Speak This Powerful Blessing Over Yourself!

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Dear Presence seekers,

Sometimes when things are rough, you have to lay your hands on your own head and bless yourself.

In case you are going through a rough patch right now, this blessing will help you. If you need to be blessed, speak the Biblical declarations below loud over yourself! Address yourself by name; lay your hands on your own head; and speak to yourself by name as you pronounce these blessings!

There is power in blessing!

Get our free PDF Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations when you sign up for our free email encouragement program!


    (And by the way, I use this blessing and similar ones when I’m ministering to someone or praying for them. If the situation warrants it, I’ll lay both hands on their head in the posture of blessing and decree these and other Scriptures over them as much as Holy Spirit leads me to do so. Just an idea in case you need to do the same thing for someone else!)

    So speak this blessing over yourself:

    “(Your name), I speak to my soul right now and I say: “Soul, come to attention in Jesus’ name! Soul, you line up with my spirit, which is filled with the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name!”

    Now (your name), I bless you with ears to hear God, eyes to see God, and a nose to smell His fragrance.

    I bless your heart to beat right; your brain to think right; your lungs to breathe right; your muscles to work right; and your blood to flow right.

    I declare that you and your house are a cancer-free zone and you are free from all sicknesses and diseases. By the stripes of Jesus, you are healed.

    You will hear the voice of the Lord behind you saying “This is the way, walk in it,” and you will never turn to the left or to the right.

    You have the mind of Christ, and you always operate out of the mind of Christ.

    I bind your thoughts to the thoughts of Christ. I bind your heart to the heart of your Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. I bind you only to Him.

    The Lord wakens your ear morning by morning to hear as a disciple. The Lord gives you the tongue of the learned, that you may speak a word in due season to him who is weary.

    You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

    (Your name), you will always walk worthy of the divine calling to which you have been called.

    Your behavior will be a credit to the summons to His service. Jesus receives His full inheritance in you.

    You will teach the Word. You will be instant in season and out of season. You will fulfill the work of the ministry.

    You humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, and in due time, He will exalt you. You cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.

    (Your name), all your needs are provided for according to God’s riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

    You have an abundance and enough to spare. You bring all the tithes into the storehouse, and you prove God and see Him open for you the windows of Heaven and pour you out so much blessing that His provision overflows the need.

    The Lord rebukes the devourer for your sake. All your crops are protected in the field. Your bank accounts are blessed. Your business is blessed. Your job is blessed.

    The Lord brings you a guaranteed harvest of blessing in every place you’ve sown, and even in places where you did not sow. All nations call you blessed, and you are a delightful land. You are free from debt, free from worry, free from anxiety, and in perfect peace and rest.

    You increase financially every day of your life. You are greatly prosperous and you leave an inheritance and a legacy of generosity to your children and your children’s children.

    You are made perfect in the Father’s love, and His perfect love casts all fear out of your life.

    You are anxious for nothing; but in everything, with prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, you make your requests known to the Father. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, guards your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

    (Psalm 23): The Lord is your shepherd; you shall not want. He makes you lie down in green pastures. He leads you beside still waters. He restores your soul—your mind, will, and emotions. He leads you in the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake.

    Yes, though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you will fear no evil, for God is with you. His rod and His staff, they comfort you. He prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies. He anoints your head with oil. Your cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life, and you will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

    (Your name), one thing shall you ask of the Lord; that shall you seek after: that you may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of your life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple.

    The Lord will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. He will guide you with His eye upon you.

    I bless you to be filled with the sevenfold Holy Spirit:

    I bless you with knowing that you are the beloved child of the Father. I bless you with feeling His love and His presence always.

    I speak to your life and I say: Will of God, come forth! Atmosphere of Heaven, come forth! Peace of God, healing of God, come forth, in Jesus’ name!”

    A blessing is a powerful thing, and God’s declared Word always brings about what was spoken!

    Did you bless yourself? Did you feel the blessing ministering to your heart as you did? If so, leave a comment below!

    Would you help me with my work of reaching people for Jesus as a domestic missionary? This blog, and all of my mission work in person, are made possible through your partnerships, donations, and product purchases.

    If you’d like to help me, please check out the partnership details and products available for sale here. And, thank you in advance for helping make this blog and everything we do together for the Kingdom possible!


    1. Kara Raubenheimer says:

      I Jamie, what a precious blessing that is indeed. Just blessed myself with it, could feel the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit and especially the Spirit of Faith whilst doing it. Am sharing this one now!

      1. Wow! That is awesome! Thank you so much for letting me know, Kara! Jesus, we love Your Word! All glory to You! Thank You, Lord!

        1. olamilekan says:

          I feel extraordinary in the lord thank for the prayer god bless us all in Jesus mighty name amen

      2. sandra J adams says:

        Jamie, it is so Jesus ironic mysterious that I saw his just now as I am abiding to speak words of wisdom, financial favor, breakthrough over math strategies over staying the course of remaining up longer hrs to do more paperwork on the blessings of my cleaning business.I just took a loss today due the people having health issues very fine people of God ~he told me to pray for me them, their health & finances even things seem at their worse & will be for me but not if I keep declaring my blessing..The number 4,000 monthly is my goal for bundle of joy to cover all expenses..I believe he has the power to do more give more wisdom in& through his word to pass over to the other side Jordan.My milk & honey is coming so I can an bless my church ,others & my family & have a new home of my own.

          1. Urma Abraham says:

            Amen thank you
            Please stand in prayer for my husband, who left his home and children.
            God bless you

        1. Thank you for this prayer I was let a person lead me into fear before I found this while saying this I began to feel better. I have been allowing the enemy the to keep me in fear over my marriage thinking I would lose my husband due to his mother only wanting him to please her and if you hurt your wife so what I had you, you owe me cause I worked and took care of you. So if she can’t take care of me get rid of her she don’t Love you. But I do Love him he’s so torn on who he should be there for and I want it to be me! And the enemy has been rude to me, accusing me of being to needy and saying I don’t need to know his every move speaking of my husband come check on me first then your wife. I felt alone,sick ,depressed, unworthy etc… But now I’m better again Thank you.

      3. Jeffrey Burke says:

        Yes, thank you, Jamie. I’m praying for my business to take off.
        univera.com 20033948
        Thanks again for your Blessings Prayer!!

      4. That truly was a blessing amen!

      5. Indeed. Bless you Jamie

    2. Hi Jamie, God bless you too as we all feel the presence of God!s blessing .

    3. Thank you sister Jamie, I never knew how to pray for myself and now I know how to pray for myself, and I can also pray for others with this powerful pray. I love it! I felt so good after I said this pray on myself. I felt the abundance and my soul felt feed and satisfied. Thank you sister Jamie once again.

      1. AyyyMEN, Selena! I’m so thrilled to hear this testimony. I thank the Lord! He is our Teacher! He’s amazing. Thank You, Holy Spirit!

    4. Ricky Rabi says:

      Dear Jamie;
      God bless you too. Thank you, you are my angelic connection.

      1. Ricky, thank you. It’s all Jesus, and all glory goes to Him. I am honored and privileged to be able to serve!
        Have a wonderful day! Thank you for reading!

    5. Diane Leonhardt says:

      Thank you Jamie for sharing this powerful blessing! I, too, am a presence seeker/intercessor and am very thankful for your heart and ministry to encourage and strengthen others in the Lord.

      1. Diane, it’s nice to meet you. Thank you so much for that encouraging word! And thank you for reading. I’m honored. 🙂 May you also be blessed and strengthened and encouraged today, in Jesus’ name!

        1. Micheal Housen says:

          These are very powerful words of God . yes by faith i believe God’s love on mercy’s will come true for me by speaking these words of God on believing in him.. Thank God for his Mercy’s…

    6. Jamie, what a powerful word! Many thanks and blessings for sharing. I too felt my faith increase while I blessed myself.

      1. I’m so glad, Elma! Thank you for taking the time to invest in yourself and speaking that word over yourself! It will bring you fruit today!

    7. Thank you for this prayer. I have been feeling discouraged about my health & future. I prayed & I felt more at peace. God bless!

      1. Allen barrows says:

        Thank you for that awesome pray.i will read it again so it will get down deep in me ?

    8. Amazing! Thank you so much for this awesome blessing! May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you!

    9. Did you bless yourself? Yes I did. Did you feel the blessing ministering to your heart as you did? Yes I feel the blessing ministering to my heart, soul, spirit, body and mind and felt the Mighty Presence of God upon declaring blessings upon myself.

      Its unbelievable that indeed God knows our thoughts and plans for our lives and when we asked Him anything in His Name He will surely do it. For two days I was searching on internet how to speak God’s blessings over myself and couldn’t find any. Right while I was searching and not satisfied with what I find on youtube you send me this email and “yes God answered my prayer”. I will now use this blessings on myself, family and friends. Thank you so much and to God be the Glory!

    10. Hi Jamie

      I am going through a very hard time now dealing with major depression, anxiety and very bad thoughts. I feel as if i am not a apart of this world. I was happy once and normal and overnight my world came crashing down. I am a single mother of 2 children and i cant go on like this anymore. I need deliverance and i need to see god”s blessings. I am in a very dark place right now and I do not know how to get out. Thank you for your blessings. I do believe that God is there and he will bring me through.

      1. Hi Nisha. I’m sorry you’re going through that. Have you listened to my Finding Deep soul Healing 101 webinar? I feel like it would really help you if you haven’t. If you are being tortured, you may be in spiritual jail–but you can get out of that jail. Father can help you.

        1. HI Jamie is there a link to that post? I am not sure where to find it. Once again that you for your awesome prayers and motivation.

          God bless you always

    11. Praise the Lord! This prayer was such a blessing. “Thanks to God and Your Work. Jamie you are blessed to be a blessing… Amen

        1. Thank you for the blessing Jamie . I just finished speaking it over myself and I felt the Holy Spirit stirring within me. You are such a mighty powerful woman of God and you are a blessing .I have learned so much from you and I’m thankful to Jesus for you and your ministry.I love Jesus and He is doing a new and mighty work in my life.
          Bless you Jamie for the wonderful work you do for The Lord.

          1. Thank you so much for that encouragement, sister. It’s definitely all Jesus and I give Him the glory. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to be used for His work. And I’m so glad to hear He blessed you with this blessing! He always watches over His Word to perform it! Praising God! 🙂
            Have a wonderful day!

    12. Millie Williams says:

      My Angel Jamie, I thank you so much for all your emails. I really believe this one was coming from God. I start doing this few days ago this was a confirmation from God I was doing something right. Papa God is really using you. I pray for you and your ministry and family. Praise God My Angel be bless today.
      Love Millie

    13. Rebecca L Jones says:

      Beautiful prayers Jaime, very powerful, too.

    14. Thank You Jamie for such powerful prayers. I can tell that God has truly anointed you to pray. I also believe in my heart that you can only pray like this when you have been tested and have went through many trials yourself. Keep pressing forward because God is really using you in this hour. Which is a very crucial moment in God. I pray your strength in the Lord. You have really touched me and I know that you are touching so many others. God Bless You !!!!!

    15. Hi Jamie, since I discovered your blog I’ve been following… this message/prayer over myself is what I needed.. been praying for all this and more.. as I prayed for myself got emotional so I’m assuming that was The Holy Spirit.. still learning taking baby steps.. stay Blessed and thanks for the messages you share… you are a blessing.. Amen!!

    16. Madeline Rosario says:

      Yes, I did! Thank you Jamie. I’ve been following your blog for a few weeks now and I’ve enjoyed your articles. Thank you so much for sharing with us the word of God.

      God bless you and your family.

    17. Thanks so much. I believe that this blessing will work to the glory of God my Papa. God bless you Jamie.

    18. Lynne-Hope says:

      Shalom aleichem Jamie,
      Thank you for the prayers as
      I have just discovered you from Spirit Fuel. I am a Messianic Jew and have been called to ministry; however I am just coming out of a deep depression and recently left the Messisnic congregation I attended for 17 years as the Holy Spirit instructed me as things had gone astray. I was the greeter there for many years . The website for the ministry is half done and I am praying that the person helping me will begin working on it again in the spring do that it will be up and running with some social media. It’s called TimeTo Hope.com. God has given me art and music that will go on the site. The songs are called “Songs from Messiah’s Heart” and are short and sung accapella with an echo (as the HS instructed me ). By the way I am a senior and “a Warrior of Love in the Army of Messiah’s HEART ” and “Warrior of Love” is one of the songs Hashem’s given me.
      I am single have no children and the only believer in my family. Now I am attending a small home fellowship. I know how busy you are but please visit the website ad it has my bio. Vision some spoken words and 2 blogs. Statement of Faith, so far and give your comments/suggestions. I have already recorded many messsges that are not on the site yet. Thanks for your prayers and ministry. There are no accidents in the Lord which led me to you today.
      Shalom ooverecha ( peace and blessings to you ),
      Lynne-Hope , “A Warrior of Love in the Army of Messiah’s HEART”
      Time To Hope Ministry

    19. Yes, I did! Thank you Jamie. It felt so nice.

    20. Suzanne Wilkins says:

      God bless you for this powerful prayer!!! I believe by speaking these powerful blessings over my life. The Lord is going to manifest his many blessings in my life and in my family life!! I declare I will be a conduit of his love and a conduit of his blessing to his kingdom and to others !!!!!!

    21. Phylise Kirumbi says:

      Thank you so much for such a powerful prayer. I am trusting God that through this I will be able to pray the Word (God’s Word). In my finances, in my marriage and my ministry. God bless you so much.

      Yours in the Lord,
      Phylise Kirumbi

    22. Linda Anderson says:

      May God bless you forevermore…..I came across this self blessing page by accident….it is a time when I really needed this …. wow….it was meant to be …..it should be copied on an 8 x 11 paper and sold…..thankyou so very much for the Words you wrote…..I sincerely needed that boost right now….
      Gratitude and blessings to you

    23. Thank you for this wonderful prayer , I prayed over myself and it was a wonderful feeling
      I feel a lot better , stronger and highly blessed
      Thank you God for everything

    24. This was such a beautiful prayer. I needed those words over my life right now. Going through a tough spot right now finished college with nursing and sending out applications nothing positive return. All are asking for work experience in nursing. Thanks for the prayers. Keep up the ministry.

    25. Thankyou for this powerful prayer……..much gratitude to you for sharing it with us…..blessings to you ⚘??

    26. Deloris Anderson says:


    27. Thank you for this prayer I was let a person lead me into fear before I found this while saying this I began to feel better. I have been allowing the enemy the to keep me in fear over my marriage thinking I would lose my husband due to his mother only wanting him to please her and if you hurt your wife so what I had you, you owe me cause I worked and took care of you. So if she can’t take care of me get rid of her she don’t Love you. But I do Love him he’s so torn on who he should be there for and I want it to be me! And the enemy has been rude to me, accusing me of being to needy and saying I don’t need to know his every move speaking of my husband come check on me first then your wife. I felt alone,sick ,depressed, unworthy etc… But now I’m better again Thank you.

    28. Sandra Dixon says:

      Thank you for sharing these powerful words. I am in need of speaking over myself I am so happy I found your sight thank you for sharing GOD’S words in a special way

    29. Thank You Lord for Your Blessings!

    30. Wow ……that is an annointed blessing indeed….thankyou for sharing it …very powerful……much gratitude to you ….big hugs

    31. My husband and I blessed each other. Powerful!

    32. AMEN! My children and I are blessed!

    33. Erika Hudson says:

      Thank you sooo much!
      That blessed me indeed!

    34. Thank you so much. We need to bless ourselves everyday. This is a powerful and positive prayer.

    35. Linda Staten says:

      Thank you so much!!! I really needed this. I’m going through a rough time right now. My children and my family. I need to learn how pray for myself. Speaking God’s heard over myself. Pray God bring me my children back together again better than before.My sisters and my brothers and cousins.

    36. Thank you. I truly feel so different. My tears feel like such a release. Thank you.

    37. thank you for these beautiful and powerful blessings.

    38. This blessing is amazing honestly.

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