Radical Prayer 21: Lord, Unleash Your Creative Works on My Behalf

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Radical Prayer | Lord, Unleash Your Creative Works on My Behalf | by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.com

My friend, do you want the Lord to do more for you than you could possibly do? Do you yearn to see Him show up suddenly and miraculously in your situation, making all your dreams come true? If so, then you’ll want to pray today’s radical prayer, asking the Lord to release His creative works on your behalf.

Related: You can find all the posts in my Radical Prayer series here.

Psalm 104:24 says, “Lord, how many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all; the earth is full of Your possessions” (NASB).

At the beginning of this year, the Lord told me that we needed to pray for God’s creative works to be released in our lives this year. I have prayed it here and there throughout the year, but I haven’t been consistent with it like I should have been. However, right now, Holy Spirit is brooding urgently over me to pray this prayer.

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    The thing is that God’s works are so much better than our works of the flesh could ever be.

    And even though we operate through Holy Spirit and His power, our minds cannot always predict or grasp what God wants to do. These things must be understood spirit-to-Spirit: our understanding being illuminated by Holy Spirit Himself, as Holy Spirit transmits to us the things Father has for us in Heaven that we cannot even imagine.

    As it says in 1 Corinthians 2:14:

    “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14 NKJV).

    The good news is that the Holy Spirit of God dwells in you.

    If you have given your life to Jesus, making Jesus the Boss and Master of your life and surrendering your all to Him, then the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you. Romans 8:11 says:

    “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you” (Romans 8:11 NKJV).

    Related: How Do You Get the Holy Spirit?

    Since Holy Spirit dwells in us, we have an active pathway of communication with Him at all times. And He is constantly transmitting to us the thoughts, plans, and desires that are in Father God’s heart for us. He is also actively present within us to help us in every way:

    And today, I want to talk to you about those miracles–God’s creative works.

    Related: 7 Keys to Constant Miracles blog post here or FREE Bible Plan on YouVersion here

    We can and should work and labor to obey God. We can and should give our absolute all to Him, putting our hand to the plow and never looking back–and He will reward us if we do.

    However, if you’re hearing from Holy Spirit on a regular basis, then the things in your heart that He is transmitting to you–the thoughts, desires, and plans of God for your life–will be so much bigger than your work and labor could ever earn for you.

    Related: If you want encouragement to know that your impossible dreams are from the Lord, listen to episode 6 of my podcast here:

    This episode is short, but it will bless you BIG!

    That can be a painful place to be. However, we cannot allow ourselves to become discouraged. Instead …

    We have to let this place of coming face-to-face with our inadequacy become a driver that drives us to our knees, compelling us to ask Father God for miracles:

    • We have to harness the yearning in our hearts and funnel that yearning into earnest, fervent prayer.
    • We have to bottle our desperation and pour out our bottles of desperate tears on the feet of Jesus, believing that only He can resurrect life from the dead.
    • We have to take our wrecked hopes and allow them to collapse with us at the throne of our Father, pleading with Him to do what we see, now, that ONLY He can do.

    And that, my friend, is not such a bad place to be. Indeed, I believe that–although it feels like the end of something–it is actually a place of beginning.

    And I believe that place is not only Heaven’s ground, but miracle territory as well.

    helpful resources

    Are you going through a storm you don’t deserve?

    If so, Jamie’s book Stable In the Storm: Consecrated Living for Tumultuous Times will help you embrace God’s purposes for allowing your storm, so you can be done with the season of trial and testing sooner!

    Order the paperback or download this ebook today, and let the Lord speak to you about His purposes for YOUR storm!

    So today, I want to lead you in prayer for our loving, kind Father in Heaven to release His creative works on your behalf.

    When you’ve come to the end of your rope, you need God to move on your behalf. You need Him to create for you; to roar over your life and suddenly show up and show out on your behalf. And that, my friend, is exactly what the sample prayer below is all about.

    Are you ready? Pray this prayer for God to release His creative works on your behalf if so:

    “My dear Abba Father in Heaven,

    I love You so much. Thank You for being my Dad–perfect and wonderful; perfect in every way. Thank You for bending Your ear to stoop and hear me; indeed, You live in my heart and occupy my life, body, soul, and spirit. Thank You for redeeming me by the blood of Your Son Jesus so that this could be possible, and so that I could be Your child.

    Abba Father, I need Your help.

    Lord, I’ve worked hard and long:

    • I’ve gotten up early and stayed up late.
    • I’ve skipped breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.
    • I’ve fasted and prayed; studied and believed; stood in faith without wavering; and repented when I have wavered.

    I have sought You–and sought to serve You–with all of my heart, and I know and pray that You will help me so that I never stop doing any of those things that are good.

    But Abba Father, it’s not enough. 

    Nothing I can do is enough, Father, to see my dreams come true. Nothing is enough for me to create success with my own hands. I can work and fast and pray and labor all day, but the level of my dreams in You, Lord, is so high that I could never attain it on my own–or even with normal levels of faith in You.

    Abba Father, I am asking You for MIRACLES today.

    I claim Your promise that Your mercies are new every day, Father, for I am begging You for Your mercy. Lord, I ask You right now to move on my behalf in ways I could never even imagine. I am asking You:

    Related: 5 Ways to Protect God’s Favor on Your Life

    Father, I need Your help.

    Lord, how many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all (Psalm 104:24)–and I am asking You today to UNLEASH Your creative works on my behalf:

    • Unleash Your creativity on my behalf, Abba Father.
    • Create people and circumstances and miracles and signs and wonders and provision and opportunity that I could never imagine, Father.
    • Create things, miracles, and answers for me in Your wisdom–perfect things that You have ordained before the foundation of the world.

    I believe You have been waiting for me to pray this prayer, Father:

    • I believe that my heart is Your heart on this.
    • I believe I have this yearning because this yearning is in YOUR heart, Father. It was in Your heart first.
    • I believe You love me so much that You have blessed and honored me with a deposit of Your heart here on earth, and that these godly goals and dreams and yearnings from my heart are simply my coming to a sudden understanding–with pictures and words–of YOUR heart.

    And I believe, Father, that the set time is NOW.

    Oh Father, I need you.

    I cannot carry this burden alone. I cannot carry this love alone. I cannot carry this level of faith alone, for I believe You for GREAT and MIGHTY things.

    You have put every single one of these desires in My heart, Lord, for they all line up with Your Word. But I cannot eke out an existence; I cannot labor like an ox with a plow; I cannot push or intercede enough to make any of them happen like they need to happen, Lord.

    I need You. Oh Father, I need You.

    Father, I ask You THIS DAY for signs and miracles on my behalf:

    • I ask You THIS DAY for miraculous provision, help, and encouragement.
    • I ask You THIS DAY to show up in my home, health, family, finances, and ministry with the GREAT and MIGHTY ROAR that You have in Your heart over me–the roar of the King who is coming on the clouds.
    • Just like Your coming in the clouds in the future, Father, let every eye see You this time too.
    • Let every ear hear of the wonders of Your mighty works this time too.
    • And let me and my family preach about the wonders of Your mighty works to a generation yet to be born.

    I need You, Father. Please, Abba, in the mighty and holy name of Jesus–Your Son and my Brother and Savior–intervene on my behalf today:

    • Unleash Your creative works on my behalf.
    • Manifest Your creative miracles on my behalf, and on behalf of everything that concerns me.
    • Come in through the mighty gates of my every situation–gates that have lifted up their heads; and show off on my behalf as the King of Glory You are.

    I love You, Holy Father. You are great, and mighty, and entirely WORTHY to be praised. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. Thank You for honoring my faith, and thank You for keeping Your Word.

    I love You, and I give You all the praise. In Jesus’ holy, mighty, and precious name I pray, amen.”

    Beloved friend, does this prayer sum up the cry of your heart today? Does this earnest petition for God’s creative works to manifest on your behalf resonate in your spirit? If so, leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!


    1. I thank God for you Jamie, you are such an inspiration and blessing. What a mighty Word and it touched me deeply it’s my heart cry.

      1. Hi April, I’m so glad it helped. I thank Papa God for touching you! Thank you for reading!

      2. Hello Jamie thank you for this word .I have been praying a prayer very similar to this one for I long to be filled with Gods creativity and to be fulfilling His plan for me.This prayer is a cry of my heart for our Father is so magnificent and creative and as His child I want to be creative like hHim.
        God bless you and your ministry.

      3. Thank you Pastor Jamie!
        This prayer is my exact Heart cry! and I appreciate you for leading me through it.

      4. Moe Kauvarevai says:

        Yes thank you Jamie it did bring me tears of joy not really knowing the in depth that God has for me but going through the above prayer was an amazing feeling to know that God has something way big for me and it is just a matter of time that it is going to fall into place… Thank you ABBA Father for all that you do for me..
        In Jesus Name AMEN… Also I Pray that will will expand Jamie’s intention of making you known to the unknown… God Bless…

      5. Thank you so much for the word of God and I have never experienced such a beautiful teaching may the lord bless you protect you from your enemies in Jesus Christ name amen

    2. Thank you for this on time prayer! I have sown in tears the last four nights from the burdens I am laying at the feet of Jesus….when emotions are so many that I cant think of words….Jaime thank you for allowing HOLY SPIRIT to use you as a voice for those who are tattered and worn, stuggling and bruised….Thank you for your FAITHFULNESS FATHER‼️ YOU ARE ALWAYS ON TIME

    3. Jenny Lowen says:

      THANK YOU Jamie! So relevant, personally. X

    4. Christina McCrory says:

      This definitely resonates with me. I have been working on a book much longer than I should and I am ready to birth this. I’ve had so much mental torment, torments of fear that I’ve been fighting against all year long that it’s sapping my ability to write, which I otherwise do really well at.
      This prayer is greatly appreciated but most importantly, you Pastor Jamie are so appreciated! May God bless you richly!!

    5. Thank you as always right on time…God bless

    6. Thankyou Jamie for the prayers you share with us……….very much appreciated ……blessings and gratitude to you 🙏⚘

      1. All I can say is, ALL PRAISES TO TMH YAH FOR HEARING MY PRAYERS AND SENDING ME THIS ONE! 🙌🏾 I pray HE continues to pour out blessings on you that you do not have room enough to receive! In the name of our Savior YAHAWASHI-AHMAN 🙌🏾🙏🏾🤎

    7. Thank You God and thank you Jamie! God bless you for everything you selflessly do. 🙏🙏🙏

    8. Amen. May miracles, signs and wonders be my portion this day and onward. Thank you Lord God. God bless you Jamie.

    9. The roar of the Lord. He will thunder over me and roar over me. Thank you Jamie for this word. This is my earnest prayer and I thank Papa God for speaking through you the words I need. God bless you

    10. 1. Prayer for financial restoration in this year of 2020 and release of funds due to my husband from a past business project that has been unjustly withheld by a very oppressive, elitist third party agency for the past 3 years. That this spiritual warfare will cease causing full restoration for all relationships and finances that have been damaged through this oppressive affair.
      2. Prayer for full reconciliation with our daughter in law that has caused her to not associate with my husband and I leaving us bereft of establishing loving relationships with our 2 young granddaughters. That this will be binding forever to facilitate a peaceful and loving relationship with my son and his family.

    11. This has been the cry of my heart for years . Thanks Jamie for the word.I am repeating the sample prayer to our God every day

    12. I’m sorry Jamie. I dont mean to sound like a Debbie Downer because I’ve printed many of your prayers and prayed fervently. I dislike the fact that you produce prayers like this that gives me and others hope and in the same breathe you can contradict yourself by blaming Gods timing and will when people’s prayers arent being answered. Although I am here front and Center for every prayer that you post I just dont understand that if I’m suffering and struggling to provide for my family including keep a roof over our heads and I pray fervently to God on top of fasting and prayer to give him the glory while trusting him and being obedient why he would choose to not respond or impose his will on me.
      Although I still believe God exists I still find myself questioning why God’s word says, hes my Shepard and I shall not want. I have not because I ask not, ask seek and knock etc. There is many of God words that prompts believers to ask to receive. Asking believers to pray prayers that seem impossible to us. YET in doing all of that we are still left waiting for God to move when he is good and ready. Noone cannot seem to explain this fact without reiterating the same sayings all over again. The day I find a Christian who is not programmed to say, well its not Gods will for you life…..so you mean to tell me every hardship and struggle I face it isnt Gods will to provide for me that very thing that will change my life?
      I just want to pray and not feel as if im.being punished for putting my faith in God by God! I’m tired of lack in my life when I’m supposed to be God’s heir. Explain that to me in your own words without referring to scripture.

      With Gratitude,

      1. Hi Suki,
        There is always hope in the Word of God. There is always hope in God. But you will have no hope, no courage, no blessing, and no victory if you take your eyes off Jesus and begin to idolize yourself–putting your own feelings above God’s Word and above His instructions. There can be no victory in your life if you give in to self-pity instead. The only way to victory is to repent for disobeying God and for not believing Him, begin to obey and believe Him, and cling to His Word in faith. James 1:5-8.
        Also, just so you know: I will never explain anything without the Word of God, because there is no truth outside of God’s Word and all truth is contained therein. Isaiah 8:20. Jesus Christ is the WORD become flesh, who dwelt among us and ever lives to make intercession for us, who lives also in the hearts of those who believe. It’s all about God’s Word.
        I hope this helps.

    13. Angela Richardson says:

      Yes this is a prayer from my heart that I have been praying recently and I need God to move on my behalf with giving me His creativity. I have recently started a business

    14. Alfredo Merejilla says:

      Thank you Jamie for putting into words the deepest yearnings and prayers of my heart that are bigger than my imagination and capabilities. This coming Sunday, the 20th of December, I will be launching and piloting in our local church the 5-2020-5 Evangelistic Challenge that will start a massive evangelistic endeavor in our nation the Philippines that will be the beginning of the fulfillment of my 5-fold mission, to:
      1 Save sinners
      2 Disciple the saints
      3 Transform our nation
      4 Secure our successors and…
      5 Eradicate the sin of idolatry in our land.


    15. John Akeem Shomade says:

      Awesome Word and prayers. I certainly need it. I commit to praying it regularly, so help me Lord.
      Your prophetic word always touch on my needs. Thank you.

      1. Carolyn A Griffin says:

        Praise God for this prayer. Such a confirmation of my heart’s cry!!! Kingdom Blessings Woman of God!!!

    16. Crystal hill says:

      I received this message in the name of Jesus. Lord I ask you to release all my blessings in the name of J

    17. I’m a teen, I need help repenting. I need to love Jesus. I don’t know what to do and it’s so difficult to not doubt that He saved me. I already invited Him into my life and into my heart. I just can’t seem to accept Him as my PERSONAL Savior. I need help.

    18. Thomas Swartz says:

      Hi Jamie
      Awesome thanks for this word & prayer millions of thanks , I really need this prayer.

    19. Thanks because I believe it & receive it. Amen

    20. Well, you did it again!!!😁😁You keep on blessing me, over and over again!!

    21. Veronica Dorsey says:

      Amen! Thank you Jamie ❤

    22. Thank you, Jamie. You summed up all the things I wanted to pray to God. I don’t know how to express it because my heart is heavily burdened that I don’t know what to ask from God.
      Thank you again. May God bless you more! You have helped me unload to God. Happy CHRISTmas!

    23. Oh Jamie thank you this prayer is exactly what I am going through I have prayed fasted I even fasted 3days without food and water done it all with no response from God I cried to God with no answer I don’t even know whether God hears me or not I even think that someone somewhere is stilling my PRAYERS but one thing my father God has bless me with his unending love for him I am so blessed I thank him so much for that and I thank God for meeting you for the cancelling Jamie please pray for my breakthrough it not easy..Amen

    24. Thank you so much for this prayer It came right on time
      I will testify the Lord’s goodness
      May God Almighty bless you exceedingly more abundantly than you can ever say or think in Jesus name amen

    25. Thank You Father for this prayer!!! It matches my prayer in my heart for You!!! Thank you Jaimie for being a faithful servant!!!

    26. I prayed this for someone, because his problems are laying heavy on my spirit, thankyou Jamie for this be blessed in Jesus nmae

    27. Thankyou Jamie for this I really needed this prayer as I am wanting to move and have been offered a viewing tomorrow I want this place as I feel a need to live alone so this has helped me to prayer in a powerful way. I know that God is already doing the work but the prayer helps to seal it, be blessed

    28. Love this prayer
      Thank you Jamie

    29. Thank you Most High God, thank you precious Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit.
      Thank you Jamie. ❤️‍🔥🔥

    30. Amen In Jesus Christ name it is done

    31. Lilian Kanyiri says:

      Amen Amen Amen

    32. Patrella Wiggins says:

      Thank You Jesus; I really need You to be on a warpath
      on my behalf.

    33. I decree and receive this prayer in Jesus name. Praise God, to God goes the glory

    34. Faustin Kasina says:

      Thank you Pastor Jamie!

      That prayer has touched my soul, Glory and all the praises be un to GOD.

      I receive it in Jesus Name.

    35. I receive in Jesus Name

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