“I Am Preserving Your Path,” Says the Lord

webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1

Are you walking through a difficult time right now? If so, the Lord spoke these words of encouragement to you today:

“I am commanding your greatness and preserving your path.

You have been walking through a difficult season, but I am going before you to prepare a way to the banqueting table of My heart. In this season, you have fought many battles as you walked along the straight and narrow path. But I tell you today that I have seen this pilgrim’s progress–your progress–and I honor you for it.

I am preserving your path, even though the way is dark.

Indeed, this darkness is not unto death, but is rather unto life. For I tell you today that the dawn is breaking; the day is darkest before the dawn, but the dawn is breaking in your life.

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    I am preserving your path and am rising upon you like the sun.

    You do not know what to do or when to do it, but fear not. I am with you always, even to the end of the world. And My glory is rising upon you now; it is pelting your face with light, despite the darkness and difficulty you have been through.

    I am singing over you as I bring you out of the valley of the shadow of death.

    The valley was only a valley of shadows; death could not reach you there, for I have been with you, just as I always am. I have been protecting you and preserving you, as I always do.

    The valley has a purpose, and that purpose is almost finished. You are much more calm now; less worried, less anxious. You have genuinely learned the value of resting in Me–and not only that, but you have genuinely learned the vital importance of trusting Me and remaining calm, no matter what things look like in appearance.

    The lessons you have learned in this valley will stabilize you the rest of your life.

    You are walking in a new degree of wellness and wholeness, despite the fact that you know you aren’t perfect yet. I am the only One who is perfect, but I am making you like Myself. I am forming the image of Christ in you, and you are submitting to My work and My pleasure.

    REST: You Need It

    Encouragement from God for the Weary and Heavy-Laden

    Are you weary, worn out, burned out, and exhausted? Then Jamie’s ebook of prophetic words from the Father’s heart is for you! Click here to read the chapter titles and download this comforting, empowering ebook of prophetic words instantly!

    Your humility in this season has been of vital importance, and I want to congratulate you for it.

    I would not have been able to accomplish nearly as much in your heart if you had not been humble. But you were humble, and you submitted to Me. I was therefore able to accomplish even more work in your life than you have even realized yet–but you will see it.

    I am preserving your path and resurrecting your heart of passion for Me at the same time.

    You felt flat and dead, but truly I had anesthetized you as I removed some unstable and sinful things from your heart. I have put you back together now, and you are better than you were before. You are finding your heart for Me roaring back to life, and you will find your heart awakening in new ways over the next few days as well.

    I am with you to keep you,” says the Lord. “Your path is preserved before Me, for I am acquainted with all your ways. I know your sitting down and your rising up. I am going before you to prepare a way for all things.

    I am in front of you and behind you; your forward guard and your rear guard. I am above you, beneath you, and on all sides of you–and of all that concerns you.

    I have made you great, and I will increase your greatness on every side so that My greatness is exalted and glorified.

    My passion for My glory is exceeded only by My passion for you. And I will use My great passion for My glory to glorify My own name in you. As I do this, all the world will see that you are royalty; you belong to Me, and I defend My own.

    Rest in Me now.

    Let Me do what only I can do. I am your Fixer, your Arranger, your Friend who sticks closer than a brother.

    Allow Me to restore your life and property. Allow Me to order your steps and protect your path. I tell you that I have preserved it already; your path is secure, for you are hidden in Me and I am in you. And I will not suffer your foot to be moved. Just as I never stumble or slip, neither will you when you are hidden with Christ in Me.

    Beloved one, I am your Healer and Restorer. Restoration takes time, for it has many aspects. But just like a fine automobile is worth the time for you to restore, so My fine child is worth all the time in the world to Me to heal and restore.

    Rest in My arms. Let My love and peace heal you.

    You will find it worth your while to do so, and I will take care of you always.

    With greatest love beyond your wildest dreams,

    Your Father God.”

    Beloved, did this word from the Father’s heart speak to your spirit today? If so, leave a comment below!


    1. This is wonderful, I wait on the Lord everyday, and i trust and believe that he will do what he says he will do, all glory to God Amen and Amen

    2. This Word was as a quenching drink of water to me. Amen. Thank you, Father God.

    3. Fernise cornet says:

      Thank you Lord for letting me know that you the only one who can fix me and testore me I will wait for you my lord I know you will do it for me like the Samaritan lady

    4. I am broken and touched by it. Thank you for being a great channel.

    5. Amen. This really resonated with me 😭.

    6. Kim A.Hill says:

      This prophetic word moved me to tears to know that my Father knows & cares for me.Thank you Lord for using this precious vessel to relay your thoughts & plans for your children.

    7. Priscilla says:

      Amen and Amen. Lord you are my Hope, in you I put my Trust. Thanks Jamie for encouraging us on this journey.

    8. Irma Nortje says:


    9. Jamie, this did speak so much to me! It expanded on what God has been saying this morning, that He supplies all my needs, and it encouraged me where I don’t see the road ahead but I am following to the best of my ability. I am encouraged that God is preserving my path and making His name great through me! Hallelujah 🙌. Thank you ❣️

    10. Mmamakgala Lefalatsa says:

      My Lord and My King. I Worship You.

      I Bow Before Your Throne of Grace. I Receive This Word with Thanksgiving and Praise. Amen

    11. I woke up this morning and I got my knees to pray. Normally I stay in bed and sit up to talk to the Lord, but this morning I got on my knees. At first, I didn’t know what to say so I got quiet and then I started praying. I started to cry, which I didn’t want to do because I knew that I would be tired from it. I continued to cry, and I told Him how I was feeling. I told Him that I felt like a failure in just about everything that I did or do. That I’m messy and don’t know what to do or where I’m going. I feel like I don’t deserve anything from Him and that I’m just plain old useless as I have no church home and have not been teaching for years. I even had the audacity to compare myself to my aunt as she seems to have it all together. I asked Him two questions, 1) Why did you pick me (the messy one) and not her (the better one — in my eyes); 2) Father, how can you still love someone like me? — imperfect, messy, not valued by my own family. Someone who is reading this may think that wow, this woman truly does not know her own worth as a child of the Most High God. The truth is that I do know my worth as a child of God, but sometimes life gets to the point that you find yourself in a downward funk and you just want to give up! But fortunately, God has a way of speaking to you when you need it most just as He did when I opened my email this morning and saw this article, “I Am Preserving Your Path,” Says the Lord. I felt like He was talking to me specifically and I felt so much better. My hope has been restored and even the issues are still here and yes, they still hurt, I have Him to lean on and to keep me grounded. Thank you for writing this article under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He never fails to answer us when we call even in the darkest times.

    12. millicent deenah says:

      I receive it, in Jesus name.

    13. Elizabeth says:

      I needed to hear this🙏🙏🙏

    14. Wow, this so comforting! Thank you Holy Spirit for your words! This is a balm to my soul, love you Lord! Thank you Jamie.

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