Dimensions of Destiny: Divine Alignment with the Right Place
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
If you’re running your race to win, you have to be in divine alignment with the right place.
That’s right, place. Places are important to God.
Places are a key part of any divine interruption; a key part of kairos, right-place-right-time moments of destiny.
In order to have a life-changing moment of destiny, you’ll have four components:

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- right time;
- right people;
- right place;
- right thing.
You can’t always do much about the timing, and the subject of timing pertains to the anointing of the sons of Issachar, and that’s another blog post. But you can most definitely do something about the right place, right people, and right thing, so that’s what this blog series is about.
Places are special. God cares about places, and He divinely appoints specific things to happen at His chosen locations.
Think about these examples from the Bible—examples in which the PLACE held a key role in the launching of a person into his or her destiny:
- Mary had to be at Bethlehem, the House of Bread, in order to birth her destiny (which was to become the mother of our Lord) according to the prophecies.
- Jacob had to be at Bethel, the House of God and the gate of Heaven, in order to see the ladder to Heaven that was there.
- Hannah had to be at the tabernacle at Shiloh in order to receive the blessing of the High Priest—Eli—which produced her son Samuel in her womb.
- David had to be at the Valley of Elah that day in order to hear the giant mocking the Lord–to which he responded, “Is there not a cause?” and declared that this uncircumcised Philistine would not conquer against the armies of the Lord. Then he backed up his declaration of victory with divinely-empowered action and delivered Israel from Philistine intimidation.
Place matters. The physical place I believe the Holy Spirit is emphasizing more than ever in this season is the house of God–your local church.
And being in divine alignment at the right local church. 🙂
Check out these beautiful Scriptures about the importance of the local church:
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25).
“to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places …” (Ephesians 3:10);
“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen” (Ephesians 3:20-21).
I am in love with the local church. The local church is a house of bread, a house of God, a place to find godly community and friendship, and a home for the hungry, hurting heart.
I love the local church for so many reasons. For example:
- We can be fed there every week.
- We get to spend time there with our spiritual family–people who are kindred spirits, brothers and sisters in Christ, whom we cherish.
- We can serve there in deeply-fulfilling ways.
- We can receive so much impartation from both pastors and from our brothers and sisters in Christ. Iron sharpens iron!
- We can receive ministry and prayer there when we need it.
- We can be taught, mentored, challenged, and given opportunity to serve there.
There are many benefits to plugging into a holy, healthy church–a house of bread. But you know what?
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You can also receive benefits that you can’t even see until later.
So many times at church, I have received impartation that I don’t even know about. (Impartation happens when you hear the Word of God and learn to obey it, and also when you honor a prophet or righteous person, and receive a prophet’s reward or righteous person’s reward. You don’t even have to know it happens; it just does.)
Coming into divine alignment with the local church–which is both a people group and a physical location–has changed my life.
God will take you into a place. He will lead you into a wide place, a place you can call your home. A local church that is led by true shepherds and spiritual fathers.
And when you are divinely aligned at that place–under authority and in a church that is both a house of bread and a house of God—the Lord will continually advances you into a higher dimension of your destiny.
And I believe one of the urgent mandates of the Holy Spirit for all of us is: Get into divine alignment with His place, the local church.
Are you in divine alignment with your local church? Are you deeply connected to the house of bread, the house of God? Are you established at this field of victory, your covenant home, and the house of those who would be fathers to you?
Maybe you are already connected to your local church, and you’re as faithful as the sun to rise in the morning and be there. Maybe you already agree with everything I said above, and you’re already in divine alignment in this area. If so, that’s great.
But maybe you’re not yet in divine alignment with the right place, the house of God.
Maybe you have a local church, and you’re sort of faithful, but, well, not really. You attend when you want to, and you don’t when you don’t.
Or maybe you don’t attend at all.
If that’s you, precious, it’s important for you to understand that you’re missing out on something huge. Something your spirit and soul need as much as your body needs air.
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Every time the believers assemble at your local church, it’s like Papa has prepared a banquet for His beloved children. He has the entire assortment of things you need that day all laid out for you:
- Food for your soul;
- food for your spirit;
- divinely-appointed relationships;
- prayer when you need it;
- hands-on ministry;
- time soaking in His presence in worship;
- encouragement;
- deliverance;
- healing, and more.
Every time the believers assemble, the Lord has Holy Spirit downloads and upgrades for you.
They are prepared, ready, and waiting to be poured into you through the funnel of His Body. But you can’t receive God’s blessings when you’re not standing under the funnel, and God ministers His blessings to and through His Body:
- You can’t receive impartation and ministry from your fathers when you don’t spend time with them in the PLACE.
- You can’t win victories when you don’t show up on the battlefield.
- You can’t grow in relationships when you don’t show up to the place where your kindred spirits are.
This is not a guilt trip, but it is a time for new understanding, revelation, and new dimensions of your destiny. And the simple fact is that you can’t delight in Father’s banquet if you don’t show up for the meal.
Beloved. If you’re sorta-kinda-not-really-faithful to the local church to which God has called you, I want to say this to you today, with all the passion in my heart:
Please. Please. Please. Please hear me.
It’s a new season. God wants to do something new in your life. So please, align yourself now with the house of bread to which God has called you, and be faithful to dine there at His table week in and week out.
Whether you feel like it or not. Whether you want to or not. Whether you think it’s a good idea or not.
Please, beloved. Don’t miss the extravagant buffet of spiritual bread and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that the Lord prepares for you every week. Please. Please join with the local body at the place of His Presence.
And if you aren’t in divine alignment with a local church at all—if you don’t have a house of bread because you can’t find one, or you didn’t know it was important, or for whatever other reason—then beloved, it’s time to find one.
Being divinely aligned with the Place of His Presence will change your life.
How do you find a local church if you don’t already have one?
Find one that:
- believes the Apostles’ Creed;
- believes in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with all the spiritual gifts (including healing, miracles, and speaking in tongues);
- has a pastor who is there to equip, shepherd, and serve the sheep, not to build his or her own fame, influence, or platform.
If you can’t find one in your vicinity, then find one online (or maybe start one!). Then get connected:
- Find a small group or Sunday School class where you can grow, and be faithful to attend it every week.
- Do what you need to do to meet people and make friends.
- Dig in to community life at your church.
And if it takes you awhile to find a local church, find a good church to watch via live internet streaming until you do find a church where you live.
Beloved, the local church is your house of bread.
It’s the place with which you must be divinely aligned in this new season. What do you need to do to align your life with the Body of Christ and sit under God’s funnel of blessing?
Is the Holy Spirit speaking to you about divine alignment with your local church? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you.
Dimensions of Destiny: A Study of Divine Alignment:
- Dimensions of Destiny #1: The Levers That Raise You Up (with free vlog)
- Dimensions of Destiny #2: Divine Alignment with the Right Place
- Dimensions of Destiny #3: Divine Alignment with the Right People
- Dimensions of Destiny #4: Divine Alignment with the Right Things, Part 1: Priorities
- Dimensions of Destiny #5: Divine Alignment with the Right Things, Part 2: Finding Your Calling and Life Message
- Dimensions of Destiny #6: Divine Alignment with the Right Things, Part 3: Your Schedule
Reminder: My Arise, Shine! printable vision retreat handbook (with loads of bonus material) is available for instant download. Arise, Shine! contains tons of teaching and exercises, walking you through an entire vision retreat so you can get heavenly downloads for your new season. Click the book cover to purchase it on Gumroad!
This is a very good message in a very opportune time in my Christ walk. I am in a dilemma at this time because my pastor is in sin. He has entered into a domestic partnership with another person and when bought before the officers of the church he stated the document is a power of attorney document. The majority of the board agreed six to four vote although they had the court document in hand. The church is being torn apart because this man is blatantly lying and as a result of being caught in homosexuality a divorce happened. And now he was transferred to my church because the previous church wanted him out. He is blessing the Holy Communion and baptizing folk knowing that he is in blatant sin. Please pray that the higher ups remove him from the pulpit immediately.
God, have mercy. That’s horrible. I pray the Lord would give you wisdom and protection during this time, and that the Lord would rise up as Chief Shepherd and protect His own flock. If he is not removed and is living in or preaching apostasy, I would encourage you to seriously consider and pray about whether the Lord would have you stay or find a new church home. Have mercy, God, and change the hearts of the kings like water.
Jamie, your topic and shall I say your prophetic word on ” Divine Alignment: Being in the right place” is a Rhema Word for me!!! I thank God for you!!!
This message is verbatim what my pastor taught on last Sunday!!! He emphasised being in the right place and being rooted and grounded in the church so that we can be established and grow from what God is imparting!!!
The Lord is really speaking to me here!!! I just asked the Lord this morning for a Word as I’m faithful in doing early morning Devotion before I start my day and as soon as I said it, I received your email on Divine Alignment which is exactly bwhat I heard on Sunday morning!!! My heart leaped asI know the Lord is speaking to me and giuding me!!! I’m elated that He confirms HiscWord and answers mevehen I call on Him!!!
I pray that the Lord continues to impart in you because you are a divine blessing to me and a plethora of others! I bind any distractions and sk the Lord to build a hedge of protection around you!!
I have heard the prophetic word and I’m making sure that I’m rooted and consistent with my church to hear and receive God’s Plan for me.
Much love,
Kahn Johnson
Well, Kahn, that comment by itself made this post worth the hours I spent writing it, even if no one else in the world had read it! Oh, how I love the church! If the Lord will use this post to touch you with His passion for His Church, then I praise God. Thank You, Father! And sister – I’m so glad Papa is speaking to you and, just as important, that you are listening! May He download into you holy impartations and upgrades today, together with a FAITHFUL spirit, in Jesus’ name!
Oh dear Jamie. I thank God for you. I thank him profusely that he is using you to teach and show me so many things. I would love to be able to sit with you over coffee and just talk and get to know you.
Over the last few months the Lord has used you to speak to me about my new season, what I need to be focussing on, what I need to be doing. I have been without a church home for a few years for a variety of reasons and have been telling myself that yes, I will get around to finding another one. I’ve been trapped on Oneday Isle. I’m on the cusp of some big and exciting changes in my life and I believe they are all blessed by God but now he has shown me that without this step – finding a new church home – my progress will be severely limited. This only confirms for me that I am on the right path as far as my new season is concerned.
Thank you for being such a willing, loving and obedient servant of our Father God. You have blessed me so much. I pray our Daddy God would continue to bless you in the work he has given you to do, to fill you with more of the precious Holy Spirit and grant you the desires of your heart as I am sure he is so well-pleased with you.
Bless you dear sister.
June, I’m so glad Papa is speaking to you about finding a local church home. It’s truly essential. Absolutely essential. I would be up a creek without a paddle without my church family. Life was meant to be lived together in close relationships with other believers. I pray Papa would lead you quickly to just exactly the right church family, and help you put down roots there. And sure, if you’re ever by Chattanooga, feel free to drop me a line. 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. Have a wonderful day!
Jamie, thank you for this word,for I have been struggling if I I’m in the right place? I have been attending the same church for the past two years it’s a small church with few members and was convinced this was my church home. My sister also joined a year later and gave her life to Christ. We are both very faithful in the ministry.
My sister had given her testimony earlier that day to to our pastor. That night we had service and a guest speaker called her out and prophesied over my sister. And as he was doing this my sister said he had repeated everything she had told our pastor! I was raised in a nazarene church and not accustom to this and it has always made me feel uneasy and I would just over look it. But this time I can’t over look it . I just don’t understand why a pastor would share a testimony with someone else and then try to use as a prophecy? Is this normal? I feel like a level of trust has been broken and question his motives! Now looking for a new church home but not sure if I’m doing the right thing?
I’m a reborn re-baptised christian woman. I have been for about 20 years. I read the word but not every day. I Just can’t seem to get the ball rolling with feeling connected to my church or with the spirit,. But I have felt spiritually numb for such a long time now. Emotionally exhausted, disconnected and I tend to retreat and withdraw. I make excuses not to participate. I go to 2 bible studies but its forced until I force myself to be a participant. I listen to Christian songs but still feel numb. I know that my faith is intact, I pray daily and continually, yet the numbness persists. I feel a constant disconnect to the world around me and wouldn’t be too disappointed to go home to the Lord, if He was to take me. I don’t know why. I don’t know what more to do about this feeling and hunger to be in constant state of connectiveness with the Spirit, yet never getting there. The Lord told me to be still, so very long ago, you see I’d run a marathon of life upheavals and rejections, that the Lord clearly said to just be still for a while. I’ve tried to, have mostly succeded patiently, but I just feel empty without joy. I sound pathetic and self absorbed I’m sure. but that is why I’m writing regardless. Anyway, that’s my shpeal. God bless.
Thank you Jamie for this powerful word. I pray that I get spiritually connected with my local church
yes this is my prayer of clarity in relation to divine alignment to the right local church
Lord this word is for me. I ask for clarity in my decision and judgment.
i want your perfect will to be attained in this area.
amen in yeshua’s name
Thanks Jamie, what a powerful spirit filled word, I will be using this to find the right church Amen