15 Kingdom Declarations To Speak Over Your Church

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webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Read here for 15 power-packed, Kingdom declarations you can speak over your local church! by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.com

Ready to take your place as the warlord you are and start enforcing change on the earth? One great way to do this is by speaking blessings over your local church.

The Lord gave me a series of declarations recently for the local church. These are all based on the Word of God, and they are powerful. If you’re ready to make a difference, speak these kingdom declarations over your church. Then watch God move in response to His Word!

15 Kingdom declarations to speak out loud over your local church:


1. In the Name of Jesus, I decree that (insert church name) is a Kingdom church filled with righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

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    Related: Need joy? Read about the day Jesus rocked the 12-bar blues.

    2. We at ________ set our minds and keep them set on things above, where Christ is. We set our love on God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit. We make Jesus Christ the Center of everything we do. We honor the Holy Spirit and yield to His presence, His power, and His will in all things.

    3. We at ________ are filled with the Holy Spirit and power. We go about doing good and healing all who are oppressed by the devil, for God is with us.

    4. We have an open heaven by the blood of Jesus. The Holy Spirit rests upon us and remains. We are keenly sensitive to the Lord and His voice. We ALL hear God’s voice behind us, saying “This is the way; walk in it,” and we never turn to the right or to the left. We hear God’s voice clearly, and we follow Him. All of our prayers are heard and answered, and everything we need is provided in abundance.

    5. We have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but we have received the Spirit of adoption, by Whom we cry out “Abba! Father!” We operate in power, love, and a sound mind, and we are all filled with God’s perfect love. We dwell in unity as brothers and sisters in Christ, and God’s anointing covers us.

    6. Every time we gather together, we host the Presence of God. The glory of God rests upon us corporately and individually, and God is enthroned upon our praises. We have a heart to worship even more than David had. We always encounter God deeply in our worship.

    Related: Are You Camped Around the Presence?

    7. The atmosphere of Heaven saturates this church and all of its members. We are overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, and like Peter, even our shadows release the power of God everywhere we go.

    8. We at __________ are lovers of the Word. We study to show ourselves approved unto God, workmen that need not be ashamed. We eat God’s Word for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We do not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. We hide God’s Word in our hearts, and God’s Word keeps us from sin.

    9. We speak as the oracles of God. We preach the Gospel boldly and with power. The Word of God thunders from our pulpits, our media outreach, and from every way that we and our members communicate. God works with us as we preach, confirming His Word with signs, wonders, and miracles.

    10. ____________ is a house of prayer for all nations. We have the spirit of grace and supplication. Our prayers rise like incense before God night and day. We govern in prayer and enforce God’s will on the earth through intercession. We pray effectually and fervently. We boldly come before the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Our prayers are heard in Heaven and quickly answered on earth.

    11. We at _________ have a supernatural grace for fasting. When we fast, we keep God in the forefront of our hearts and minds. We set our hearts to seek God in secret, and He rewards us in the open.

    Related: Field Notes From My Fasting Failures

    12. We bring all the tithes into the storehouse, and we prove the Lord in this: that He opens for us the windows of Heaven and pours us out such a blessing that there is not room enough to receive it. Our God rebukes the devourer for our sakes and brings us our complete harvest. Because we seek God’s Kingdom and righteousness first, everything we need is added to us. Everything we put our hand to prospers. Our God supplies all our needs according to His RICHES in glory in Christ Jesus.

    13. Every member of __________ is plugged in and operating in covenant with the Body of Christ. Every member is equipped and serving within his or her gifts.

    14. We at ___________ have a heart for the hurting and broken. We have abundant resources for local and foreign missions. We go into all the world and preach the Gospel. We make disciples for Jesus Christ everywhere we go, starting with the world between our own two feet. We point the way to the Father’s table in everything we say and do.

    15. We at ___________ see with the eyes of God, hear with the ears of God, and love with the heart of God. And because it’s the goodness of God that brings men to repentance, we demonstrate God’s goodness everywhere we go.

    In Jesus’ name!

    What other Scriptural declarations can you think of to speak over your church? Please leave a comment below! I’d love to hear your ideas!


    1. Jamie, these declarations are powerful! Would it be okay for me to print a copy of these for use in our prayer room. We will be having a time of worship and intercession for our church. I would be happy to give you credit on the handout. Thank you! Blessings!

      1. Yes, certainly. I’m glad they are blessing you! May Papa hear from Heaven and answer His holy Word! 🙂
        Have a great day!

        1. Sinelizwi Ankomah says:

          I thank God by you man of God, The wisdom He gave you, you are blessing in us, Continue in doing good. Even me too I am going to use it in the church as it is a new church I believe it will work for us.
          Sinelizwi Mamfengu Ankomah

      1. Isaac Andoh-Krampah says:

        Am grateful to God for your life for those spirit filled declarations.Tonight,am going declare over our church after 10 days of Holy Spirit activities.And am expecting God to confirm His word as l declare.God bless you richly. Pastor lsaac

    2. diane henderson says:

      The decrees are Bible based and can be adapted to declare over any
      bible believing church. Thank you ma’am. Keep up the good work.

      1. Yes, they can! And the Word of God always works. 🙂 So much power in speaking it out. Thanks for reading, Diane!

    3. PASTOR CLYDE says:

      This is wonderful!

    4. I’ve felt some frustration about some things in our local body and I was reminded that I need to just pray!

      So I went looking for specific declarations and stumbled upon this great article and your wonderful site.

      Thank you so much!

    5. Deanna Richard says:

      I to am grateful.. I went online looking for some powerful declarations to declare over our church ministry and I manage to found these. i thank God for you and for using you in such a powerful way to touch others lives.

    6. Pst. Jabez says:

      We need more revelations about the kingdom of God and the kingdom principles

    7. Powerful declarations!!!! Keep them coming.

    8. Chester Thomas says:

      Powerful declaration keep them coming

    9. Dear Jamie, thanks you so much for these declarations – they are wonderful! We are missionaries in Thailand, in a place that has really been overlooked by the Body of Christ, but not by the Father. There are 22 million people and less that 0.02% Christian. Our team has been flagging a little and I believe these declarations are just what we need. We will be teaching English to some of our staff and I would love to use the truth behind these declarations as the background for our lesson.
      I would also like to give them one declaration to take and speak out each week until they have them all. Is this OK with you? Our team is very young in the things of God but they have a heart for this nation.
      May God abundantly bless you.

      1. Hi Mardie. Of course, I would be thrilled for you to use any of my materials to minister to your team. Please let me know if I can help in any additional ways.

        1. Thank you so much Jamie – we used these declarations the other night in a corporate prayer time. It was amazing the difference they made. People came alive.
          Thank you for having a heart to hear.

    10. Hi Jamie: I came across these declarations while searching online for some declarations for our all night prayer service at church tonight. I plan to declare them over the church. They are powerful. May God continue to bless you to be a blessing to the Body of Christ. Abundant Harvest!!

    11. Thank you for encouraging the body of believers to speak out Gods truth in their church and mine. I felt the power of Holy Spirit as I begin to write them out. Thank you for allowing the use of these declarations in our churches.

    12. Alexander John says:

      The declarations were powerful was am so bless to have came across them . be bless and continue to be a blessing to the body of Christ.

    13. Jamie…thank you so much for these anointed Kingdom declarations. They are spot on and exactly what our church needs. Thank you for following the leadership of the Holy Spirit. You are a true gift to the Body of Christ. Thank you!

    14. Andrew Del-ong says:

      Thank you very much, Ma’am, that the Lord led me to your article. This is of great help to our Church corporate prayer today. God’s anointing will continue to be poured upon you. God bless!

    15. Femi Adeoye says:

      H, Jamie,

      These declarations are Holy Spirit filled. God will continue to bless your gifts, talents, family and Ministry. In this leap Year your ministry will leap Forward, Onward and Upward in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

      With your permission I would be happy to declare it over the Saints of God in our Church. Some of them we have already but hearing it from another great vessel of The Most High like you is a confirmation of what The Lord is doing in our midst.

      Blessed you are.

      1. Hi friend, it’s perfectly fine to declare the declarations over the saints at your church, as long as you tell them where it comes from (in other words, cite your source). Thanks! Blessings!

        1. Diane Jiles says:

          Jamie, thank you so very much for this prayer. Sunday morning, I am part of the prayer team; sometimes, I get bits and pieces of other people’s prayers. I believe I am going to use your declaration tomorrow; again, thank you.

          1. Keesha McRae says:

            Thanks for this information. This blog really assisted me in starting declarations for my local church!

    16. Marsha D Gregg says:

      These declarations are powerful. I will use them in my prayer time at church. Praise the Lord, Hallelujah. I bless God for you and declare His favours upon you now and forevermore.

    17. Monica Singh says:

      Thank you. Very Grateful and will use them. I was browsing and founded these prayers.

    18. I was truly blessed by the 15 church declarations. Thank you so much for sharing them. Yes PAPA does answer when we pray!!!! May GOD continue to use this ministry in its entirety. Let the blessings overflow in JESUS NAME!

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