Would you like to see radical healings happen on a daily basis? Would you like to enter a hospital and heal every person there? Would you like to enter a school for the deaf and open the ears of every person there, so the people can suddenly hear?
I know I would. I’m standing in faith for God to do these things in my life. Why? Because God’s Word says we can have the gifts of different kinds of healings, and that we can use those gifts to reach people for Jesus. And we are supposed to desire everything God says He wants to give us. 🙂
Where are the gifts of healings mentioned in Scripture?
The gifts of healings by the Holy Spirit are a sub-set of the nine power gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. This passage reads:
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But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:
for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.
But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills” (emphasis mine).
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It’s important to note first that this passage specifically uses the word “gifts,” plural, as in “multiple gifts”; and the word “healings,” plural, as in “multiple healings.”
We often tend to call it simply “healing,” or even “the gift of healing,” but that’s not technically correct. And being technically correct is important, since we are obligated to rightly divide the Word of truth. 🙂 Reading the passage correctly will also help us understand what the gifts of healings by the Holy Spirit are.
So what are the gifts of healings by the Holy Spirit?
They are different kinds of healings that God gives, using people as His healing agents, and working through those people in various ways.
For example, in the famous healing revivals of the 1940s and 1950s, God called many evangelists so share the Gospel in huge tent revivals, using healing as proof of the Gospel they were preaching.
Generals of the faith like Oral Roberts, William Branham, Gordon Lindsay, Jack Coe, T.L. Osborn, and many others preached the Gospel around the world during that time. During their revival meetings, tens of thousands of people were saved, and many more were healed.
The healing revivals are a wonderful example of the “gifts of healings by the Holy Spirit,” because God used so many different methods to accomplish different kinds of healings during that era.
For example, William Branham would see visions from the Lord before his meetings. During those visions, he saw individuals, what they were wearing, what their infirmity was, and how the Lord would heal them.
Then, when Branham got to the meeting and began to preach the Gospel, there would be the woman or the man that he saw in his vision beforehand! It was then a simple thing to announce to that person that the Lord desired to heal them, for Branham had already seen them healed in a vision. The person would then be radically healed by the hand of God.
That was Branham’s gift! It was one of the “gifts of healings by the Holy Spirit.”
Others of the healing revivalists would pray for the sick, and God would heal those sick people when they prayed. Still others would lay hands on the sick, and God would heal when they laid their hands on those people with different maladies.
Other people have been known to have a gift for healing specific things, like deaf ears or blind eyes.
I’ve heard stories about some of the healing evangelists who had gifts to heal the deaf or blind. They would go into schools for deaf or blind children and heal every person in the school.
Two well-known, modern-day generals of faith, Pastor Bill Johnson and Randy Clark, have also been seeing God supernaturally remove metal from people’s bodies when He heals them! These men have been praying over people in their services, both on mission trips and at home, and God has taken metal rods out of people’s backs, necks, and other body parts.
Those people have gone to the doctor afterward and been checked, and the metal that was surgically implanted in their bodies has been gone–vaporized–and their bones have been perfectly healed in its place! (Check out the amazing testimonies and videos of people’s healings on both Bill Johnson’s and Randy Clark’s websites above. God is doing amazing things!)
God uses the gifts of healings to change the world and draw people to Jesus.
In the early church, the apostles and other believers prayed for the sick, and God healed them. The healings were confirmation of the Gospel.
In the healing revivals, people often came to the meetings not to hear the Gospel, but to get healed. Nevertheless, they heard the Gospel anyway–and tens of thousands of them got saved! The healing revivals literally changed the world because God used His power to heal to draw people to Jesus.
God still works the same way today. He uses healings as confirmation of the Gospel.
Even if it’s the world between your own two feet, people who get healed see Jesus. They have an encounter with Him. They suddenly find themselves face-to-face with His love, His mercy, His power, His grace, and His forgiveness.
What a God we serve!
The stories aren’t just modern-day, either. In the Bible, it sounds like God must have used Peter’s shadow to heal people, for sick folks lined up in the places he walked. Acts 5:12-16 tells us:
And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people. And they were all with one accord in Solomon’s Porch. Yet none of the rest dared join them, but the people esteemed them highly.
And believers were increasingly added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women, so that they brought the sick out into the streets and laid them on beds and couches, that at least the shadow of Peter passing by might fall on some of them. Also a multitude gathered from the surrounding cities to Jerusalem, bringing sick people and those who were tormented by unclean spirits, and they were all healed” (emphasis mine).
And Acts 19:11-12 tells us that God worked unusual miracles by the hand of the apostle Paul:
Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them.”
So we can see that one of the gifts of healings that was on the apostle Paul was God anointed even the cloth that touched his body to heal others.
This is why some Christians give people “prayer cloths” today.
What God has done for one person in the Bible, He will do for another person now. He is no respecter of persons. So when you hear someone talking about “prayer cloths,” that means:
They have taken a piece of cloth and prayed over it.
When they prayed, they asked God to endue that piece of cloth with His own healing virtue.
As their Scriptural foundation for prayer, they point out to God that He already did the same thing with Paul’s aprons and handkerchiefs (Acts 19:11-12).
They will usually anoint the cloth with oil, based on James 5:14-15, which says:
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.”
Then, having prayed in faith, the believing Christian will give others that “prayer cloth” and tell them to carry it with them, using it as a faith-builder for their own healing.
And yes, there are many stories about how God actually heals people when they are given prayer cloths! I know people personally who have been miraculously healed when someone gave them a prayer cloth that another person had prayed over in faith, asking God to use the cloth as a carrier of His healing power, to heal a person in need.
I believe that many doctors and medical professionals have also been given gifts of healing.
Don’t let anybody tell you that you shouldn’t go to the doctor if you are sick. Jesus Himself said:
When Jesus heard it, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance” (Mark 2:17).
“Jesus answered and said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick” (Luke 5:31).
Going to a doctor shows wisdom. Jesus Himself said that sick people need to go to doctors. And some doctors are so anointed at what they do that I firmly believe God has endued them with gifts of healing. Doctors can heal in amazing ways using medical science. And did those inventions of healing come from God? Yes, absolutely.
So God heals in different ways. He gives different gifts, plural, of different kinds of healings.
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And our Father is a really big God. What He did for one person, He will do for another. He wants to give you gifts of healing. Additionally, if you are sick, God wants to heal you now.
We have to understand that the total and complete price for every person’s healing in the whole world has already been paid.
It was paid by Jesus Christ on the cross. Isaiah 53:5 tells us that Jesus purchased our healing with His own blood:
But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.”
Jesus Christ paid the price on Calvary for our complete and total healing.
It is finished. The blood of Jesus is sufficient. It is very important that we understand this:
If there were any price left to be paid–if there had been any inadequacy in Jesus’ suffering–then God the Father was a horrible monster to have allowed His Son, Jesus, to suffer like He did.
If Jesus’ sacrifice were not all-sufficient, it would have been for nothing. It would have been an ineffectual, weak, inadequate sacrifice–an impotent attempt at redeeming mankind and destroying the works of the devil.
But we do not hold a weak Gospel. We do not serve a weak Savior. We serve a God who is alive and full of power. We serve a Savior whose life, death, and resurrection paid the complete price for you and me to have total, complete forgiveness, healing, and restoration in our spirit, soul, and body.
THAT is the Gospel.
And our good, good Father wants to heal you. He also wants to give you gifts of healings and use you as an agent of healing for all the earth.
Sickness is not from the Lord. It is always a curse in the Bible; never a blessing. That is why the Holy Spirit gives us gifts of healings.
And from Bible times until now, God has always been our Healer. He heals in different ways. He gives people differing gifts, and He conveys His healing differently.
He healed the blind man by having Jesus put mud and spittle in his eyes, opening his eyes.
He healed the woman with the issue of blood by simply inspiring her to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment.
He healed others by having them place themselves strategically in Peter’s shadow when Peter walked by.
He has healed still others by the laying on of hands …
… by the prophetic word or vision …
… by the anointing of oil …
… by medical science …
and by the prayer of faith.
No matter what the healing looks like, God heals. And He wants to give you gifts of healings today.
We are all commanded to heal. In Matthew 10:8, Jesus commanded the disciples (which includes you and me!) to heal when He said:
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.”
We are commanded to heal the sick–something that is not within our human power to do. Therefore, it stands to reason that God wants to give us the gifts of healings, so that we can be divinely empowered to obey His own Word.
So are you ready to receive gifts of healings from the Lord? If so, pray this with me:
“Father God, in Jesus’ name, thank You that Jesus paid the price with His stripes for the total and complete healing of all mankind. Thank You that Your Word says in Psalm 84:11 that You will not withhold any good thing from those who walk uprightly.
Father, You commanded me to heal people in Matthew 10:8. When You said that, You knew perfectly well that I could not do it without Your help. So Father, I accept Your command as additional, written evidence that You desire to give me the gifts of healing, and I’m excited to receive them!
So, Father God, in Jesus’ name, I ask right now that the Holy Spirit would give me ALL the gifts of healings this very instant. Give me multiple gifts, Lord, for multiple healings. In Your power, and through the name of Jesus, use me to open blind eyes. Use me to unstop deaf ears. When I pray for the sick and anoint them with oil in Your name, praying the prayer of faith, I thank You that the person will recover every time.
Father God, as You have freely given me these gifts, teach me how to use them also. Help me to hear You and to step out in faith every time You prompt me that You want to heal someone. Help me to pray for sick people everywhere I go, even if I’m not used to doing that. Help me to take risks in order for You to have opportunities to move.
And Father God, I thank You that You will do the healing as we go; and it will be easy, for You will manifest Yourself and You will do the work.
Thank You, Father God. Thank You, precious Holy Spirit. Thank You, Lord Jesus. In Your holy and precious name I receive! Amen.”
Did you pray the prayer above? If so, act on it in faith! Pray for the sick and lay hands on them, and keep on doing it in faith no matter what! God will work with you, confirming His Word with signs and wonders.
Read all posts in this series about the power gifts!
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I believe that we are also in the days of creative miracles, restoration of limbs. My aunt worked with a man who was at a service where an arm grew back, and that was years ago. What He did then, He wil do now.
I’ve been claiming those gifts because the Word says to seek the best gifts ,so I covet Word of knowledge and prophecy as well
I was talking to myself one day, when I accidentally pressed the “Siri “button on my I phone . I said ” the atonement includes healing”
Siri answered and said, ” I would think so”
It never worked again;only that one time
God likes the internet ; a wonderful tool in the hands of His people
I feel as if I’m so drawn to this article because I am supposed to be seeking someone else to pray with me to save my husbands mind and spirit, for complete healing from the blood of Jesus to be poured over my broken marriage. Praying for the spirit of jezebel to be casted out of my husbands life and for his return to his wife, children and family. To ask Jesus to pour his blood out of the arrows the enemy has shot into my family and for them to be cast down into the ground. I’m claiming God to stand in his way of he files for divorce and to send messengers to reveal God’s plan and for his deaf ears to be opened enough to accept his words, I’m asking Jesus to take the mud and smear it over my husbands eyes so he can see his presence. I don’t believe my marriage is over and I do believe God will restore it in his time. Please pray for my family, my husband for complete healing and for me to truly understand what’s God’s will is for my life. I told God today, I will be still until I know it’s from him and only him. Praying for strength, wisdom and his guidance over all of us involved. In the name of Jesus, amen. Thank you
What an incredibly POWERFUL blog post!! Thank you so very much for posting this!! I have had this exact very thing on my heart for almost 10 years. Could healing gifts be linked somehow to the ministry that the LORD is wanting me to do for HIM and HIS Kingdom? I don’t know, but I pray that if it is that he open doors and windows for me so that all I have to do is simply walk through them…
God bless you, girl!!
Keep up the amazing work!
P.S. You are so right!! He is a GOOD GOOD Father!!
Yes, yes, and more YES, Lillie Belle! Yes, He wants you to heal! It’s His commandment! And I can feel He is SO excited about using you to heal! GO FOR IT!!!! <3 <3 <3
I’ve got a question that’s been on my mind for a few days now. The gifts of healing as you have rightly put it is to draw unbelievers closer to God, as people learn about our wonderful God that we serve. These gifts are for these times were there is strife and bad things happening in the world.
I think God is pushing me to ask how will the people of God employ themselves when the evil one has finally been vanquished. When there will be no need for healing any longer. I feel a sort of excitement about that time because I know it is a joyous time, and I can almost see it at the very edge of my brain if that makes sense?
I just signed up and feel blessed already, thank you. And may God continue to use you for such a time ad this.
I believe that we are also in the days of creative miracles, restoration of limbs. My aunt worked with a man who was at a service where an arm grew back, and that was years ago. What He did then, He wil do now.
I’ve been claiming those gifts because the Word says to seek the best gifts ,so I covet Word of knowledge and prophecy as well
I was talking to myself one day, when I accidentally pressed the “Siri “button on my I phone . I said ” the atonement includes healing”
Siri answered and said, ” I would think so”
It never worked again;only that one time
God likes the internet ; a wonderful tool in the hands of His people
I feel as if I’m so drawn to this article because I am supposed to be seeking someone else to pray with me to save my husbands mind and spirit, for complete healing from the blood of Jesus to be poured over my broken marriage. Praying for the spirit of jezebel to be casted out of my husbands life and for his return to his wife, children and family. To ask Jesus to pour his blood out of the arrows the enemy has shot into my family and for them to be cast down into the ground. I’m claiming God to stand in his way of he files for divorce and to send messengers to reveal God’s plan and for his deaf ears to be opened enough to accept his words, I’m asking Jesus to take the mud and smear it over my husbands eyes so he can see his presence. I don’t believe my marriage is over and I do believe God will restore it in his time. Please pray for my family, my husband for complete healing and for me to truly understand what’s God’s will is for my life. I told God today, I will be still until I know it’s from him and only him. Praying for strength, wisdom and his guidance over all of us involved. In the name of Jesus, amen. Thank you
What an incredibly POWERFUL blog post!! Thank you so very much for posting this!! I have had this exact very thing on my heart for almost 10 years. Could healing gifts be linked somehow to the ministry that the LORD is wanting me to do for HIM and HIS Kingdom? I don’t know, but I pray that if it is that he open doors and windows for me so that all I have to do is simply walk through them…
God bless you, girl!!
Keep up the amazing work!
P.S. You are so right!! He is a GOOD GOOD Father!!
Yes, yes, and more YES, Lillie Belle! Yes, He wants you to heal! It’s His commandment! And I can feel He is SO excited about using you to heal! GO FOR IT!!!! <3 <3 <3
Hey sister Jamie,
I’ve got a question that’s been on my mind for a few days now. The gifts of healing as you have rightly put it is to draw unbelievers closer to God, as people learn about our wonderful God that we serve. These gifts are for these times were there is strife and bad things happening in the world.
I think God is pushing me to ask how will the people of God employ themselves when the evil one has finally been vanquished. When there will be no need for healing any longer. I feel a sort of excitement about that time because I know it is a joyous time, and I can almost see it at the very edge of my brain if that makes sense?