Day 5: Ask the Waymaker to Make a Way

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21 More Days of Breakthrough Prayer | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

Do you need breakthrough? If so, this simple prayer series, 21 More Days of Breakthrough Prayer, together with the original series, 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer, are for you.

The Lord has led me to write 21 More Days of Breakthrough Prayer simply because the first 21 days were so powerful, but the Lord told me He isn’t done working miracles! So, we are continuing to pray through various breakthrough Scriptures each day!

Related: Click here for the Table of Contents for the entire 21 More Days of Breakthrough Prayer series.

Get our free PDF Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations when you sign up for our free email encouragement program!


    Today, we are asking Jesus the Waymaker to make a way for you.

    In this simple prayer series, I am sharing one Scripture verse or passage each day. I will also add bullet-point prayer directives you can use to pray through that Scripture.

    I won’t be writing out actual prayers, though; I feel the Lord wants you to exercise your prayer muscles by talking to Him right out of your heart!

    Our Scripture verse for Day 5 of 21 More Days of Breakthrough Prayer is Psalm 78:13-16:

    “He divided the sea and caused them to pass through; and He made the waters stand up like a heap. In the daytime also He led them with the cloud, and all the night with a light of fire.

    He split the rocks in the wilderness, and gave them drink in abundance like the depths. He also brought streams out of the rock, and caused waters to run down like rivers” (Psalm 78:13-16).

    As you pray through this Scripture today, remember that God is fair and impartial.

    Romans 2:11 says, “For there is no partiality with God.” That means what He has done for one person, He will do for another. What He did for the Israelites in removing them from slavery to the Egyptians, leading them through the wilderness, and taking them into the Promised Land, He will do for you too.

    All you have to do is believe Him in faith and meet the conditions He has laid out with each promise. If you do that, every promise He has made will be manifest in your life, and He will be more than happy to do for you anything He has done for somebody else.

    So ask the Waymaker to make a way for you as follows today:

    Beloved, God is our Waymaker. He makes a way where there seems to be no way.

    He opened up a road in the wilderness for the Israelites, and He’ll open up a way for you too. Ask our kind, good Heavenly Father to make a way for you today, no matter what you are going through!

    Also, as you walk through whatever you’re going through, pray continually for wisdom. Wisdom from the Lord is of utmost importance! As you ask Him for that wisdom, believe that He will lead you and guide you. He will; He is always faithful to watch over and perform His Word!

    Those are the prayer points for Day 5 of 21 More Days of Breakthrough Prayer. Meditate on this Scripture passage and ask the Waymaker to make a way for you this day!

    Did this prayer for God to make a way resonate with your spirit today? If so, please leave a comment below and let me know! I love hearing from you!


    1. What an encouragement you are to this world. God bless your heart ❤️

      1. Judith .M Apunyo says:

        Jamie ace be with you
        Am so glad that the time day 5 prayer dropped in to my inbox I had just concluded the holy Spirit baptism prayer you don’t know happy I was.
        I just saw God working it for me,because am having an interview today 6th June 2022 and the waymaker prayers drops in.
        I felt the holy spirit speaking he has done it for me following the kind of prayers of breakthrough s that have been receiving ,have been encouraged and empowered infaith and believe that I will giving you atestimony very soon.
        May you be blessed as you stand with me to believe that job is mine in Jesus name
        Love you so much

      2. Hello Jamie you are such an encourager that was a great word, just what i needed. Thank you

    2. I really needed this today! I need the Lord to help me see that He is the waymaker in my life and He will get rid of my obstacles to show me the way. My children and husband need me as I need them. Thank you and God Bless!

    3. Sister Jamie: Your post remindes me on a rhema word from the LORD a few days ago: Sing, sing, sing….siiiiing!

      Blessed be Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Saviour and Lord – the One who was, who is and who is to come! …So HE is our good and faithful shepherd according to the integrity of His heart, and it is HIM who guides us by the skillfulness of His hands. Praise the LORD: from the rising of the sun unto the its goingng down the Lamb is worthy to be praised!

    4. Annanson John says:

      Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Amen!
      Be blessed and be favoured forevermore!
      Thank you.

    5. Yes! A great word. Thank you

    6. Judith .M Apunyo says:

      Jamie peace be with you
      Am so glad that the time day 5 prayer dropped in to my inbox I had just concluded the holy Spirit baptism prayer you don’t know how happy I was.
      I just saw God working it for me,because am having an interview today 6th June 2022 and the waymaker prayers drops in.
      I felt the holy spirit speaking he has done it for me following the kind of prayers of breakthrough s that have been receiving ,have been encouraged and empowered infaith and believe that I will give you atestimony very soon.
      May you be blessed as you stand with me to believe that job is mine in Jesus name
      Love you so much

    7. Glory Hallelujah! God is willing, able and faithful to do just what He said. It is written. I believe and I receive even what He can powerfully do by His Spirit today. In Christ Jesus’s name. Amen ♥️ 🙏🏽

    8. I need this guidance thankyou Jamie

    9. Thank you Father God that you are the Way-maker of everything I’m believing in Faith for a turn around in my relationship with Steve and my finances in Jesus name Amen

    10. Paul Israel Akudrimabe says:

      Amen.Thank you Lord for your tenderness, kindness and loving heart to me your son.

    11. Earl Bennett says:

      In Jesus Christ’s Amen Jamie and team.

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