Prophetic Word for May 2021
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Hi beloved, are you excited about the month of May? I am! I asked the Lord what He has in mind for May, and this is what He said:
“In May, I am rebooting your love-walk.
Your love has grown cold in many areas, compared to the way I desire for My love to burn in you. You have been too exhausted to love well. But, now that I have rebooted your soul and spirit through some measure of rest and refreshing, it’s time for Me to reboot your love-walk also.
Think not that your time of rest and refreshing is over; it is not.
In reality, it has only begun. It may take several years for you to learn the new rhythms of a life that is based in My rest. But this month, I will reinforce your foundations, beginning with your love-walk.
It is time for you to become lovesick for Me again.
Read Psalm 119 this month, and pray through it. It is the lovesick prayer of a hungry man; the prayer of My servant David. Allow the words of this Psalm to saturate your soul.
These words are My words I put in David’s mouth to pray and express himself, and they will you help you express yourself too. This is the Psalm of the month.
May is a month of foundations.
Concentrate on your foundations this month:
- Become revitalized in your seeking of Me.
- Ask Me to help you hunger and thirst after My Word again.
- Ask Me to make you a person of prayer, of the Word, of fasting this month.
- Ask Me for grace to fast and fast well when you feel led to fast.
- Ask Me for help with everything; I will not fail you nor let you down!
You will see the declarations you have been speaking begin taking root and growing this month.
You have been speaking the Word diligently over your situation, and by doing so you have brought blessing upon yourself. Trust in Me, and in the ability of My Word to manifest blessings in your life.
Continue speaking big words over your life in May.
If you’re going to speak, you might as well speak words of BIG faith. It takes the same energy to speak a word whether it is a word of faith or a word of doubt and unbelief. So if you are to expend energy, why not make every word that comes out of your mouth into a building tool to build the BIG life you desire?
Don’t cast your pearls before swine this month or any month; not all people can understand. But continue speaking BIG words of blessing and hope for your future. Proclaim them loudly so all in the heavenlies can hear, and I will give you rest in the field of My blessing that I will bestow upon you in response to My Word.
Always pray for Me to rebuke the devourer.
You are at a new level of intimacy with Me and a new level of blessing. The enemy would love to rob you of your blessing, but he cannot if I rebuke him. Continually ask Me to rebuke the devourer for your sake, and I will.
Ask Me to show you things you cannot ask or think this month.
Eye has not seen nor ear heard the things I have prepared for you in the month of May. You will receive these things if you ask Me for them. It is just that simple.
I love you, My child.
Think not that I do not love you because I have taken My time to answer some things. You have been hidden like an arrow in My quiver (Isaiah 49), but I will take you out of My hiding place and propel you forward when I deem the time is right.
I always save the best for last, though, and so you can be assured that the things in front of you will be greater than all the things behind you.
You can also rest assured that I have not forgotten even one of your dreams.
I feel the burning of your heart and the wondering at My waiting period. I know you feel distressed in your spirit right now, but I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Ask Me to show you a sign for good, and I will. I am working in the situation even now.
Those things that eye has not seen and ear has not heard are laid up for you this month.
I have kept some things back that you will need in this moment; I will give them to you at the right time. I am He who equips you for battle, and I will never let you move forward without the tools you need. Do not worry or fear; I will help you!” says the Lord.
And He continued:
“You have been worried over many things, but only one thing is needful. JUST SEEK ME. Return to your simple faith–the faith you had before you started trying to figure it all out. Seek Me in the morning and in the evening. Praise Me in your comings and in your goings, and all will be fulfilled.
I will supply all your needs this month and every month.
I know it feels uncomfortable sometimes, but I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Do not think that I have abandoned you; far be it from Me to do such a thing!
I have not abandoned you and never will. You have also been feeling like others have abandoned you, but I am your Source of comfort, encouragement, and fulfillment.
Seek Me, My child. Come back to the foundations and shore them up. Walk in simple, lovesick hunger and adoration with Me–and I did say with Me, for I am as lovesick for you as I desire you to be toward Me.
I love you so much, My child.
Ask Me to demonstrate My love in new ways today, for you need to see it. Ask Me for My comfort and encouragement today, for you need them both. I will help you if you ask.
Love, Papa.”
Thank You, Abba Father.
Beloved, is the Lord speaking to you today through this prophetic word for May 2021? Is He confirming something He has already put in your spirit? If so, please leave a comment below! I love hearing from you.
Hallelujah it is my portion. I receive it in the name of Jesus Amenand Amen. Father proof yourselves mighty again. Thank you so much Jamie for these words of encouragement. More grace all the way Amen!
Yes, this does speak to me. A word in season. Thank you heavenly Father.
Yes he did speaking to me through you! Since Sunday at church, the spirit of the Lord spoke to me and the word I heard was walk in love. I was experiencing lust because I was feeling down and the lord show me how to fill that void which is through session of deep worship. The fact that you use the word Papa, I speak French so I see God sign. Thank you for being an instrument in the kingdom of light. I am so looking forward to the month of may as I will follow his instructions to me expressed through you! God bless you so very much.
As I was speaking the word over my life which you wrote and I printed off, the Holy spirit intervened and said “Put on the shield of Faith”. So I turned to the scripture Ephesians 6:16. We have to put on the whole armor of God. Continue to speak the world over your life. Satan cannot overcome us for God has given us a moth and wisdom the enemy cannot gainsay not resist. Luke 21:15
Thank you for this comforting yet reassuring message from the Lord. Our Shepherd.
I know it isn’t may anymore, but God has just spoken to me so much through this word. I have been stressing over schoolwork and other stuff that i needed to let go of. I had forgotten how much God loved me and all i had to do was seek God and walk with him, not on my own.
Yes Father, this is for me and mine. We humbly and expectantly receive from Your overwhelming Heart of Love. Thank You Lord!
Yes this is all mine and exactly how my life has been and what I have been longing for. Lord I hunger , thirst after you, am love sick . Holy Spirit sensitize my spirit and guide me throughout this journey. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I pray amen and amen.
Everything written just for me hallelujah thank you. I felt like I was drifting from my prayer life and time with God. I have been getting back to my first love him.
Jamie, you have no Idea how your ministry impacts my life. This word is right on for me. Praise you Abba Daddy God. I love my beautiful Lord and I love you Jamie!!
I receive these words in Jesus name. Thanks for your encouragement. Blessings
I have drifted away from God because I’m going and have been going through so much. I find it hard to keep the faith when I’m thinking God is actually allowing me to go through all of these hardships in my life.
This word spoke to me in a sense that I may not be asking God or believing God for to make the impossible in my life. My faith is wavering because I find it hard to have faith in my current circumstances. I hope God understands that. Anyway I will continue to believe that God can change my circumstance to better.
Thanks Jamie,
Dear Jamie
Once again the Lord has used you to publish the right words at the right time for me. I am grateful for these encouraging and uplifting words. I receive and accept this encouragement through you my sister.
Bless you and keep writing in Jesus’ name Amen
Sister Jaimie, I thank you for this word. As usual it’s a blessing. You seem to be egularly peaking into my daily experiences and then speaking the word over them so specifically and frequently. It’s like I’m praying and talking to God and then I check email and you’ve spoken into the situation like you were here with me! It’s so encouraging. Especially now when I’m in need of physical, emotional and spiritual rest and refreshing after having served the body relentlessly for so many years. I asked God to strengthen me to complete 2 big obligations this month and then allow me to rest. Part of that is much needed respite in him. I long for those times of refreshing in his presence again and believe I will have them. Thank you for your obedience to the Father. May your vats be filled to overflowing in his provision and manifestation in you and your family. God bless 🙌🙏.
This! Wow! I spent a good part of Saturday reading Psalm 119 as part of my Sabbath and the LORD had me memorize the first verse. I have always started my Bible study time with verse 18 “Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law” and have memorized other verses as well. But, He said I was to read and meditate on each section individually over the course of this month. So, my mind is very alert since reading this blog post.
Thank You FATHER 😊😊🙌💞💕..
Hi Jamie, this prophetic word resonate with me for this day and the month of May. I really thank God for you!💜🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
A word in due season for me. I receive. Thank you Jamie for being sensitive to what God is speaking to you!
Thanks a lot Jaime, the prophetic word spoke directly to me. God bless you for sharing the word. May the Lord continue to anoint you to touch the nations.
Hi Jamie. This Word you gave is really to the point! I am concerned about a few things in my life but I’m never worried. Worry is a sin. I’m going to read Psalm 119 starting today, Monday the 3rd. I need God back in my life, more than ever. I’ve tried to do what I’m supposed to do, but haven’t known how to do it until now. I haven’t fasted for a long time either. I need prayer on that part. My prayer minister went to fast 40 days and he wanted everyone to fast also. I didn’t have the stamina to go that long. I actually didn’t have the faith for 40 days. But I do realize now, that wasn’t for me. I just didn’t want to fast. But I’m starting to rethink that. I need to fast. And pray, so I can be close to Gods heart and hear him. Thanks again Jamie for being obedient to God with your words and speaking them to all of us. In His Grace, Shalom
Amen!!! The Lord has spoken to me this morning in such a powerful way and is making his presence in my life so vividly apparent. This prophetic message spoke to my EXACT situation that’s how I know it was meant for me. The Lord know I have needed a lot of comfort and reassurance lately and I’m so thankful for this message this blessed morning. I receive these blessings for my life in the name of Jesus. Amen!
Thank you My Father for your beautiful words of love
Thank you My Father for your beautiful words of love. Thank you for been there for your love.
This word encouraged me so much! I have felt the need to return to my first love and I was struck by the seek me in the morning and the evening, because I used to do that. It was like God was saying, I hear you, I know you and your desire to return to Me. Let me show you how…
Thank you Jamie ❣️ Right on time💝❤️
Lately, I don’t want to hear anything about God and don’t feel like praying. I have lost hope, i’m angry and have sinned against God. I feel horrible & now I am left wondering how can he even love me as filthy as I am..I love reading your blog posts Jaime, but again it leaves me wondering if it’s for me.
Hi Jessica. Thank you for being honest about where you are.
1 John 1:9 says this: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” If you have sinned against God, He already knows it but He wants to help you out of sin. If you’re already repentant, that’s great. If you’re not, then you can ask Him to convict you and help you repent. He’s not surprised about where you are, so it’s totally okay to ask for all the help you need. He already knows the state of your heart, but He loves you VERY much and is eager to help you, if you’ll let Him.
If you need help asking for help :), then I recommend you read through Psalm 51 and pray the words you read back to God as a prayer. He will help you.
God loves you very much, Jessica. You’re His baby, His child, His delight if you have given your heart to Jesus. Giving your heart to Jesus doesn’t mean you never mess up again, but it does mean that you’re out of the sin-enjoying business. So if you do mess up and sin, then just repent right away and ask the Lord to change your heart, so you don’t do that again.
Just know that our Father who knows you best also loves you the most. You are His beloved and He is right in you, waiting to help you.
Thank you so much Jamie. Reading your response filled me with hope and encouragement. I needed to be reminded of Gods love and mercy. Psalm 51 was perfect. You are a blessing to me. Hugs.
Amen I receive this word, Praise the Lord, thank u Lord, thanks Jamie, God bless
Thank you Jesus for your love affirming me always
AMEN🙏🏽I receive these words in Jesus Might Name. Thank you Jamie and Glory to God. It was right on time.
Thank you for the encouring word Jamie. I really need God’s intervention in my life right now. My house has been broken into, at work there are people ganging up against me. What’s worse is because they are lying about me. I really need God to show up in my home, work and finances. In Jesus name I pray…. Amen
Amen. Praying for you and your situations to turn around!
Thanks Jamie for your words of encouragement. I’m so overjoyed.
Praise God.
Amen and Amen. I believe and receive!!!! Thank You Sister Jamie! God bless You and Your entire household in Jesus Name 🙏😇🥰💝 ✝️
Thank you Lord for confirming your Word.
Praising Your Holy Name
I received Your Message Abba.Love you my Dad.You have the great things for me.Love You Abba!
Thank you Jamie
May God keep you, bless you and protect you and your family as you continue to intercede for us.
Amen 🙏
Thank-you,Jamie! this means so much.
Yes God turn a unjust situation around But just when I thought it was over the enemy did it again I no the same God that did it then he will do it again And I want to thank God for keep me.
what a blessing you are sis Jamie. This message is for me…I need to return to my first love.