and who loves us unconditionally … even when we fail Him.
Father, who is everlastingly, unendingly, enduringly loyal.
So when someone abandons you, it hurts your spirit.
It wounds your spirit because you know it’s not right, and you know that you don’t deserve to be abandoned.
You were made to be treated like Father treats you.
If you have struggled with rejection and abandonment, this is why it hurts.
You were not made to be abandoned.
You were made for intimate Presence, and to be treated exactly like God treats you.
It’s sad that sin has so corrupted the fallen world we live in that we rarely experience things the way Father intended for us to experience them. But you know what?
There’s hope.
There’s so much hope … because what Father created, He can put back together.
Father God has the Manufacturer’s specs to your life. He built you. Crafted you. Put you together in your precious mother’s womb.
And what He made, He can heal.
He can and will heal your heart, comfort you, and put you back together BETTER than you ever were before.
Believe it.
If you are ready to begin healing from abandonment and rejection, be sure to read all the blog posts in this series so far:
- How the Demonic Spirits of Abandonment and Rejection Work Together
- 4 Signs You Have a Stronghold of Rejection and Abandonment
- How To Heal from Rejection and Abandonment, Step One
Please read, and know that Papa can AND WILL heal you.
The reason Jesus was made manifest was to destroy the works of the devil–including the wounds of abandonment and rejection that have been inflicted on you.
Much love in Christ to you today, and blessings.
All in for the sake of the King,
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My earliest memory is 5 but I knew my father had left. I don’t know that it was meant to be a lie but my mother told me recently, in never happened the way I thought, bits and pieces of stories made me think he had actually stepped over me in the floor and walked out when he actually left in the night. This is why children in foster care and from orphanage are distant, they’ve never bonded. No wonder people are not relating to a good God. I was the caregiver of a 6 yr old, she remembered what we did when she was two so I know the children of addicts remember being left, but He will never leave or forsake you.
That’s so sad, Rebecca. I’m so sorry. I do pray Papa has comforted your heart.
Thank you Jamie and the community bof believers here.Jamie your words are like Prov 25:11 so apyly spoken n ministered to me in so many ways.Thank you
I hurt so so much please pray for me. He’s gone n has been for 10 months after 32 years of marriage can’t understand. I don’t like this darkness n confusion
I’m really sorry, Yvonne. Praying for you now.
Thank you I just feel like giving up it hurts Soo soo bad
Don’t give up, sweetheart. Cling to Jesus. Cast your cares upon Him. He will help you if you draw near to Him.
This is so on time .. I believe God is revealing each one of my strongholds to me during this quarantine so that I continue to lean and call on him to break them down. It will be 7 months since I’ve been saved and he told me this year would be difficult and I would have to put in spiritual “work” . But it’s so overwhelming to keep up. The quarantine is making it harder. But I know it’s nothing but a test for my good and to spiritually strengthen and grow me for the calling he will reveal to me in the future. I’m going to continue to meditate on your posts . May God continue to anoint and bless you my sister.
So happy to welcome you to the fold Kyla. Blessings as you continue to grow in Christ.