Praying the Names of God: The Ultimate FREE Guide

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Praying the Names of God | The Ultimate How-To Guide for Praying God's Names Back to Him | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

Do you know what the names of God are, and how to pray the names of God? If not, this amazing prayer method is going to take your prayer life, your faith, and your intimacy with God to a whole new level.

In this article, you will find 555 of names of God in plain English, as well as teaching about how YOU can pray the names of God.

This article is not intended to dig into all the Hebrew names of God, although that is a powerful thing too. (Find more about the names of God in Hebrew here from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers, and here in Praying and Pronouncing the Names of God by Dr. Tony Evans.)

My purpose in this how-to guide is threefold:

  1. to show you as many of the names of God in everyday English as I can;
  2. to teach you how to mine the Scriptures for more names of God than the ones that immediately meet the eye when you read; and
  3. to teach you how to pray the names of God so you can apply the knowledge you gain about God to your everyday walk with Him.

 The specific topics I cover in this Ultimate Guide to Praying the Names of God are:

If you would rather read all about praying the names of God in ebook format, you can get my ebook, Praying the Names of God: 555 Names of God and How to Use Them In Prayer and Worship, absolutely FREE when you sign up for my free email updates! Sign up using the form below. 🙂

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    Praying the Names of God: 555 Names of God and How To Use Them In Prayer and Worship | free PDF Ebook by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

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      First, let me say that it’s not possible for any of us to know ALL the names of God. 

      He is infinite, and therefore His names–which are the descriptions of who He is–are infinite. But, He has shown us who He is in the Person of Jesus, who is the exact imprint of God in fleshly form. His Word also contains the complete record of His self-revelation to us.

      In the Bible, God has shown us a lot of His names by simply telling us what they are outright–names like “I am the Lord” or “I am God Almighty.” But when we read these verses in which God just outright tells us His name, that’s only one kind of name. Those are the self-revealed names of God … but there is a second kind of name also.

      There are other names of God that we can deduce–or “see”–from reading about Him in the pages of His Word.

      For example, in Hebrews 1:1-4, we read these words:

      “God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds;

      who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,

      having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they” (Hebrews 1:1-4).

      Now, I’m going to list the passage again and bold all the phrases in which I see various names of God:

      God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds;

      who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,

      having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they” (Hebrews 1:1-4, emphasis mine).

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      If you look at the passage above, you see that the bolded words are all phrases that tell us who God IS.

      In other words, they tell us the attributes of God the Father and of His Son Jesus Christ. For example, the passage above tells us that Jesus is Heir of all things. So, “Heir of all things” would be one of His names.

      Here are just a few of God’s names that He shows us in Hebrews 1:

      These are names you can see without His having to overtly tell us, “Hey! This is My name!” For example, this passage above shows us that Jesus is:

      1) The Word become flesh
      2) God’s message to mankind
      3) Heir of all things
      4) The Radiance of the glory of God
      5) The Brightness of Father’s glory
      6) The express Image of Father’s person
      7) The exact Imprint of Father’s nature

      And these are all among Jesus’ names.

      These names all show us who He is, just the same way that He is:

      • Yeshua;
      • Messiah;
      • Bright and Morning Star;
      • the Holy One of Israel; and
      • the Lion of Judah.

      The names like “Lion of Judah” and “Bright and Morning Star” are the names of God that most of us know, love, and hear from day to day. However, the other names, like “Exact Imprint of Father’s nature” and “Heir of all things” are just as much His names as those other, better-known ones are.

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      A name is simply a word that tells you who a person is.

      SO, if you study as many of the names of God as you can, you can see who He is. And, the more of His names you study, the better you will know Him.

      Conversely, if you study who He is, you can see His names. And the more you dig into His Word and mine out the gemstones that tell you WHO HE IS, the more of His names you will see!

      Cool, huh?

      Praying the Names of God | The Ultimate Guide | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

      It works like math:

      • In math, if Thing #1 equals Thing #2, then Thing #2 also equals Thing #1. In other words, if A=B, then B=A. It’s universally accepted.
      • Just the same: A name of God equals who He is
      • So studying who He is brings us to the revelation of His name.

      This means that we don’t have to limit ourselves to only studying the names of God that are overtly declared in the Bible.  We can also look at the names God shows us–not just the names He tells us.

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      Mining God’s Word, the Bible, for the gemstones of His names will take your Bible study, your worship, and your intimacy with God to a whole new level.

      The Bible says:

      “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter” (Proverbs 25:2).

      This means that God loves to place hidden gemstones in the treasure of His Word … and He does it specifically for us to find these gems. He plays hide-and-seek with us, but He never hides very far away and His revelation is not hard to find if we let His Spirit lead us into all truth.

      So, if you begin to mine the Word of God for the hidden treasure of His names–both the names He tells us AND the names He shows us–it will be worth your while.

      After you find the names of God in the Bible, then you can put them to use by praying the names of God back to Him.

      Here’s how to pray the names of God:

      Suppose you’re mining Psalm 18 for God’s names. I placed a long list of 95 names of God from Psalm 18 below, but four of my favorite names found therein are:

      • My Rock;
      • My Shield;
      • I am God who flies swiftly on the wings of the wind to rescue you.
      • I am God who sends out arrows and scatters them to do My bidding.

      You see that some names of God are short and some are long.

      The length of the name doesn’t matter, and you don’t have to try to specifically come up with short names versus long ones. As you’re studying, just take them as they come in the order in which you study them.

      (In other words, we’re not sitting around trying to invent long names OR to cut long phrases off into short names. We’re just reading whatever it says about God from verse to verse, and noticing the names He shows us.)

      The length of the name doesn’t matter. What matters is:

      • understanding the name;
      • applying the name in faith to see who God is in your situation;
      • thanking the Lord for being that and doing that for you (whatever attribute of His nature His name reveals); and
      • asking Him to manifest Himself in that way even more in your life.

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      Praying the Names of God | The Ultimate How-To Guide for Praying God's Names Back to Him | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

      So here are some examples showing how you could pray the four names of God I listed above as examples:

      Name #1: My Rock:

      “Father God, thank You for being My Rock. You are solid and stable and sure. You are the Rock beneath my feet; You are the Rock who is higher than I. I cling to You, Abba Father. Please keep me safe, stable, steady, and secure.

      Father, my world is shaking around me, but I thank You that You never do. And with You as my Rock, I shall not be moved. Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

      Name #2: My Shield:

      “Father God, You are my Shield. Thank You, Abba Father, for shielding me from the storms. Thank You that You have always been there for me; You’ve always kept me safe and protected, and You always will. You alone are a Shield for me; my glory and the lifter of my head.

      Help me now, Abba Father, and keep me safe. Help me to abide in You and stay under the shadow of Your wings, and You will keep me safe and protected. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

      Name #3: I am God who flies swiftly on the wings of the wind to rescue you:

      “Abba Father, You see that I am in trouble. But Lord, You are my rescuer. You are my shield and my safe place. You are the one I’m calling upon, for You will answer me and show me great and mighty things that I do not know.

      Papa God, in Jesus’ name, I thank You that I can depend on You. And Lord, I ask You right now to fly swiftly to my rescue. Fly on the wings of the wind, Lord, faster than I could ever imagine, and help me now.

      Your Word says that before I call, You will answer–so You have actually already answered me, that fast, Lord, and I thank You for it. Thank You for bringing me out of this situation safely and securely.

      Father, please work everything out for my good, for Your Word says that you work ALL things out for good for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose. Thank You so much. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

      Name #4: I am God who sends out arrows and scatters them to do My bidding:

      “Abba Father, I come before You in Jesus’ name. Father, I want to intercede for my country right now.

      Abba Father, Your Word says righteousness and justice are the foundations of Your throne. Your Word says that it’s by the blessing of the righteous that a city is exalted; how much more a country?

      Father, we need Your help in my country right now. I ask, Abba Father, that You would send out Your arrows right now in this land and scatter them to do Your bidding:

      • Let the mighty arrows of Your Spirit’s conviction penetrate the heart of every person in government.
      • Let the mighty arrows of Your Word thunder from the mouths of Your people as we decree Your Word over our nation.
      • Let the mighty arrows of Your right hand do Your bidding in every way in our nation, Lord, to bring righteousness and justice to our land.

      Father, we need Your help.

      You are the one who moves the hearts of kings like water. So Father God, send forth Your arrows of every kind to do warfare on Your behalf, on behalf of Your Kingdom, and on behalf of us Your people.

      I pray that You would arise and Your enemies would be scattered, O Lord, and that this nation would worship You once again. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”

      See? To pray the names of God, you just apply them in practical ways to whatever situation you’re praying about.

      Holy Spirit will help you do this if you’ll ask Him to help you pray before you start praying. And once you get into it, you’ll see that these names of God are an absolute gold mine of revelation about God. Getting to know the Lord in all His names will show you His beauty more clearly than you ever could have seen it before, and you will stand in awe of Him in a whole new way.

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      So now I want to provide you with a list of names of God that you can use to get started with.

      Praying the Names of God | The Ultimate How-To Guide for Praying God's Names Back to Him | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

      This is not in any way a comprehensive list because God is infinite. As I stated at the very beginning of this page, we could never know all the names–and once we get started, we’ll be searching the Scriptures for the rest of our lives, looking for them.

      However, as I have studied this, the Lord has shown me some of His pretty incredible names from His Word.

      I will be occasionally updating this article as I continue studying the names of God, chapter by chapter and book by book.

      For now, however, I am including twelve lists of the names of God for you below:

      • 30 names of God I found in Hebrews chapter 1;
      • 7 names of God from Psalm 14;
      • 95 names of God from Psalm 18;
      • 63 names of God I found in Revelation chapters 1 and 2; 
      • 36 names of God from Psalm 86;
      • 46 names of God I found in Psalm 91;
      • 36 names of God from Psalm 96;
      • 25 names of God from Psalm 76;
      • 24 names of God in Proverbs 15;
      • 5 names of God just to get you started in Proverbs 14 and 16;
      • 37 names of God from Isaiah 48;
      • one more list currently showing 62 of the better-known names of God from various books and chapters in the Bible.

      Below that, I also included the one full-paragraph name that God told us when He revealed Himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6-7.

      All together, these twelve lists + one paragraph include 467 names of God so far. I will continue adding more lists to this page, so bookmark this page so you can check back and use this page as a reference!

      These lists of the names of God are only a beginning, but they are a great beginning and will show you how to both read outright AND deduce the names of God that the Lord shows us in the Scriptures.

      So without further ado …

      Here are 30 names of God from Hebrews 1:

      1) Word become flesh
      2) God’s message to mankind
      3) Heir of all things
      4) The Radiance of the glory of God
      5) The Brightness of Father’s glory
      6) The express Image of Father’s person
      7) The exact Imprint of Father’s nature
      8 ) The One who sits at the right hand of the Majesty on high
      9) He is both the Declarer and the Declaration of salvation

      10) Upholder of the universe

      11) Purifier of sinners
      12) Creator of the world
      13) Son of God
      14) The Firstborn of God Himself
      15) Anointed One of God
      16) The One who is Superior to angels
      17) Most excellent of all the earth
      18) Very God of very God
      19) Holder of the scepter of uprightness

      20) Lover of righteousness and Hater of wickedness and lawlessness

      21) Conqueror of all enemies
      22) Possessor of years without end
      23) The One who rolls up the heavens and the earth, and replaces them!
      24) Remainer!
      25) Crafter and Artisan of the heavens

      26) The Glad One who rejoices more than His companions

      27) Builder of the foundations of the earth
      28) Eternal One
      29) Jesus Christ the Same
      30) Testator of salvation

      WOW! Is it any wonder the four living creatures around the throne of God have been staring at Him for all eternity, and have never ceased to cry out, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!” (Revelation 4:8)? Selah!

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      Here are 7 names of God from Psalm 14:

      1) I am the song of My servant Jacob (Psalm 14:7)
      2) I am the rejoicing of Jacob (Psalm 14:7)
      3) I am the gladness of Israel (Psalm 14:7)
      4) I am God who is with the generation of the righteous (Psalm 14:5)
      5) I am the refuge of the poor (Psalm 14:5)
      6) I am the salvation of Israel (Psalm 14:7)
      7) I am God who restores your fortunes (Psalm 14:7)

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      And here are 95 names of God from Psalm 18:

      Notes: The verse is cited after each name from that verse has been listed. For example, names 2-9 are all from Psalm 18:2. Names 10-11 are both from Psalm 18:3, and so on.

      Also, remember that these are names, not merely statements. These names are windows into God’s very Spirit, heart, mind, and DNA–not mere intellectual statements about Him, okay?) 🙂

      From Psalm 18, we learn that God’s names include:

      1) God my Strength (Psalm 18:1)
      2) The Lord my Rock
      3) The Lord my Fortress
      4) The Lord my Deliverer
      5) My God
      6) My Rock in whom I take refuge
      7) My Shield
      8) The Horn of my salvation
      9) My Stronghold (Psalm 18:2)
      10) Worthy to be praised

      11) God who saves me from my enemies (Psalm 18:3)

      12) I am God who answers in your distress
      13) I am God who helps
      14) I am God who hears your voice (You are God who hears my voice.)
      15) I am God who hears your cry (Psalm 18:6)
      16) I am God who shakes the foundations of the earth with My anger (Psalm 18:7)
      17) I am God whose nostrils are filled with smoke

      18) I am God who breathes out fire on your behalf

      Praying the Names of God | The Ultimate How-To Guide for Praying God's Names Back to Him | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

      19) I am God from whom glowing coals flame forth (Psalm 18:8)
      20) I am God who thrusts aside the heavens and comes down to help you
      21) I am God who treads on thick darkness (Psalm 18:9)
      22) I am God who rides on a cherub and flies to rescue you

      23) I am God who flies swiftly on the wings of the wind to rescue you (Psalm 18:10)

      24) I am God who makes darkness My covering and My canopy
      25) I am God who wraps Myself in rain (Psalm 18:11)
      26) I am God whose BRIGHTNESS goes before Me
      27) I am God who emits hailstones and coals of fire (Psalm 18:12)
      28) I am God who thunders in the heavens
      29) I am the Most High. I utter hailstones and coals of fire when I speak (Psalm 18:13).

      30) I am God who rescues you from your strong enemy

      31) I am God who rescues you from those who hate you
      32) I am God who rescues you from those who are too mighty for you (Psalm 18:17)
      33) I am God your Support (Psalm 18:18)
      34) I am God who brings you out into a broad place
      35) I am God who rescues you because I delight in you
      36) I am God who delights in you (Psalm 18:19)
      37) I am God who deals with you according to your righteousness in My Son

      38) I am God who rewards you according to the cleanness of your hands (Psalm 18:20)

      39) I am God whose ways are perfect (Psalm 18:21, 30)
      40) I am God who makes just decrees
      41) I am Justice
      42) I am God whose just decrees are holy
      43) I am God whose statutes are life (Psalm 18:22)
      44) I am God who washes away your sin (Psalm 18:23)

      45) I am God who rewards you according to the righteousness of My Son (Psalm 18:24)

      46) I am merciful
      47) I am mercy
      48) I am blameless (Psalm 18:25)
      49) I am pure
      50) I am God who afflicts and convicts the crooked (Psalm 18:26)
      51) I am God who saves a humble people
      52) I am God who brings down haughty eyes (Psalm 18:27)
      53) I am God who lights your lamp and illumines your darkness (Psalm 18:28)

      54) I am God who empowers you to run

      55) I am God who empowers you to run against a troop
      56) I am God who strengthens you to leap over walls (Psalm 18:29)
      57) I am God whose ways prove true
      58) I am a shield for all who take refuge in Me (Psalm 18:30)
      59) I am God who equips you with strength and makes your way blameless (Psalm 18:32)
      60) I am God who makes your feet swift and sure
      61) I am God who sets you securely on the heights (Psalm 18:33)
      62) I am God who trains your hands for war

      63) I am God who empowers your arms to bend a bow of bronze (Psalm 18:34)

      64) I am God who gives you the shield of My salvation
      65) I am the Shield of your salvation
      66) I am God whose right hand supports you
      67) I am God whose gentleness makes you great (Psalm 18:35)
      68) I am the Giver of a wide place for you to walk
      69) I am God who keeps your feet from slipping (Psalm 18:36)
      70) I am God who pursues your enemies and overtakes them

      71) I am relentless (Psalm 18:37)

      72) I am God who destroys the wicked
      73) I am God who thrusts through My enemies with the sword of My Word (Psalm 18:38)
      74) I am God who equips you with strength for the battle
      75) I am strength for the battle
      76) I am God who elevates you above your enemies (Psalm 18:39)
      77) I am God who takes your enemies unawares (Psalm 18:40)
      78) I am God who delivers you from strife
      79) I am God who makes you the head of the nations
      80) I am God who brings people you do not know to serve you (Psalm 18:43)

      81) I am God who puts the fear of you on all the nations (Psalm 18:44-45)

      82) I am God who lives
      83) I am the Exalted God of your salvation (Psalm 18:46)
      84) I am God who gives you vengeance and subdues people under you (Psalm 18:47)
      85) I am God who delivers you from your enemies
      86) I am God who exalts you above those who rise up against you
      87) I am God who rescues you from the man of violence (Psalm 18:48)
      88) I am the Inspiration of your praise
      89) I am God who is praised among the nations

      90) I am your song and the song of your praise (Psalm 18:49)

      91) I am God who saves His royal ones
      92) I am steadfast love
      93) I am God who shows steadfast love to My anointed
      94) I am God who keeps My covenant to David and his offspring FOREVER
      95) I am God who shows steadfast love to David and his offspring forever (Psalm 18:50)

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      And here are the 63 names of God I found in Revelation chapters 1 and 2:

      1) Jesus Christ
      2) I am the Revealer of that which must soon take place
      3) I am the Sender of angels (Revelation 1:1)
      4) Word of God]
      5) I am He who testifies of My Father (Revelation 1:2)
      6) He who is and who was and who is to come
      7) I am the seven Spirits before My throne (Revelation 1:4)

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      8) Faithful Witness

      9) Firstborn of the dead
      10) Ruler of the kings of the earth
      11) I am God who loves you and has freed you from your sins by My blood (Revelation 1:5)
      12) I am God who has made you a kingdom
      13) I am Father
      14) I am the Eternal Possessor of glory and dominion
      15) I am the Amen (Revelation 1:6)
      16) I am coming with the clouds

      17) I am the sorrow of the wicked

      18) I am the Pierced One (Revelation 1:7)
      19) I am the Alpha and the Omega
      20) I am the Lord God
      21) I am the Almighty (Revelation 1:8)
      22) I am patient endurance

      23) I am the trumpet of My Word (Revelation 1:10)

      24) I am the Message to the churches (Revelation 1:11)
      25) I am the Voice (Revelation 1:12)
      26) Son of Man (Revelation 1:13)
      27) I am He whose hair is white as snow
      28) I am He whose eyes are like a flame of fire (Revelation 1:14)
      29) I am God whose feet are like burnished bronze

      30) I am He whose voice roars like many waters (Revelation 1:15)

      31) I am the Holder and Possessor of the seven stars
      32) I am He who holds the messengers of the churches
      33) I am the sharp, two-edged sword of My Word
      34) I am like the sun, shining in My strength (Revelation 1:16)
      35) I am the First and the Last (Revelation 1:17)
      36) I am the Living One

      37) I am He who died, and behold, is alive forevermore

      38) I am the Possessor of the keys of death and hell (Revelation 1:18)
      39) I am He who walks among the seven golden lampstands (Revelation 1:20, 2:1)
      40) I am He who walks among the churches (Revelation 1:20)
      41) I am He who holds the seven stars in My right hand (Revelation 2:1)
      42) I am God who knows your works
      43) I am He who knows you (Revelation 2:2)

      44) I am your First Love (Revelation 2:4)

      45) I am the Spirit who speaks to the churches
      46) I am the Grantor of the fruit of the tree of life (Revelation 2:7)
      47) I am He who knows your tribulation and your poverty (Revelation 2:9)
      48) I am the Giver of the crown of life (Revelation 2:10)
      49) I am He who protects My people from the second death (Revelation 2:11)
      50) I am He who has the sharp, two-edged sword (Revelation 2:12)
      51) I am He who knows where you dwell (Revelation 2:13)

      52) I am He who wars with the sword of My mouth (Revelation 2:16)

      53) I am the Giver of the hidden manna
      54) I am the Giver of the white stone inscribed with your new name (Revelation 2:17)
      55) Son of God (Revelation 2:18)
      56) I am the Destroyer of Jezebel (Revelation 2:22)
      57) I am He who searches mind and heart
      58) I am He who rewards you according to your works (Revelation 2:23)
      59) I am coming (Revelation 2:25)

      60) I am Authority over the nations

      61) I am the Giver of authority over the nations (Revelation 2:26)
      62) I am the Recipient of authority from My Father (Revelation 2:27)
      63) I am the Giver of the morning star (Revelation 2:28)

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      The Pre-Incarnate Christ, the Angel of the Lord, and Melchizedek

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      Here are the names of God I found in Psalm 86:

      1) I am God who answers the poor and needy (Psalm 86:1)
      2) I am God who preserves the life of the godly
      3) I am God who saves My servants who trust Me
      4) I am your God (Psalm 86:2)
      5) I am Gracious (Psalm 86:3)
      6) I am He who gladdens the soul of My servants (Psalm 86:4)
      7) I am Good
      8) I am forgiving
      9) I am abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon My name (Psalm 86:5)
      10) I am God who gives ear to your prayer
      11) I am God who listens to your plea for grace (Psalm 86:6)
      12) I am God who answers you
      13) I am God who answers you when you call upon Me in the day of your trouble (Psalm 86:7)
      14) I am the only true God
      15) I am God whose works are unique in all the universe (Psalm 86:8)
      16) I am God who made the nations
      17) I am God before whom all the nations come and worship
      18) I am God whom all nations glorify (Psalm 86:9)
      19) I am Great
      20) I am God who alone does wondrous things
      21) I alone am God (Psalm 86:10)
      22) I am God who teaches you My way
      23) I am God who teaches you to walk in My truth
      24) I am God who unites your heart to fear My name (Psalm 86:11)
      25) I am God who is worthy of your thanksgiving
      26) I am God whose name will be glorified forever (Psalm 86:12)
      27) I am God whose steadfast love toward you is great
      28) I am God who delivers your soul from the depths of Sheol (Psalm 86:13)
      29) I am merciful and gracious
      30) I am slow to anger
      31) I am abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness (Psalm 86:15)
      32) I am God who is gracious to you
      33) I am God who gives you My strength
      34) I am God who saves the son of My maidservant (Psalm 86:16)
      35) I am God who shows you signs of My favor
      36) I am God who helps you and comforts you (Psalm 86:17)

      Here are the 46 names of God I found in Psalm 91:

      1) The Supreme Most High (Elyon)
      2) I am the Most High who covers you
      3) I am God who overshadows and broods over you
      4) I am God who overshadows and broods over those who dwell with Me
      5) Shaddai (Psalm 91:1)
      6) I am your Refuge and your Fortress
      7) I am trustworthy
      8) I am your God (Psalm 91:2)
      9) I am your Deliverer

      10) I am He who keeps you from the enemy’s traps

      11) I am God who delivers you from deadly disease (Psalm 91:3)
      12) I am God whose wing stretches over you
      13) I am the safety you find under My wings
      14) I am faithful
      15) I am your shield and buckler (Psalm 91:4)
      16) I am the love that surrounds you by night and day
      17) I am the shield that protects you from the enemy’s arrows
      18) I am God who protects you from pestilence and destruction (Psalm 91:5)
      19) I am a fence all around you (Psalm 91:7)

      20) I am your Protector when everyone else is being judged (Psalm 91:8)

      21) I am the Lord, your dwelling place (Psalm 91:9)
      22) I am He who keeps you from all evil
      23) I am He who protects your home from plagues (Psalm 91:10)
      24) I am the Commander of My angels
      25) I am He who dispatches My angels to keep you and guard you
      26) I am God who watches over all your ways (Psalm 91:11)

      Want to be closer to God? Get this book!

      7 Prayers to Pray Over Your Character

      If you want to be more like Jesus, get the book and pray these 7 prayers every week! You can use it as a rotating prayer plan. Memorize the key points of the prayers and cry out to the Lord daily! He will transform you as you pray, and you will draw ever closer to Jesus.

      27) I am God whose angels bear you up

      28) I am He who protects your feet along your way (Psalm 91:12)
      29) I am God who gives you power to trample on the enemy (Psalm 91:13)
      30) I am God whom you love
      31) I am the Deliverer of those who love Me
      32) I am the Protector of those who know My name (Psalm 91:14)

      33) I am God whose name and character you know

      34) I am God who makes Myself known to you
      35) I am God who hears you when you call
      36) I am God who answers you when you call
      37) I am with you in trouble
      38) I am God who rescues you from trouble
      39) I am God who honors you when you call out to Me in trouble (Psalm 91:15)
      40) I am the Giver of long life

      41) I AM long life

      42) I am the Satisfier of your soul
      43) I am the Satisfaction of your soul
      44) I am the Demonstrator of My salvation
      45) I am He who satisfies you with long life
      46) I am your salvation (Psalm 91:16)

      Back to top

      Here are 36 names of God from Psalm 96:

      1) I am the Recipient of your song
      2) I am the Song of all the earth (Psalm 96:1)
      3) I am worthy to be praised
      4) I am the Lord whose name is blessed

      5) I am the Lord whose salvation is going forth from day to day (Psalm 96:2)

      6) I am God whose glory is declared among the nations
      7) I am God whose marvelous works are shown among all the peoples (Psalm 96:3)
      8) I am great
      9) I am greatly to be praised

      10) I am to be feared above all gods (Psalm 96:4)

      11) I am the Maker of the heavens (Psalm 96:5)
      12) I am God who exudes splendor and majesty
      13) I am Majesty
      14) I am Strength and Beauty (Psalm 96:6)
      15) I am Glory and Strength (Psalm 96:7)

      16) I am God who is worthy to be glorified

      17) I am worthy to receive offerings
      18) I am approachable through the blood of My Son (Psalm 96:8)
      19) I am the splendor of holiness
      20) I am He who makes the earth tremble
      21) I am worshipped
      22) I am worshipped by all the earth

      23) I am the trembling of the earth (Psalm 96:9)

      24) Yahweh
      25) I am Yahweh who reigns
      26) I am Yahweh who established and keeps the world
      27) I am the Lord who holds the world steady in the palm of My hand
      28) I am fair
      29) I am the righteous judge of all the peoples (Psalm 96:10)

      Reader FavEs

      Are you entering a new season?

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      30) I am the joy of the heavens and the earth

      31) I am the roar of the sea and of all that fills it (Psalm 96:11)
      32) I am the exultation of the fields
      33) I am the joyful song of the trees of the forest (Psalm 96:12)
      34) I am the Judge of all the earth
      35) I am the righteous Judge of the world
      36) I am the faithful Judge of the peoples (Psalm 96:13)

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      Here are 25 names of God from Psalm 76:

      1) I am God who is known in Judah
      2) I am KNOWN in My praise (Psalm 76:1)
      3) I am God whose abode has been established in Jerusalem

      4) I am God who dwells in peace

      5) I am God who dwells in Zion (Psalm 76:2)
      6) I am God who breaks the weapons of My enemy
      7) I am God against whom weapons of war are no match (Psalm 76:3)
      8) I am Glorious
      9) I am more majestic than the mountains and all their creatures (Psalm 76:4)
      10) I am God who strips the warriors of their spoil

      11) I am God before whom men faint

      12) I am God who paralyzes My enemies
      13) I am God who disarms My enemies (Psalm 76:5)
      14) I am God who rebukes My enemies (Psalm 76:6)
      15) I am God who is to be feared
      16) I am God, before whose anger no one can stand
      17) I am God whose anger will rouse to judge the wicked (Psalm 76:7)
      18) I am God who utters judgment from the heavens

      20) I am God who saves all the humble of the earth (Psalm 76:9)
      21) I am God who puts on wrath like a belt (Psalm 76:10)
      22) I am God who merits the performance of your vows
      23) I am God who is worthy to receive gifts (Psalm 76:11)
      24) I am God who cuts off the spirit of princes
      25) I am God who is to be feared by the kings of the earth (Psalm 76:12)

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      Here are the names of God I found in Proverbs 15:

      1) I am the Giver of soft answers that turn away wrath (Proverbs 15:1)
      2) I am the Lord, Yahweh, whose eyes are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good (Proverbs 15:3)
      3) I am God who puts healing in your mouth
      4) I am God whose tree of life is in your tongue (Proverbs 15:4)
      5) I am God who deposits much treasure into the house of the righteous (Proverbs 15:6)
      6) I am God who gives knowledge to the lips of the wise (Proverbs 15:7)
      7) I am God who abominates the sacrifice of the wicked
      8) I am God who accepts the prayer of the upright (Proverbs 15:8)
      9) I am Yahweh who loves those who pursue righteousness
      10) I am God who detests the way of the wicked (Proverbs 15:9)
      11) I am God before whom Sheol and Abaddon lie open
      12) I am God before whom the hearts of the children of men lie open (Proverbs 15:11)
      13) I am God who gives a continual feast to those who are cheerful in heart (Proverbs 15:15)
      14) I am God who levels the path of the upright (Proverbs 15:19)
      15) I am the Giver of a word in due season (Proverbs 15:23)
      16) I am God who leads the prudent upward on the path of life (Proverbs 15:24)
      17) I am Yahweh who tears down the house of the proud
      18) I am God who maintains the widow’s boundaries (Proverbs 15:25)
      19) I am God who abominates the thoughts of the wicked (Proverbs 15:26)
      20) I am Yahweh who is far from the wicked
      21) I am Yahweh who hears the prayer of the righteous (Proverbs 15:29)
      22) I am the Lord who sends good news to refresh your bones
      23) I am God who puts light in your eyes and rejoices your heart (Proverbs 15:30)
      24) I am God who sends life-giving reproof (Proverbs 15:31)

      Here are just 5 names to get you started in Proverbs 14 and 16:

      1) I am the godly answer of your tongue (Proverbs 16:1)
      2) I am Yahweh who weighs your spirit (Proverbs 16:2)
      3) I am the Lord who establishes the plans you have committed to Me (Proverbs 16:3)
      4) I am Yahweh who has made everything for its purpose (Proverbs 16:4)
      5) I am God who gives favor to My servants who deal wisely (Proverbs 14:35)

      Here are 37 names of God from Isaiah 48:

      1) I am the God of Israel
      2) Lord of hosts (Isaiah 48:2)
      3) I am God who comes suddenly
      4) I am the Declarer of the former things (Isaiah 48:3)
      5) I am the Announcer of new things
      6) I am the Announcer and Declarer of hidden things you have not known (Isaiah 48:6)
      7) I am God whose hidden things shall be revealed to you today (Isaiah 48:7)
      8) I am God who opens your ears
      9) I am God who knows your dealings (Isaiah 48:8)
      10) I am God who defers My anger for My name’s sake
      11) I am God who restrains My anger for the sake of My praise (Isaiah 48:9)
      12) I am God who refines you in the furnace of affliction
      13) I am God who refines you
      14) I am God who has chosen you in the furnace of affliction (Isaiah 48:10)
      15) I am God who refines you for My own sake
      16) I am God who is jealous of My glory (Isaiah 48:11)
      17) I am God who called Israel
      18) I am He
      19) I am the First, and I am the Last (Isaiah 48:12)
      20) I am the Layer of the foundation of the earth
      21) I am God whose right hand spread out the heavens
      22) I am God who calls to the heavens and earth, and they stand forth together and answer Me (Isaiah 48:13)
      23) I am Yahweh, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel
      24) I am the Lord your God who teaches you to profit
      25) I am Yahweh your god who leads you in the way you should go (Isaiah 48:17)
      26) I am the Giver of peace like a river
      27) I am the Giver of righteousness like the waves of the sea (Isaiah 48:18)
      28) I am the Giver of offspring like the sand, and of descendants like the grains of the seashore (Isaiah 48:19)
      29) I am Yahweh who redeems His servant Jacob (Isaiah 48:20)
      30) I am God who leads you through the deserts
      31) I am God who gives you water in the deserts
      32) I am God who makes water flow for you from the rock
      33) I am God who split the rock and the water gushed out
      34) I am your water from the rock
      35) I am your water in time of need
      36) Living Water (Isaiah 48:21)
      37) I am God who gives no peace to the wicked (Isaiah 48:22)


      Here are the names of God I found in the book of Malachi:

      1) I am the Lord who speaks to Israel (Malachi 1:1)
      2) I am Yahweh who loves you
      3) I am Yahweh who loves Jacob and hates Esau (Malachi 1:2)
      4) I am God who lays waste the country of My enemies
      5) I am God who destroys the heritage of My enemies (Malachi 1:3)
      6) I am God who is angry forever with the wicked
      7) I am the destruction of the cities of the wicked (Malachi 1:4)
      8) I am great beyond the border of Israel (Malachi 1:5)
      9) I am your Master and deserving of fear (Malachi 1:6)
      10) I am God whose table is blessed (Malachi 1:7)
      11) I am God whose name is great among the nations
      12) I am God who is worthy of pure offerings (Malachi 1:11)
      13) I am God whose provision is to be honored (Malachi 1:12)
      14) Lord of hosts
      15) I am God who rejects and curses blemished offerings
      16) I am a great king (Malachi 1:14)
      17) I am He who commands My priests (Malachi 2:1)
      18) I am God whose name must be honored
      19) I am God who curses the blessings of those who despise My name (Malachi 2:2)
      20) I am God who made covenant with Levi (Malachi 2:4)
      21) I am He who makes covenants of life and peace
      22) I am the Giver of life and peace
      23) I am God who makes covenants of holy fear and awe (Malachi 2:5)
      24) I am the Giver of true instruction
      25) True Instructor
      26) I am the God of peace and uprightness
      27) I am peace and uprightness
      28) I am God who turns many away from iniquity (Malachi 2:6)
      29) I am Yahweh who sends you knowledge and instruction
      30) I am knowledge and instruction
      31) I am the knowledge and instruction in the mouths of My true priests (Malachi 2:7)
      32) I am God who instructs you and teaches you (Psalm 32:8, Malachi 2:7)
      33) I am God who does not show partiality in My teaching (Malachi 2:9)
      34) I am God who loves faithfulness (Malachi 2:10)
      35) I am God who loves My sanctuary (Malachi 2:11)
      36) I am God who cuts off those who profane My sanctuary (Malachi 2:12)
      37) I am God who rejects the offering of those who are faithless to the wife of their youth (Malachi 2:13)
      38) I am God who loves faithful marriage
      39) I am witness between you and the wife of your youth (Malachi 2:14)
      40) I am Yahweh who makes husband and wife one
      41) I am God who seeks godly offspring
      42) I am Yahweh whose Spirit inhabits faithful marriages (Malachi 2:15)
      43) I am God who expects faithfulness from you (Malachi 2:16)
      44) I am wearied of your lack of discernment
      45) I am wearied by your doubt and unbelief (Malachi 2:17)
      46) I am God who sends My messengers
      47) I am God whose messengers prepare the way before Me
      48) I am the Lord whom you seek
      49) I am the Lord who comes suddenly to My temple
      50) I am the Messenger of the covenant
      51) I am He in whom you delight
      52) I am coming (Malachi 3:1)
      53) I am the refining fire
      54) I am the purifier and washer of those who accept My Son (Malachi 3:2)
      55) I am the refiner and purifier of silver and gold
      56) I am God who purifies the sons of Levi (Malachi 3:3)
      57) I am the Lord who is pleased with pure offerings (Malachi 3:4)
      58) I am Judge
      59) I am a swift witness against the sorcerers
      60) I am a swift witness against the adulterers
      61) I am a swift witness against those who swear falsely
      62) I am a swift witness against those who oppress the hired worker in his wages
      63) I am a swift witness against those who oppress the widow and the fatherless
      64) I am a swift witness against those who thrust aside the sojourner
      65) I am a swift witness against those who do not fear Me (Malachi 3:5)
      66) I am unchangeable
      67) I am the Lord who does not change (Malachi 3:6)
      68) I am worthy of the full tithe
      69) I am God who is faithful to reward the tithe
      70) I am the Opener of the windows of Heaven
      71) I am the Provider of blessings that abound and exceed your need (Malachi 3:10)
      72) I am the Rebuker of the devourer and destroyer
      73) I am the Protector of your harvest
      74) I am the Guarantor of your harvest (Malachi 3:11)
      75) I am God who makes you a land of delight
      76) I am God whose fame spreads abroad to all nations (Malachi 3:12)
      77) I am God who listens to your conversations
      78) I am the Possessor of the book of remembrance
      79) I am God who remembers those who fear Me
      80) I am God who remembers those who esteem My name (Malachi 3:16)
      81) I am God who returns to those who return to Me (Malachi 3:7)
      82) I am God who treasures My children
      83) I am God who spares My children who serve Me (Malachi 3:17)
      84) I am God who destroys the arrogant and the evildoers (Malachi 4:1)
      85) I am the Sun of righteousness who has healing in My wings (Malachi 4:2)
      86) I am God who burns up the wicked (Malachi 4:3)
      87) I am the Sender of the Spirit of Elijah (Malachi 4:5)
      88) I am merciful (Malachi 4:6)

      And some of the other most popular and well-known names of God in the Bible include:

      (in no particular order)

      Harness the Power of Fasting and Prayer

      Are you experiencing spiritual warfare? Strike back with the atomic spiritual weapon of fasting!

      In this ebook, Jamie teaches practical tips for how to fast successfully and actually enjoy it. This book is full of miracle promises, prayer tips, eating tips, advice about FREEDOM FROM LEGALISM, and so much more.

      1) Emmanuel, God With Us (Matthew 1:23)
      2) Author and Finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2)
      3) Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8)
      4) Creator (Genesis 1:1)
      5) El Shaddai–the Many-Breasted One (Genesis 17:1)
      6) Dayspring from on high (Luke 1:78)
      7) Son of David (Matthew 1:1)
      8) Jesus (Matthew 1:21)
      9) Lamb of God (John 1:29)
      10) Lord God the Almighty (Revelation 1:22)

      11) The Root and the Offspring of David (Revelation 22:16)

      12) Bright Morning Star (Revelation 22:16)
      13) The God of the spirits of the prophets (Revelation 22:6)
      14) The Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)
      15) The Preparer of your place in Heaven (John 14:3)
      16) The Commander of the army of the Lord (Joshua 5:14)
      17) Helper (John 14:26)
      18) Jesus, the true vine (John 15:1)

      19) I am gracious to whom I will be gracious (Exodus 33:19)

      20) I am merciful to whom I will be merciful (Exodus 33:19)
      21) The Lamb who was slain (Revelation 5:12)
      22) I am He who sits on the throne (Revelation 5:13)
      23) Your Maker and your Husband (Isaiah 54:5)
      24) Lord of hosts (Isaiah 54:5)

      25) Redeemer (Isaiah 54:5)

      26) God of the whole earth (Isaiah 54:5)
      27) God the Father, the Vinedresser (John 15:1)
      28) Friend (John 15:15)
      29) Spirit of truth (John 15:26)
      30) Lord and Teacher (John 13:14)

      31) I am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)

      32) The Door of the sheep (John 10:7)
      33) I am the Good Shepherd who laid down My life for the sheep (John 10:11)
      34) Light of the world (John 8:12)
      35) Light of life (John 8:12)
      36) I Am before Abraham was (John 8:58)
      37) Living Water (John 4:10, John 7:38)
      38) Bread of life (John 6:35)
      39) I am the Spirit who gives life (John 6:63)

      40) I am miraculous provision in your place of rest (John 6:1-13)

      41) He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit (John 1:33)
      42) Messiah (John 1:41)
      43) I am the great light (Isaiah 9:2)
      44) I am the light shining in a land of deep darkness (Isaiah 9:2)
      45) Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6)
      46) Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6)
      47) Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6)
      48) Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)

      49) The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Acts 3:1-13)

      50) The Holy One of Israel (2 Kings 19:22)
      51) Great High Priest (Hebrews 4:14)
      52) The Builder of all things (Hebrews 3:4)
      53) The Founder of your salvation (Hebrews 2:10)
      54) Merciful and faithful High Priest (Hebrews 2:17)
      55) Apostle and High Priest of our confession (Hebrews 3:1)
      56) I am the Builder of My own house (Hebrews 3:3)

      57) The Lion of the tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5)

      58) The Root of David (Revelation 5:5)
      59) I am God who will abundantly pardon the penitent ones who return to Me (Isaiah 55:6-7)
      60) I am the Builder of My house of prayer (Isaiah 56:7)
      61) I am the Lord God who gathers the outcasts of Israel (Isaiah 56:8)
      62) I am Greater than your heart (1 John 3:20)

      And Exodus 34:6-7 contains one of the longest, but most powerful and most specific names the Lord shows us in the Bible:

      “And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation” (Exodus 34:6-7)

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      My friend, the Bible is a treasure chest, and the names of God are one of the many kinds of treasures found therein.

      As you read God’s Word, the Bible, don’t just read it casually. Instead, read it to dig for revelation about God the same way a gold miner digs for nuggets.

      Ask the Spirit of God to show you each of His names. As He does, treat each name of God you find as a priceless treasure—a pearl of great price, a gemstone of inestimable worth:

      • Write the names down.
      • Meditate on each one.
      • Worship God over each one.
      • Pray through each one for yourself and for others.

      Each name is a different aspect of God revealed, and each one will help you get to know Him in a whole new way.

      Doing this will be worth your time.

      Mining God’s Word, the Bible, for as many different names of God as you can find will take your Bible study, your worship, and your relationship with Jesus to a whole new level. You will weep as you draw closer to Him, and you will whisper in awe of this One who knows you best and loves you most–and for how He has deigned to reveal Himself to you.

      Does this prayer/study guide help you see how praying the names of God is a powerful tool in your spiritual walk with the Lord? If so, leave a note below and let me know! Also, please SHARE this with your friends so we can help more people together to pray powerful prayers and know God better.

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      1. Amazing! Can’t wait to start applying your method. I just gave my granddaughter a children’s devotional on the names of God.
        Blessings 💐

        1. Judith Makunga says:

          Thank you Jamie for the eye opener.I will start to mine God’s Word.

          1. Thank you
            For the Names of God!!
            I just spoke out loud All the Names of God!!!
            As you have written them
            Out Jamie!!
            Praise our Lord God!!

      2. Annanson John says:

        What a tenacious lady Prophetess! What diligence!! God is Heir of all things indeed! Frankly I am yet to exhaust the blog and I am going to do that tonight, oh my word! You are awesome! Amazing Grace!! Hallelujah, Hallelujah hallelujah!!! Glory be to God! Prophetess Jamie, the Lord, even the Lord Jesus of Nazareth bless you!! And oh I told you I could not do the praying and reading in one sitting and so I am gonna come back and testify: NB: please my Facebook account has been compromised, I realise I have two my accounts for which I have long closed down and yet they appear to be active, pray with me as I get to rectify the situation and I know you have been praying for me and the people of the community. Thank you very much.

      3. You are blessed Jamie for such amazing work you have done. I do believe it will help me to raise the name of my Lord higher when I come into His presence. Bless you, bless you my sister.

      4. cyntha Smith says:

        Jamie! wow! I appreciate this list, I know it took some time, I have done studys on the names of GOD and this is a grand addition to that book. is there going to be a print out available?

        1. Hi Cynthia, thank you! Yes, I am going to keep adding to the list over the next few days but will try to make an ebook available next week or soon! Thanks for the nudge!

      5. Robin Lavelle says:

        Wow!, I just yesterday, said that I want to get a list of the names of God together, And here you are! Thank You so much, This is truly a Blessing to me. I will use this to enrich my prayers, and Declarations as I intercede for what The Lord puts on my heart. And enrich my Praises to Him that so deserves to be honored, and Cherished!
        Blessings! Robin

      6. Thank you so much Jamie

      7. Thank-you Jamie this is an honor to the Lord , who is worthy of all praise!

      8. Thanks so much Jamie. Our God is indeed awesome. God bless you.

        1. Hi Jamie,
          Thank you so much for this resource of connecting with God in a more intimate way through the use of His many names. I am going through a rough spot on all levels even spiritually and I am looking to reconnect with God on a deeper way. This guide is exactly what I need.

      9. After I read this and am trying g to be more aware of how a statement can be phrased to reveal another facet of who God is, I was singing the hymn Come thou Fount of Every Blessing, and realized that The Lord IS the fount of each and every blessing! I know that isn’t scripture but this post does open a new way of thinking and getting closer to God. Thank you for sharing this journey. I enjoy it.

      10. I am so grateful for this post! This was a breath of fresh air and yet eye opening as to how to study God more in-depth. I’ve been trying to wrap my head around who God is for years and I’d think I’d understand some only to find out I still didn’t know anything. And this has been going on for years!!! I now know how to search the scriptures the right way. I kept searching them to see where I needed change but never realized it’s not about searching to find us in scripture but searching to find Him. Thank you again for the message because it was the light and at the same time the rest I needed to end this day. Looking forward to more of what you learned and thankfully now looking forward to what I can learn so I can finally become who God has called me to be in Christ. Or at least as close to Christ-like I can be this side of eternity. Can’t wait for the day I can see my Jesus face to face and walk with Him and talk with Him and ask Him questions. First thing I want to give Him the biggest hug for saving this wretch. No one else could do that. No one!! Only Him. So grateful!! Have a wonderful night. God bless you!!

        1. Nirmala Arunasalam says:

          You are such a blessing to me & others. Thank you.

      11. Alberta Baker says:

        Jamie thank you for this wonderful teaching on the Names of God, it is fabulous! Like someone else, I do hope you will make it available in some printable form. This is such an eye opening teaching in seeing the depth and breath of God as never before, at least for me. Thank u my friend for all ur hours of study and pouring into Him! Blessing to u and ur precious family!
        Alberta Baker

      12. Thank-you Jamie this is wonderful.

      13. Jayne Jorden-Gavin says:

        This blog is the most interesting and useful tool I’ve seen in years! Thank you for your study and share. This alone is a study to take me through the year. Even beyond. I hope I can acquire a hard copy to utilize! Thank you Jamie. YOU are a jewel ( now, that’s one of YOUR names!)

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