Radical Prayer: Lord, Let Me Be Your Banker Today
webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
Beloved, did you know that Scripture gives you the opportunity to be God’s banker–to disburse unlimited money from Heaven on His behalf?
It’s true: GOD has divinely ordained that YOU can be the one who administers His funds as His own banker/trustee. His Word says that YOU can always have plenty to invest into every good Kingdom work, every charitable Kingdom project, and every Kingdom investment you can think of. (As long as they line up with the Bible, of course!)
You can be God’s banker. You can operate in unlimited finance.
And today, I want to teach you HOW.
Get our free PDF Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations when you sign up for our free email encouragement program!
It doesn’t cover everything from this post, but it does cover a lot of it! We pray this podcast will be a blessing to you!
The process of becoming God’s banker is definitely a journey:
- A journey that requires patience;
- A journey of learning;
- A journey of fasting, prayer, intercession, and contending in the Spirit; and
- A journey on which many people will be jealous of you;
- A journey on which some people may misjudge you;
- A journey on which some people may even walk away from you.
Nevertheless, the road you must walk to become God’s banker is a worthwhile road. And today, I feel led to encourage you in this area.
The Scripture that burns in my heart on a daily basis about being God’s banker is this:
“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. As it is written:
‘He has dispersed abroad, He has given to the poor; His righteousness endures forever.’
Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God.
For the administration of this service not only supplies the needs of the saints, but also is abounding through many thanksgivings to God, while, through the proof of this ministry, they glorify God for the obedience of your confession to the gospel of Christ, and for your liberal sharing with them and all men, and by their prayer for you, who long for you because of the exceeding grace of God in you.
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:6-15 NKJV, emphasis mine).
Beloved, the passage above promises you that God is able to make a way for you to do EVERY good, Kingdom thing that is in your heart to do.
success tools
Everything you see was created by the spoken word.
And with your words, you can still speak those things that are not as if they already were (Romans 4:17)!
Speak Life Volume 1 contains hundreds of Biblical confessions for you—especially in the area of your finances, and it’s our most popular book ever! Get your copy today and begin speaking LIFE!
It also says:
- That, if you sow sparingly, you will only reap sparingly;
- That, if you sow bountifully, you will also reap bountifully;
- That your giving should have a purpose, and should be from your heart;
- That God is ABLE to let you enter into His unlimited river of money because of His grace; in other words, His provision is available to you through the blood of Jesus;
- That YOU can ALWAYS have EVERYTHING you need PLUS MORE (abundance) to do EVERY good work you want to do;
- That He will give you seed to sow if you’re a sower;
- That He will give you bread for food;
- That He will not only supply the seed you have sown, but will also MULTIPLY the seed you have sown, after you have sown it;
- That He will give you INCREASED spiritual fruit in your life after you have sown seed;
- That you will become enriched in everything throughout this process, so that you can become progressively more generous every day than you ever were before; and
- That the seeds you have sown actually sponsor and release praises rising up to God from the people who receive your seeds. In other words, through your giving, you become a patron or patroness of the praises of God, sponsoring worship and giving of thanks to be released into the atmosphere up into God’s nostrils in response to what you have done.
Is it any wonder that the apostle Paul finishes this passage with the phrase, “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”?
What an incredible process the process of giving is! What a priceless journey the Lord invites us to walk with Him!
Beloved, this passage has very practical application in your own life.
This passage means God will give you His grace and provision to:
- Pay all your bills on time. That’s right; this month!
- Save money for your children’s college education, for a prudent man sees danger (in this case, an upcoming bill) coming and hides himself (saves money in advance to cover the cost) (Proverbs 27:12).
- Save money for your retirement and for your children’s inheritance, for a good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children (Proverbs 13:22).
- Start your own business, for part of being a virtuous person is being an entrepreneur (Proverbs 31:10-31).
- Live in a secure, safe, peaceful, beautiful home that ministers to you in body, soul, and spirit, for God’s people are to dwell in peaceful habitations, secure dwellings, and quiet resting places (Isaiah 32:18).
- Give the Lord His tithe first and foremost, which means bringing the first 10% of your gross income into His storehouse, so there may be food in His house (Malachi 3:8-12).
- Bring Kingdom offerings to the Lord, including thank offerings, firstfruits offerings, and seed offerings (Malachi 3:8, among many other Scriptures).
- Invest in Kingdom projects, in which you sponsor a certain result to be birthed into existence so that Jesus can be glorified on the earth, in a church, in a youth group, in a young person in need of mentoring, in a ministry, over the airwaves, etc.
- Do EVERYTHING that is in your heart to help people, bless people, and provide for those you see around you who have needs of any kind, as the Lord leads you.
Beloved, doesn’t your heart gasp in anticipation and awe over what such a promise could look like in manifestation in your life?
Can you imagine this level of wealth?
Can you imagine this level of financial flow coming to you and flowing through you to your family and to the people around you?
Over Not Under: Financial Prosperity God’s Way
Do you want God to empower you to get wealth, as He promised in Deuteronomy 8:18? Then this book is for you!
Over Not Under will help you gain deep insight about God’s financial principles—and about how to activate His provision, blessing, and abundance in your life!
Can you imagine what your life would be like if you were to go about doing good in the world, always having enough? …
… Having Kingdom vision and handling Kingdom investments …
… Being a patron/sponsor of projects that exalt the name of Jesus and release the giving of thanks and praise into the atmosphere to Him …
… And always having enough provision for every good thing?
You can. Your life can look like that. You CAN get to that point.
Beloved, by the grace of God, the Lord has taught me to operate in unlimited finance, and I’ve learned a few things along the way.
Before I go on, I feel led to address this so it won’t be a proverbial elephant in the room, hanging in the back of anybody’s mind and keeping them from receiving the truth that YOU can operate in unlimited finance.
You need to know this:
A few times a month, I invite our readers by email (everyone on our email list, all at the same time, never singled out) to sow and invest in this ministry that is discipling them. I do this every month because:
- It’s Biblical wisdom;
- It’s Biblical good business;
- It’s Biblical to give;
- It’s Biblical to invite people to give unto the Lord;
- And it’s Biblical to inform people about how the money is used, as we’ll discuss below.
Some people misconstrue, misunderstand, and misjudge my invitations to give and sow into this ministry; they think that those invitations to give are signs of lack, or signs of financial trouble.
However, those invitations to give are neither signs of lack nor of financial trouble.
God always provides our needs, and He always has:
- Even when He takes His own sweet time to do it; and
- Even when there’s a brief financial crunch (which we love, said nobody ever) before He provides.
God always provides, and He is never late. We have never had a late bill, ever! And we’ve never had employees go unpaid!
When I invite our readers to give, that is simply our way of complying with the Word of God, which says that the ministry should be supported by the people who benefit from it.
As it says in Galatians 6:6:
“Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches.”
There are many more Scriptures about this; I could go on and on quoting verse after verse, passage after passage, chapter after chapter.
Mother Wounds and the Holy Spirit
When you have bad experiences with human mother-type figures, you automatically develop a paradigm that says, “Anyone coming to me in the position or capacity of nurturing, mothering, comforting, teaching, raising me up, et cetera is going to hurt me.”
Because of this false paradigm, you will find yourself putting up defensive walls to keep anyone at a distance who comes to you as a nurturer, comforter, et cetera.
Well, guess how Holy Spirit comes to you?
You guessed it: He comes as Comforter. He is our Nurturer. He is our Teacher, too! And so when we have false paradigms that tell us to keep comforting, nurturing people away (all because our mother hurt us), then we tend to keep Holy Spirit at arm’s length too.
Oh, He still lives inside you if you’ve given your heart to Jesus.
But, you won’t feel or sense intimate relationship with Him if you’re keeping Him at arm’s length. And you also won’t be able to receive all the things from Jesus that Holy Spirit is trying to transmit to you.
Holy Spirit may be inside you, with open arms extending everything He has to you and offering it to you freely, but it is as if you are standing there with your arms folded and eyes closed, refusing to accept the gifts that are offered.
How can you overcome this?
Get healed from mother wounds. Purchase my video class about Healing from Mother Wounds here, and pray the healing and deliverance prayers I lead you through at the end of the class.
People all over the world have told us they have received great healing through this class about Healing from Mother Wounds! We pray that you will receive the same healing and deliverance from Jesus!
Some ministries host an annual banquet or golf tournament for fundraising, at which they raise hundreds of thousands of dollars through their donors’ generous giving. But we can’t do that; we minister to people literally in every nation of the earth. They can’t all get to a banquet or to a golf tournament.
Also, your church generally will offer you the opportunity to give at every church service: Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night–plus letters sent to your home; special Christmas offerings; love offerings for special speakers and for the pastor’s birthday, and more.
However, we disciple people daily–reaching out usually 2-4 times per day.
This ministry isn’t just reaching people on Sundays and Wednesdays; we are reaching people around the clock, around the world, 24/7. Our doors never shut and our material never stops.
Yet, we generally only invite you to give a few times a month.
We can’t get everybody together from the four corners of the globe once a year, so we simply invite people to give each month however they feel led. It’s between them and God whether they actually give; all I can do is invite, because that’s what the Word of God tells me to do.
This is why it grieves my heart when people get mad, unsubscribe, or send me hateful emails when I invite people to give.
When people who benefit from this ministry get mad when I invite them to sow into it, it grieves me because the thoughts of their heart are exposed, and it is revealed that they are not aligned with the Word of God and are not listening to His Spirit.
Thus, they are robbing themselves of the blessing Father is trying to get to them … and they are perpetuating their own poverty and lack by preferring their own pride and independence from God over humble Lordship and submission to the Word of God.
That said, the Bible clearly shows (Exodus 35-36) that God’s people should be informed when there is a Kingdom need or Kingdom project in which they can participate.
If the people are informed, then they can choose whether or not God is leading them to do so. The Bible also clearly shows that every ministry is to be supported by those who benefit from it. You find this from the Old Testament all the way through the New Testament.
The reason I address that here is so you can read the rest of the article and receive the revelation the Lord gave me in this area …
… without thinking, “Jamie’s talking about unlimited finance, but she is in lack herself.”
To be clear:
Actually, we’re not in lack at all, and we’re not in financial trouble. My family and I are extremely blessed personally; we are completely debt-free and we paid off our house when I was 40 years old. (To God be the glory; great things He has done–and read here to learn how He will give you a paid-for house too!) Also, this ministry is blessed.
Does we have occasional, temporary financial crunches?
Yes, but God always comes through and relieves the crunch.
Does God sometimes take a little longer to answer my prayers for provision than I want Him to?
Yes, sometimes He takes a few days or even a few weeks longer than I really would like Him to. However, He still provides in His own sweet time and in His own way–and He has taught me that waiting on Him can be oh, so sweet.
He is worth waiting for.
My point is this:
Every single thing we have wanted this ministry to do for the Kingdom, He has either already provided for (using YOU as His hands and feet!) or is in the process of providing for now.
Thanks to God and His provision–for which He uses YOU, our amazing readers and monthly partners, mightily–we do actually operate in an unlimited river of money and finance–to God be the glory! THANK YOU!
Together, this community has not only funded the preaching of the Gospel, with discipling and mentorship, for FREE around the world, but we have also done soooo many practical things to bless the needy, the hungry, and also to bless churches and pastors (which are our particular area of ministry). For example, we have:
- Provided dozens of Bibles to patients in a local addiction recovery clinic (from which we receive frequent testimonies; to God be the glory!);
- Provided many free scholarships to our own retreats and conferences;
- Purchased a paid-for car for a young church pastor in need;
- Sent a whole charter bus-load of children to evangelistic youth camp a few years ago, with multiple salvations coming out of that;
- Provided for the refurbishment of a whole set of children’s Sunday School/kids’ church rooms at a local church–which we are in the middle of right now;
- Provided FREE lodging to 40+ women who will be trained at our training retreat for preachers/teachers next March (which made the retreat cost affordable);
- Provided $10,000 of camera equipment to a local church, so they could stream their services professionally when they were offered an amazing deal on $50,000 of equipment for only $10K;
- Provided respite and soul care to many pastors in crisis.
This list could go on and on. Beloved, YOU and GOD have done these things! God our Father flows through you to do it all.
This is evidence of the RIVER of finance.
The river of finance from Heaven doesn’t mean there’s never a need. However, it does mean that there’s never a need that is not met.
In other words, even if it takes some time, operating in the river of finance means we know how to receive from God ABUNDANCE, by grace, to meet every single need and to do every good work we desire to do.
This is the river of finance the Bible promises us.
This is the Word of God, which is inerrant and infallible. This is the river of unlimited financial provision God has taught me to operate in, and this is what it means to become God’s banker.
And there is an impartation flowing in your life right now.
Matthew 10:40-42 says this:
“He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.
He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.
And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward.”
Not only is God’s promise available to you by His Word, but also:
- The understanding of it …
- And the revelation about it …
- And the skill for how to operate in it …
… Can come to you much faster through impartation.
By even reading this article, you are receiving impartation that will help you operate in these things more easily.
And since our readers sow and give and pray for this ministry too–and all those things are acts of honor–then Jesus said you receive impartation for those things too.
Essentially, YOU help participate in the things we do by faith in this area. Therefore, YOU have an impartation and a reward for participating in all these things.
This impartation for unlimited finance is already on you; you just have to understand how it works so you can operate in it yourself!
And there are LEVELS. We can always go farther and flow in a deeper river of unlimited provision.
I’ve come a long way, and so has this ministry; but we’re not as far along on this journey as I desire to be. I’m contending with the Lord right now to take us to a whole new level financially even now!
However, we are a HEAP farther along than we used to be, and I’d like to share a few things with you today that I have learned along the journey.
Here are some keys that will help you become God’s banker:
1. You will always have to pass personal financial tests from the Lord at every gateway to increase.
No matter where you are along this journey, God will always test you. His tests are always interviews for more.
His tests may look like:
- Challenging you to tithe first and foremost. If you aren’t willing to part with His first 10% of your gross income and trust Him with the rest and for the rest of your needs, you cannot progress along this journey. If you can’t trust God with all, you can’t trust Him at all and He can’t trust you with increase.
- After you tithe, He may challenge you to tithe in advance on money you haven’t even received yet.
- After you tithe the first 10% of your gross income, He may start challenging you to tithe 11% or 12% or 15% or 40%. (Check out this awesome article over on the SeedTime blog about a couple whom God led to start giving their age as a percentage of their income.)
- He may challenge you to sow a seed offering with money you thought was your bread (“bread” = money with which you take care of your own needs).
- He may challenge you to give something to a poor person that you wanted to buy and keep for yourself.
- He may challenge you to carry out His heart by helping someone else, even though most people wouldn’t think to help or be willing to help.
- He may challenge you to sow a symbolic/prophetic gift or seed that might make people think you’re odd.
No matter what His challenge is, His challenges are always interviews for more.
His tests are the gateways of increase. Passing His tests means you get to progress along the journey of being a steward worthy of unlimited finances.
However, if you fail the test, you usually get to take it again and again until you do pass it. You certainly don’t get to progress along the journey until you do pass His tests that show Him that He can trust you with His wealth.
2. Along the journey to unlimited finance, God will also test you to see how strong your faith is.
God wants to know if your faith will fail under pressure or if you will stand firm in faith under pressure. Faith that fails is only the beginnings of faith, but it’s not fully-grown, mature faith yet.
Here’s the thing:
Handling unlimited finance requires both wisdom, faith, humility, and strong, godly character in every way.
The more money God gives you, the more godly character it requires for you to be able to handle it. And if God gives you large amounts of money before you demonstrate the character traits necessary to handle that blessing, that blessing will not be a blessing to you at all. It will be a curse instead.
“How could money be a curse?” you ask?
Because money is a magnifying glass.
Money doesn’t change you; it simply amplifies what’s already there. Money exposes what is in your heart already. Therefore:
- If you have godly character and God gives you lots of money, you’ll likely go about tithing and giving and saving and investing and generally obeying all God’s commands with that money.
- You will be blessed.
- The money will be a blessing to your family and to the Kingdom. And …
- You will be a blessing to others.
Cool, huh? Absolutely!
But the problem also is:
If you don’t have strong enough godly character, and God were to give you lots of money, it would expose all the bad things in your heart and life. All the bad stuff would immediately become obvious to everybody.
And you don’t want that. You don’t want that, and God doesn’t want that for you.
So God will test your faith along the journey. He’ll test your obedience, and He’ll test your character.
But in regards to faith specifically, I do want you to know that sometimes His tests look like this:
- How long will you hold out and believe His promises for provision? One day? Two days? One month, two? Will you keep believing even if He doesn’t manifest the answer to your prayer on your timetable?
- Will you still believe for the fullness of whatever you prayed for even if part of what you asked for arrives, and it looks like that’s all that’s coming? Will you still say, “Thank You, Father, but that’s not everything I asked for, so keep it coming, please!”?
- Will you still believe His Word about provision even if it feels like your river of unlimited finance slows down a bit sometimes?
God will always test you. He tests you for your own good.
If you pass the test, then He will promote you. He will always provide for your needs, but the test/promotion process comes when He wants to take you into a DEEPER river of His unlimited provision, so you can be more blessed and do more and more for the Kingdom.
But beloved, it’s worth it to pass the test.
It’s worth the effort to crucify the flesh yet again and surrender to the promptings of Holy Spirit. It’s worth the effort to submit to the Word of God, even when you don’t know how you will pay your electric bill this month if you tithe 10% of your gross income.
It’s worth it.
So beloved, let’s look again at 2 Corinthians 9:6-15:
“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. As it is written:
‘He has dispersed abroad, He has given to the poor; His righteousness endures forever.’
Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God.
For the administration of this service not only supplies the needs of the saints, but also is abounding through many thanksgivings to God, while, through the proof of this ministry, they glorify God for the obedience of your confession to the gospel of Christ, and for your liberal sharing with them and all men, and by their prayer for you, who long for you because of the exceeding grace of God in you.
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:6-15 NKJV, emphasis mine).
This passage tells us that God, by His grace, will make a way and provide for you to do EVERY good thing that is in your heart to do.
He gives seed to the sower. And if you are willing to be a sower (key word: BE a sower, meaning you have to start where you are and give from what you have, not wait for God to provide what you want and then say you’ll sow from that), He will give you seed.
And AS you sow, He will give you more and more seed.
After you begin sowing right where you are, He will give you another seed. Sow that, and He’ll give you another …
… and another …
… and another …
And another and another and another! He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, will supply AND MULTIPLY the seed you have sown and increase the fruit that abounds to your account!
You know what else? He will also provide by His grace so that YOU, “always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.”
Yes, YOU.
YOU can be God’s banker.
You can be God’s trustee.
YOU can disburse the funds from God’s account, sowing it and investing it and doing good everywhere you go.
YOU can have so much money for your family and for the Kingdom that, when people see you coming, they think within themselves, “Here comes God. Here comes money!”
YOU can be so blessed that the blessing on your life stirs other people up to jealousy. (Which can sometimes be a good thing when it incites them to godly jealousy; but, if their heart isn’t right, sometimes people will get incited to evil jealousy too.)
Do you want this?
Do you want to be God’s banker?
Do you want to have abundance for every good work today?
Do you want to be a sower?
Do you want to increase in every good thing and disburse God’s funds for Kingdom projects on the earth?
If you want to be God’s banker, pray this with me today:
“Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for this timely message from Your Word today. I humbly submit myself to Your interviewing process for an unlimited river of money.
I yield myself to You to become a sower today, Father. Please show me what to sow, where to sow it, and how to sow it. Teach me Your ways.
And Father, by Your grace, I ask right now in Jesus’ name that You would bring me to the place where, always having all sufficiency in all things, I have an abundance for every good work, while I am enriched in everything for all liberality and generosity.
Thank You, Abba Father. Thank You for letting me be Your banker on the earth. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”
Beloved, I know you may have expected a longer prayer than that–but that’s really all there is to the praying part of becoming God’s banker.
The rest of the process simply requires following God’s financial commands and passing His tests and interviews for increase.
And I guarantee you that God is offering you an interview/test for increase right now. Will you stop and ask Holy Spirit what it is–and then go out and pass the test?
I pray you will!
Will you submit to the process of becoming God’s banker today? Leave a comment below if you will!
Thank you Jamie, I have already started showing with you the small I have I believe one day God will change the story in JESUS name
Thank you for this timely word. Thank you for a better understanding of the scriptures financially and spiritually. It was much needed wisdom and understanding. God bless you and this ministry! I Believe the Word, will sow into the word and stand on this word! Bless you.
Thank you for this message will take you for bringing in my way lol in my name he said pray Lord I thank you for allowing me to be your banker thank you have a father continue to bless me and my family so that I may be a blessing to others
Thank you Jamie for the Word regarding being one of God’s heavenly bankers. I have already been praying for this prior, so this Word today is truly a blessing! Thank you so much!
Thanks Jamie🎁
This ministry is such a blessing and miracle Today for me. I will follow the path of Godly righteousness and sowing. Seedtime is here but principles are key. I will sow abundantly and believe. Ty again for the glorious work you and staff do
Thank you Jamie, I have already started sowing with you $30 as from last month the small I have i only have two months working as security earning peanuts I can’t even buy or build a house or buy a car for myself from being a police officer to a security guard starting my life anew, you know what it mean to loose everything in life the pain goes with it but I believe one day God will change the story in JESUS name as i want to have my own security company and transport company by the grace of God .
Thank you….. amen
Amen 🙏🏼 Amen I want to become a part of being Your banker Father God🙌🏻🙏🏼♥️
Does Radical Prayer: Lord, Let Me Be Your Banker Today has a Download so in I can download and print with reading from cell phone w/o the pop the ups
You’re welcome to click the print-friendly button at the top of the page, Maria. Thanks for reading!
Hi Jamie
I am privileged to read all this material. Very practically written out with so much wisdom from above. I understand with a grateful ♥ all you have said. It is beautiful and I take it to heart to one day fully implement this beautiful words of encouragement you have laid out. Thank you for your amazing and wonderful teaching here.
Welcome to the Bank of Yeshua!
We operate in the bulk of Kingdom prosperity.
Allow us to sow into your life spiritually and financially.
Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I am God’s trustee/banker!
Nicci 🤓
Thank you Jamie.
I know am a kingdom financier.
Blessings come forth. Amen!
What a timely word! I pray the Holy Spirit direct me in what way I may sow. I’m currently 9 months pregnant and unable to work my only source of income was my husband and as of last week he has decided to abandon our home. Please pray for my family and marriage.
Hi Jamie, I trust God and take Him at His Word. I believe that every good and perfect gift is from above. I pray for everyone who took the time to comment and is in need of finances. I too could use them as I’m currently unemployed but trust that sowing is God’s way to provision.
Many blessings to you!
A very timely word, indeed. To God be the glory! God bless you and your ministry, Jamie. You have helped me so very much in my walk with the Lord. Thank you! ❤️🙏🏼
Thank you Jamie, for such an anointed timely word. The words resonated with me and some as if the words jumped off the page and hit me deeply spoke straight to my heart. The words spoke exactly how or what I was doing and in reverse what I need to do in order for me to become God’s banker on earth. Plus my key point is trusting God then watching Him perform His timely promises in His way and timing. This word has come at the right moment for me. So thank you Jamie for your obedience in sending this helpful message. Now receive your blessings.
Hi, am having great difficulties downloading The Lord make me ur banker. Can u please help me please
Thank you Jamie for this on time word and prayer. This is also a confirmation on something that was dropped in spirit some years ago (27 years) to be be exact.
To God Be Glory
Thank you very much for this mail. I am trying to sow with the little I have,because right now I have finacial problems. But I really like to help others in need. God bless you
Thank you Jamie for this timely word. Oh my God, it was such a confirmation for me. I’ve been reading and confessing those scriptures same in II Cor 9 since 2019. It’s so amazing to see your blog for such a time as this. As I was reading them, it hit me all
of a sudden that “hey, that sounds so familiar to me and it took a minute because it’s in a different version here but then light bulb finally went off”. I’ve already been decreeing to be this for years now. And I thought that I was on that boat of believing God for such a thing all by myself because others didn’t understand me but then to read this awesome blog to see that it’s now time and the season is now here. Thank you for this confirmation. Glory to God. Hallelujah!! I am one of God’s bankers in the earth. I am a Kingdom Financier. Thank you Father God!! Glory!!!!!!
My father taught by example how reliable God’s provision is-a state policeman raising 5 children on $800/month. And I’ve lived through a number of the tests you describe, even though I didn’t recognize them at the time. I’m walking in the banker role…partially…but am looking forward to some huge leaps in the near future. My current community makes fun of “The Prosperity Gospel” and seems to think you must be poor to minister in the city. But I have some pastor friends I will share this article with and some young people I’m mentoring. What will St Louis be like when they begin to walk in God’s unlimited provision?????
I can guess and can’t wait to see it.
Thank you Jamie for sharing, I am called to be a kingdom financier, I pray for grace to walk in it
Thank you so much, Jamie! I thank God for all that you do for the kingdom.
God’s banker.
Thank you Jamie for sharing this message and word on today at such a time as this. It reminded me and helped me snap back out of the trap that enemy was trying to draw me back in to because I was losing focus on God’s provisions and looking to the world for provision. Lord, I repent right now. I am a Kingdom Financier! And it will happen now.
Jamie, thank you so much for this very timely word! I was convicted a few weeks ago to start sowing into your ministry since I gain from your work and calling. I do firmly believe that I was called to be a Kingdom Financier to finance the spreading of the Gospel. I have been proclaiming this for years. Thank you for laying out the process! God bless you, your family, and this ministry!
Thanks Jamie fir this word. I too believe in the provisions of the Father. I would like to be one of God’s financial bankers. I pray Holy Spirit will help me to navigate carefully and diligently the road that He is taking me on to accomplish this new job on the journey. Much blessings my dear, and thanks for this word.
Thank you Lord for your provisions and abundance! I am a kingdom financer in Jesus name ❤️🙏🏼 All glory to God ❤️🙌
Yes Abba I commit to being your banker, doing your will for your kingdom. In Jesus Name 🙏 Amen!!!