9 Power Gifts of the Spirit: Words of Wisdom Accomplish the Impossible

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The 9 Power Gifts of the Spirit | How Words of Wisdom Accomplish the Impossible | by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.com

Did you know that words of wisdom accomplish the impossible?

It’s true. So …

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    If your answer to those questions is yes, then you want the Holy Spirit’s gift of words of wisdom.

    Words of wisdom (or “the word of wisdom”) is one of the nine power gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, as follows:

    “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:

    for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit,

    to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.

    But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills” (emphasis mine).


    9 Power Gifts of the Spirit EBOOK!

    Do you want to walk on earth as Jesus did, manifesting miracles and living in the supernatural? If so, then this ebook is for you!

    Some people refer to this gift as “the word of wisdom,” while others call it “words of wisdom.” Either way, we’re talking about the same thing here.

    So what exactly is the gift of the word/words of wisdom?

    There is not very much specific teaching about this gift in the Bible, so we have to look across its pages in their entirety for times when the gift was used in order to understand it.

    First, let me start by saying that wisdom is the Holy Spirit Personified. I wrote about that in my article on the Sevenfold Holy Spirit, when I shared how the Holy Spirit will mentor you. If you haven’t read that article, please stop and read it now.

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    That being said, I don’t believe the gift of the word of wisdom is quite the same thing as access to wisdom by itself.

    I think it’s really closely related, but not quite the same. Here’s why:

    The passage above from 1 Corinthians starts with “But the manifestation of the Spirit ….” That word “manifestation” in the Greek means “exhibition, expression” (Strong’s Concordance, Greek word #5321). So, the spiritual gift of words of wisdom involves manifesting and exhibiting wisdom.

    This is different from simply having access to wisdom.

    If you have wisdom from the Holy Spirit, you will hopefully walk in that wisdom. Unfortunately, however, sometimes people don’t use the wisdom God gives. They have access to it, but it doesn’t always do them any good because they don’t submit to the Holy Spirit.

    For example, Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived, but he didn’t always walk in wisdom. He made a lot of mistakes. He married pagan, foreign women; worshipped idols; bought horses (which God said not to do); and generally ruled to make himself bigger.

    Despite his wisdom, Solomon didn’t always submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, he did not always display or manifest the wisdom he had available to him.

    I believe that the gift of the Spirit called “words of wisdom” is more than just having wisdom.

    I believe that the gift of the Spirit called words of wisdom is a special gifting to easily hear and execute divine strategy.

    To put it another way:

    I believe the gift of the word of wisdom is not only when the Holy Spirit gives you wisdom, but more specifically when He puts His dunamis, miracle-working, manifesting power behind that wisdom in your life. It’s when He makes it easy to recognize His spoken word; listen to and obey His instruction; and even pass it to others.

    It’s about the right-now, spoken word of God.

    The Greek for “word” in the phrase “word of wisdom” specifically refers to the spoken word. So the word of wisdom is the spoken word of the Holy Spirit in your ear right now, telling you what to do and helping you do it.

    I also believe the word of wisdom works hand-in-hand with the gift of miracles.

    Certain gifts work together in the Bible. As we already discussed, the gift of words of knowledge works hand-in-hand with the gift of healings. It also works closely with prophecy. The gift of tongues works hand-in-hand with interpretation of tongues.

    And every time I see the word of wisdom in the Bible, I see God backing it up with a miracle.

    I’m praying earnestly for 1,000 partners who will help me in my work of being a domestic missionary. Is Papa calling you? Find out why, how, and what’s in it for you here.

    God only has good ideas. He only gets good strategies.

    And when God gives instructions, miracles happen.

    Think about the time when Peter, James, and John were called out of their fishing business to be Jesus’ disciples (Luke 5:1-11). They had fished all night and caught nothing. In the morning (after the opportune fishing time had ended), Jesus shows up and borrows a boat to use as His pulpit.

    Then THIS happened:

    “When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, ‘Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.’

    But Simon answered and said to Him, ‘Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.’

    And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink.

    When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, ‘Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!’

    For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken; and so also were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, ‘Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.’

    So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him” (Luke 5:4-11).

    This whole story happened after Jesus issued a divine instruction–after He gave a divine strategy–that would solve a problem.

    Peter and his friends had caught nothing all night. Their livelihood depended on catching fish, but there were no fish to be found!

    Nevertheless, when JESUS told them what to do–which I believe was a word of wisdom–and they obeyed, a miracle happened.

    Think of these other times when Jesus gave a word of wisdom and a miracle happened:

    • When Peter told the religious leaders that Jesus would pay the temple tax, and Jesus told him to go catch a fish and he’d find the necessary coin in its mouth;
    • At the wedding of Cana, when Jesus told the servants to fill up the waterpots with water … and when they drew that water out, it was wine;
    • When Jesus appeared to the disciples after the resurrection and told them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat, and they caught 153 fish.

    Jesus worked plenty of miracles that did not involve His giving other people divine instruction. However, for all of these particular miracles, Jesus gave someone a problem-solving word of instruction to someone. Then, when they obeyed, God backed up that word with a miracle.

    So …

    The word of wisdom is 1) God’s spoken instruction into your listening ear, which is anointed to hear His instruction; and 2) a divine download that makes the impossible possible.

    Related: What To Do with a Holy Spirit Faith Bomb

    Below are some additional examples of things God’s spoken word of wisdom can do, from the life of Jacob in the Bible.

    (By the way, can we study the gifts of the Spirit in the Old Testament? Yes, because the Holy Spirit was present in the Old Testament also, and He worked the same way. He simply did not indwell believers then; He sat on them to accomplish His purposes instead. He did not indwell believers until after Jesus died and was resurrected, and after the Holy Spirit was poured out in Acts chapter 2.)

    9 Power Gifts of the Spirit | How Words of Wisdom Accomplish the Impossible | by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.com
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    1. The word of wisdom can bring wealth.

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    When Jacob fled his homeland and went to work for his uncle Laban, he found himself under the roof of a master deceiver. True story. Laban–who worshipped idols, not God, by the way–was extremely dishonest. He changed Jacob’s wages over and over, shorting him, cheating him, and manipulating him.

    But what happened? Jacob had the idea to negotiate with Laban for all the spotted, speckled, and streaked animals to be his (Jacob’s) wages. Laban agreed–but then separated all the spotted and speckled animals from the solid-color ones, so that they could not mate (Genesis 30:35). The trickster!

    However, God wasn’t done. After Laban did that, Jacob executed what had to have been a divine strategy.

    He put spotted/speckled sticks in the water in front of the livestock when they came to drink, and somehow–perhaps by a chemical in the wood, which was stripped of its bark?–the animals came into heat and conceived when they came to drink. (The Hebrew words there do actually say that the sticks in the water made the animals come into heat.)

    And lo and behold, God gave spotted/speckled/streaked offspring … and Jacob became wealthy.

    Now, we don’t have all the details around that story. We DO know:

    • how this strategy brought wealth (from Genesis 30);
    • that God spoke to Jacob in a dream at some point (Genesis 31);
    • and that God Himself executed the strategy and made the livestock produce spotted, speckled, etc.

    We DON’T know the exact timing of everything. We also don’t know the precise reason that the spotted sticks worked.

    Nevertheless, we DO know that witty inventions come from God. And Jacob got an idea that, when carried out, made him very, very wealthy. 

    In Jacob’s case, God’s strategies–His words of wisdom–took Jacob from being a poor, mistreated servant to being an extremely wealthy rancher.

    God downloaded His divine strategy (word of wisdom) to Jacob, and then He backed it up with a miracle.

    The word of wisdom is the spoken instruction of the Holy Spirit.

    Since Holy Spirit IS Wisdom Himself, His ideas are always brilliant. 🙂 They can make you wealthy over a long time or even in a moment’s time. 

    So if you need divine strategies and wealth too (and who doesn’t?), ask God for this gift of words of wisdom today!

    Related: Prophetic Word: Ask God for Divine Strategy

    2. The word of wisdom can heal relationships.

    When Jacob was returning to his homeland after he worked for his uncle Laban for many years, he had a problem: a brother, Esau, who hated him.

    Jacob had stolen an inheritance from Esau many years before. He had lied and tricked their father, and Esau vowed to kill him for it.

    So when Jacob was returning to his homeland, what did he do? How was he going to mend a nonexistent, extremely hostile relationship?

    The answer is in the word of wisdom. God sent him a divine strategy. Jacob literally had a run-in with angels (Genesis 32:1), then a run-in with God.

    In between and after those encounters, he got the bright idea to send scouts out to meet Esau. Then, when the scouts returned and told Jacob that Esau was coming with 400 men, Jacob knew what to do.

    What was his strategy? Jacob sent livestock out in droves, as gifts for his hostile brother. He even told the drovers to leave space in between each herd–which gave time for Esau’s heart to be softened.

    The plan worked. Esau was first met by all these rich gifts.

    And as Esau saw these rich gifts, his heart was softened. When Esau finally got to Jacob, instead of killing him, Genesis 33:4 records that “Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept.”

    Jacob needed a strategy, and God gave it to him. By what could only have been divine instruction, Jacob knew exactly what to do to soften his murderous brother’s heart.

    Are you dealing with a fractured relationship today?

    If so, ask the Holy Spirit for the word of wisdom. He can and will give you a strategy. He’ll show you just what to do, and He’ll manifest Himself in the accomplishing of it to bring healing to that relationship.

    The word of wisdom can solve problems in any area.

    God’s words of wisdom tell us His strategies. These special words of instruction help us invent witty inventions. They bring provision into our basket and kneading trough. (By the way, if you’re an entrepreneur, or a creative type, or called to ministry, READ this word about the basket and kneading trough here.)

    When God speaks His word of wisdom into our hearts, He is notifying us that He wants to accomplish a miracle. If we will obey His instruction, we will see supernatural results that only He could have predicted and only He could make happen.

    Do you desire this gift of the word of wisdom?

    So do I! So let’s pray:

    “Father God, thank You for loving me and adopting me as Your child in Christ Jesus. Thank You for giving me all things necessary for life and godliness, and thank You that the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead–Your Holy Spirit–dwells in me.

    Father God, Your Word says that You will give us whatever we ask in Jesus’ name. So because You are wisdom and the Giver of good gifts, in Jesus’ name I ask You for the gift of the word of wisdom.

    Thank You, Father, for this special gift of words of wisdom.

    Please teach me how to use it, and tune my ear to hear Your instructions. Help me to always obey You when You speak. If You give me a word of wisdom for someone else, then help me to convey it properly and boldly.

    Thank You, Father. I love You, and I’m so thankful that all I have to do is receive from You. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

    Is the Holy Spirit burning this message into your heart? Did you pray the prayer above? If so, please leave a comment below! I’d love to hear from you.

    Read all posts in this series about the power gifts!


    1. Rebecca L Jones says:

      What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. Matthew 10:27, I’ve been post this verse this morning. I hope it brings someone wisdom.

    2. God speak to my heart Lord.

      1. Thank you Lord for your words of wisdom

    3. Gwynne Nation says:

      Oh my your messages are oh so timely and exactly the desires of my heart! May the Lord continue to widen your sphere of influence and may you be blessed w 1000 partners. A friend of mine just became partner w you, I believe !!

      Not my might, nor by power but by His spirit says the Lord !!


      1. Gwynne, thank you so much. I sure need the help, that’s for certain. It takes a village. I’m so grateful that this community is growing. I’m glad Papa encouraged you with this article. May He multiply His words of wisdom into you over and over again! We all need this gift more and more, especially as we move deeper into revival and into so much blessing. We need His help to know how to cooperate with Him on this miracle territory!

    4. Sue Tracy says:

      I was able to speak with a very overweight man today and give him encouragement to stay with exercising and to not quit. I really think he was quite surprised when he realized I was talking to him. Thank you Jesus for making me bold at the exact right time.

    5. Stacey Shaw-Virgo says:

      Thank you for your post. This is so right on time. As I have a few things that I need to hear from God about.

      Be blessed.

    6. Tracey Marie says:

      I did say this prayer this morning. I feel like this article was written just for me. I posted a couple of weeks ago about a conflict I am having with a friend. I wronged her, and she has ceased all communication with me. I apologized and asked forgiveness. I still worry about what this means for her as a Christian by refusing to forgive, refusing any form of reconciliation, and giving the cold shoulder. Can I say this prayer for her and for the Holy Spirit to work in her too?

      1. Hi Tracey. The Holy Spirit will definitely always work in response to prayer. Sometimes things take time, but I would pray for her any way you feel led anyway, and don’t let up! Papa will hear and work even if it takes time or looks different than one would expect.

    7. Tracey Marie says:

      Thank you for the insight. I was/am worried I was doing it wrong. Can I ask you to pray for this situation too?

    8. Prophetess Cheryl Buchanan says:

      Thank you.
      What a beautiful refreshing you blessed Child of the Living God , Our Father. Words are not enough to tell you what this site of word breathings have been.
      It’s like I have been inoculated from Zion’s Mountain waters, and my Spirit inhaled. I pray you feel the smile from my soul to yours.

    9. Benedict Glen GIBSON says:

      I really love the revelation concerning the word of wisdom. I have been born-again christian for over 18 years. I never understood the manifestation of the gift of Holy Spirit until I started spending time with Him (Holy Spirit). I have been hearing voices in my ears since but sometimes, I thought it was my own conscience speaking to me. Due to that, it is not all the time that I respond to what I have been hearing. Thank God for your life for this revelation on the word of wisdom to me this. From henceforth, I know who has been and will be speaking to me. I can only ask the Holy Spirit to tune my ears to his voice alone.

      I am thankful.

    10. Lawrence Ekpe says:

      Amen. So insightful and clear. Thank you for this piece!

    11. Thank you for this post that perfectly answered my question !!

    12. Thank you so much Jemmie,I think i needed this.I have been praying to God for this gift and I’m sure that He has answered me and I’m grateful.I receive it.
      To the Father,Son and Spirit be all the glory.
      May the good Lord continue blessings you and your ministry.

    13. Thankyou Jamie for this word I receive this instruction in Jesus name Amen

    14. This is an answered prayer .
      I’m praying to be allowed to see my grandson whom I’ve only seen once ( he’s almost 2)
      My Son his Father went to be with the Lord a year ago.
      I’m praying this for God to soften her heart and make a way . I’m a widow and
      Ask for prayer together on this .
      The Blessing of the Lord be upon you , Jamie and all who read this .

    15. Thank you Father God for the word of wisdom and the Holy Spirit 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙏🏾.

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