Prayer for Mercy
1×1 mentoring phone calls with jamie
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
webinars JANUARY 20-22: how to interpret dreams/visions
webinar JANUARY 29: how to cast out demons
Beloved, are you overwhelmed and desperately in need of God’s intervention? If so, this prayer for mercy is for you today.
God’s mercy is for you–especially if you have been merciful to anybody else.
God’s mercy is why He forgives our sins, even though we don’t deserve it. His great mercy provided His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. He has mercy on us because He loves us, and His love is boundless. His mercy, like His love, knows no end.
Jesus also told us that we will GET mercy for ourselves when we GIVE mercy to others.
He said this during His famous Sermon on the Mount:
Get our free PDF Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations when you sign up for our free email encouragement program!
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (Matthew 5:7 NKJV).
And since Jesus specifically made that promise, it’s a powerful thing to claim that promise in prayer.
God’s Name El Shaddai
El Shaddai is the name by which God revealed Himself to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. It is derived from the Hebrew word “shad,” which means “breast.” “El Shaddai” literally means “The Many-Breasted One.”
Yes, God reveals Himself to us as The Many-Breasted One. Is it because He has a lot of breasts? No; God the Father is Spirit and does not have a fleshly body.
Is it because He is female? NO, of course not; God is completely above the human concept of gender. GOD is wholly other. Both male and female were made in the image of God. BOTH male-ness and female-ness were derived from who God is, and God clearly calls Himself “He” in the Bible.
So why does God call Himself the Many-Breasted One?
To show us who He is and to demonstrate His attributes. Basically, when God revealed Himself to Abraham as El Shaddai, He used the image we have of a baby nursing at its mother’s breasts to demonstrate how we are to receive from God.
The enemy has tried to steal the understanding of “nursing” at God’s breast from God’s people.
There is an unholy substitute for every holy thing. And sometimes the unholy thing gets so loud that we don’t realize there’s a holy original!
So what’s the unholy substitute for God’s name “El Shaddai”? Think of all the pictures you have probably seen of false gods–idols, demon gods that people worship–that have lots of breasts. Think of all the stories you have heard about “goddesses of fertility” and the multiple breasts their idols always portray.
ALL of those idols are the enemy’s perverted twistings. The enemy is trying to steal God’s worship. Don’t let Him.
God Most High is El Shaddai, the Many-Breasted One.
Call on Him today and draw on His very nature for everything you need! And don’t let the enemy steal the revelation of El Shaddai from you.
What does it mean to claim a promise in prayer?
It means to:
- Find something God said;
- Believe it for yourself;
- Know that it applies to you;
- And remind God of it in prayer, asking Him to fulfill that promise for you and on your behalf.
Well, since Jesus said “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy,” then you qualify to have this promise fulfilled as long as you have been merciful to others.
Have you been merciful to anyone lately?
For example:
- Have you forgiven someone who hurt you, just because you know that God wants you to?
- Have you refrained from criticizing someone, even when they did something wrong or made a mistake?
- Have you kept your mouth shut when someone did something that wasn’t done just exactly like YOU would have done it? 🙂
- Have you helped someone with a physical, financial, or spiritual need lately?
- Have you taken the time to hug or encourage someone who was sad, discouraged, down, or depressed?
Pray the prayer that we have seen God use to heal thousands of people all over the world!
Grab a pack of 20 copies of the full Sample Prayer of Forgiveness and Soul healing while supplies last!
If you have done any of these things–or anything else that counts as your being merciful!–then you meet the very simple conditions that Jesus laid out in His promise:
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (Matthew 5:7 NKJV).
Mother Wounds and the Holy Spirit
When you have bad experiences with human mother-type figures, you automatically develop a paradigm that says, “Anyone coming to me in the position or capacity of nurturing, mothering, comforting, teaching, raising me up, et cetera is going to hurt me.”
Because of this false paradigm, you will find yourself putting up defensive walls to keep anyone at a distance who comes to you as a nurturer, comforter, et cetera.
Well, guess how Holy Spirit comes to you?
You guessed it: He comes as Comforter. He is our Nurturer. He is our Teacher, too! And so when we have false paradigms that tell us to keep comforting, nurturing people away (all because our mother hurt us), then we tend to keep Holy Spirit at arm’s length too.
Oh, He still lives inside you if you’ve given your heart to Jesus.
But, you won’t feel or sense intimate relationship with Him if you’re keeping Him at arm’s length. And you also won’t be able to receive all the things from Jesus that Holy Spirit is trying to transmit to you.
Holy Spirit may be inside you, with open arms extending everything He has to you and offering it to you freely, but it is as if you are standing there with your arms folded and eyes closed, refusing to accept the gifts that are offered.
How can you overcome this?
Get healed from mother wounds. Purchase my video class about Healing from Mother Wounds here, and pray the healing and deliverance prayers I lead you through at the end of the class.
People all over the world have told us they have received great healing through this class about Healing from Mother Wounds! We pray that you will receive the same healing and deliverance from Jesus!
And friend, if you’ve been merciful, you can claim that promise and ask God to be merciful to you today.
I know I, personally, need God’s mercy like never before:
- My level of responsibility is higher than ever before.
- At the same time, my inability to solve problems in the flesh has never been more apparent to me.
- And, like all of us, I’m getting older–and my body doesn’t even pretend to have the strength or energy it had when I was 20. 🙂
I need grace, grace, and more grace. Tangible grace. Grace that gets me up out of bed each day, gets me through my day with success–with thriving, not merely surviving–and GRACE to help me handle all the things I process through every day as a human being, a child of God, a wife, a mother, a CEO, a daughter, and more.
Have mercy, God.
Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.
Can you identify? 🙂
It’s the cry of our heart when we’re in need, but it should be the cry of our heart every day. We all need mercy–and we need God’s mercy, in particular.
So have you been merciful? If so, claim the promise of Matthew 5:7 and pray the sample prayer for mercy that I wrote out for you below.
Pray this prayer for mercy with me today:
“Abba Father, I come before You in Jesus’ name.
My dear Father in Heaven, I’ve asked You for mercy many times–and You’ve always come through. But I need mercy from You today more than ever before; at least, I feel like I do.
But I want to thank You first:
- Thank You for giving me such a good life.
- Thank You for Your many blessings, which You give me each day.
- Thank You for my life, my health, my family, my work, and all the opportunities You have given me to thrive.
- Thank You that Your mercies are new every day.
I praise You, Father, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made by You. Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows right well!
Father, I feel scared right now–but I know that fear is not from You.
So in the name of Jesus, I speak to the spirit of fear that is coming against me right now, and I say, “Leave, in Jesus’ name!” Abba Father, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit right now where that was. Fill me with Your perfect love and minister Your own perfect love to me right now, for perfect love casts out fear. Thank You!
Holy Father, as I calm in Your presence, I beg You for mercy today.
Your Word says in Matthew 5:7, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” Jesus, You spoke those words Yourself, and every word that You speak has power. Every word that You speak is true, and every promise that You speak is for me.
Jesus, Abba Father, and precious Holy Spirit, I remind You today that I have been merciful from Your own heart and resources:
Getting to Know the Sevenfold Holy Spirit: A 12-Day Devotional Guide
Get the book and focus on communion with God’s Holy Spirit for 12 days! Remember that He is your Helper, Comforter, and Advocate. You can’t truly know God without knowing His Holy Spirit!
- I have forgiven those who have maligned me, insulted me, abused me, and used me–and I have forgiven them from my heart. I truly love them, Lord, and only You could have administered Your mercy through me in that way.
- I have been merciful with Your own resources, as You have directed me to do.
- I have given from Your heart to take care of those in need, as You have provided for me to give.
- I have sacrificed for others and poured myself out to heal them, even at great personal expense.
Abba Father, this list of mercies is nothing compared to the mercies You have shown me. However, my point is that I have done everything in my power to be Your hands and feet on the earth, operating out of Your heart of mercy toward all those in need of mercy around me–which is everybody. (We all need mercy, Lord!)
And Father, I find myself desperate for Your mercy today towards me:
- I’m so tired, and Your Word says that I can come unto Jesus when I am weary and heavy laden, and You will give me rest. Please give me rest right now.
- I need space and quiet, too. Everything has been pressing in on me lately, and I’m overwhelmed. The amount of sensory overload I’m experiencing right now is exhausting and unsustainable. Please, give me space and calm, along with rest for my senses today.
- As I have worked so hard and poured myself out to help others’ dreams come true, please pour out all Your power, mercy, grace, and love on my behalf and intervene for me to make my dreams come true.
- (Insert any other needs that may come to your mind here.)
Abba Father, there’s a huge task before me, and I need Your mercy.
I need You to step in and make this happen quickly, easily, and without effort on my part. I am so tired that I cannot even pretend to labor enough to do it. I am asking You for Your miraculous intervention, Lord Jesus, for I have been merciful–and You said You would be merciful to me.
Lord Jesus, I remind You again that You said, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”
And I petition You from right here before Your throne of grace, for You are my Great High Priest. You have been through everything I’ve been through and worse. Please help me today:
- Give me mercy.
- Step in and shield me from the stress with Your mighty, watchful, merciful hand.
- Teach me to rest in You anew and afresh.
- Please come in and accomplish this goal for me and on my behalf, without any further effort on my part, and bring it into fruition quickly and easily.
Healing from Fear and Internalizing God’s Love
Struggling with fear? God wants to heal you—and He heals you by helping you internalize His love.
In this book, Jamie shares from her own personal experience how you can heal from fear, intimidation, panic attacks, and even a physical inability to breathe! Get your copy of Victory in the Camp of the Lord Volume 1: Healing from Fear today, and learn how to beat the spirits of fear, python, and intimidation in the name of Jesus.
Jesus, You are my Mercy-Giver.
You are the Great High Priest. You understand all I have been through, as well as all I am going through right now. I ask You to provide for me, all my needs, AND ALL MY DREAMS, exceeding abundantly above and beyond ALLLLL I could ever ask, hope, or think, according to Ephesians 3:20-21.
Jesus, have mercy on me. Oh Jesus, holy Son of David, have mercy on me.
If it pleases You, Lord, I ask You: Please don’t make me wait for this to turn into another character-building situation that is yet another test and trial that builds my faith.
You and I already know You’re going to do it, Lord. You have never let me down before, and You never will. Nevertheless, even in this, I submit to You–for You alone know best.
But Lord, You promised that You would have mercy on me–and I know that You will.
So please, Abba, rise up. Rise up on my behalf right now, I ask, in Jesus’ name.
Rise up, O Judge of the earth, and fight on my behalf:
- Bring home the bacon;
- Do the work;
- Make the ABUNDANT provision–not meager provision;
- Help with every need;
- Give me rest, healing, and refreshment.
- Keep me as the apple of Your eye, and hide me under the shadow of Your wings as You do.
Thank You, Abba Father. Thank You, precious Jesus and Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ mighty and holy name I pray, amen and amen.”
Friend, did you pray this prayer for mercy today?
If so, did you feel Jesus touch you and give you peace as you prayed? If this prayer for mercy ministered to your heart today, leave a comment below!
I prayed this prayer this morning. I felt the presence and peace of God while I prayed.
Glory I just prayed this prayer . Glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Lord. God bless you Jamie
This prayer certainly ministered to my soul today. I am broken and do not know what direction my life is going right now. I really needed this prayer today,Thank you Heavenly
Thank you Jamie.
Hallelujah !!!! Amen God is speaking through You Jamie ,Im on prayer from last week on God’s mercy and grace,I thank God ,I believe He is with me,thank You for the prayer In Jesus Christ name I believe it It is done.His grace is sufficient for me,His mercy is new every morning,He never fail He wont start now.
Amen and Amen
Jesus may you come into my situation and sit inside my boat as you did for the disciples calm down the storm and creat away and knowledge on how I can get out of these debts make my business stand and never collapse
AMEN and AMEN!!!
I’ve been diagnosed with Stomach Cancer and these past few months I’ve been going through it. I’m was so EXHAUSTED and SADDENED! I’m so glad too have picked up on this prayer site this morning. I will continue to pray and believe that God has a plan for me.
God have mercy on me.
I am praying for you, Deirdre! I release healing into you in Jesus’ name!!!
Yes, it has! Amen, thank you! 🙏🏽
Jamie, you said this: If it pleases You, Lord, I ask You: Please don’t make me wait for this to turn into another character-building situation that is yet another test and trial that builds my faith.
I prayed it half laughing and half crying, especially after reading Romans 10:12 this morning…Romans 10:12 AMP for the same Lord is Lord over all [of us], and [He is] abounding in riches (blessings) for all who call on Him [in faith and prayer].
Thank You Lord for hearing us when we cry out to you and thank You for Jamie.
Thank you jamie! God bless you all
Maria says: Jamie thank you very much for feeding us with 100% of foods from heaven. May the Almighty God, Jehovah and His Son Jesus Christ bless you and all who read your messages. May the Almighty God bless you all . AMEN.
Jamie may the Almighty Jehovah God be with you and bless you all with the Delicious food your are saving us with
I prayed this prayer and I am believing God for the breakthrough. Philippians 4:19.
Praise God. Thank You Jesus. I really needed this. God bless you Pastor Jamie.
Thank you I reallyyy needed this!!! May God bless everyone who read this today!!
Thank you. On time prayer. Amen.
Amen and Amen. I believe that God heard me today and I recieve all that he is about to do in my life today.
Thank you Jamie for this powerful prayer and Thank you Jesus for this prayer. Amen!
May God be merciful to all of us and meet our needs. Thanks Jamie. May God give you rest, refreshment and abundant provision. You have been so faithful.
This came just on the right time.
May receive this prayer and bless all who have seen it and took their time to pray along.
Thank you Jamie and may God bless you and help you find ease in all you are going through.
Amen Amen Amen 🙏🏼
Amen. Thank you Lord for this pray. I thank you for your Grace and Mercy. Your word says that your Grace and Mercies are brand new every day. I just want to say thank you.
Lord have mercy on me I pray amen
I have prayed this prayer, and I receive it in Jesus name
Thanks for sharing!
God Thank you for being a merciful God and answering our prayers . How Mercy on us all . Thank you Jamie for your faithfulness ❤️🙏🏾
I Pray this prayer and I feel so good and blessed. Thank you
Thank you God for mercy.
I prayed this prayer early hours of this morning. My son is going through a court hearing to have access to his children because their mother doesn’t want him to see them. Today is the judge’s ruling and I prayed with tears to God. I will surely come back to testify. Amen
Yes Amen i prayed this prayer tonight and i feel th epeace the surpasses all understanding the mighty Jesus has touched me and ha;ed me thank you jesus.. ive been battleing cold and sinus infection for along time but tonight its gone amen and amen. also my heart has been healed and renewed amen
Morning Jamie I prayed this prayer of Mercy I ft peace of God within me.
Thank you and God bless you
Hey Jamie,
I prayed this morning asking for mercy. My life has been so stressful for a long time. Please pray for me.
Let it be done. In Jesus Name. 🙌🏻😫
I prayed this, so so weary. Went to bed at 6pm, woke at 4am. I cannot fight this alone, Lord I need your hand to fix this, No one else can. ONLY YOU. AMEN. Mercy upon mercy
Amen and Amen. Thank you Lord
Help Lord please have mercy do not delay Oh Lord ! Amen and Amen
Praise you, Abba Father. I receive it now in Jesus’s mighty name!