Prophetic Decree #5: Fullness of Your Eternal Destiny

webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1

Prophetic Decrees of Abundance | Decree #5 Fullness of Your Eternal Destiny | by Jamie Rohrbaugh | | Prayer and declaration for your destiny to happen

Did you know that God has an eternal destiny for you? Did you know He actually finished all the good works He has for your life before time began?

True story. The Bible tells us that our Father actually created all the things He ever wants you to do–and finished them–before you were even created. Before you were born.

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    This means that …

    • all the wonderful relationships God has for you;
    • the intimacy with Himself that your Daddy God desires for you;
    • the career He has for you;
    • the ministry to others that He has ordained for your life;
    • the great ideas He has for you to receive;
    • and all the wonderful things He has for you to carry out in your life …

    … are all finished! Done, finished, completed!

    That’s right. All the good works God has for you to do in your WHOLE LIFE are already finished. They are completed in Heaven right now, and your loving Abba Father is ready to pour them out and help you manifest them in your life!

    Ephesians 2:10 tells us so:

    “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

    Isn’t that awesome?

    It’s not just in one place in the Bible, either. Check out Hebrews 4:3:

    “For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said: “So I swore in My wrath, ‘They shall not enter My rest,’” although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.

    Yup. It’s true. All of God’s works for YOUR LIFE were finished before the foundation of the world. Your eternal destiny has been pre-fabricated, if you will, and is ready to be built on the earth.

    I don’t know about you, but that makes me feel OVERJOYED. Why?

    Because it means you don’t have to strive and labor and wear yourself out to reach your destiny. You can be free to seek God and enjoy the pleasure of His company. And if you seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, ALL these things shall be added to you (Matthew 6:33)!

    Do you have to be diligent? Yes.

    But you can be diligent in a divine, easy flow of anointing, empowerment, and REST–not through hard, laborious striving.

    (By the way, if you want to learn more about reaching your destiny easily–including loads of practical tips and my embarrassing stories about totally failing in this “not through hard, laborious striving” thing–read my series Rest in God, Reach Your Destiny here.) 🙂

    You can completely fulfill your destiny. And you can do it by simply following the Lord and letting Him work in your life as you obey Him at every turn.

    Will there be hard work? Oh yes, from a physical labor perspective. The Bible says “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might …” (Ecclesiastes 9:10) … so we know that we can’t just sit back and watch TV and expect God to do the work.

    But as soon as we fully align ourselves with God and begin trusting Him, obeying Him in everything (e.g. when it comes to work, doing business, carrying out the work of our ministry, walking in the Spirit, etc.), and resting in Him, then He does what only He can do while we do what only WE can do.

    It’s a powerful rhythm of obedience, grace, the divine flow and might of the Spirit of the Lord on your life, and BLESSING.

    So are you ready to get started with your eternal destiny?

    If so, I’m going to speak this prophetic decree and blessing for fullness of your eternal destiny over you. I think it’s one of the most powerful decrees/blessings that God has ever given me, and God is going to use it mightily in your life.

    Related: Speak all 5 prophetic decrees in this series over yourself!

    Here’s the prophetic decree and blessing for fullness of your eternal destiny:

    “In the name of Jesus, I decree that your life is eternally, incomparably, unstoppably, and outrageously blessed by God. I decree a divine knowing into your heart, body, soul, and spirit that you have a good, good Father who loves you.

    I release and decree a divine revelation into your life that your loving Father God has an eternal purpose for your life. He has good plans for you; plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future. I decree that you shall fully walk in every bit of the good plans God has for your life, and you shall not lack in any area.

    In the name of Jesus, I decree divine alignment into your life right now.

    I command your soul to line up with your spirit, which is filled with God’s Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name. I command your heart to open and receive the love of Abba Father and the ministry of Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name. 

    I decree that you are filled and baptized in God’s Holy Spirit right now, forever changed by His indwelling presence within you. I decree that Jesus is filling you with His baptism of God’s Spirit, His fire, power, and BOLDNESS right now

    I decree that you abide in Jesus and His Word abides in you. You shall ask what you will, and it shall be done for you.

    In the name of Jesus, I command every spirit of fear to leave you right now and never return. In the name of Jesus, be filled with the Holy Spirit right now where that was. I decree that the perfect love of Daddy God, your Heavenly Father, fills you right now and casts out all fear.

    I decree that you are made perfect in love right now, today, and that you will continue to be made perfect in God’s perfect love for you every moment of your life from this day forward.

    I decree that you shall be anxious for nothing; but in everything, with prayer and supplication, you shall make your requests known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, guards your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

    I decree that you are divinely able to believe God’s Word for you by the faith of Christ in your heart.

    I decree that you dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. From this day forward, you shall trust under the shadow of God’s wings. No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling. The Lord Himself protects you and He sends His angels to watch over you, and to keep you in ALL your ways.

    I call forth the eternal destiny and purpose of God for your life.

    I speak to all the finished works the Father prepared for you before the foundation of the world, and I command them to manifest in your life right now in Jesus’ name. I call forth your eternal destiny and command it to manifest in your spirit, soul, and body right now in Jesus’ name.

    I call forth deep wells of hunger and thirst for righteousness in you right now, in Jesus’ name. I decree that your heart and flesh cry out for the living God. Your soul shall magnify the Lord at all times, and your spirit shall rejoice in God your Savior.

    I decree that you shall be continually filled with God’s Holy Spirit at all times.

    You are the righteousness of God in Christ. You have the mind of Christ, and I bind your mind to Jesus Christ, your Bridegroom, right now. I call forth the thoughts of Christ from your mind and command them to manifest right now in Jesus’ name.

    I speak to every door that Father desires to open for you, and I say: Doors, open! In Jesus’ name. I speak to every door that Father desires to close for you, and I say: Doors, close! In Jesus’ name.

    Let hope arise in you right now in Jesus’ name. Let courage arise. Let faith arise. I command strength into your spirit right  now, in Jesus’ name.

    Let God’s eternal vision for your life shine brightly into your eyes, heart, soul, and spirit right now.

    Let the lights dim on everything in your life that is not from the Lord, and let every unholy thing flee your life right now. Let every holy thing from God rise up in you right now and shine brightly in your spirit, soul, and body in Jesus’ name.

    Let Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah, ROAR over your spirit right now. Let the Word of God rise up in your heart, soul, and spirit in Jesus’ name. Let the gifts of God that are in you be stirred up right now in Jesus’ name.

    In the name of Jesus, I release joy into you.

    I decree that the joy of the Lord rises up in you by the Spirit of the Lord like a mighty river of living water. I release peace into you right now in Jesus’ name. I release the heart of God into you in Jesus’ name. I release a magnificent obsession with Jesus Christ into you right this moment, in Jesus’ name.

    I decree that you are a conduit of the Kingdom of God, and that you release righteousness, peace, joy, and the power of God everywhere you go. Because Jesus lived, died, and rose again for you and has filled you with His Spirit, I decree that you shall be a carrier of God’s glory from this day forward. His glory shall rest upon you everywhere you go, and you shall remain in perfect rest in the bosom of your Daddy God all the days of your life.

    In Jesus’ name, amen!”

    Now speak this prophetic decree and blessing over yourself:

    “In the name of Jesus, I decree that my life is eternally, incomparably, unstoppably, and outrageously blessed by God. I decree a divine knowing into my heart, body, soul, and spirit that I have a good, good Father who loves me.

    I release and decree a divine revelation into my own life that my loving Father God has an eternal purpose for my life. He has good plans for me; plans to prosper me and not to harm me; plans to give me hope and a future. I decree that I shall fully walk in every bit of the good plans God has for my life, and I shall not lack in any area.

    In the name of Jesus, I decree divine alignment into my life right now.

    I command my soul to line up with my spirit, which is filled with God’s Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name. I command my heart and soul to open and receive the love of Abba Father and the ministry of Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name. 

    I decree that I am filled and baptized in God’s Holy Spirit right now, forever changed by His indwelling presence within me. I decree that Jesus is filling me and refilling me with His baptism of His Spirit, His fire, power, and BOLDNESS right now

    I decree that I abide in Jesus and His Word abides in me. I ask what I will, and it shall be done for me.

    In the name of Jesus, I command every spirit of fear to leave me right now and never return. In the name of Jesus, Father God, fill me with Your Holy Spirit right now where that was. I decree that the perfect love of Daddy God, my Heavenly Father, fills me right now and casts out all fear.

    I am made perfect in love right now, today. I decree that I will continue to be made perfect in God’s perfect love for me every moment of my life from this day forward.

    I decree that I am anxious for nothing; but in everything, with prayer and supplication, I make my requests known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, guards my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

    I decree that I am divinely able to believe God’s Word for me by the faith of Christ in my heart.

    I decree that I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. From this day forward, I shall trust under the shadow of God’s wings. No evil shall befall me or my family, nor shall any plague come near our dwelling. The Lord Himself protects me and He sends His angels to watch over me, and to keep me in ALL my ways.

    I call forth the eternal destiny and purpose of God for my life.

    I speak to all the finished works the Father prepared for me before the foundation of the world, and I command them to manifest in my life right now in Jesus’ name. I call forth my eternal destiny and command it to manifest in my spirit, soul, and body right now in Jesus’ name.

    I call forth deep wells of hunger and thirst for righteousness in myself right now, in Jesus’ name. I decree that my heart and flesh cry out for the living God. My soul shall magnify the Lord at all times, and my spirit shall rejoice in God my Savior.

    I decree that I am continually filled with God’s Holy Spirit at all times.

    I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I have the mind of Christ, and I bind my mind to Jesus Christ, my Bridegroom, right now. I call forth the thoughts of Christ from my mind and command them to manifest right now in Jesus’ name.

    I speak to every door that Father desires to open for me, and I say: Doors, open! In Jesus’ name. I speak to every door that Father desires to close for me, and I say: Doors, close! In Jesus’ name.

    Let hope arise in me right now in Jesus’ name. Let courage arise. Let faith arise. I command strength into my spirit right now in Jesus’ name.

    Let God’s eternal vision for my life shine brightly into my eyes, heart, soul, and spirit right now.

    Let the lights dim on everything in my life that is not from the Lord, and let every unholy thing flee my life right now. Let every holy thing from God rise up in me right now and shine brightly in my spirit, soul, and body in Jesus’ name.

    Let Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah, ROAR over my spirit right now. Let the Word of God rise up in my heart, soul, and spirit in Jesus’ name. Let the gifts of God that are in me be stirred up right now in Jesus’ name.

    In the name of Jesus, I receive the joy of the Lord right now.

    I decree that the joy of the Lord rises up in me by the Spirit of God like a mighty river of living water. I receive His peace right now in Jesus’ name. I receive the heart of God in Jesus’ name. I receive a magnificent obsession with Jesus Christ right this moment, in Jesus’ name.

    I decree that I am a conduit of the Kingdom of God, and that I release righteousness, peace, joy, and the power of God everywhere I go. Because Jesus lived, died, and rose again for me and has filled me with His Spirit, I decree that I shall be a carrier of God’s glory from this day forward. His glory shall rest upon me everywhere I go, and I shall remain in perfect rest in the bosom of my Daddy God all the days of my life.

    In Jesus’ name, amen!”

    Did you feel God touch you as you spoke through this blessing and decree for the FULLNESS of your eternal destiny? If so, please leave a comment below! I’d love to hear from you!


    1. Dear Jamie.I am really encouraged by all your decrees but the number 5 about the destiny has deeply touched my heart. I am going to print it and say it out loud every morning for the rest of my life .Thank you for edifying the body of Christ in so many ways.

      1. Amen! Thank you so much for letting me know, Andre! I’m so glad this decree encouraged you. Praise God. May you enter fully into the wonderful destiny Daddy God has for you!!! 🙂

    2. Jamie I thank Daddy you and your blog. I am blessed by each of them and look forward to your posts. I wanted to share with you how Daddy inspired me to use this one. I recorded myself reading it aloud and sent to my family along with the link to your post. Now family and friends are paying it forward by recording themselves and sending it to others. What an awesome reminder of our daddy’s love for us, and our love for each other.
      Thank you again for your faithfulness

      1. Wow, Marilyn, that’s amazing. Thank you so much for letting me know! I’m beyond thrilled that you are speaking God’s Word over yourselves and that Daddy God is blessing you!!!!
        Have a great day!

      2. Desiree Custis says:

        Thankyou this blessed my life!

        1. Hi Jemie, thank you very much for the words of engagement, I thank you for the emails you sent to me every day and your prayers are powerful, may God continue to bless you in everything you do .

    3. I have been reading several of your post latley that are just amazing I absolutely believe the Lord has truly Anointed you with words of wisdom and inspiration by the Holy spirit. As I came across this one and started reading it oh my soul needed these words I could feel a quickening in my breath and a deep release Amen thank you Lord for blessing this women I pray the Lord continues to release His abundant blessings over you in Jesus name

      1. Amanda, thank you so much for reading. I’m so glad the Holy Spirit touched you with His Word here! These decrees are all Scriptural so just speak them (and any other Scriptures He leads you to) over and over! I used to pace through my house declaring Scriptures over myself at the top of my lungs. Especially when I was really down. Strange, I know, but it was about the only thing that made me feel better … and every word made an eternal difference!

    4. Anita Kennedy says:

      Thank you for all you do.

    5. Thank you Jamie for this wonderful prayer. While reading it loud, I felt the power of this prayer as I made decree over my life. Am blessed to be part of this platform
      It encourages me every single day. Thanks Jamie

      1. Amen and amen. Thank you for letting me know! It’s all Jesus! I pray He’d be glorified in both your life and mine and in this blog today. Thank You, Father, for watching over Your Word to perform it!

    6. TamaraPosibi says:

      May God bless you for this blog. He has really used you to edify my life. This prophetic declarations are powerful and I want to continue saying them everyday.
      God bless you

      1. I’m so glad Papa has used me to bless you, Tamara! Please do keep speaking God’s Word out. It will never fail to accomplish its purpose!

    7. Maria Lluberes says:


      Let me first say that I love your blog! I was just saved this past January (I’m a baby Christian haha) and your posts have been ever so helpful since. I eagerly anticipate receiving your emails!

      This decree spoke volumes to me. It profoundly touched my soul and spirit. It spoke to alot of what I was mulling over today. You covered all the bases girl!

      I am feeling extra blessed and extra favored! Thank you for all you do. You are part of the journey in my new found life!

      God Bless!


      1. Hi Maria! Welcome to the family of God. It’s so nice to meet you! Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you spoke this decree over yourself! The Word of God is a seed; when spoken, it will take root in you and produce the thing for which you sowed it!
        Have a wonderful day!

    8. Thank you so much for these prophetic declarations. May God bless you

    9. Divinefavor Osinloye says:

      Amen – I need this right now. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    10. Mehrunissa says:

      Amen !!! Thank you Jamie,and May God bless you and your family 💜

    11. Amen! I needed this, Thank you so much, I have been asking God to teach me to pray according to His heart, these declarations are powerful. may God bless you abundantly.

    12. Hi Jamie I decree and declared these blessings over my brother Billy he is fighting this virus in the hospital and he is stable now but still sadated I don’t think I spell that right but I didn’t beg or pleaded with God to heal my brother my whole family trust and believe in God I asking since you are so prophetic could you continually lift him up I spoke this into the atmosphere and without and doubt my brother will be healed in Jesus Name thank you!!!

    13. Amen!!! I needed this so much right now. We thank God who knows our every need.
      Thank you prophetess for pouring out the heart of God on His children. May He bless and satisfy you with long life.


    14. Yes and Amen….thank you for this. I’m am focused on being in alignment with God’s word and what His will is for my life. This helps so much 💜

    15. My life is eternally,incomparably, unstoppably, and outrageously blessed by God through this prayer Jamie:-) May God continue blessing you and using you.

    16. Annanson John says:

      Oh ! Glory hallelujah!! What a refreshing relief!! I am walking in this release and freedom right now and the days forward in Jesus’ name!!!

    17. TABITHA SEKOATI says:

      Hi Jamie,
      The declarations over our lives are so powerful, especially knowing full well that God is ever faithful to perform His word. We give Him all the glory and also pray for you as his vessel of honour.

    18. i was really in need of this during this time after prayer i felt peace around me Thank you Jesus thank you God thank you Holy spirit. i belive in Jesus that he is personal savior he lives in me now and forever Amen!!!

    19. Henrietta says:

      I don’t know how to thank you Jamie! I so needed this message right now.

      I was grieving unconsolably about the loss of my brother, it is his death anniversary today and it is now eleven years and we have not received closure on the things concerning his death. His friends and colleagues conspired and killed him. It has been a difficult day and to the end of the day, I found this message that literally spoke life and joy into my life. I so needed it.

      I praise my LORD GOD, my ABBA Father with all my heart and soul! Thank You ABBA for this message and Your great love for me. I surrender the matter of my brother’s death and the issues that rise from it into Your hands, I pray for my mother and me to receive Your peace and Your rest. I receive the fulfillment and manifestation of all the promises You gave me too. You are a good God, I know for sure, You will not let us down for in You alone we have put our trust! AMEN!!!

    20. Melinda Davis says:

      Jamie, God has touched me and thank you for this word of encouragement. I pray God will bless you and your ministry in Jesus Name, Amen

    21. The words are so pure and precise for my life at this moment. I thank God for your willingness to give out to us with compassion and truth.
      May the Fathers blessings continue to flow to and through you as you dedicate your life for His service.

      In His service too, Vincent

    22. Jamie, Yes I feel the strength in the word of God as I read it! I thank God for using you to strengthen his people in the precious name of Christ our Lord ❤️

    23. Amen and amen. We thank God for you Jamie, for being His faithful daughter.
      After a long time, I truly feel that is moving things on my behalf and blessing me with all the dreams that were dormant in my life. I praise Him for opening doors for me and closing the ones He does not want opened.🙏

    24. IRMA NORTJE says:

      Amen I decree it over myself and for my entire family, Thank you Ps Jamie. the Grace of God fills our being.

    25. In JESUS name amen 🙏🏾 🙌🏾 👏🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾😊😇.

    26. Hi, prayed these decrees over my family. Thanks so much for the resource it’s a blessing and I know it will help move us forward!

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