Speak These 50 Confessions of Light to Dispel the Darkness
webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
Do you feel darkness encroaching on your soul–your mind, will, and emotions? Do you need Jesus to fill you with His light and dispel the darkness? If so, He is with you right now, beloved. He has already filled you with His light, and He will make the darkness flee if you will lift your eyes on Him.
But first, I want you to know that you are not alone.
Beloved, I can’t even tell you how many times I have fought darkness in my life.
Over the course of my life, particularly in the last 20 years, I have been through absolute, proverbial hell, time and time again. I have been blessed to walk through some very dark times. (Your problems do have a shelf life; you’re only walking through, not staying in the valley forever!)
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From major financial challenges, to depression stemming from spiritual abuse, to fighting off spirits of death and suicide, to other troubles too numerous to name, I have walked through darkness many times.
During those times, again, I can’t even tell you how many times I have laid in my bed and prayed only for the darkness to leave. The darkness has felt overwhelming, and all I wanted during those times was to see light and life again.
But in order to get through such troubles with VICTORY, we need tools.
Each time I have been in that dark place, I have used tools such as prayer, Bible study, meditating on Scripture, worship, praying in the Spirit, and so on. I did what it took to find encouragement, grace, and strength from the Lord to go on and keep breathing from day to day.
But the Lord has brought it to my remembrance lately how important the specific issue of LIGHT versus DARKNESS was during those times, and how I didn’t have a specific tool to specifically target and combat that darkness by name.
So, I felt led to write out 50 confessions of light. These 50 confessions of light are a tool I wish I had during those dark times, and they are a tool I will use on an ongoing basis to fend off and dispel any encroaching attacks of darkness during day to day life.
Beloved, if you are dealing with emotional or mental darkness today, this tool will help you, too.
These confessions of light will help you get through because they will release the power AND LIGHT of God into your situation. If you will speak these confessions over yourself consistently, even if you only speak a few confessions each day (even one or two a day!), you will begin seeing change in your life.
When you speak these confessions of light, you will be proclaiming the truth of God’s Word over the darkness you’re in.
And since God IS The Word, as it says in John chapter 1 …
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1 NKJV).
… And since God IS light, and in Him is no darkness at all:
“This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5 NKJV).
… Then when you speak God’s Word, you are literally speaking GOD into a situation. And since He IS Light, He will dispel all darkness for you.
Yes, God will dispel the darkness for you when you speak His Word out loud and believe Him.
And if you can’t find it in your heart to believe Him yet, speak His Word out loud anyway. Feelings follow words; feelings never come first. So it will build your faith to speak His Word out loud over yourself, even if you only speak one or two of these Scriptural confessions of light per day.
Beloved, Jesus doesn’t want you to live in darkness.
helpful resources
Are you going through a storm you don’t deserve?
If so, Jamie’s book Stable In the Storm: Consecrated Living for Tumultuous Times will help you embrace God’s purposes for allowing your storm, so you can be done with the season of trial and testing sooner!
Order the paperback or download this ebook today, and let the Lord speak to you about His purposes for YOUR storm!
He is your Light, and He is your Hope. In His presence is fullness of joy:
“You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11 NKJV).
The darkness is not from Him. He speaks peace to your storm, and He will use the confessions below to bring peace into your life and heart as you speak them out.
Are you ready?
Speak any of these 50 confessions of light with me right now, out loud:
- The Lord lifts up the light of His countenance upon me right now. He shows me His goodness and good works on my behalf. (See Psalm 4:6.)
- The Lord my God lights my lamp and illumines my darkness. (See Psalm 18:28.)
- “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1 NKJV).
- With God is the fountain of life. In His light, I see light. (See Psalm 36:9.)
- God brings forth my righteousness as the light, and my justice as the noonday. (See Psalm 37:6.)
- God sends out His light and His truth, and they lead me today. He uses His light and His truth to bring me to His holy hill and His tabernacle. (See Psalm 43:3.)
- God favors me, and so He brings me into possession of my land by His right hand, His arm, and the light of His countenance. It is God’s right hand, His arm, and the light of His countenance that are working on my behalf right now. (See Psalm 44:3.)
- My Father God has delivered my soul from death. He has kept my feet from falling, and I walk before Him in the light of the living. (See Psalm 56:13.)
- God leads me with the cloud of His glory in the daytime, and He leads me with His light of fire all night long. (See Psalm 78:14.)
- I know God’s joyful sound, and I am blessed. I walk in the light of my Jesus’ countenance. (See Psalm 89:15.)
- The Lord gives me light and gladness today, for I am the righteousness of God in Christ, and I am upright in heart. (See Psalm 97:11.)
- God makes light to arise in the darkness for me, for I am upright in Christ. He is gracious and full of compassion toward me. (See Psalm 112:4.)
- My God is the Lord, and He has given me light. I offer to Him my very best today, for I am grateful for Him and for all He has done for me. (See Psalm 118:27.)
- God’s Word “is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (See Psalm 119:105.)
- When God’s Word enters my mind and heart, the entrance of those words gives me light. It gives me understanding where I had none before. (See Psalm 119:130.)
- “If I say, ‘Surely the darkness shall fall on me,’ even the night shall be light about me; indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, but the night shines as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike to You” (Psalm 139:11-12).
- God’s commandment is a lamp to me, and His law is a light to me. His reproofs of instruction are actually the way of life to me, even if being corrected is not pleasant in the moment. His guidance always brings me good. (See Proverbs 6:23-24.)
- My light rejoices, for I am the righteousness of God in Christ. (See Proverbs 13:9.)
- I am filled with the light of Jesus’ face. And the light of King Jesus’ face is life to me; His favor is like a cloud of the latter rain on me and everything that concerns me. (See Proverbs 16:15.)
- The Lord gives light to my eyes today. (See Proverbs 29:13.)
- I walk in the light of the Lord. (See Isaiah 2:5.)
- I only listen to people who speak in accordance and agreement with the Word of God, for there is no light in them if they don’t. (See Isaiah 8:20.)
- The Light of Israel, our Heavenly Father Himself, is for a fire to me; and His Holy One, Jesus Christ, is for a flame. His flame and His fire burn and devour all the thorns, briars, hindrances, traps, obstacles, and enemy attacks away from me in one day, in order to accomplish His will in my life. (See Isaiah 10:17.)
- The Lord has called me in righteousness, and He will hold my hand. He will keep me and use me to bring the message of Jesus as a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the prison, and to bring out those who sit in darkness from the prison house. (See Isaiah 42:6-7.)
- I fast and pray rightly, and with a right heart, as God prescribes in Isaiah 58. Then my light breaks forth like the morning; my healing springs forth speedily; my righteousness in Christ goes before me; the glory of the Lord is my rear guard. I call, and the Lord answers; I cry, and He says ‘Here I am.’ I take away the yoke, the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness from my midst. I extend my soul to the hungry, and I satisfy the afflicted soul. Then my light dawns in the darkness, and what was formerly darkness in my life shall be as the noonday. (See Isaiah 58:8-10.)
- I who used to sit in darkness have seen a great light. And although I used to sit in the place and shadow of death, light has dawned on me. That light is the light of Jesus, and nothing shall by any means harm me. (See Matthew 4:16; Luke 10:19.)
- I am the light of the world because Jesus said I am. I am blazing with light like a city set on a hill, and my light cannot be hidden. (See Matthew 5:14.)
- I let my light so shine before men, that they may see my good works and glorify my Father who is in heaven. (See Matthew 5:16.)
- God gives me light even in difficult times, and He guides me into the way of peace. (See Luke 1:79.)
- Jesus is my Light and my glory, and He teaches me today and brings me revelation. (See Luke 2:32.)
- My eye is good, and my whole body is also full of light. (See Luke 11:34.)
- I take heed that the light that is in me is not darkness. (See Luke 11:35.)
- The life of Jesus is my light today and every day. His life illumines my heart, mind, spirit, soul, and body. (See John 1:4.)
- Jesus’ light shines into the darkness for me today. His light completely dispels all the darkness that attempts to encroach on me, and He fills me with the light of His presence. (See John 1:5.)
- Jesus gives me light today, for He is the true Light who gives light to every person coming into the world. (See John 1:9.)
- I love light and hate spiritual darkness and wickedness. (See John 3:19.)
- I do the truth, and I come to the light, that my “deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.” (See John 3:21 NKJV).
- Jesus is the Light of the world. I follow Him, and I shall not walk in darkness; but I have the light of life. (See John 8:12.)
- I walk in the day and I do not stumble because I see Jesus, the Light of this world. (See John 11:9.)
- I walk while I have the light, lest darkness overtake me. Jesus is my Light, and He always shows me where to go. (See John 12:35.)
- I have the light of Jesus, and I believe in the light, and I am a son/daughter of light. (See John 12:36.)
- Jesus came to me as a light to my life, and I believe in Him, and I dwell in His light and do not abide in darkness. (See John 12:46.)
- “For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6 NKJV).
- For I was once darkness, but now I am light in the Lord. I walk as a child of light, filled with the fruit of the Spirit in all goodness, righteousness, and truth. I find out what is acceptable to the Lord, and I do only what pleases Him. (See Ephesians 5:8-10.)
- I awake; I do not sleep spiritually. I am resurrected from the dead in Christ Jesus, and Christ gives me light. (See Ephesians 5:14.)
- I am a son/daughter of the light and of the day. I am not of the night nor of darkness. (See 1 Thessalonians 5:5.)
- This is the message that I have heard from God and declare to others: “that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.” And since Jesus dwells in me, that means only light dwells in me as well. Darkness cannot overtake me or have any place in me, for Jesus alone fills me and He is only LIGHT. (See 1 John 1:5 NKJV).
- I walk in the light as Jesus is in the light, and I have fellowship with others, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses me from all sin. (See 1 John 1:7.)
- All darkness has passed away, and the true light of Jesus is already shining in me. (See 1 John 2:8.)
- I love my brothers and sisters, and I abide in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in me. (1 John 2:10.)
Did you feel the power of God’s Holy Spirit entering your body, soul, and spirit as you spoke these confessions of light over yourself?
That’s the power of Jesus. It’s the light of Jesus. And if you will keep on speaking His Word over yourself, it will help you to focus on Him and receive from Him. And His light will dispel your darkness.
Did these 50 confessions of light minister to your heart today? If so, leave a comment below or share this article with a friend, and tell them how the Lord helped you!
Yes & Amen! I felt it as I spoke all 50 confessions. I will continue to speak them over my life! Glory Hallelujah! Thank You Lord Jesus! Thank you for this ministry!
Yes, The Joy Hit like a 🎯 Sooo Good on point. God is Faithful & greatful in how you allow to use you to help His people. All Glory goes to King Jesus. 🙂
Ame and Amen.
Amen & Amen.
LORD, we give You all the glory in Jesus Mighty Name.
Thank You for Your Living Word, which has dispelled every darkness known and unknown!
God bless your ministry, Pastor Jamie.
Amen. All glory and honor and praises to the Most High God forever. Thank you!
JAMIE!!!! thankyou, I’m so glad I found this writing of yours. I cannot tell you how helpfull I’ve found them. The enemy hasn’t let up for years while the Lord is bringing me inner healing and physical health restored. ( Im 63, was rejected and neglected as a child and never knew love existed until I became a Christian at 25)
This process the Lord is doing has been going on 14.5 years!! I’ve spent days at a time in anguish and emotional pain, I have a skin disorder that covers all of my body except my face and hands. Iv e done a lot of praying, spiritual warfare, and scriptures which all have been helpful. BUT, BUT JAMIE, this writeup has been game changer!!!!. Thankyou thankyou thankyou!
❤️ these!
Amen Amen!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻Thank you so much for this WOG. I will continue to declare this word of God. Oh how I thank you Lord. There is no word to express. Thank you Thank you Jesus. I love you Lord for all my life. You are perfect gift ♥️♥️♥️♥️
The power of the Holy Spirit has entered my inner heart, thank You Lord for leading my way.
Yes, I walk in the light of the Lord